import { nextTick } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { EVENT_CODE } from '@element-plus/constants' import { triggerEvent } from '@element-plus/test-utils' import { ArrowDown, Check, CircleClose } from '@element-plus/icons-vue' import { POPPER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR } from '@element-plus/hooks' import Cascader from '../src/index.vue' jest.mock('lodash-unified', () => { return { ...(jest.requireActual('lodash-unified') as Record), debounce: jest.fn((fn) => { fn.cancel = jest.fn() fn.flush = jest.fn() return fn }), } }) const OPTIONS = [ { value: 'zhejiang', label: 'Zhejiang', children: [ { value: 'hangzhou', label: 'Hangzhou', }, { value: 'ningbo', label: 'Ningbo', }, ], }, ] const AXIOM = 'Rem is the best girl' const TRIGGER = '.el-cascader' const NODE = '.el-cascader-node' const TAG = '.el-tag' const SUGGESTION_ITEM = '.el-cascader__suggestion-item' const SUGGESTION_PANEL = '.el-cascader__suggestion-panel' const DROPDOWN = '.el-cascader__dropdown' const _mount: typeof mount = (options) => mount( { components: { Cascader, }, ...options, }, { attachTo: 'body', } ) afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = '' }) describe('Cascader.vue', () => { test('toggle popper visible', async () => { const handleVisibleChange = jest.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ template: ` `, methods: { handleVisibleChange, }, }) const trigger = wrapper.find(TRIGGER) const dropdown = wrapper.findComponent(ArrowDown).element as HTMLDivElement await trigger.trigger('click') expect('none') expect(handleVisibleChange).toBeCalledWith(true) await trigger.trigger('click') expect(handleVisibleChange).toBeCalledWith(false) await trigger.trigger('click') expect(handleVisibleChange).toBeCalledWith(false) }) test('expand and check', async () => { const handleChange = jest.fn() const handleExpandChange = jest.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ template: ` `, data() { return { value: [], options: OPTIONS, } }, methods: { handleChange, handleExpandChange, }, }) const trigger = wrapper.find(TRIGGER) const vm = wrapper.vm as any await trigger.trigger('click') ;(document.querySelector(NODE) as HTMLElement).click() await nextTick() expect(handleExpandChange).toBeCalledWith(['zhejiang']) ;(document.querySelectorAll(NODE)[1] as HTMLElement).click() await nextTick() expect(handleChange).toBeCalledWith(['zhejiang', 'hangzhou']) expect(vm.value).toEqual(['zhejiang', 'hangzhou']) expect(wrapper.find('input').element.value).toBe('Zhejiang / Hangzhou') }) test('with default value', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Cascader, { props: { options: OPTIONS, modelValue: ['zhejiang', 'hangzhou'], }, }) await nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('input').element.value).toBe('Zhejiang / Hangzhou') await wrapper.setProps({ modelValue: ['zhejiang', 'ningbo'] }) expect(wrapper.find('input').element.value).toBe('Zhejiang / Ningbo') }) test('options change', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Cascader, { props: { options: OPTIONS, modelValue: ['zhejiang', 'hangzhou'], }, }) await wrapper.setProps({ options: [] }) expect(wrapper.find('input').element.value).toBe('') }) test('disabled', async () => { const handleVisibleChange = jest.fn() const wrapper = _mount({ template: ` `, methods: { handleVisibleChange, }, }) await wrapper.find(TRIGGER).trigger('click') expect(handleVisibleChange).not.toBeCalled() expect(wrapper.find('input[disabled]').exists()).toBe(true) }) test('custom placeholder', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Cascader, { props: { placeholder: AXIOM, }, }) expect(wrapper.find('input').attributes().placeholder).toBe(AXIOM) }) test('clearable', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Cascader, { props: { options: OPTIONS, clearable: true, modelValue: ['zhejiang', 'hangzhou'], }, }) const trigger = wrapper.find(TRIGGER) expect(wrapper.findComponent(ArrowDown).exists()).toBe(true) await trigger.trigger('mouseenter') expect(wrapper.findComponent(ArrowDown).exists()).toBe(false) await wrapper.findComponent(CircleClose).trigger('click') expect(wrapper.find('input').element.value).toBe('') expect((wrapper.vm as any).getCheckedNodes().length).toBe(0) await trigger.trigger('mouseleave') await trigger.trigger('mouseenter') await expect(wrapper.findComponent(CircleClose).exists()).toBe(false) }) test('show last level label', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Cascader, { props: { options: OPTIONS, showAllLevels: false, modelValue: ['zhejiang', 'hangzhou'], }, }) await