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Multi-precision real number class. C++ wrapper fo MPFR library.
Project homepage: http://www.holoborodko.com/pavel/
Contact e-mail: pavel@holoborodko.com
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Pavel Holoborodko
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Brian Gladman, Helmut Jarausch, Fokko Beekhof, Ulrich Mutze,
Heinz van Saanen, Pere Constans, Dmitriy Gubanov
#ifndef __MP_REAL_H__
#define __MP_REAL_H__
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <mpfr.h>
// Detect compiler using signatures from http://predef.sourceforge.net/
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#define IsInf(x) isinf(x) // GNU C/C++ + Intel ICC compiler
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define IsInf(x) std::isinf(x) // GNU C/C++
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define IsInf(x) (!_finite(x)) // Microsoft Visual C++
#define IsInf(x) std::isinf(x) // C99 conformance
namespace mpfr {
class mpreal {
mpfr_t mp;
static mp_rnd_t default_rnd;
static mp_prec_t default_prec;
static int default_base;
static int double_bits;
// Constructors && type conversion
mpreal(const mpreal& u);
mpreal(const mpfr_t u);
mpreal(const mpf_t u);
mpreal(const mpz_t u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const mpq_t u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const double u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const long double u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const unsigned long int u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const unsigned int u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const long int u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const int u, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
mpreal(const char* s, mp_prec_t prec = default_prec, int base = default_base, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd);
// Operations
// =
// +, -, *, /, ++, --, <<, >>
// *=, +=, -=, /=,
// <, >, ==, <=, >=
// =
mpreal& operator=(const mpreal& v);
mpreal& operator=(const mpf_t v);
mpreal& operator=(const mpz_t v);
mpreal& operator=(const mpq_t v);
mpreal& operator=(const long double v);
mpreal& operator=(const double v);
mpreal& operator=(const unsigned long int v);
mpreal& operator=(const unsigned int v);
mpreal& operator=(const long int v);
mpreal& operator=(const int v);
mpreal& operator=(const char* s);
// +
mpreal& operator+=(const mpreal& v);
mpreal& operator+=(const mpf_t v);
mpreal& operator+=(const mpz_t v);
mpreal& operator+=(const mpq_t v);
mpreal& operator+=(const long double u);
mpreal& operator+=(const double u);
mpreal& operator+=(const unsigned long int u);
mpreal& operator+=(const unsigned int u);
mpreal& operator+=(const long int u);
mpreal& operator+=(const int u);
const mpreal operator+() const;
mpreal& operator++ ();
const mpreal operator++ (int);
// -
mpreal& operator-=(const mpreal& v);
mpreal& operator-=(const mpz_t v);
mpreal& operator-=(const mpq_t v);
mpreal& operator-=(const long double u);
mpreal& operator-=(const double u);
mpreal& operator-=(const unsigned long int u);
mpreal& operator-=(const unsigned int u);
mpreal& operator-=(const long int u);
mpreal& operator-=(const int u);
const mpreal operator-() const;
friend const mpreal operator-(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator-(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator-(const long int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator-(const int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator-(const double b, const mpreal& a);
mpreal& operator-- ();
const mpreal operator-- (int);
// *
mpreal& operator*=(const mpreal& v);
mpreal& operator*=(const mpz_t v);
mpreal& operator*=(const mpq_t v);
mpreal& operator*=(const long double v);
mpreal& operator*=(const double v);
mpreal& operator*=(const unsigned long int v);
mpreal& operator*=(const unsigned int v);
mpreal& operator*=(const long int v);
mpreal& operator*=(const int v);
// /
mpreal& operator/=(const mpreal& v);
mpreal& operator/=(const mpz_t v);
mpreal& operator/=(const mpq_t v);
mpreal& operator/=(const long double v);
mpreal& operator/=(const double v);
mpreal& operator/=(const unsigned long int v);
mpreal& operator/=(const unsigned int v);
mpreal& operator/=(const long int v);
mpreal& operator/=(const int v);
friend const mpreal operator/(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator/(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator/(const long int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator/(const int b, const mpreal& a);
friend const mpreal operator/(const double b, const mpreal& a);
//<<= Fast Multiplication by 2^u
mpreal& operator<<=(const unsigned long int u);
mpreal& operator<<=(const unsigned int u);
mpreal& operator<<=(const long int u);
mpreal& operator<<=(const int u);
//>>= Fast Division by 2^u
mpreal& operator>>=(const unsigned long int u);
mpreal& operator>>=(const unsigned int u);
mpreal& operator>>=(const long int u);
mpreal& operator>>=(const int u);
// Boolean Operators
friend bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
friend bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
friend bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
friend bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
friend bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
friend bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
// Type Conversion operators
inline operator long double() const;
inline operator double() const;
inline operator float() const;
inline operator unsigned long() const;
inline operator unsigned int() const;
inline operator long() const;
operator std::string() const;
inline operator mpfr_ptr();
// Math Functions
friend const mpreal sqr(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal sqrt(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal sqrt(const unsigned long int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal cbrt(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal root(const mpreal& v, unsigned long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal fabs(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal abs(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal dim(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend inline const mpreal mul_2ui(const mpreal& v, unsigned long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend inline const mpreal mul_2si(const mpreal& v, long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend inline const mpreal div_2ui(const mpreal& v, unsigned long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend inline const mpreal div_2si(const mpreal& v, long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend int cmpabs(const mpreal& a,const mpreal& b);
