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synced 2025-03-07 18:27:40 +08:00
- Organize the documentation into "chapters". - Each chapter include many documentation pages, reference pages organized as modules, and a quick reference page. - The "Chapters" tree is created using the defgroup/ingroup mechanism, even for the documentation pages (i.e., .dox files for which I added an \eigenManualPage macro that we can switch between \page or \defgroup ). - Add a "General topics" entry for all pages that do not fit well in the previous "chapters". - The highlevel struture is managed by a new eigendoxy_layout.xml file. - remove the "index" and quite useless pages (namespace list, class hierarchy, member list, file list, etc.) - add the javascript search-engine. - add the "treeview" panel. - remove \tableofcontents (replace them by a custom \eigenAutoToc macro to be able to easily re-enable if needed). - add javascript to automatically generate a TOC from the h1/h2 tags of the current page, and put the TOC in the left side panel. - overload various javascript function generated by doxygen to: - remove the root of the treeview - remove links to section/subsection from the treeview - automatically expand the "Chapters" section - automatically expand the current section - adjust the height of the treeview to take into account the TOC - always use the default .css file, eigendoxy.css now only includes our modifications - use Doxyfile to specify our logo - remove cross references to unsupported modules (temporarily)
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namespace Eigen {
/** \mainpage notitle
<div class="eimainmenu">
\ref GettingStarted "Getting started"
| \ref TutorialMatrixClass "Tutorial"
| \ref QuickRefPage "Short reference"
This is the API documentation for Eigen3. You can <a href="eigen-doc.tgz">download</a> it as a tgz archive for offline reading.
Eigen2 users: here is a \ref Eigen2ToEigen3 guide to help porting your application.
For a first contact with Eigen, the best place is to have a look at the \ref GettingStarted "tutorial". The \ref QuickRefPage "short reference" page gives you a quite complete description of the API in a very condensed format that is specially useful to recall the syntax of a particular feature, or to have a quick look at the API. For Matlab users, there is also a <a href="AsciiQuickReference.txt">ASCII quick reference</a> with Matlab translations. The \e Modules and \e Classes tabs at the top of this page give you access to the API documentation of individual classes and functions.
\b Table \b of \b contents
- \ref Eigen2ToEigen3
- \ref GettingStarted
- \b Tutorial
- \ref TutorialMatrixClass
- \ref TutorialMatrixArithmetic
- \ref TutorialArrayClass
- \ref TutorialBlockOperations
- \ref TutorialAdvancedInitialization
- \ref TutorialLinearAlgebra
- \ref TutorialReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting
- \ref TutorialGeometry
- \ref TutorialSparse
- \ref TutorialMapClass
- \ref QuickRefPage
- \subpage UserManual_Generalities
- \ref TopicAliasing
- \ref TopicLazyEvaluation
- \ref TopicLinearAlgebraDecompositions
- \ref TopicCustomizingEigen
- \ref TopicMultiThreading
- \ref TopicPreprocessorDirectives
- \ref TopicStorageOrders
- \ref TopicInsideEigenExample
- \ref TopicWritingEfficientProductExpression
- \ref TopicClassHierarchy
- \ref TopicFunctionTakingEigenTypes
- \ref TopicTemplateKeyword
- \ref TopicUsingIntelMKL
- <b>Topics related to alignment issues</b>
- \ref TopicUnalignedArrayAssert
- \ref TopicFixedSizeVectorizable
- \ref TopicStlContainers
- \ref TopicStructHavingEigenMembers
- \ref TopicPassingByValue
- \ref TopicWrongStackAlignment
Want more? Checkout the \ref Unsupported_modules "unsupported modules" <a href="unsupported/index.html">documentation</a>.