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/* Non-Negagive Least Squares Algorithm for Eigen.
* Copyright (C) 2021 Essex Edwards, <essex.edwards@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Hannes Matuschek, hannes.matuschek at uni-potsdam.de
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
* Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
* with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
/** \defgroup nnls Non-Negative Least Squares (NNLS) Module
* This module provides a single class @c Eigen::NNLS implementing the NNLS algorithm.
* The algorithm is described in "SOLVING LEAST SQUARES PROBLEMS", by Charles L. Lawson and
* Richard J. Hanson, Prentice-Hall, 1974 and solves optimization problems of the form
* \f[ \min \left\Vert Ax-b\right\Vert_2^2\quad s.t.\, x\ge 0\,.\f]
* The algorithm solves the constrained least-squares problem above by iteratively improving
* an estimate of which constraints are active (elements of \f$x\f$ equal to zero)
* and which constraints are inactive (elements of \f$x\f$ greater than zero).
* Each iteration, an unconstrained linear least-squares problem solves for the
* components of \f$x\f$ in the (estimated) inactive set and the sets are updated.
* The unconstrained problem minimizes \f$\left\Vert A^Nx^N-b\right\Vert_2^2\f$,
* where \f$A^N\f$ is a matrix formed by selecting all columns of A which are
* in the inactive set \f$N\f$.
#ifndef EIGEN_NNLS_H
#define EIGEN_NNLS_H
#include "../../Eigen/Core"
#include "../../Eigen/QR"
#include <limits>
namespace Eigen {
/** \ingroup nnls
* \class NNLS
* \brief Implementation of the Non-Negative Least Squares (NNLS) algorithm.
* \tparam MatrixType The type of the system matrix \f$A\f$.
* This class implements the NNLS algorithm as described in "SOLVING LEAST SQUARES PROBLEMS",
* Charles L. Lawson and Richard J. Hanson, Prentice-Hall, 1974. This algorithm solves a least
* squares problem iteratively and ensures that the solution is non-negative. I.e.
* \f[ \min \left\Vert Ax-b\right\Vert_2^2\quad s.t.\, x\ge 0 \f]
* The algorithm solves the constrained least-squares problem above by iteratively improving
* an estimate of which constraints are active (elements of \f$x\f$ equal to zero)
* and which constraints are inactive (elements of \f$x\f$ greater than zero).
* Each iteration, an unconstrained linear least-squares problem solves for the
* components of \f$x\f$ in the (estimated) inactive set and the sets are updated.
* The unconstrained problem minimizes \f$\left\Vert A^Nx^N-b\right\Vert_2^2\f$,
* where \f$A^N\f$ is a matrix formed by selecting all columns of A which are
* in the inactive set \f$N\f$.
* See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-negative_least_squares">the
* wikipedia page on non-negative least squares</a> for more background information.
* \note Please note that it is possible to construct an NNLS problem for which the
* algorithm does not converge. In practice these cases are extremely rare.
template <class MatrixType_>
class NNLS {
typedef MatrixType_ MatrixType;
enum {
RowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime,
ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
Options = MatrixType::Options,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime
typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
/** Type of a row vector of the system matrix \f$A\f$. */
typedef Matrix<Scalar, ColsAtCompileTime, 1> SolutionVectorType;
/** Type of a column vector of the system matrix \f$A\f$. */
typedef Matrix<Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, 1> RhsVectorType;
typedef Matrix<Index, ColsAtCompileTime, 1> IndicesType;
/** */
/** \brief Constructs a NNLS sovler and initializes it with the given system matrix @c A.
* \param A Specifies the system matrix.
* \param max_iter Specifies the maximum number of iterations to solve the system.
* \param tol Specifies the precision of the optimum.
* This is an absolute tolerance on the gradient of the Lagrangian, \f$A^T(Ax-b)-\lambda\f$
* (with Lagrange multipliers \f$\lambda\f$).
NNLS(const MatrixType &A, Index max_iter = -1, Scalar tol = NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision());
/** Initializes the solver with the matrix \a A for further solving NNLS problems.
* This function mostly initializes/computes the preconditioner. In the future
* we might, for instance, implement column reordering for faster matrix vector products.
template <typename MatrixDerived>
NNLS<MatrixType> &compute(const EigenBase<MatrixDerived> &A);
/** \brief Solves the NNLS problem.
* The dimension of @c b must be equal to the number of rows of @c A, given to the constructor.
* \returns The approximate solution vector \f$ x \f$. Use info() to determine if the solve was a success or not.
* \sa info()
const SolutionVectorType &solve(const RhsVectorType &b);
/** \brief Returns the solution if a problem was solved.