friend const mpreal log (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal log2 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal log10(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal exp (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal exp2 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal exp10(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal cos(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal sin(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal tan(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal sec(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal csc(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal cot(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend int sin_cos(mpreal& s, mpreal& c, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal acos (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal asin (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal atan (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal atan2 (const mpreal& y, const mpreal& x, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal cosh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal sinh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal tanh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal sech (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal csch (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal coth (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal acosh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal asinh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal atanh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal fac_ui (unsigned long int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal log1p (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal expm1 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal eint (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal gamma (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal lngamma (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal lgamma (const mpreal& v, int *signp, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal zeta (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal erf (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal erfc (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal _j0 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal _j1 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal _jn (long n, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal _y0 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal _y1 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal _yn (long n, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal fma (const mpreal& v1, const mpreal& v2, const mpreal& v3, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal fms (const mpreal& v1, const mpreal& v2, const mpreal& v3, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal agm (const mpreal& v1, const mpreal& v2, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal hypot (const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal sum (const mpreal tab[], unsigned long int n, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend int sgn(const mpreal& v); // -1 or +1
// MPFR 2.4.0 Specifics
friend int sinh_cosh(mpreal& s, mpreal& c, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal li2(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal fmod (const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal rec_sqrt(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
// MPFR 3.0.0 Specifics
friend const mpreal digamma(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal urandom (gmp_randstate_t& state,mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd); // use gmp_randinit_default() to init state, gmp_randclear() to clear
friend bool _isregular(const mpreal& v);
// Exponent and mantissa manipulation
friend const mpreal frexp(const mpreal& v, mp_exp_t* exp);
friend const mpreal ldexp(const mpreal& v, mp_exp_t exp);
// Splits mpreal value into fractional and integer parts.
// Returns fractional part and stores integer part in n.
friend const mpreal modf(const mpreal& v, mpreal& n);
// Constants
// don't forget to call mpfr_free_cache() for every thread where you are using const-functions
friend const mpreal const_log2 (mp_prec_t prec = mpreal::default_prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal const_pi (mp_prec_t prec = mpreal::default_prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal const_euler (mp_prec_t prec = mpreal::default_prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal const_catalan (mp_prec_t prec = mpreal::default_prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
// returns +inf iff sign>=0 otherwise -inf
friend const mpreal const_infinity(int sign = 1, mp_prec_t prec = mpreal::default_prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
// Output/ Input
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const mpreal& v);
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, mpreal& v);
// Integer Related Functions
friend const mpreal rint (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal ceil (const mpreal& v);
friend const mpreal floor(const mpreal& v);
friend const mpreal round(const mpreal& v);
friend const mpreal trunc(const mpreal& v);
friend const mpreal rint_ceil (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal rint_floor(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal rint_round(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal rint_trunc(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal frac (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal remainder (const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
friend const mpreal remquo (long* q, const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
// Miscellaneous Functions
friend const mpreal nexttoward (const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y);
friend const mpreal nextabove (const mpreal& x);
friend const mpreal nextbelow (const mpreal& x);
// use gmp_randinit_default() to init state, gmp_randclear() to clear
friend const mpreal urandomb (gmp_randstate_t& state);
// MPFR < 2.4.2 Specifics
friend const mpreal random2 (mp_size_t size, mp_exp_t exp);
// Instance Checkers
friend bool _isnan(const mpreal& v);
friend bool _isinf(const mpreal& v);
friend bool _isnum(const mpreal& v);
friend bool _iszero(const mpreal& v);
friend bool _isint(const mpreal& v);
// Set/Get instance properties
inline mp_prec_t get_prec() const;
inline void set_prec(mp_prec_t prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = default_rnd); // Change precision with rounding mode
// Set mpreal to +-inf, NaN
void set_inf(int sign = +1);
void set_nan();
// sign = -1 or +1
void set_sign(int sign, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = default_rnd);
mp_exp_t get_exp();
int set_exp(mp_exp_t e);
int check_range (int t, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = default_rnd);
int subnormalize (int t,mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = default_rnd);
// Inexact conversion from float
inline bool fits_in_bits(double x, int n);
// Set/Get global properties
static void set_default_prec(mp_prec_t prec);
static mp_prec_t get_default_prec();
static void set_default_base(int base);
static int get_default_base();
static void set_double_bits(int dbits);
static int get_double_bits();
static void set_default_rnd(mp_rnd_t rnd_mode);
static mp_rnd_t get_default_rnd();
static mp_exp_t get_emin (void);
static mp_exp_t get_emax (void);
static mp_exp_t get_emin_min (void);
static mp_exp_t get_emin_max (void);
static mp_exp_t get_emax_min (void);
static mp_exp_t get_emax_max (void);
static int set_emin (mp_exp_t exp);
static int set_emax (mp_exp_t exp);
// Get/Set conversions
// Convert mpreal to string with n significant digits in base b
// n = 0 -> convert with the maximum available digits
std::string to_string(size_t n = 0, int b = default_base, mp_rnd_t mode = default_rnd) const;
// Efficient swapping of two mpreal values
friend void swap(mpreal& x, mpreal& y);
//Min Max - macros is evil. Needed for systems which defines max and min globally as macros (e.g. Windows)
//Hope that globally defined macros use > < operations only
#ifndef max
