mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 10:45:10 +08:00
- Update the build script for generating *.d.ts files - Update package.json module entry. - Update CI pipeline node version - Reorganized main bundle structure - Update i18n functionalities
166 lines
4.9 KiB
166 lines
4.9 KiB
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const { Project } = require('ts-morph')
const vueCompiler = require('@vue/compiler-sfc')
const klawSync = require('klaw-sync')
const ora = require('ora')
const TSCONFIG_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../tsconfig.json')
const DEMO_RE = /\/demo\/\w+\.vue$/
const TEST_RE = /__test__|__tests__/
const excludedFiles = [
const exclude = path => !excludedFiles.some(f => path.includes(f))
* fork = require( https://github.com/egoist/vue-dts-gen/blob/main/src/index.ts
const genVueTypes = async () => {
const project = new Project({
compilerOptions: {
allowJs: true,
declaration: true,
emitDeclarationOnly: true,
noEmitOnError: false,
outDir: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
baseUrl: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
paths: {
'@element-plus/*': ['packages/*'],
tsConfigFilePath: TSCONFIG_PATH,
skipAddingFilesFromTsConfig: true,
const sourceFiles = []
const filePaths = klawSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages'), {
nodir: true,
.map(item => item.path)
.filter(path => !DEMO_RE.test(path))
.filter(path => !TEST_RE.test(path))
await Promise.all(
filePaths.map(async file => {
if (file.endsWith('.vue')) {
const content = await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf-8')
const sfc = vueCompiler.parse(content)
const { script, scriptSetup } = sfc.descriptor
if (script || scriptSetup) {
let content = ''
let isTS = false
if (script && script.content) {
content += script.content
if (script.lang === 'ts') isTS = true
if (scriptSetup) {
const compiled = vueCompiler.compileScript(sfc.descriptor, {
id: 'xxx',
content += compiled.content
if (scriptSetup.lang === 'ts') isTS = true
const sourceFile = project.createSourceFile(
path.relative(process.cwd(), file) + (isTS ? '.ts' : '.js'),
} else if (file.endsWith('.ts')) {
const sourceFile = project.addSourceFileAtPath(file)
// const diagnostics = project.getPreEmitDiagnostics()
// TODO: print all diagnoses status and fix them one by one.
// console.log(project.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics))
await project.emit({
emitOnlyDtsFiles: true,
const ROOT_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages')
const excludes = ['utils', 'directives', 'hooks', 'locale']
const ElementPlusSign = '@element-plus/'
for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) {
const sourceFilePathName = sourceFile.getFilePath()
if (sourceFilePathName.includes('packages/element-plus')) {
function modifySpecifier(d) {
const specifier = d.getModuleSpecifierValue()
if (specifier && specifier.includes(ElementPlusSign)) {
const importItem = specifier.slice(ElementPlusSign.length)
let replacer
if (excludes.some(e => importItem.startsWith(e))) {
replacer = ''
} else {
replacer = 'el-'
const originalPath = path.resolve(
const sourceFilePath = sourceFile.getFilePath()
const sourceDir = sourceFilePath.includes('packages/element-plus')
? path.dirname(path.resolve(sourceFilePath, '../'))
: path.dirname(sourceFilePath)
const replaceTo = path.relative(sourceDir, originalPath)
// This is a delicated judgment which might fail when edge case occurs
replaceTo.startsWith('.') ? replaceTo : `./${replaceTo}`,
// console.log(sourceFile.getFilePath())
const emitOutput = sourceFile.getEmitOutput()
for (const outputFile of emitOutput.getOutputFiles()) {
const filepath = outputFile.getFilePath()
await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(filepath), {
recursive: true,
await fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, outputFile.getText(), 'utf8')
// const cwd = process.cwd()
// function getRelativePath(_path) {
// console.log(_path)
// const relativePath = path.relative(
// cwd,
// path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages'),
// )
// // console.log(path.relative(_path, relativePath))
// return path.relative(_path, relativePath)
// }
const spinner = ora('Generate types...\n').start()
.then(() => spinner.succeed('Success !\n'))
.catch(e => spinner.fail(`${e} !\n`))