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// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "main.h"
#include <Eigen/Array>
template<typename MatrixType> void product_extra(const MatrixType& m)
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::FloatingPoint FloatingPoint;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, 1, Dynamic> RowVectorType;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1> ColVectorType;
typedef Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic,
MatrixType::Flags&RowMajorBit> OtherMajorMatrixType;
int rows = m.rows();
int cols = m.cols();
MatrixType m1 = MatrixType::Random(rows, cols),
m2 = MatrixType::Random(rows, cols),
m3(rows, cols),
mzero = MatrixType::Zero(rows, cols),
identity = MatrixType::Identity(rows, rows),
square = MatrixType::Random(rows, rows),
res = MatrixType::Random(rows, rows),
square2 = MatrixType::Random(cols, cols),
res2 = MatrixType::Random(cols, cols);
RowVectorType v1 = RowVectorType::Random(rows), vrres(rows);
// v2 = RowVectorType::Random(rows),
// vzero = RowVectorType::Zero(rows);
ColVectorType vc2 = ColVectorType::Random(cols), vcres(cols);
OtherMajorMatrixType tm1 = m1;
Scalar s1 = ei_random<Scalar>(),
s2 = ei_random<Scalar>(),
s3 = ei_random<Scalar>();
int c0 = ei_random<int>(0,cols/2-1),
c1 = ei_random<int>(cols/2,cols),
r0 = ei_random<int>(0,rows/2-1),
r1 = ei_random<int>(rows/2,rows);
// all the expressions in this test should be compiled as a single matrix product
// TODO: add internal checks to verify that
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1 * m2.adjoint(), m1 * m2.adjoint().eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.adjoint() * square.adjoint(), m1.adjoint().eval() * square.adjoint().eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.adjoint() * m2, m1.adjoint().eval() * m2);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( (s1 * m1.adjoint()) * m2, (s1 * m1.adjoint()).eval() * m2);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( (- m1.adjoint() * s1) * (s3 * m2), (- m1.adjoint() * s1).eval() * (s3 * m2).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( (s2 * m1.adjoint() * s1) * m2, (s2 * m1.adjoint() * s1).eval() * m2);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( (-m1*s2) * s1*m2.adjoint(), (-m1*s2).eval() * (s1*m2.adjoint()).eval());
// a very tricky case where a scale factor has to be automatically conjugated:
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( m1.adjoint() * (s1*m2).conjugate(), (m1.adjoint()).eval() * ((s1*m2).conjugate()).eval());
// test all possible conjugate combinations for the four matrix-vector product cases:
// std::cerr << "a\n";
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((-m1.conjugate() * s2) * (s1 * vc2),
(-m1.conjugate()*s2).eval() * (s1 * vc2).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((-m1 * s2) * (s1 * vc2.conjugate()),
(-m1*s2).eval() * (s1 * vc2.conjugate()).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((-m1.conjugate() * s2) * (s1 * vc2.conjugate()),
(-m1.conjugate()*s2).eval() * (s1 * vc2.conjugate()).eval());
// std::cerr << "b\n";
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((s1 * vc2.transpose()) * (-m1.adjoint() * s2),
(s1 * vc2.transpose()).eval() * (-m1.adjoint()*s2).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((s1 * vc2.adjoint()) * (-m1.transpose() * s2),
(s1 * vc2.adjoint()).eval() * (-m1.transpose()*s2).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((s1 * vc2.adjoint()) * (-m1.adjoint() * s2),
(s1 * vc2.adjoint()).eval() * (-m1.adjoint()*s2).eval());
// std::cerr << "c\n";
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((-m1.adjoint() * s2) * (s1 * v1.transpose()),
(-m1.adjoint()*s2).eval() * (s1 * v1.transpose()).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((-m1.transpose() * s2) * (s1 * v1.adjoint()),
(-m1.transpose()*s2).eval() * (s1 * v1.adjoint()).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((-m1.adjoint() * s2) * (s1 * v1.adjoint()),
(-m1.adjoint()*s2).eval() * (s1 * v1.adjoint()).eval());
// std::cerr << "d\n";
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((s1 * v1) * (-m1.conjugate() * s2),
(s1 * v1).eval() * (-m1.conjugate()*s2).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((s1 * v1.conjugate()) * (-m1 * s2),
(s1 * v1.conjugate()).eval() * (-m1*s2).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((s1 * v1.conjugate()) * (-m1.conjugate() * s2),
(s1 * v1.conjugate()).eval() * (-m1.conjugate()*s2).eval());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX((-m1.adjoint() * s2) * (s1 * v1.adjoint()),
(-m1.adjoint()*s2).eval() * (s1 * v1.adjoint()).eval());
// test with sub matrices
m2 = m1;
m3 = m1;
// std::cerr << (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).rows() << " " << (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).cols() << " == " << vrres.segment(r0,r1-r0).rows() << " " << vrres.segment(r0,r1-r0).cols() << "\n";
// m2.col(c0).segment(0,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).lazy();
// m3.col(c0).segment(0,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).eval();
Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> a = m2.col(c0), b = a;
a.segment(5,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).lazy();
b.segment(5,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).eval();
// m2.col(c0).segment(0,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).lazy();
// m3.col(c0).segment(0,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).eval();
// if (!m2.isApprox(m3))
std::cerr << (a-b).cwise().abs().maxCoeff() << "\n";
// VERIFY_IS_APPROX( vrres.segment(0,r1-r0).transpose().eval(),
// v1.segment(0,r1-r0).transpose() + m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0).eval() * (vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).eval());
void test_product_extra()
for(int i = 0; i < g_repeat; i++) {
int rows = ei_random<int>(2,10);
int cols = ei_random<int>(2,10);
int c0 = ei_random<int>(0,cols/2-1),
c1 = ei_random<int>(cols/2,cols),
r0 = ei_random<int>(0,rows/2-1),
r1 = ei_random<int>(rows/2,rows);
MatrixXf m1 = MatrixXf::Random(rows,cols), m2 = m1;
Matrix<float,Dynamic,1> a = m2.col(c0), b = a;
Matrix<float,Dynamic,1> vc2 = Matrix<float,Dynamic,1>::Random(cols);
if (1+r1-r0<rows) {
a.segment(1,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).lazy();
b.segment(1,r1-r0) += (m1.block(r0,c0, r1-r0, c1-c0) * vc2.segment(c0,c1-c0)).eval();
// CALL_SUBTEST( product_extra(MatrixXf(ei_random<int>(1,320), ei_random<int>(1,320))) );
// CALL_SUBTEST( product_extra(MatrixXd(ei_random<int>(1,320), ei_random<int>(1,320))) );
// CALL_SUBTEST( product(MatrixXi(ei_random<int>(1,320), ei_random<int>(1,320))) );
// CALL_SUBTEST( product_extra(MatrixXcf(ei_random<int>(50,50), ei_random<int>(50,50))) );
// CALL_SUBTEST( product(Matrix<float,Dynamic,Dynamic,RowMajor>(ei_random<int>(1,320), ei_random<int>(1,320))) );