friend const mpreal max(const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y);
#ifndef min
friend const mpreal min(const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y);
// Exceptions
class conversion_overflow : public std::exception {
std::string why() { return "inexact conversion from floating point"; }
// + Addition
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
// + Fast specialized addition - implemented through fast += operations
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const long double b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const double b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const long int b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const int b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const char* b);
const mpreal operator+(const char* a, const mpreal& b);
const std::string operator+(const mpreal& a, const std::string b);
const std::string operator+(const std::string a, const mpreal& b);
const mpreal operator+(const mpz_t b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator+(const mpq_t b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator+(const long double b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator+(const double b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator+(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator+(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator+(const long int b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator+(const int b, const mpreal& a);
// - Subtraction
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
// - Fast specialized subtraction - implemented through fast -= operations
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const long double b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const double b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const long int b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const int b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const char* b);
const mpreal operator-(const char* a, const mpreal& b);
const mpreal operator-(const mpz_t b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator-(const mpq_t b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator-(const long double b, const mpreal& a);
//const mpreal operator-(const double b, const mpreal& a);
// * Multiplication
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
// * Fast specialized multiplication - implemented through fast *= operations
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const long double b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const double b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const long int b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const int b);
const mpreal operator*(const mpz_t b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator*(const mpq_t b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator*(const long double b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator*(const double b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator*(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator*(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator*(const long int b, const mpreal& a);
const mpreal operator*(const int b, const mpreal& a);
// / Division
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b);
// / Fast specialized division - implemented through fast /= operations
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b);
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b);
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const long double b);
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const double b);
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const long int b);
const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const int b);
const mpreal operator/(const long double b, const mpreal& a);
// Shifts operators - Multiplication/Division by a power of 2
const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const unsigned long int k);
const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const unsigned int k);
const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const long int k);
const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const int k);
const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const unsigned long int k);
const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const unsigned int k);
const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const long int k);
const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const int k);
// Boolean operators
bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const long int b);
bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const int b);
bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const long double b);
bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const double b);
bool operator < (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b);
bool operator < (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator < (const long int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator < (const int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator < (const long double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator < (const double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const long int b);
bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const int b);
bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const long double b);
bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const double b);
bool operator > (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b);
bool operator > (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator > (const long int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator > (const int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator > (const long double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator > (const double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const long int b);
bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const int b);
bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const long double b);
bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const double b);
bool operator >= (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b);
bool operator >= (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator >= (const long int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator >= (const int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator >= (const long double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator >= (const double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const long int b);
bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const int b);
bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const long double b);
bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const double b);
bool operator <= (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b);
bool operator <= (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator <= (const long int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator <= (const int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator <= (const long double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator <= (const double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const long int b);
bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const int b);
bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const long double b);
bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const double b);
