Deven Desai 8fbd47052b Adding support for using Eigen in HIP kernels.
This commit enables the use of Eigen on HIP kernels / AMD GPUs. Support has been added along the same lines as what already exists for using Eigen in CUDA kernels / NVidia GPUs.

Application code needs to explicitly define EIGEN_USE_HIP when using Eigen in HIP kernels. This is because some of the CUDA headers get picked up by default during Eigen compile (irrespective of whether or not the underlying compiler is CUDACC/NVCC, for e.g. Eigen/src/Core/arch/CUDA/Half.h). In order to maintain this behavior, the EIGEN_USE_HIP macro is used to switch to using the HIP version of those header files (see Eigen/Core and unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor)

Use the "-DEIGEN_TEST_HIP" cmake option to enable the HIP specific unit tests.
2018-06-06 10:12:58 -04:00

173 lines
5.3 KiB

// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// workaround issue between gcc >= 4.7 and cuda 5.5
#if (defined __GNUC__) && (__GNUC__>4 || __GNUC_MINOR__>=7)
#undef _GLIBCXX_USE_INT128
#define EIGEN_TEST_FUNC hip_basic
#include <hip/hip_runtime.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "hip_common.h"
// Check that dense modules can be properly parsed by hipcc
#include <Eigen/Dense>
// struct Foo{
// void operator()(int i, const float* mats, float* vecs) const {
// using namespace Eigen;
// // Matrix3f M(data);
// // Vector3f x(data+9);
// // Map<Vector3f>(data+9) = M.inverse() * x;
// Matrix3f M(mats+i/16);
// Vector3f x(vecs+i*3);
// // using std::min;
// // using std::sqrt;
// Map<Vector3f>(vecs+i*3) << x.minCoeff(), 1, 2;// / x.dot(x);//(M.inverse() * x) / x.x();
// //x = x*2 + x.y() * x + x * x.maxCoeff() - x / x.sum();
// }
// };
template<typename T>
struct coeff_wise {
void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
using namespace Eigen;
T x1(in+i);
T x2(in+i+1);
T x3(in+i+2);
Map<T> res(out+i*T::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
res.array() += (in[0] * x1 + x2).array() * x3.array();
template<typename T>
struct replicate {
void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
using namespace Eigen;
T x1(in+i);
int step = x1.size() * 4;
int stride = 3 * step;
typedef Map<Array<typename T::Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> > MapType;
MapType(out+i*stride+0*step, x1.rows()*2, x1.cols()*2) = x1.replicate(2,2);
MapType(out+i*stride+1*step, x1.rows()*3, x1.cols()) = in[i] * x1.colwise().replicate(3);
MapType(out+i*stride+2*step, x1.rows(), x1.cols()*3) = in[i] * x1.rowwise().replicate(3);
template<typename T>
struct redux {
void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
using namespace Eigen;
int N = 10;
T x1(in+i);
out[i*N+0] = x1.minCoeff();
out[i*N+1] = x1.maxCoeff();
out[i*N+2] = x1.sum();
out[i*N+3] = x1.prod();
out[i*N+4] = x1.matrix().squaredNorm();
out[i*N+5] = x1.matrix().norm();
out[i*N+6] = x1.colwise().sum().maxCoeff();
out[i*N+7] = x1.rowwise().maxCoeff().sum();
out[i*N+8] = x1.matrix().colwise().squaredNorm().sum();
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct prod_test {
void operator()(int i, const typename T1::Scalar* in, typename T1::Scalar* out) const
using namespace Eigen;
typedef Matrix<typename T1::Scalar, T1::RowsAtCompileTime, T2::ColsAtCompileTime> T3;
T1 x1(in+i);
T2 x2(in+i+1);
Map<T3> res(out+i*T3::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
res += in[i] * x1 * x2;
template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct diagonal {
void operator()(int i, const typename T1::Scalar* in, typename T1::Scalar* out) const
using namespace Eigen;
T1 x1(in+i);
Map<T2> res(out+i*T2::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
res += x1.diagonal();
template<typename T>
struct eigenvalues {
void operator()(int i, const typename T::Scalar* in, typename T::Scalar* out) const
using namespace Eigen;
typedef Matrix<typename T::Scalar, T::RowsAtCompileTime, 1> Vec;
T M(in+i);
Map<Vec> res(out+i*Vec::MaxSizeAtCompileTime);
T A = M*M.adjoint();
SelfAdjointEigenSolver<T> eig;
res = eig.eigenvalues();
void test_hip_basic()
int nthreads = 100;
Eigen::VectorXf in, out;
int data_size = nthreads * 512;
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(coeff_wise<Vector3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(coeff_wise<Array44f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
// FIXME compile fails when we uncomment the followig two tests
// CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(replicate<Array4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
// CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(replicate<Array33f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(redux<Array4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(redux<Matrix3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(prod_test<Matrix3f,Matrix3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(prod_test<Matrix4f,Vector4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(diagonal<Matrix3f,Vector3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(diagonal<Matrix4f,Vector4f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
// FIXME : Runtime failure occurs when we uncomment the following two tests
// CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(eigenvalues<Matrix3f>(), nthreads, in, out) );
// CALL_SUBTEST( run_and_compare_to_hip(eigenvalues<Matrix2f>(), nthreads, in, out) );