* If not, an uninitialized vector may be returned. */
const SolutionVectorType &x() const { return x_; }
/** \returns the tolerance threshold used by the stopping criteria.
* \sa setTolerance()
Scalar tolerance() const { return tolerance_; }
/** Sets the tolerance threshold used by the stopping criteria.
* This is an absolute tolerance on the gradient of the Lagrangian, \f$A^T(Ax-b)-\lambda\f$
* (with Lagrange multipliers \f$\lambda\f$).
NNLS<MatrixType> &setTolerance(const Scalar &tolerance) {
tolerance_ = tolerance;
return *this;
/** \returns the max number of iterations.
* It is either the value set by setMaxIterations or, by default, twice the number of columns of the matrix.
Index maxIterations() const { return max_iter_ < 0 ? 2 * A_.cols() : max_iter_; }
/** Sets the max number of iterations.
* Default is twice the number of columns of the matrix.
* The algorithm requires at least k iterations to produce a solution vector with k non-zero entries.
NNLS<MatrixType> &setMaxIterations(Index maxIters) {
max_iter_ = maxIters;
return *this;
/** \returns the number of iterations (least-squares solves) performed during the last solve */
Index iterations() const { return iterations_; }
/** \returns Success if the iterations converged, and an error values otherwise. */
ComputationInfo info() const { return info_; }
/** \internal Adds the given index @c idx to the inactive set N and updates the QR decomposition of \f$A^N\f$. */
void moveToInactiveSet_(Index idx);
/** \internal Removes the given index idx from the inactive set N and updates the QR decomposition of \f$A^N\f$. */
void moveToActiveSet_(Index idx);
/** \internal Solves the least-squares problem \f$\left\Vert y-A^Nx\right\Vert_2^2\f$. */
void solveInactiveSet_(const RhsVectorType &b);
typedef Matrix<Scalar, ColsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime> MatrixAtAType;
/** \internal Holds the maximum number of iterations for the NNLS algorithm.
* @c -1 means to use the default value. */
Index max_iter_;
/** \internal Holds the number of iterations. */
Index iterations_;
/** \internal Holds success/fail of the last solve. */
ComputationInfo info_;
/** \internal Size of the inactive set. */
Index numInactive_;
/** \internal Accuracy of the algorithm w.r.t the optimality of the solution (gradient). */
Scalar tolerance_;
/** \internal The system matrix, a copy of the one given to the constructor. */
MatrixType A_;
/** \internal Precomputed product \f$A^TA\f$. */
MatrixAtAType AtA_;
/** \internal Will hold the solution. */
SolutionVectorType x_;
/** \internal Will hold the current gradient.\f$A^Tb - A^TAx\f$ */
SolutionVectorType gradient_;
/** \internal Will hold the partial solution. */
SolutionVectorType y_;
/** \internal Precomputed product \f$A^Tb\f$. */
SolutionVectorType Atb_;
/** \internal Holds the current permutation partitioning the active and inactive sets.
* The first @c numInactive_ elements form the inactive set and the rest the active set. */
IndicesType index_sets_;
/** \internal QR decomposition to solve the (inactive) sub system (together with @c qrCoeffs_). */
MatrixType QR_;
/** \internal QR decomposition to solve the (inactive) sub system (together with @c QR_). */
SolutionVectorType qrCoeffs_;
/** \internal Some workspace for QR decomposition. */
SolutionVectorType tempSolutionVector_;
RhsVectorType tempRhsVector_;
/* ********************************************************************************************
* Implementation
* ******************************************************************************************** */
template <typename MatrixType>
: max_iter_(-1),
tolerance_(NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision()) {}
template <typename MatrixType>
NNLS<MatrixType>::NNLS(const MatrixType &A, Index max_iter, Scalar tol) : max_iter_(max_iter), tolerance_(tol) {
template <typename MatrixType>
template <typename MatrixDerived>
NNLS<MatrixType> &NNLS<MatrixType>::compute(const EigenBase<MatrixDerived> &A) {
// Ensure Scalar type is real. The non-negativity constraint doesn't obviously extend to complex numbers.
