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// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include "main.h"
template <typename MatrixType>
void matrixVisitor(const MatrixType& p) {
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
Index rows = p.rows();
Index cols = p.cols();
// construct a random matrix where all coefficients are different
MatrixType m;
m = MatrixType::Random(rows, cols);
for (Index i = 0; i < m.size(); i++)
for (Index i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++)
while (numext::equal_strict(m(i), m(i2))) // yes, strict equality
m(i) = internal::random<Scalar>();
Scalar minc = Scalar(1000), maxc = Scalar(-1000);
Index minrow = 0, mincol = 0, maxrow = 0, maxcol = 0;
for (Index j = 0; j < cols; j++)
for (Index i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if (m(i, j) < minc) {
minc = m(i, j);
minrow = i;
mincol = j;
if (m(i, j) > maxc) {
maxc = m(i, j);
maxrow = i;
maxcol = j;
Index eigen_minrow, eigen_mincol, eigen_maxrow, eigen_maxcol;
Scalar eigen_minc, eigen_maxc;
eigen_minc = m.minCoeff(&eigen_minrow, &eigen_mincol);
eigen_maxc = m.maxCoeff(&eigen_maxrow, &eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY(minrow == eigen_minrow);
VERIFY(maxrow == eigen_maxrow);
VERIFY(mincol == eigen_mincol);
VERIFY(maxcol == eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, eigen_minc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, eigen_maxc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, m.minCoeff());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, m.maxCoeff());
eigen_maxc = (m.adjoint() * m).maxCoeff(&eigen_maxrow, &eigen_maxcol);
Index maxrow2 = 0, maxcol2 = 0;
eigen_maxc = (m.adjoint() * m).eval().maxCoeff(&maxrow2, &maxcol2);
VERIFY(maxrow2 == eigen_maxrow);
VERIFY(maxcol2 == eigen_maxcol);
if (!NumTraits<Scalar>::IsInteger && m.size() > 2) {
// Test NaN propagation by replacing an element with NaN.
bool stop = false;
for (Index j = 0; j < cols && !stop; ++j) {
for (Index i = 0; i < rows && !stop; ++i) {
if (!(j == mincol && i == minrow) && !(j == maxcol && i == maxrow)) {
m(i, j) = NumTraits<Scalar>::quiet_NaN();
stop = true;
eigen_minc = m.template minCoeff<PropagateNumbers>(&eigen_minrow, &eigen_mincol);
eigen_maxc = m.template maxCoeff<PropagateNumbers>(&eigen_maxrow, &eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY(minrow == eigen_minrow);
VERIFY(maxrow == eigen_maxrow);
VERIFY(mincol == eigen_mincol);
VERIFY(maxcol == eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, eigen_minc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, eigen_maxc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, m.template minCoeff<PropagateNumbers>());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, m.template maxCoeff<PropagateNumbers>());
eigen_minc = m.template minCoeff<PropagateNaN>(&eigen_minrow, &eigen_mincol);
eigen_maxc = m.template maxCoeff<PropagateNaN>(&eigen_maxrow, &eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY(minrow != eigen_minrow || mincol != eigen_mincol);
VERIFY(maxrow != eigen_maxrow || maxcol != eigen_maxcol);
// Test matrix of all NaNs.
eigen_minc = m.template minCoeff<PropagateNumbers>(&eigen_minrow, &eigen_mincol);
eigen_maxc = m.template maxCoeff<PropagateNumbers>(&eigen_maxrow, &eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY(eigen_minrow == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_maxrow == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_mincol == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_maxcol == 0);
eigen_minc = m.template minCoeff<PropagateNaN>(&eigen_minrow, &eigen_mincol);
eigen_maxc = m.template maxCoeff<PropagateNaN>(&eigen_maxrow, &eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY(eigen_minrow == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_maxrow == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_mincol == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_maxcol == 0);
eigen_minc = m.template minCoeff<PropagateFast>(&eigen_minrow, &eigen_mincol);
eigen_maxc = m.template maxCoeff<PropagateFast>(&eigen_maxrow, &eigen_maxcol);
VERIFY(eigen_minrow == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_maxrow == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_mincol == 0);
VERIFY(eigen_maxcol == 0);
template <typename VectorType>
void vectorVisitor(const VectorType& w) {
typedef typename VectorType::Scalar Scalar;
Index size = w.size();
// construct a random vector where all coefficients are different
VectorType v;
v = VectorType::Random(size);
for (Index i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (Index i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++)
while (v(i) == v(i2)) // yes, ==
v(i) = internal::random<Scalar>();
Scalar minc = v(0), maxc = v(0);
Index minidx = 0, maxidx = 0;
for (Index i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (v(i) < minc) {
minc = v(i);
minidx = i;
if (v(i) > maxc) {
maxc = v(i);
maxidx = i;
Index eigen_minidx, eigen_maxidx;
Scalar eigen_minc, eigen_maxc;
eigen_minc = v.minCoeff(&eigen_minidx);
eigen_maxc = v.maxCoeff(&eigen_maxidx);
VERIFY(minidx == eigen_minidx);
VERIFY(maxidx == eigen_maxidx);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, eigen_minc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, eigen_maxc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, v.minCoeff());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, v.maxCoeff());
Index idx0 = internal::random<Index>(0, size - 1);
Index idx1 = eigen_minidx;
Index idx2 = eigen_maxidx;
VectorType v1(v), v2(v);
v1(idx0) = v1(idx1);
v2(idx0) = v2(idx2);
VERIFY(eigen_minidx == (std::min)(idx0, idx1));
VERIFY(eigen_maxidx == (std::min)(idx0, idx2));
if (!NumTraits<Scalar>::IsInteger && size > 2) {
// Test NaN propagation by replacing an element with NaN.
