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#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "../unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/src/Tensor/TensorGpuHipCudaDefines.h"
#endif // EIGEN_GPUCC
// std::tuple cannot be used on device, and there is a bug in cuda < 9.2 that
// doesn't allow std::tuple to compile for host code either. In these cases,
// use our custom implementation.
#if defined(EIGEN_GPU_COMPILE_PHASE) || (defined(EIGEN_CUDACC) && EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER < 92000)
#include "../Eigen/src/Core/arch/GPU/Tuple.h"
#include <tuple>
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
// Note: cannot re-use tuple_impl, since that will cause havoc for
// tuple_test.
namespace test_detail {
// Use std::tuple on CPU, otherwise use the GPU-specific versions.
using std::tuple;
using std::get;
using std::make_tuple;
using std::tie;
using tuple_impl::tuple;
using tuple_impl::get;
using tuple_impl::make_tuple;
using tuple_impl::tie;
} // namespace test_detail
template<size_t N, size_t Idx, typename OutputIndexSequence, typename... Ts>
struct extract_output_indices_helper;
* Extracts a set of indices corresponding to non-const l-value reference
* output types.
* \internal
* \tparam N the number of types {T1, Ts...}.
* \tparam Idx the "index" to append if T1 is an output type.
* \tparam OutputIndices the current set of output indices.
* \tparam T1 the next type to consider, with index Idx.
* \tparam Ts the remaining types.
template<size_t N, size_t Idx, size_t... OutputIndices, typename T1, typename... Ts>
struct extract_output_indices_helper<N, Idx, std::index_sequence<OutputIndices...>, T1, Ts...> {
using type = typename
N - 1, Idx + 1,
typename std::conditional<
// If is a non-const l-value reference, append index.
&& !std::is_const<std::remove_reference_t<T1>>::value,
std::index_sequence<OutputIndices..., Idx>,
std::index_sequence<OutputIndices...> >::type,
// Base case.
template<size_t Idx, size_t... OutputIndices>
struct extract_output_indices_helper<0, Idx, std::index_sequence<OutputIndices...> > {
using type = std::index_sequence<OutputIndices...>;
// Extracts a set of indices into Types... that correspond to non-const
// l-value references.
template<typename... Types>
using extract_output_indices = typename extract_output_indices_helper<sizeof...(Types), 0, std::index_sequence<>, Types...>::type;
// Helper struct for dealing with Generic functors that may return void.
struct void_helper {
struct Void {};
// Converts void -> Void, T otherwise.
template<typename T>
using ReturnType = typename std::conditional<std::is_same<T, void>::value, Void, T>::type;
// Non-void return value.
template<typename Func, typename... Args>
auto call(Func&& func, Args&&... args) ->
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<decltype(func(args...)), void>::value,
decltype(func(args...))> {
return func(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Void return value.
template<typename Func, typename... Args>
auto call(Func&& func, Args&&... args) ->
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<decltype(func(args...)), void>::value,
Void> {
return Void{};
// Restores the original return type, Void -> void, T otherwise.
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type, Void>::value, T>
restore(T&& val) {
return val;
// Void case.
template<typename T = void>
void restore(const Void&) {}
// Runs a kernel via serialized buffer. Does this by deserializing the buffer
// to construct the arguments, calling the kernel, then re-serialing the outputs.
// The buffer contains
// [ input_buffer_size, args ]
// After the kernel call, it is then populated with
// [ output_buffer_size, output_parameters, return_value ]
// If the output_buffer_size exceeds the buffer's capacity, then only the
// output_buffer_size is populated.
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args, size_t... Indices, size_t... OutputIndices>
void run_serialized(std::index_sequence<Indices...>, std::index_sequence<OutputIndices...>,
Kernel kernel, uint8_t* buffer, size_t capacity) {
using test_detail::get;
using test_detail::make_tuple;
using test_detail::tuple;
// Deserialize input size and inputs.
size_t input_size;
const uint8_t* read_ptr = buffer;
const uint8_t* read_end = buffer + capacity;
read_ptr = Eigen::deserialize(read_ptr, read_end, input_size);
// Create value-type instances to populate.
auto args = make_tuple(typename std::decay<Args>::type{}...);
EIGEN_UNUSED_VARIABLE(args) // Avoid NVCC compile warning.