// max_iter_: unchanged
iterations_ = 0;
info_ = ComputationInfo::Success;
numInactive_ = 0;
// tolerance: unchanged
A_ = A.derived();
AtA_.noalias() = A_.transpose() * A_;
QR_.resize(A_.rows(), A_.cols());
return *this;
template <typename MatrixType>
const typename NNLS<MatrixType>::SolutionVectorType &NNLS<MatrixType>::solve(const RhsVectorType &b) {
// Initialize solver
iterations_ = 0;
info_ = ComputationInfo::NumericalIssue;
index_sets_ = IndicesType::LinSpaced(A_.cols(), 0, A_.cols() - 1); // Identity permutation.
numInactive_ = 0;
// Precompute A^T*b
Atb_.noalias() = A_.transpose() * b;
const Index maxIterations = this->maxIterations();
while (true) {
// Early exit if all variables are inactive, which breaks 'maxCoeff' below.
if (A_.cols() == numInactive_) {
info_ = ComputationInfo::Success;
return x_;
// Find the maximum element of the gradient in the active set.
// If it is small or negative, then we have converged.
// Else, we move that variable to the inactive set.
gradient_.noalias() = Atb_ - AtA_ * x_;
const Index numActive = A_.cols() - numInactive_;
Index argmaxGradient = -1;
const Scalar maxGradient = gradient_(index_sets_.tail(numActive)).maxCoeff(&argmaxGradient);
argmaxGradient += numInactive_; // beacause tail() skipped the first numInactive_ elements
if (maxGradient < tolerance_) {
info_ = ComputationInfo::Success;
return x_;
while (true) {
// Check if max. number of iterations is reached
if (iterations_ >= maxIterations) {
info_ = ComputationInfo::NoConvergence;
return x_;
// Solve least-squares problem in inactive set only,
// this step is rather trivial as moveToInactiveSet_ & moveToActiveSet_
// updates the QR decomposition of inactive columns A^N.
// solveInactiveSet_ puts the solution in y_
++iterations_; // The solve is expensive, so that is what we count as an iteration.
// Check feasability...
bool feasible = true;
Scalar alpha = NumTraits<Scalar>::highest();
Index infeasibleIdx = -1; // Which variable became infeasible first.
for (Index i = 0; i < numInactive_; i++) {
Index idx = index_sets_[i];
if (y_(idx) < 0) {
// t should always be in [0,1].
Scalar t = -x_(idx) / (y_(idx) - x_(idx));
if (alpha > t) {
alpha = t;
infeasibleIdx = i;
feasible = false;
eigen_assert(feasible || 0 <= infeasibleIdx);
// If solution is feasible, exit to outer loop
if (feasible) {
x_ = y_;
// Infeasible solution -> interpolate to feasible one
for (Index i = 0; i < numInactive_; i++) {
Index idx = index_sets_[i];
x_(idx) += alpha * (y_(idx) - x_(idx));
// Remove these indices from the inactive set and update QR decomposition
template <typename MatrixType>
void NNLS<MatrixType>::moveToInactiveSet_(Index idx) {
// Update permutation matrix:
std::swap(index_sets_(idx), index_sets_(numInactive_));
// Perform rank-1 update of the QR decomposition stored in QR_ & qrCoeff_
internal::householder_qr_inplace_update(QR_, qrCoeffs_, A_.col(index_sets_(numInactive_ - 1)), numInactive_ - 1,
template <typename MatrixType>
void NNLS<MatrixType>::moveToActiveSet_(Index idx) {
// swap index with last inactive one & reduce number of inactive columns
std::swap(index_sets_(idx), index_sets_(numInactive_ - 1));
// Update QR decomposition starting from the removed index up to the end [idx, ..., numInactive_]
for (Index i = idx; i < numInactive_; i++) {
Index col = index_sets_(i);
internal::householder_qr_inplace_update(QR_, qrCoeffs_, A_.col(col), i, tempSolutionVector_.data());
template <typename MatrixType>
void NNLS<MatrixType>::solveInactiveSet_(const RhsVectorType &b) {
eigen_assert(numInactive_ > 0);
tempRhsVector_ = b;
// tmpRHS(0:numInactive_-1) := Q'*b
// tmpRHS(numInactive_:end) := useless stuff we would rather not compute at all.
householderSequence(QR_.leftCols(numInactive_), qrCoeffs_.head(numInactive_)).transpose());
// tempSol(0:numInactive_-1) := inv(R) * Q' * b
// = the least-squares solution for the inactive variables.
tempSolutionVector_.head(numInactive_) = //
QR_.topLeftCorner(numInactive_, numInactive_) //
.template triangularView<Upper>() //
.solve(tempRhsVector_.head(numInactive_)); //
// tempSol(numInactive_:end) := 0 = the value for the constrained variables.
tempSolutionVector_.tail(y_.size() - numInactive_).setZero();
// Back permute into original column order of A
y_.noalias() = index_sets_.asPermutation() * tempSolutionVector_.head(y_.size());
} // namespace Eigen
#endif // EIGEN_NNLS_H