import { nextTick } from 'vue' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { triggerEvent } from '@element-plus/test-utils' import DatePicker from '../src/date-picker' const formatStr = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' const makeRange = (start, end) => { const result = [] for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) { result.push(i) } return result } const _mount = (template: string, data = () => ({}), otherObj?) => mount( { components: { 'el-date-picker': DatePicker, }, template, data, ...otherObj, }, { attachTo: 'body', } ) afterEach(() => { document.documentElement.innerHTML = '' }) describe('Datetime Picker', () => { it('both picker show correct formated value (extract date-format and time-format from format property', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: new Date(2018, 2, 5, 10, 15, 24), format: 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm A', }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const dateInput = document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__time-header > span:nth-child(1) input' ) const timeInput = document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__time-header > span:nth-child(2) input' ) ;(timeInput as HTMLElement).focus() await nextTick() // both input shows correct value expect((dateInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('2018/03/05') expect((timeInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('10:15 AM') wrapper.setProps({ format: 'MM-DD-YYYY HH a', }) await nextTick() expect((dateInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('03-05-2018') expect((timeInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('10 am') }) it('both picker show correct value', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: new Date(2000, 9, 1, 10, 0, 1), }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const dateInput = document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__time-header > span:nth-child(1) input' ) const timeInput = document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__time-header > span:nth-child(2) input' ) ;(timeInput as HTMLElement).focus() await nextTick() // both input shows correct value expect((dateInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('2000-10-01') expect((timeInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('10:00:01') // time spinner highlight is correct let spinners = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-time-spinner ul' ) as any expect(spinners[0].textContent).toBe('10') expect(spinners[1].textContent).toBe('00') expect(spinners[2].textContent).toBe('01') wrapper.setProps({ modelValue: new Date(2001, 10, 2, 11, 1, 2), }) await nextTick() spinners = document.querySelectorAll('.el-time-spinner ul') as any expect((dateInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('2001-11-02') expect((timeInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('11:01:02') expect(spinners[0].textContent).toBe('11') expect(spinners[1].textContent).toBe('01') expect(spinners[2].textContent).toBe('02') }) it('click now button', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() ;( document.querySelector('.el-picker-panel__link-btn') as HTMLElement ).click() await nextTick() const vm = wrapper.vm as any // test if is current time (deviation 10 seconds) expect(dayjs(vm.value).diff(dayjs()) < 10).toBeTruthy() }) it('timepicker select && input time && input date', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect(vm.value).toBe('') const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const input_ = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-picker__editor-wrap input' )[1] ;(input_ as HTMLElement).focus() await nextTick() const timePanel = document.querySelector('.el-time-panel') expect(timePanel.querySelector('.el-time-spinner').innerHTML).not.toBeNull() const button = document.querySelector( '.el-time-panel .confirm' ) as HTMLElement await nextTick() expect(vm.value).not.toBe('') const timeInput = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-picker__editor-wrap input' )[1] as HTMLInputElement timeInput.value = '20:30:33' timeInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')) await nextTick() const valueResult = dayjs(vm.value) expect(valueResult.hour()).toBe(20) expect(valueResult.minute()).toBe(30) expect(valueResult.second()).toBe(33) const dateInput = document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__editor-wrap input' ) as HTMLInputElement dateInput.value = '2017-02-02' dateInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')) await nextTick() const valueResult2 = dayjs(vm.value) expect(valueResult2.year()).toBe(2017) expect(valueResult2.month()).toBe(1) expect( }) it('now button: can not choose disabled date', async () => { let isDisable = true const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', disabledDate() { return isDisable }, }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() // click now button const btn = document.querySelector( '.el-picker-panel__footer .el-button--text' ) as HTMLElement await nextTick() const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect(vm.value).toBe('') isDisable = false await nextTick() await nextTick() expect(vm.value).not.toBe('') }) it('confirm button honors picked date', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: new Date(2000, 9, 1, 12, 0, 0), // 2010-10-01 12:00:00 }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() // changed month / year should not effect picked time ;( document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__header .arrow-right' ) as HTMLElement ).click() ;( document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__header .d-arrow-right' ) as HTMLElement ).click() // click confirm button document.querySelectorAll('.el-picker-panel__footer .el-button')[1].click() const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect(dayjs(vm.value).format(formatStr)).toBe('2000-10-01 12:00:00') }) it('selectableRange', async () => { const disabledHoursArr = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, ] const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: new Date(2019, 0, 1, 18, 50), }), { methods: { disabledHours() { return disabledHoursArr }, disabledMinutes(hour) { // ['17:30:00 - 18:30:00', '18:50:00 - 20:30:00', '21:00:00 - 22:00:00'] if (hour === 17) { return makeRange(0, 29) } if (hour === 18) { return makeRange(31, 49) } if (hour === 20) { return makeRange(31, 59) } if (hour === 22) { return makeRange(1, 59) } }, disabledSeconds(hour, minute) { if (hour === 18 && minute === 30) { return makeRange(1, 59) } if (hour === 20 && minute === 30) { return makeRange(1, 59) } if (hour === 22 && minute === 0) { return makeRange(1, 59) } }, }, } ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const input1 = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-picker__editor-wrap input' )[1] as HTMLInputElement input1.blur() input1.focus() await nextTick() const list = document.querySelectorAll('.el-time-spinner__list') const hoursEl = list[0] const disabledHours = [].slice .call(hoursEl.querySelectorAll('.disabled')) .map((node) => Number(node.textContent)) expect(disabledHours).toStrictEqual(disabledHoursArr) const minutesEl = list[1] const disabledMinutes = [].slice .call(minutesEl.querySelectorAll('.disabled')) .map((node) => Number(node.textContent)) expect(disabledMinutes.length).toBe(19) }) it('defaultTime takes effect when the type is datetime', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', defaultTime: new Date(2000, 1, 1, 12, 24, 48), }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const someDateTd = document.querySelector( '.el-picker-panel__content tr:nth-child(3) td:nth-child(4)' ) const timeInput = document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__time-header > span:nth-child(2) input' ) ;(someDateTd as HTMLElement).click() ;(timeInput as HTMLElement).focus() await nextTick() expect((timeInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('12:24:48') // time spinner highlight is correct const spinners = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-time-spinner ul' ) as any expect(spinners[0].textContent).toBe('12') expect(spinners[1].textContent).toBe('24') expect(spinners[2].textContent).toBe('48') }) it('defaultTime only takes effect when time is not selected', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', defaultTime: new Date(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0), }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const cells = document.querySelectorAll('.available .el-date-table-cell') ;(cells[0] as HTMLElement).click() await nextTick() const timeInput = document.querySelector( '.el-date-picker__time-header > span:nth-child(2) input' ) as HTMLInputElement expect(timeInput.value).toBe('12:00:00') ;(timeInput as HTMLElement).focus() await nextTick() const spinner = document.querySelector( '.el-time-spinner ul' ) as HTMLElement ;(spinner.nextSibling as HTMLElement).click() await nextTick() expect(timeInput.value).toBe('13:00:00') }) }) describe('Datetimerange', () => { it('select daterange and default Time and input format', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: [new Date(2000, 10, 8, 10, 10), new Date(2000, 10, 11, 10, 10)], }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const pickers = document.querySelectorAll('.el-date-range-picker__content') const leftCell = pickers[0].querySelector('td.available') const rightCell = pickers[1].querySelector('td.available') triggerEvent(leftCell, 'mousemove', true) triggerEvent(leftCell, 'click', true) await nextTick() triggerEvent(rightCell, 'mousemove', true) triggerEvent(rightCell, 'click', true) await nextTick() ;( document.querySelectorAll( '.el-picker-panel__footer .el-button' )[1] as HTMLElement ).click() await nextTick() const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect( => dayjs(_).format(formatStr))).toStrictEqual([ '2000-11-01 01:01:01', '2000-12-01 01:01:01', ]) const pickerss = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__time-header .el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap' ) const left = { dateInput: pickerss[0].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(1) input' ), timeInput: pickerss[0].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(2) input' ), } const right = { dateInput: pickerss[1].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(1) input' ), timeInput: pickerss[1].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(2) input' ), } await nextTick() // both input shows correct value expect((left.dateInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('2000/11/01') expect((left.timeInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('01:01 AM') expect((right.dateInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('2000/12/01') expect((right.timeInput as HTMLInputElement).value).toBe('01:01 AM') }) it('input date', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const pickerss = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__time-header .el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap' ) const leftDateInput = pickerss[0].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(1) input' ) as HTMLInputElement const rightDateInput = pickerss[0].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(1) input' ) as HTMLInputElement leftDateInput.value = '1999-03-04' triggerEvent(leftDateInput, 'input', true) triggerEvent(leftDateInput, 'change', true) await nextTick() const pickers = document.querySelectorAll('.el-date-range-picker__content') const leftCell = pickers[0].querySelector('td.available') const rightCell = pickers[1].querySelector('td.available') triggerEvent(leftCell, 'mousemove', true) triggerEvent(leftCell, 'click', true) await nextTick() triggerEvent(rightCell, 'mousemove', true) triggerEvent(rightCell, 'click', true) await nextTick() const btn = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-picker-panel__footer .el-button' )[1] as HTMLElement await nextTick() const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect( => dayjs(_).format(formatStr))).toStrictEqual([ '1999-03-01 00:00:00', '1999-04-01 00:00:00', ]) // input date when minDate > maxDate rightDateInput.value = '1998-01-01' triggerEvent(rightDateInput, 'input', true) triggerEvent(rightDateInput, 'change', true) await nextTick() await nextTick() expect(dayjs(vm.value[0]).isBefore(vm.value[1])).toBeTruthy() }) it('select time', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect(vm.value).toBe('') const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const timeInput = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap input' )[1] as HTMLInputElement timeInput.blur() timeInput.focus() timeInput.blur() await nextTick() const button = document.querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap .el-time-panel .confirm' ) as HTMLElement await nextTick() const btn = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-picker-panel__footer .el-button' )[1] as HTMLElement await nextTick() expect(vm.value).not.toBe('') }) it('confirm honors disabledDate', async () => { const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', disabledDate: (date) => { return date.getTime() < new Date(2000, 9, 1) // 2000-10-01 }, }) ) const vm = wrapper.vm as any const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() // simulate user input of invalid date const pickerss = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__time-header .el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap' ) const leftDateInput = pickerss[0].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(1) input' ) as HTMLInputElement leftDateInput.value = '2000-09-01' triggerEvent(leftDateInput, 'input', true) triggerEvent(leftDateInput, 'change', true) await nextTick() const btn = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-picker-panel__footer .el-button' )[1] as HTMLElement expect(btn.getAttribute('disabled')).not.toBeUndefined() // invalid input disables button await nextTick() const rangePanel = document.querySelector('.el-date-range-picker') expect(rangePanel.getAttribute('visible')).toBe('true') // popper still open expect(vm.value).toBe('') leftDateInput.value = '2001-09-01' triggerEvent(leftDateInput, 'input', true) triggerEvent(leftDateInput, 'change', true) await nextTick() expect(btn.getAttribute('disabled')).not.toBeUndefined() await nextTick() expect(rangePanel.getAttribute('visible')).toBe('false') // popper dismiss expect(vm.value).not.toBe('') }) it('selectableRange', async () => { const disabledHoursArr = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, ] const disabledHoursRightArr = [0, 1, 2] const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', }), { methods: { disabledHours(role) { if (role === 'end') { return disabledHoursRightArr } return disabledHoursArr }, }, } ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const pickerss = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__time-header .el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap' ) const leftDateInput = pickerss[0].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(2) input' ) as HTMLInputElement const rightDateInput = pickerss[1].querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap:nth-child(2) input' ) as HTMLInputElement leftDateInput.blur() leftDateInput.focus() await nextTick() const listleft = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap .el-time-spinner__list' ) const hoursEl = listleft[0] const disabledHours = [].slice .call(hoursEl.querySelectorAll('.disabled')) .map((node) => Number(node.textContent)) expect(disabledHours).toStrictEqual(disabledHoursArr) const button = document.querySelector( '.el-date-range-picker__time-picker-wrap .el-time-panel .confirm' ) as HTMLElement await nextTick() rightDateInput.blur() rightDateInput.focus() await nextTick() const listright = document.querySelectorAll( ' .el-time-spinner__list' ) const hoursEl2 = listright[0] const disabledHours2 = [].slice .call(hoursEl2.querySelectorAll('.disabled')) .map((node) => Number(node.textContent)) expect(disabledHours2).toStrictEqual(disabledHoursRightArr) }) it('select same date, different time', async () => { const leftSelect = ['10', '59', '59'] const wrapper = _mount( ``, () => ({ value: '', }) ) const input = wrapper.find('input') input.trigger('blur') input.trigger('focus') await nextTick() const pickers = document.querySelectorAll('.el-date-range-picker__content') const leftCell = pickers[0].querySelector('td.available') triggerEvent(leftCell, 'mousemove', true) triggerEvent(leftCell, 'click', true) await nextTick() triggerEvent(leftCell, 'mousemove', true) triggerEvent(leftCell, 'click', true) await nextTick() const leftTimeInput = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap input' )[1] as HTMLInputElement leftTimeInput.blur() leftTimeInput.focus() await nextTick() const leftList = document.querySelectorAll('.el-time-spinner__list') triggerEvent(leftList[0].children[+leftSelect[0]], 'click', true) await nextTick() triggerEvent(leftList[1].children[+leftSelect[1]], 'click', true) await nextTick() triggerEvent(leftList[2].children[+leftSelect[2]], 'click', true) await nextTick() ;( document.querySelector('.el-time-panel__btn.confirm') as HTMLElement ).click() await nextTick() const rightTimeInput = document.querySelectorAll( '.el-date-range-picker__editors-wrap input' )[3] as HTMLInputElement rightTimeInput.blur() rightTimeInput.focus() await nextTick() const rightList = document.querySelectorAll( '.is-right .el-time-spinner__list' ) // auto set left time to right time expect( rightList[0].querySelector('').innerHTML ).toBe(leftSelect[0]) expect( rightList[1].querySelector('').innerHTML ).toBe(leftSelect[1]) expect( rightList[2].querySelector('').innerHTML ).toBe(leftSelect[2]) triggerEvent(rightList[0].children[12], 'click', true) await nextTick() triggerEvent(rightList[1].children[12], 'click', true) await nextTick() triggerEvent(rightList[2].children[12], 'click', true) await nextTick() ;( document.querySelector( '.is-right .el-time-panel__btn.confirm' ) as HTMLElement ).click() await nextTick() ;( document.querySelectorAll( '.el-picker-panel__footer .el-button' )[1] as HTMLElement ).click() await nextTick() const vm = wrapper.vm as any expect( => dayjs(_).format('HH:mm:ss'))).toStrictEqual([ '10:59:59', '12:12:12', ]) }) })