bool operator == (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b);
bool operator == (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator == (const long int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator == (const int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator == (const long double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator == (const double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b);
bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b);
bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const long int b);
bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const int b);
bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const long double b);
bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const double b);
bool operator != (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b);
bool operator != (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator != (const long int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator != (const int a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator != (const long double a, const mpreal& b);
bool operator != (const double a, const mpreal& b);
// sqrt
const mpreal sqrt(const unsigned int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal sqrt(const long int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal sqrt(const int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal sqrt(const long double v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal sqrt(const double v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
// pow
const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long double a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const double a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long double a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long double a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long double a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long double a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const long double a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const double a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const double a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const double a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const double a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
const mpreal pow(const double a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode = mpreal::default_rnd);
// Estimate machine epsilon for the given precision
inline const mpreal machine_epsilon(mp_prec_t prec);
inline const mpreal mpreal_min(mp_prec_t prec);
inline const mpreal mpreal_max(mp_prec_t prec);
// Implementation of inline functions
// Operators - Assignment
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const mpreal& v)
if (this!= &v) mpfr_set(mp,v.mp,default_rnd);
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const mpf_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const mpz_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const mpq_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const long double v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const double v)
if(double_bits == -1 || fits_in_bits(v, double_bits))
throw conversion_overflow();
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const unsigned long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const unsigned int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator=(const int v)
return *this;
// + Addition
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const mpreal& v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const mpf_t u)
*this += mpreal(u);
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const mpz_t u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const mpq_t u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+= (const long double u)
return *this += mpreal(u);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+= (const double u)
return *this;
return *this += mpreal(u);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const unsigned long int u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const unsigned int u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const long int u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator+=(const int u)
return *this;
inline const mpreal mpreal::operator+()const
return mpreal(*this);
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
// prec(a+b) = max(prec(a),prec(b))
if(a.get_prec()>b.get_prec()) return mpreal(a) += b;
else return mpreal(b) += a;
inline const std::string operator+(const mpreal& a, const std::string b)
return (std::string)a+b;
inline const std::string operator+(const std::string a, const mpreal& b)
return a+(std::string)b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const char* b)
return a+mpreal(b);
inline const mpreal operator+(const char* a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)+b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const double b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpreal& a, const int b)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpz_t b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const mpq_t b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const long double b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const double b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const long int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline const mpreal operator+(const int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) += b;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator++()
*this += 1;
return *this;
inline const mpreal mpreal::operator++ (int)
mpreal x(*this);
*this += 1;
return x;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator--()
*this -= 1;
return *this;
inline const mpreal mpreal::operator-- (int)
mpreal x(*this);
*this -= 1;
return x;
// - Subtraction
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-= (const mpreal& v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const mpz_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const mpq_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const long double v)
return *this -= mpreal(v);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const double v)
return *this;
return *this -= mpreal(v);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const unsigned long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const unsigned int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator-=(const int v)
return *this;
inline const mpreal mpreal::operator-()const
mpreal u(*this);
return u;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
// prec(a-b) = max(prec(a),prec(b))
if(a.get_prec()>b.get_prec()) return mpreal(a) -= b;
else return -(mpreal(b) -= a);
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const double b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const int b)
return mpreal(a) -= b;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpz_t b, const mpreal& a)
return -(mpreal(a) -= b);
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpq_t b, const mpreal& a)
return -(mpreal(a) -= b);
inline const mpreal operator-(const long double b, const mpreal& a)
return -(mpreal(a) -= b);
inline const mpreal operator-(const double b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
return -(mpreal(a) -= b);
