2013-07-10 02:57:54 +08:00

177 lines
5.4 KiB

// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2012 Chen-Pang He <jdh8@ms63.hinet.net>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include "matrix_functions.h"
// for complex matrices, any matrix is fine
template<typename MatrixType, int IsComplex = NumTraits<typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::Scalar>::IsComplex>
struct generateSingularMatrix
static void run(MatrixType& result, typename MatrixType::Index size)
result = MatrixType::Random(size, size);
// for real matrices, make sure none of the eigenvalues are negative
template<typename MatrixType>
struct generateSingularMatrix<MatrixType,0>
static void run(MatrixType& result, typename MatrixType::Index size)
MatrixType mat = MatrixType::Random(size, size);
ComplexSchur<MatrixType> schur(mat);
typename ComplexSchur<MatrixType>::ComplexMatrixType T = schur.matrixT();
for (typename MatrixType::Index i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (T.coeff(i,i).imag() == 0 && T.coeff(i,i).real() < 0)
T.coeffRef(i,i) = -T.coeff(i,i);
result = (schur.matrixU() * (T.template triangularView<Upper>() * schur.matrixU().adjoint())).real();
template<typename T>
void test2dRotation(double tol)
Matrix<T,2,2> A, B, C;
T angle, c, s;
A << 0, 1, -1, 0;
MatrixPower<Matrix<T,2,2> > Apow(A);
for (int i=0; i<=20; ++i) {
angle = pow(10, (i-10) / 5.);
c = std::cos(angle);
s = std::sin(angle);
B << c, s, -s, c;
C = Apow(std::ldexp(angle,1) / M_PI);
std::cout << "test2dRotation: i = " << i << " error powerm = " << relerr(C,B) << '\n';
VERIFY(C.isApprox(B, tol));
template<typename T>
void test2dHyperbolicRotation(double tol)
Matrix<std::complex<T>,2,2> A, B, C;
T angle, ch = std::cosh((T)1);
std::complex<T> ish(0, std::sinh((T)1));
A << ch, ish, -ish, ch;
MatrixPower<Matrix<std::complex<T>,2,2> > Apow(A);
for (int i=0; i<=20; ++i) {
angle = std::ldexp(static_cast<T>(i-10), -1);
ch = std::cosh(angle);
ish = std::complex<T>(0, std::sinh(angle));
B << ch, ish, -ish, ch;
C = Apow(angle);
std::cout << "test2dHyperbolicRotation: i = " << i << " error powerm = " << relerr(C,B) << '\n';
VERIFY(C.isApprox(B, tol));
template<typename MatrixType>
void testGeneral(const MatrixType& m, double tol)
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
MatrixType m1, m2, m3, m4, m5;
RealScalar x, y;
for (int i=0; i < g_repeat; ++i) {
generateTestMatrix<MatrixType>::run(m1, m.rows());
MatrixPower<MatrixType> mpow(m1);
x = internal::random<RealScalar>();
y = internal::random<RealScalar>();
m2 = mpow(x);
m3 = mpow(y);
m4 = mpow(x+y);
m5.noalias() = m2 * m3;
VERIFY(m4.isApprox(m5, tol));
m4 = mpow(x*y);
m5 = m2.pow(y);
VERIFY(m4.isApprox(m5, tol));
m4 = (std::abs(x) * m1).pow(y);
m5 = std::pow(std::abs(x), y) * m3;
VERIFY(m4.isApprox(m5, tol));
template<typename MatrixType>
void testSingular(MatrixType m, double tol)
typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
MatrixType m1, m2, m3, m4, m5;
RealScalar x, y;
for (int i=0; i < g_repeat; ++i) {
generateTestMatrix<MatrixType>::run(m1, m.rows());
MatrixPower<MatrixType> mpow(m1);
x = internal::random<RealScalar>(0, 1);
y = internal::random<RealScalar>(0, 1);
m2 = mpow(x);
m3 = mpow(y);
m4 = mpow(x+y);
m5.noalias() = m2 * m3;
VERIFY(m4.isApprox(m5, tol));
m4 = mpow(x*y);
m5 = m2.pow(y);
VERIFY(m4.isApprox(m5, tol));
m4 = (x * m1).pow(y);
m5 = std::pow(x, y) * m3;
VERIFY(m4.isApprox(m5, tol));
typedef Matrix<double,3,3,RowMajor> Matrix3dRowMajor;
typedef Matrix<long double,Dynamic,Dynamic> MatrixXe;
void test_matrix_power()
CALL_SUBTEST_1(test2dRotation<float>(2e-5)); // was 1e-5, relaxed for clang 2.8 / linux / x86-64
CALL_SUBTEST_9(test2dRotation<long double>(1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_9(test2dHyperbolicRotation<long double>(1e-14));
CALL_SUBTEST_2(testGeneral(Matrix2d(), 1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_7(testGeneral(Matrix3dRowMajor(), 1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_3(testGeneral(Matrix4cd(), 1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_4(testGeneral(MatrixXd(8,8), 2e-12));
CALL_SUBTEST_1(testGeneral(Matrix2f(), 1e-4));
CALL_SUBTEST_5(testGeneral(Matrix3cf(), 1e-4));
CALL_SUBTEST_8(testGeneral(Matrix4f(), 1e-4));
CALL_SUBTEST_6(testGeneral(MatrixXf(2,2), 1e-3)); // see bug 614
CALL_SUBTEST_9(testGeneral(MatrixXe(7,7), 1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_2(testSingular(Matrix2d(), 1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_7(testSingular(Matrix3dRowMajor(), 1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_3(testSingular(Matrix4cd(), 1e-13));
CALL_SUBTEST_4(testSingular(MatrixXd(8,8), 2e-12));
CALL_SUBTEST_1(testSingular(Matrix2f(), 1e-4));
CALL_SUBTEST_5(testSingular(Matrix3cf(), 1e-4));
CALL_SUBTEST_8(testSingular(Matrix4f(), 1e-4));
CALL_SUBTEST_6(testSingular(MatrixXf(2,2), 1e-3));
CALL_SUBTEST_9(testSingular(MatrixXe(7,7), 1e-13));