// NVCC 9.1 requires us to spell out the template parameters explicitly.
read_ptr = Eigen::deserialize(read_ptr, read_end, get<Indices, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>(args)...);
// Call function, with void->Void conversion so we are guaranteed a complete
// output type.
auto result = void_helper::call(kernel, get<Indices, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>(args)...);
// Determine required output size.
size_t output_size = Eigen::serialize_size(capacity);
output_size += Eigen::serialize_size(get<OutputIndices, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>(args)...);
output_size += Eigen::serialize_size(result);
// Always serialize required buffer size.
uint8_t* write_ptr = buffer;
uint8_t* write_end = buffer + capacity;
write_ptr = Eigen::serialize(write_ptr, write_end, output_size);
// Null `write_ptr` can be safely passed along.
// Serialize outputs if they fit in the buffer.
if (output_size <= capacity) {
// Collect outputs and result.
write_ptr = Eigen::serialize(write_ptr, write_end, get<OutputIndices, typename std::decay<Args>::type...>(args)...);
write_ptr = Eigen::serialize(write_ptr, write_end, result);
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args>
void run_serialized(Kernel kernel, uint8_t* buffer, size_t capacity) {
run_serialized<Kernel, Args...> (std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Args)>{},
kernel, buffer, capacity);
// Checks for GPU errors and asserts / prints the error message.
#define GPU_CHECK(expr) \
do { \
gpuError_t err = expr; \
if (err != gpuSuccess) { \
printf("%s: %s\n", gpuGetErrorName(err), gpuGetErrorString(err)); \
gpu_assert(false); \
} \
} while(0)
// Calls run_serialized on the GPU.
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args>
void run_serialized_on_gpu_meta_kernel(const Kernel kernel, uint8_t* buffer, size_t capacity) {
run_serialized<Kernel, Args...>(kernel, buffer, capacity);
// Runs kernel(args...) on the GPU via the serialization mechanism.
// Note: this may end up calling the kernel multiple times if the initial output
// buffer is not large enough to hold the outputs.
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args, size_t... Indices, size_t... OutputIndices>
auto run_serialized_on_gpu(size_t buffer_capacity_hint,
Kernel kernel, Args&&... args) -> decltype(kernel(args...)) {
// Compute the required serialization buffer capacity.
// Round up input size to next power of two to give a little extra room
// for outputs.
size_t input_data_size = sizeof(size_t) + Eigen::serialize_size(args...);
size_t capacity;
if (buffer_capacity_hint == 0) {
// Estimate as the power of two larger than the total input size.
capacity = sizeof(size_t);
while (capacity <= input_data_size) {
capacity *= 2;
} else {
// Use the larger of the hint and the total input size.
// Add sizeof(size_t) to the hint to account for storing the buffer capacity
// itself so the user doesn't need to think about this.
capacity = std::max<size_t>(buffer_capacity_hint + sizeof(size_t),
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(capacity);
uint8_t* host_data = nullptr;
uint8_t* host_data_end = nullptr;
uint8_t* host_ptr = nullptr;
uint8_t* device_data = nullptr;
size_t output_data_size = 0;
// Allocate buffers and copy input data.
capacity = std::max<size_t>(capacity, output_data_size);
host_data = buffer.data();
host_data_end = buffer.data() + capacity;
host_ptr = Eigen::serialize(host_data, host_data_end, input_data_size);
host_ptr = Eigen::serialize(host_ptr, host_data_end, args...);
// Copy inputs to host.
gpuMalloc((void**)(&device_data), capacity);
gpuMemcpy(device_data, buffer.data(), input_data_size, gpuMemcpyHostToDevice);
// Run kernel.
HIP_KERNEL_NAME(run_serialized_on_gpu_meta_kernel<Kernel, Args...>),
1, 1, 0, 0, kernel, device_data, capacity);
run_serialized_on_gpu_meta_kernel<Kernel, Args...><<<1,1>>>(
kernel, device_data, capacity);
// Check pre-launch and kernel execution errors.