inline const mpreal operator-(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator-(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator-(const long int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator-(const int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator-(const mpreal& a, const char* b)
return a-mpreal(b);
inline const mpreal operator-(const char* a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)-b;
// * Multiplication
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*= (const mpreal& v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const mpz_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const mpq_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const long double v)
return *this *= mpreal(v);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const double v)
return *this;
return *this *= mpreal(v);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const unsigned long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const unsigned int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator*=(const int v)
return *this;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
// prec(a*b) = max(prec(a),prec(b))
if(a.get_prec()>b.get_prec()) return mpreal(a) *= b;
else return mpreal(b) *= a;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const double b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpreal& a, const int b)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpz_t b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const mpq_t b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const long double b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const double b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const long int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
inline const mpreal operator*(const int b, const mpreal& a)
return mpreal(a) *= b;
// / Division
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const mpreal& v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const mpz_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const mpq_t v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const long double v)
return *this /= mpreal(v);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const double v)
return *this;
return *this /= mpreal(v);
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const unsigned long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const unsigned int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const long int v)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator/=(const int v)
return *this;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
mpreal x(a);
mp_prec_t pb;
mp_prec_t pa;
// prec(a/b) = max(prec(a),prec(b))
pa = a.get_prec();
pb = b.get_prec();
if(pb>pa) x.set_prec(pb);
return x /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const mpq_t b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const double b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const mpreal& a, const int b)
return mpreal(a) /= b;
inline const mpreal operator/(const unsigned long int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator/(const unsigned int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator/(const long int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator/(const int b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal operator/(const long double b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(b);
return x/a;
inline const mpreal operator/(const double b, const mpreal& a)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
mpreal x(b);
return x/a;
// Shifts operators - Multiplication/Division by power of 2
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator<<=(const unsigned long int u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator<<=(const unsigned int u)
mpfr_mul_2ui(mp,mp,static_cast<unsigned long int>(u),default_rnd);
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator<<=(const long int u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator<<=(const int u)
mpfr_mul_2si(mp,mp,static_cast<long int>(u),default_rnd);
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator>>=(const unsigned long int u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator>>=(const unsigned int u)
mpfr_div_2ui(mp,mp,static_cast<unsigned long int>(u),default_rnd);
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator>>=(const long int u)
return *this;
inline mpreal& mpreal::operator>>=(const int u)
mpfr_div_2si(mp,mp,static_cast<long int>(u),default_rnd);
return *this;
inline const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const unsigned long int k)
return mul_2ui(v,k);
inline const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const unsigned int k)
return mul_2ui(v,static_cast<unsigned long int>(k));
inline const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const long int k)
return mul_2si(v,k);
inline const mpreal operator<<(const mpreal& v, const int k)
return mul_2si(v,static_cast<long int>(k));
inline const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const unsigned long int k)
return div_2ui(v,k);
inline const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const long int k)
return div_2si(v,k);
inline const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const unsigned int k)
return div_2ui(v,static_cast<unsigned long int>(k));
inline const mpreal operator>>(const mpreal& v, const int k)
return div_2si(v,static_cast<long int>(k));
// mul_2ui
inline const mpreal mul_2ui(const mpreal& v, unsigned long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
// mul_2si
inline const mpreal mul_2si(const mpreal& v, long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal div_2ui(const mpreal& v, unsigned long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal div_2si(const mpreal& v, long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
//Boolean operators
inline bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
return (mpfr_greater_p(a.mp,b.mp)!=0);
inline bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return a>mpreal(b);
inline bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return a>mpreal(b);
inline bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return a>mpreal(b);
inline bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const int b)
return a>mpreal(b);
inline bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return a>mpreal(b);
inline bool operator > (const mpreal& a, const double b)
return a>mpreal(b);
inline bool operator > (const unsigned long int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>b;
inline bool operator > (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>b;
inline bool operator > (const long int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>b;
inline bool operator > (const int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>b;
inline bool operator > (const long double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>b;
inline bool operator > (const double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>b;
inline bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
return (mpfr_greaterequal_p(a.mp,b.mp)!=0);
inline bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return a>=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return a>=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return a>=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const int b)
return a>=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return a>=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator >= (const mpreal& a, const double b)
return a>=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator >= (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>=b;
