import { h, provide } from 'vue' import { NOOP } from '@vue/shared' import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { ElButton } from '@element-plus/components' import { elFormKey, elFormItemKey, buttonGroupContextKey, } from '@element-plus/tokens' import type { ElFormContext, ElFormItemContext, ButtonGroupContext, } from '@element-plus/tokens' const AXIOM = 'Rem is the best girl' const Component = { render() { return h(ElButton, this.$attrs, { default: () => [AXIOM], }) }, } const mountComponent = (setup = NOOP, options = {}) => { return mount( { ...Component, setup, }, options ) } describe('use-form-item', () => { it('should return local value', () => { const wrapper = mountComponent() expect(wrapper.find('.el-button--default').exists()).toBe(true) }) it('should return props.size instead of injected.size', () => { const propSize = 'small' const wrapper = mountComponent( () => { provide(elFormItemKey, { size: 'large', } as ElFormItemContext) }, { props: { size: propSize, }, } ) expect(wrapper.find(`.el-button--${propSize}`).exists()).toBe(true) }) it('should return fallback.size instead inject.size', () => { const fallbackSize = 'small' const wrapper = mountComponent(() => { provide(buttonGroupContextKey, { size: fallbackSize, } as ButtonGroupContext) provide(elFormItemKey, { size: 'large', } as ElFormItemContext) }) expect(wrapper.find(`.el-button--${fallbackSize}`).exists()).toBe(true) }) it('should return formItem.size instead form.size', () => { const itemSize = 'small' const wrapper = mountComponent(() => { provide(elFormItemKey, { size: itemSize, } as ElFormItemContext) provide(elFormKey, { size: 'large', } as ElFormContext) }) expect(wrapper.find(`.el-button--${itemSize}`).exists()).toBe(true) }) })