import path from 'path' import fs from 'fs' import { Project } from 'ts-morph' import vueCompiler from '@vue/compiler-sfc' import klawSync from 'klaw-sync' import chalk from 'chalk' const TSCONFIG_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../tsconfig.json') const DEMO_RE = /\/demo\/\w+\.vue$/ const TEST_RE = /__test__|__tests__/ const excludedFiles = [ 'mock', 'package.json', 'spec', 'test', 'tests', 'css', '.DS_Store', ] const exclude = (path: string) => !excludedFiles.some(f => path.includes(f)) /** * fork = require( */ const genVueTypes = async (root, outDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/types')) => { const project = new Project({ compilerOptions: { allowJs: true, declaration: true, emitDeclarationOnly: true, noEmitOnError: true, outDir, baseUrl: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'), paths: { '@element-plus/*': ['packages/*'], }, skipLibCheck: true, }, tsConfigFilePath: TSCONFIG_PATH, skipAddingFilesFromTsConfig: true, }) const sourceFiles = [] const filePaths = klawSync(root, { nodir: true, }) .map(item => item.path) .filter(path => !DEMO_RE.test(path)) .filter(path => !TEST_RE.test(path)) .filter(exclude) await Promise.all( file => { if (file.endsWith('.vue')) { const content = await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf-8') const sfc = vueCompiler.parse(content) const { script, scriptSetup } = sfc.descriptor if (script || scriptSetup) { let content = '' let isTS = false if (script && script.content) { content += script.content if (script.lang === 'ts') isTS = true } if (scriptSetup) { const compiled = vueCompiler.compileScript(sfc.descriptor, { id: 'xxx', }) content += compiled.content if (scriptSetup.lang === 'ts') isTS = true } const sourceFile = project.createSourceFile( path.relative(process.cwd(), file) + (isTS ? '.ts' : '.js'), content, ) sourceFiles.push(sourceFile) } } else if (file.endsWith('.ts')) { const sourceFile = project.addSourceFileAtPath(file) sourceFiles.push(sourceFile) } }), ) const diagnostics = project.getPreEmitDiagnostics() console.log(project.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics)) await project.emit({ emitOnlyDtsFiles: true, }) for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) { console.log( chalk.yellow( 'Generating definition for file: ' + chalk.bold( sourceFile.getBaseName(), ), ), ) const emitOutput = sourceFile.getEmitOutput() for (const outputFile of emitOutput.getOutputFiles()) { const filepath = outputFile.getFilePath() await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(filepath), { recursive: true, }) await fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, outputFile .getText() .replace(new RegExp('@element-plus/components', 'g'), 'element-plus/es') .replace(new RegExp('@element-plus/theme-chalk', 'g'), 'element-plus/theme-chalk') .replace(new RegExp('@element-plus', 'g'), 'element-plus/es'), 'utf8') console.log( 'Definition for file: ' + chalk.bold( sourceFile.getBaseName(), ) + ' generated', ), ) } } } export default genVueTypes