inline bool operator >= (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>=b;
inline bool operator >= (const long int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>=b;
inline bool operator >= (const int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>=b;
inline bool operator >= (const long double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>=b;
inline bool operator >= (const double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)>=b;
inline bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
return (mpfr_less_p(a.mp,b.mp)!=0);
inline bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return a<mpreal(b);
inline bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return a<mpreal(b);
inline bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return a<mpreal(b);
inline bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const int b)
return a<mpreal(b);
inline bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return a<mpreal(b);
inline bool operator < (const mpreal& a, const double b)
return a<mpreal(b);
inline bool operator < (const unsigned long int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<b;
inline bool operator < (const unsigned int a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<b;
inline bool operator < (const long int a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<b;
inline bool operator < (const int a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<b;
inline bool operator < (const long double a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<b;
inline bool operator < (const double a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<b;
inline bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
return (mpfr_lessequal_p(a.mp,b.mp)!=0);
inline bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return a<=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return a<=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return a<=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const int b)
return a<=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return a<=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator <= (const mpreal& a, const double b)
return a<=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator <= (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<=b;
inline bool operator <= (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<=b;
inline bool operator <= (const long int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<=b;
inline bool operator <= (const int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<=b;
inline bool operator <= (const long double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<=b;
inline bool operator <= (const double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)<=b;
inline bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
return (mpfr_equal_p(a.mp,b.mp)!=0);
inline bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return a==mpreal(b);
inline bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return a==mpreal(b);
inline bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return a==mpreal(b);
inline bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const int b)
return a==mpreal(b);
inline bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return a==mpreal(b);
inline bool operator == (const mpreal& a, const double b)
return a==mpreal(b);
inline bool operator == (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)==b;
inline bool operator == (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)==b;
inline bool operator == (const long int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)==b;
inline bool operator == (const int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)==b;
inline bool operator == (const long double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)==b;
inline bool operator == (const double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)==b;
inline bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b)
return (mpfr_lessgreater_p(a.mp,b.mp)!=0);
inline bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b)
return a!=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b)
return a!=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const long int b)
return a!=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const int b)
return a!=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const long double b)
return a!=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator != (const mpreal& a, const double b)
return a!=mpreal(b);
inline bool operator != (const unsigned long int a,const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)!=b;
inline bool operator != (const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)!=b;
inline bool operator != (const long int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)!=b;
inline bool operator != (const int a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)!=b;
inline bool operator != (const long double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)!=b;
inline bool operator != (const double a, const mpreal& b)
return mpreal(a)!=b;
inline bool _isnan(const mpreal& v)
return (mpfr_nan_p(v.mp)!=0);
inline bool _isinf(const mpreal& v)
return (mpfr_inf_p(v.mp)!=0);
inline bool _isnum(const mpreal& v)
return (mpfr_number_p(v.mp)!=0);
inline bool _iszero(const mpreal& v)
return (mpfr_zero_p(v.mp)!=0);
inline bool _isint(const mpreal& v)
return (mpfr_integer_p(v.mp)!=0);
inline bool _isregular(const mpreal& v)
return (mpfr_regular_p(v.mp));
#endif // MPFR 3.0.0 Specifics
// Type Converters
inline mpreal::operator double() const
return mpfr_get_d(mp,default_rnd);
inline mpreal::operator float() const
return (float)mpfr_get_d(mp,default_rnd);
inline mpreal::operator long double() const
return mpfr_get_ld(mp,default_rnd);
inline mpreal::operator unsigned long() const
return mpfr_get_ui(mp,default_rnd);
inline mpreal::operator unsigned int() const
return static_cast<unsigned int>(mpfr_get_ui(mp,default_rnd));
inline mpreal::operator long() const
return mpfr_get_si(mp,default_rnd);
inline mpreal::operator mpfr_ptr()
return mp;
// Set/Get number properties
inline int sgn(const mpreal& v)
int r = mpfr_signbit(v.mp);
return (r>0?-1:1);
inline void mpreal::set_sign(int sign, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
inline mp_prec_t mpreal::get_prec() const
return mpfr_get_prec(mp);
inline void mpreal::set_prec(mp_prec_t prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
inline void mpreal::set_inf(int sign)
inline void mpreal::set_nan()
inline mp_exp_t mpreal::get_exp ()
return mpfr_get_exp(mp);
inline int mpreal::set_exp (mp_exp_t e)
return mpfr_set_exp(mp,e);
inline const mpreal frexp(const mpreal& v, mp_exp_t* exp)
mpreal x(v);
*exp = x.get_exp();
return x;
inline const mpreal ldexp(const mpreal& v, mp_exp_t exp)
mpreal x(v);
// rounding is not important since we just increasing the exponent
return x;
inline const mpreal machine_epsilon(mp_prec_t prec)
// smallest eps such that 1.0+eps != 1.0
// depends (of cause) on the precision
mpreal x(1,prec);
return nextabove(x)-x;
inline const mpreal mpreal_min(mp_prec_t prec)
// min = 1/2*2^emin = 2^(emin-1)
mpreal x(1,prec);
return x <<= mpreal::get_emin()-1;
inline const mpreal mpreal_max(mp_prec_t prec)
// max = (1-eps)*2^emax, assume eps = 0?,
// and use emax-1 to prevent value to be +inf
// max = 2^(emax-1)
mpreal x(1,prec);
return x <<= mpreal::get_emax()-1;
inline const mpreal modf(const mpreal& v, mpreal& n)
mpreal frac(v);
