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synced 2024-12-27 03:01:14 +08:00
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372 lines
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import { nextTick, ref, h } from 'vue'
import { mount, VueWrapper } from '@vue/test-utils'
import Pagination from '../src/index'
const assertElementsExistence = (wrapper: VueWrapper<any>, selectors: string[], existence: boolean) => {
selectors.forEach(selector => {
const assertCurrent = (wrapper, page) => {
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pager li.active.number').text()).toBe(String(page))
const assertPages = (wrapper, total) => {
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pagination .el-pager li:last-child').text()).toBe(String(total))
describe('Pagination', () => {
describe('test invalid usages', () => {
const cacheWarn = console.warn
beforeEach(() => {
console.warn = jest.fn()
afterEach(() => {
console.warn = cacheWarn
test('both absence of total & pageCount is invalid', async () => {
const total = ref(undefined)
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, { total: total.value })
total.value = 100
await nextTick()
test('current-page defined while absence of current-page listener is invalid', () => {
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
currentPage: 1,
test('layout with `sizes` restrictions(page-count)', () => {
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
layout: 'sizes, pager',
pageCount: 10,
test('layout with `sizes` restrictions(page-size)', () => {
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
layout: 'sizes, pager',
pageSize: 10,
describe('test layout & layout reactive change', () => {
const layoutRef = ref('')
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
layout: layoutRef.value,
test('layout empty', async () => {
await nextTick()
const layoutSelectorPairs = [
['sizes', '.el-pagination__sizes'],
['prev', 'button.btn-prev'],
['pager', 'ul.el-pager'],
['next', 'button.btn-next'],
['jumper', '.el-pagination__jump'],
['total', '.el-pagination__total'],
layoutSelectorPairs.forEach(([layout], idx) => {
test(`layout with only '${layout}'`, async () => {
layoutRef.value = layout
await nextTick()
for(let i = 0; i < layoutSelectorPairs.length; i++) {
expect(wrapper.find(layoutSelectorPairs[i][1]).exists()).toBe(i === idx)
test(`layout with '->, total'`, async () => {
layoutRef.value = '->, total'
await nextTick()
assertElementsExistence(wrapper, ['.el-pagination__total', '.el-pagination__rightwrapper'], true)
test('layout with default layout prop', () => {
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
assertElementsExistence(wrapper, [
], true)
test('test layout with slot', () => {
const TestComponent = {
template: `
layout="slot, prev, pager, next"
<span class="slot-test">slot test</span>
components: {
'el-pagination': Pagination,
const wrapper = mount(TestComponent)
test('test small layout', () => {
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
small: true,
test('test with background', async () => {
const withBackground = ref(true)
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
background: withBackground.value,
withBackground.value = false
await nextTick()
test('test hide-on-single-page prop', async () => {
const hideOnSinglePage = ref(false)
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 10, // deivded by default page-size(10), there will be only one page
hideOnSinglePage: hideOnSinglePage.value,
hideOnSinglePage.value = true
await nextTick()
describe('test pageSize & currentPage reactive change', () => {
test(`test pageSize change`, async () => {
const pageSize = ref(10)
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
layout: 'pager',
total: 100,
pageSize: pageSize.value,
// total pages = Math.ceil(total / pageSize)
assertPages(wrapper, 10)
pageSize.value = 20
await nextTick()
assertPages(wrapper, 5)
pageSize.value = 55
await nextTick()
assertPages(wrapper, 2)
test('test currentPage change', async () => {
const pageSize = ref(10)
const defaultCurrentPage = ref(2)
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
layout: 'prev, pager, next',
total: 100,
pageSize: pageSize.value,
defaultCurrentPage: defaultCurrentPage.value,
assertCurrent(wrapper, 2)
defaultCurrentPage.value = 1
assertCurrent(wrapper, 2) // still 2
await wrapper.find('.el-pager li:last-child').trigger('click')
assertCurrent(wrapper, 10)
await wrapper.find('button.btn-prev').trigger('click')
assertCurrent(wrapper, 9)
await wrapper.find('button.btn-next').trigger('click')
assertCurrent(wrapper, 10)
pageSize.value = 50
await nextTick()
assertCurrent(wrapper, 2)
test('test pageCount change and side effect', async () => {
const pageCount = ref(10)
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
layout: 'prev, pager, next',
pageCount: pageCount.value,
assertPages(wrapper, 10)
pageCount.value = 20
await nextTick()
assertPages(wrapper, 20)
await wrapper.find('.el-pager li:last-child').trigger('click')
assertCurrent(wrapper, 20)
pageCount.value = 5
await nextTick()
// side effect, if currentPage is greater than pageCount
// currentPage should change accordingly
assertPages(wrapper, 5)
assertCurrent(wrapper, 5)
test('test listener work', async () => {
const pageSizeWatcher = jest.fn()
const currentPageWatcher = jest.fn()
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
layout: 'prev, pager, next, sizes',
['onUpdate:currentPage']: currentPageWatcher,
['onUpdate:pageSize']: pageSizeWatcher,
await wrapper.find('.el-pager li:last-child').trigger('click')
assertCurrent(wrapper, 10 /* Math.ceil(100/10) */)
await wrapper.find('.el-select').trigger('click')
await wrapper.getComponent('.el-select-dropdown').find('li:nth-child(2)').trigger('click')
assertCurrent(wrapper, 5/* Math.ceil(100/20) */)
describe('test a11y supports', () => {
test('test a11y attributes', async () => {
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pagination .btn-prev').attributes('aria-disabled')).toBe('true')
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pagination .btn-next').attributes('aria-disabled')).toBe('false')
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pager li:first-child').attributes('aria-current')).toBe('true')
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pager li:last-child').attributes('aria-current')).toBe('false')
await wrapper.find('.el-pager li:last-child').trigger('click')
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pagination .btn-prev').attributes('aria-disabled')).toBe('false')
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pagination .btn-next').attributes('aria-disabled')).toBe('true')
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pager li:first-child').attributes('aria-current')).toBe('false')
expect(wrapper.find('.el-pager li:last-child').attributes('aria-current')).toBe('true')
test('test tabindex interactive', async () => {
const wrapper = mount({
setup() {
return () => {
return h(Pagination, {
total: 100,
await wrapper.find('.el-pager li:nth-child(2)').trigger('click')
assertCurrent(wrapper, 2)
await wrapper.find('.el-pager li:nth-child(3)').trigger('click', {
key: 'Enter',
assertCurrent(wrapper, 3)
// TODO getComputedStyle is not implemented in jsdom, so I duno how to assert style of psuedo-class
* await wrapper.find('.el-pager li:nth-child(3)').trigger('keyup', {
* key: 'Tab',
* })
* const style = window.getComputedStyle(wrapper.find('.el-pager li:nth-child(4)').element, ':focus-visible')
* expect(style.outline).toBeTruthy()