for (Index i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (i != minidx && i != maxidx) {
v(i) = NumTraits<Scalar>::quiet_NaN();
eigen_minc = v.template minCoeff<PropagateNumbers>(&eigen_minidx);
eigen_maxc = v.template maxCoeff<PropagateNumbers>(&eigen_maxidx);
VERIFY(minidx == eigen_minidx);
VERIFY(maxidx == eigen_maxidx);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, eigen_minc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, eigen_maxc);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, v.template minCoeff<PropagateNumbers>());
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, v.template maxCoeff<PropagateNumbers>());
eigen_minc = v.template minCoeff<PropagateNaN>(&eigen_minidx);
eigen_maxc = v.template maxCoeff<PropagateNaN>(&eigen_maxidx);
VERIFY(minidx != eigen_minidx);
VERIFY(maxidx != eigen_maxidx);
template <typename Derived, bool Vectorizable>
struct TrackedVisitor {
using Scalar = typename DenseBase<Derived>::Scalar;
static constexpr int PacketSize = Eigen::internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::size;
static constexpr bool RowMajor = Derived::IsRowMajor;
void init(Scalar v, Index i, Index j) { return this->operator()(v, i, j); }
template <typename Packet>
void initpacket(Packet p, Index i, Index j) {
return this->packet(p, i, j);
void operator()(Scalar v, Index i, Index j) {
visited.emplace_back(i, j);
template <typename Packet>
void packet(Packet p, Index i, Index j) {
for (int k = 0; k < PacketSize; k++)
if (RowMajor)
visited.emplace_back(i, j + k);
visited.emplace_back(i + k, j);
std::vector<std::pair<Index, Index>> visited;
Index scalarOps = 0;
Index vectorOps = 0;
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template <typename T, bool Vectorizable>
struct functor_traits<TrackedVisitor<T, Vectorizable>> {
enum { PacketAccess = Vectorizable, LinearAccess = false, Cost = 1 };
} // namespace internal
} // namespace Eigen
template <typename Derived, bool Vectorized>
void checkOptimalTraversal_impl(const DenseBase<Derived>& mat) {
using Scalar = typename DenseBase<Derived>::Scalar;
static constexpr int PacketSize = Eigen::internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::size;
static constexpr bool RowMajor = Derived::IsRowMajor;
Derived X(mat.rows(), mat.cols());
TrackedVisitor<Derived, Vectorized> visitor;
Index count = 0;
for (Index j = 0; j < X.outerSize(); ++j) {
for (Index i = 0; i < X.innerSize(); ++i) {
Index r = RowMajor ? j : i;
Index c = RowMajor ? i : j;
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(visitor.visited[count].first, r);
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(visitor.visited[count].second, c);
Index vectorOps = Vectorized ? ((X.innerSize() / PacketSize) * X.outerSize()) : 0;
Index scalarOps = X.size() - (vectorOps * PacketSize);
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(vectorOps, visitor.vectorOps);
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(scalarOps, visitor.scalarOps);
void checkOptimalTraversal() {
using Scalar = float;
constexpr int PacketSize = Eigen::internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::size;
// use sizes that mix vector and scalar ops
constexpr int Rows = 3 * PacketSize + 1;
constexpr int Cols = 4 * PacketSize + 1;
int rows = internal::random(PacketSize + 1, EIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE);
int cols = internal::random(PacketSize + 1, EIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE);
using UnrollColMajor = Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols, ColMajor>;
using UnrollRowMajor = Matrix<Scalar, Rows, Cols, RowMajor>;
using DynamicColMajor = Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic, ColMajor>;
using DynamicRowMajor = Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor>;
// Scalar-only visitors
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<UnrollColMajor, false>(UnrollColMajor(Rows, Cols));
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<UnrollRowMajor, false>(UnrollRowMajor(Rows, Cols));
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<DynamicColMajor, false>(DynamicColMajor(rows, cols));
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<DynamicRowMajor, false>(DynamicRowMajor(rows, cols));
// Vectorized visitors
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<UnrollColMajor, true>(UnrollColMajor(Rows, Cols));
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<UnrollRowMajor, true>(UnrollRowMajor(Rows, Cols));
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<DynamicColMajor, true>(DynamicColMajor(rows, cols));
checkOptimalTraversal_impl<DynamicRowMajor, true>(DynamicRowMajor(rows, cols));
for (int i = 0; i < g_repeat; i++) {
CALL_SUBTEST_1(matrixVisitor(Matrix<float, 1, 1>()));
CALL_SUBTEST_4(matrixVisitor(MatrixXd(8, 12)));
CALL_SUBTEST_5(matrixVisitor(Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor>(20, 20)));
CALL_SUBTEST_6(matrixVisitor(MatrixXi(8, 12)));
for (int i = 0; i < g_repeat; i++) {
CALL_SUBTEST_7(vectorVisitor(Matrix<int, 12, 1>()));