// rounding is not important since we are using the same number
return frac;
inline int mpreal::check_range (int t, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return mpfr_check_range(mp,t,rnd_mode);
inline int mpreal::subnormalize (int t,mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return mpfr_subnormalize(mp,t,rnd_mode);
inline mp_exp_t mpreal::get_emin (void)
return mpfr_get_emin();
inline int mpreal::set_emin (mp_exp_t exp)
return mpfr_set_emin(exp);
inline mp_exp_t mpreal::get_emax (void)
return mpfr_get_emax();
inline int mpreal::set_emax (mp_exp_t exp)
return mpfr_set_emax(exp);
inline mp_exp_t mpreal::get_emin_min (void)
return mpfr_get_emin_min();
inline mp_exp_t mpreal::get_emin_max (void)
return mpfr_get_emin_max();
inline mp_exp_t mpreal::get_emax_min (void)
return mpfr_get_emax_min();
inline mp_exp_t mpreal::get_emax_max (void)
return mpfr_get_emax_max();
// Mathematical Functions
inline const mpreal sqr(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal sqrt(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal sqrt(const unsigned long int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
return x;
inline const mpreal sqrt(const unsigned int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return sqrt(static_cast<unsigned long int>(v),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal sqrt(const long int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (v>=0) return sqrt(static_cast<unsigned long int>(v),rnd_mode);
else return mpreal(); // NaN
inline const mpreal sqrt(const int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (v>=0) return sqrt(static_cast<unsigned long int>(v),rnd_mode);
else return mpreal(); // NaN
inline const mpreal sqrt(const long double v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return sqrt(mpreal(v),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal sqrt(const double v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return sqrt(mpreal(v),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal cbrt(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal root(const mpreal& v, unsigned long int k, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal fabs(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal abs(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal dim(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline int cmpabs(const mpreal& a,const mpreal& b)
return mpfr_cmpabs(a.mp,b.mp);
inline const mpreal log (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal log2(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal log10(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal exp(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal exp2(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal exp10(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal cos(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal sin(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal tan(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal sec(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal csc(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal cot(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline int sin_cos(mpreal& s, mpreal& c, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return mpfr_sin_cos(s.mp,c.mp,v.mp,rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal acos (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal asin (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal atan (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal atan2 (const mpreal& y, const mpreal& x, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal a;
mp_prec_t yp, xp;
yp = y.get_prec();
xp = x.get_prec();
mpfr_atan2(a.mp, y.mp, x.mp, rnd_mode);
return a;
inline const mpreal cosh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal sinh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal tanh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal sech (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal csch (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal coth (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal acosh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal asinh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal atanh (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal fac_ui (unsigned long int v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
return x;
inline const mpreal log1p (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal expm1 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal eint (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal gamma (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal lngamma (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal lgamma (const mpreal& v, int *signp, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal zeta (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal erf (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal erfc (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal _j0 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal _j1 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal _jn (long n, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal _y0 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal _y1 (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal _yn (long n, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
// MPFR 2.4.0 Specifics
inline int sinh_cosh(mpreal& s, mpreal& c, const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return mpfr_sinh_cosh(s.mp,c.mp,v.mp,rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal li2(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal fmod (const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal a;
mp_prec_t yp, xp;
yp = y.get_prec();
xp = x.get_prec();
mpfr_fmod(a.mp, x.mp, y.mp, rnd_mode);
return a;
inline const mpreal rec_sqrt(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
#endif // MPFR 2.4.0 Specifics
// MPFR 3.0.0 Specifics
inline const mpreal digamma(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
#endif // MPFR 3.0.0 Specifics
// Constants
inline const mpreal const_log2 (mp_prec_t prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
return x;
inline const mpreal const_pi (mp_prec_t prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
return x;
inline const mpreal const_euler (mp_prec_t prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
return x;
inline const mpreal const_catalan (mp_prec_t prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
return x;
inline const mpreal const_infinity (int sign, mp_prec_t prec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
mpfr_set_inf(x.mp, sign);
return x;
// Integer Related Functions
inline const mpreal rint(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal ceil(const mpreal& v)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal floor(const mpreal& v)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal round(const mpreal& v)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal trunc(const mpreal& v)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal rint_ceil (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal rint_floor(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal rint_round(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal rint_trunc(const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
inline const mpreal frac (const mpreal& v, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(v);
return x;
// Miscellaneous Functions
inline void swap(mpreal& a, mpreal& b)
