jeremywu 70c31d0bec
build(build): buid/add-locale-theme-in-es-build (#1132)
- Now lib provides cjs format exports and es provides esm format
2020-12-27 18:05:32 +08:00

39 lines
1.0 KiB

#! /usr/bin/bash
# echo `node ./build/build.js ./packages/button`
# find all folders under root/packages excludes
# *utils, __mocks__ directives hooks locale theme*
# which means the result will not contain folder name includes utils
yarn bootstrap
yarn clean:lib
yarn build:esm-bundle
tar --exclude=index.esm.js -zcvf ./es.gz ./lib
mkdir -p es
tar -zxvf ./es.gz --strip-component 2 -C ./es
yarn build:lib
yarn build:lib-full
# -P6 stands for 6 maximum parallel, with
# node .build/build.js command
find './packages' -type d -maxdepth 1 ! -name '*util*' ! -name '__mocks__' ! -name 'locale' ! -name 'theme*' -print0 | xargs -I {} -P6 -0 node ./build/build.comps.js {}
find ./packages/utils -type f ! -name '*.test.ts' ! -name 'package.json' -print0 \
| xargs -P6 -0 -I {} node ./build/build-util.js {}
node ./build/build.entry.js
find ./packages/locale -type f ! -name '*.spec.ts' ! -name 'package.json' -print0 \
| xargs -P6 -0 -I {} node ./build/build-util.js {}
yarn build:locale-umd
yarn build:theme
# Post build clean up
rm ./es.gz