nextTick() expect(wrapper.find('input').element.value).toBe('Hangzhou') }) test('multiple mode', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ template: ` `, data() { return { options: OPTIONS, props: { multiple: true }, value: [ ['zhejiang', 'hangzhou'], ['zhejiang', 'ningbo'], ], } }, }) await nextTick() const tags = wrapper.findAll(TAG) const [firstTag, secondTag] = tags expect(tags.length).toBe(2) expect(firstTag.text()).toBe('Zhejiang / Hangzhou') expect(secondTag.text()).toBe('Zhejiang / Ningbo') await firstTag.find('.el-tag__close').trigger('click') expect(wrapper.findAll(TAG).length).toBe(1) expect(wrapper.vm.value).toEqual([['zhejiang', 'ningbo']]) }) test('collapse tags', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Cascader, { props: { options: OPTIONS, props: { multiple: true }, collapseTags: true, modelValue: [ ['zhejiang', 'hangzhou'], ['zhejiang', 'ningbo'], ], }, }) await nextTick() const [firstTag, secondTag] = wrapper.findAll(TAG) expect(firstTag.text()).toBe('Zhejiang / Hangzhou') expect(secondTag.text()).toBe('+ 1') }) test('filterable', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ template: ` `, data() { return { options: OPTIONS, value: [], } }, }) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.element.value = 'Ni' await input.trigger('compositionstart') await input.trigger('input') input.element.value = 'Ha' await input.trigger('compositionupdate') await input.trigger('input') await input.trigger('compositionend') const suggestions = document.querySelectorAll( SUGGESTION_ITEM ) as NodeListOf const hzSuggestion = suggestions[0] expect(suggestions.length).toBe(1) expect(hzSuggestion.textContent).toBe('Zhejiang / Hangzhou') await nextTick() expect(wrapper.findComponent(Check).exists()).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.vm.value).toEqual(['zhejiang', 'hangzhou']) await nextTick() expect(wrapper.vm.value).toEqual(['zhejiang', 'hangzhou']) }) test('filterable in multiple mode', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ template: ` `, data() { return { options: OPTIONS, props: { multiple: true }, value: [], } }, }) const input = wrapper.find('.el-cascader__search-input') ;(input.element as HTMLInputElement).value = 'Ha' await input.trigger('input') await nextTick() const hzSuggestion = document.querySelector(SUGGESTION_ITEM) as HTMLElement await nextTick() expect(wrapper.vm.value).toEqual([['zhejiang', 'hangzhou']]) await nextTick() expect(wrapper.vm.value).toEqual([]) }) test('filter method', async () => { const filterMethod = jest.fn((node, keyword) => { const { text, value } = node return text.includes(keyword) || value.includes(keyword) }) const wrapper = mount(Cascader, { props: { options: OPTIONS, filterable: true, filterMethod, }, }) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.element.value = 'ha' await input.trigger('input') const hzSuggestion = document.querySelector(SUGGESTION_ITEM) as HTMLElement expect(filterMethod).toBeCalled() expect(hzSuggestion.textContent).toBe('Zhejiang / Hangzhou') }) test('filterable keyboard selection', async () => { const wrapper = _mount({ template: ` `, data() { return { options: OPTIONS, value: [], } }, }) const input = wrapper.find('input') const dropdown = document.querySelector(DROPDOWN) input.element.value = 'h' await input.trigger('input') const suggestionsPanel = document.querySelector( SUGGESTION_PANEL ) as HTMLDivElement const suggestions = dropdown.querySelectorAll( SUGGESTION_ITEM ) as NodeListOf const hzSuggestion = suggestions[0] triggerEvent(suggestionsPanel, 'keydown', EVENT_CODE.down) expect(document.activeElement.textContent).toBe('Zhejiang / Hangzhou') triggerEvent(hzSuggestion, 'keydown', EVENT_CODE.down) expect(document.activeElement.textContent).toBe('Zhejiang / Ningbo') triggerEvent(hzSuggestion, 'keydown', EVENT_CODE.enter) await nextTick() expect(wrapper.vm.value).toEqual(['zhejiang', 'hangzhou']) }) describe('teleported API', () => { it('should mount on popper container', async () => { expect(document.body.innerHTML).toBe('') _mount({ template: ` `, data() { return { options: OPTIONS, value: [], } }, }) await nextTick() expect( document.body.querySelector(POPPER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).innerHTML ).not.toBe('') }) it('should not mount on the popper container', async () => { expect(document.body.innerHTML).toBe('') _mount({ template: ` `, data() { return { options: OPTIONS, value: [], } }, }) await nextTick() expect( document.body.querySelector(POPPER_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).innerHTML ).toBe('') }) }) })