#ifndef max
inline const mpreal max(const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y)
return (x>y?x:y);
#ifndef min
inline const mpreal min(const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y)
return (x<y?x:y);
inline const mpreal nexttoward (const mpreal& x, const mpreal& y)
mpreal a(x);
return a;
inline const mpreal nextabove (const mpreal& x)
mpreal a(x);
return a;
inline const mpreal nextbelow (const mpreal& x)
mpreal a(x);
return a;
inline const mpreal urandomb (gmp_randstate_t& state)
mpreal x;
return x;
// use gmp_randinit_default() to init state, gmp_randclear() to clear
inline const mpreal urandom (gmp_randstate_t& state,mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x;
return x;
inline const mpreal random2 (mp_size_t size, mp_exp_t exp)
mpreal x;
return x;
// Set/Get global properties
inline void mpreal::set_default_prec(mp_prec_t prec)
default_prec = prec;
inline mp_prec_t mpreal::get_default_prec()
return mpfr_get_default_prec();
inline void mpreal::set_default_base(int base)
default_base = base;
inline int mpreal::get_default_base()
return default_base;
inline void mpreal::set_default_rnd(mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
default_rnd = rnd_mode;
inline mp_rnd_t mpreal::get_default_rnd()
return mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode();
inline void mpreal::set_double_bits(int dbits)
double_bits = dbits;
inline int mpreal::get_double_bits()
return double_bits;
inline bool mpreal::fits_in_bits(double x, int n)
int i;
double t;
return IsInf(x) || (std::modf ( std::ldexp ( std::frexp ( x, &i ), n ), &t ) == 0.0);
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const mpz_t b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(a,static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(a,static_cast<long int>(b),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(a,mpreal(b),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const mpreal& a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(a,mpreal(b),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),b,rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const long int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>=0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),b,rnd_mode);
else return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const int a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>=0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),b,rnd_mode);
else return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const long double a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const double a, const mpreal& b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode);
// pow unsigned long int
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
mpreal x(a);
return x;
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(a,static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if(b>0) return pow(a,static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(a,mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if(b>0) return pow(a,static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(a,mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(a,mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned long int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(a,mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
// pow unsigned int
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),b,rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if(b>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if(b>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const unsigned int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
// pow long int
inline const mpreal pow(const long int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),b,rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const long int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const long int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0)
if(b>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
inline const mpreal pow(const long int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0)
if(b>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<long int>(b),rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
inline const mpreal pow(const long int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>=0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
else return pow(mpreal(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const long int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>=0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
else return pow(mpreal(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow
// pow int
inline const mpreal pow(const int a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),b,rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const int a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const int a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0)
if(b>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
inline const mpreal pow(const int a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>0)
if(b>0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow_ui
else return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<long int>(b),rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
inline const mpreal pow(const int a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>=0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
else return pow(mpreal(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow
inline const mpreal pow(const int a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
if (a>=0) return pow(static_cast<unsigned long int>(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_ui_pow
else return pow(mpreal(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow
// pow long double
inline const mpreal pow(const long double a, const long double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const long double a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const long double a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); //mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const long double a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
inline const mpreal pow(const long double a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<long int>(b),rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
inline const mpreal pow(const double a, const double b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),mpreal(b),rnd_mode);
inline const mpreal pow(const double a, const unsigned long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const double a, const unsigned int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<unsigned long int>(b),rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_ui
inline const mpreal pow(const double a, const long int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),b,rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
inline const mpreal pow(const double a, const int b, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode)
return pow(mpreal(a),static_cast<long int>(b),rnd_mode); // mpfr_pow_si
// Explicit specialization of std::swap for mpreal numbers
// Thus standard algorithms will use efficient version of swap (due to Koenig lookup)
// Non-throwing swap C++ idiom: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/More_C%2B%2B_Idioms/Non-throwing_swap
namespace std
template <>
inline void swap(mpfr::mpreal& x, mpfr::mpreal& y)
return mpfr::swap(x, y);
#endif /* __MP_REAL_H__ */