// Copy back new output to host.
gpuMemcpy(host_data, device_data, capacity, gpuMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Determine output buffer size.
const uint8_t* c_host_ptr = Eigen::deserialize(host_data, host_data_end, output_data_size);
// If the output doesn't fit in the buffer, spit out warning and fail.
if (output_data_size > capacity) {
std::cerr << "The serialized output does not fit in the output buffer, "
<< output_data_size << " vs capacity " << capacity << "."
<< std::endl
<< "Try specifying a minimum buffer capacity: " << std::endl
<< " run_with_hint(" << output_data_size << ", ...)"
<< std::endl;
// Deserialize outputs.
auto args_tuple = test_detail::tie(args...);
EIGEN_UNUSED_VARIABLE(args_tuple) // Avoid NVCC compile warning.
c_host_ptr = Eigen::deserialize(c_host_ptr, host_data_end, test_detail::get<OutputIndices, Args&...>(args_tuple)...);
// Maybe deserialize return value, properly handling void.
typename void_helper::ReturnType<decltype(kernel(args...))> result;
c_host_ptr = Eigen::deserialize(c_host_ptr, host_data_end, result);
return void_helper::restore(result);
#endif // EIGEN_GPUCC
} // namespace internal
* Runs a kernel on the CPU, returning the results.
* \param kernel kernel to run.
* \param args ... input arguments.
* \return kernel(args...).
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args>
auto run_on_cpu(Kernel kernel, Args&&... args) -> decltype(kernel(args...)){
return kernel(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* Runs a kernel on the GPU, returning the results.
* The kernel must be able to be passed directly as an input to a global
* function (i.e. empty or POD). Its inputs must be "Serializable" so we
* can transfer them to the device, and the output must be a Serializable value
* type so it can be transferred back from the device.
* \param kernel kernel to run.
* \param args ... input arguments, must be "Serializable".
* \return kernel(args...).
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args>
auto run_on_gpu(Kernel kernel, Args&&... args) -> decltype(kernel(args...)){
return internal::run_serialized_on_gpu<Kernel, Args...>(
/*buffer_capacity_hint=*/ 0,
kernel, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* Runs a kernel on the GPU, returning the results.
* This version allows specifying a minimum buffer capacity size required for
* serializing the puts to transfer results from device to host. Use this when
* `run_on_gpu(...)` fails to determine an appropriate capacity by default.
* \param buffer_capacity_hint minimum required buffer size for serializing
* outputs.
* \param kernel kernel to run.
* \param args ... input arguments, must be "Serializable".
* \return kernel(args...).
* \sa run_on_gpu
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args>
auto run_on_gpu_with_hint(size_t buffer_capacity_hint,
Kernel kernel, Args&&... args) -> decltype(kernel(args...)){
return internal::run_serialized_on_gpu<Kernel, Args...>(
kernel, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* Kernel for determining basic Eigen compile-time information
* (i.e. the cuda/hip arch)
struct CompileTimeDeviceInfoKernel {
struct Info {
int cuda;
int hip;
Info operator()() const
Info info = {-1, -1};
#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
info.cuda = static_cast<int>(__CUDA_ARCH__ +0);
info.hip = static_cast<int>(EIGEN_HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE +0);
return info;
* Queries and prints the compile-time and runtime GPU info.
void print_gpu_device_info()
int device = 0;
gpuDeviceProp_t deviceProp;
gpuGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, device);
auto info = run_on_gpu(CompileTimeDeviceInfoKernel());
std::cout << "GPU compile-time info:\n";
std::cout << " EIGEN_CUDACC: " << int(EIGEN_CUDACC) << std::endl;
std::cout << " EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER: " << int(EIGEN_CUDA_SDK_VER) << std::endl;
std::cout << " EIGEN_COMP_NVCC: " << int(EIGEN_COMP_NVCC) << std::endl;
std::cout << " EIGEN_HIPCC: " << int(EIGEN_HIPCC) << std::endl;
std::cout << " EIGEN_CUDA_ARCH: " << info.cuda << std::endl;
std::cout << " EIGEN_HIP_DEVICE_COMPILE: " << info.hip << std::endl;
std::cout << "GPU device info:\n";
std::cout << " name: " << deviceProp.name << std::endl;
std::cout << " capability: " << deviceProp.major << "." << deviceProp.minor << std::endl;
std::cout << " multiProcessorCount: " << deviceProp.multiProcessorCount << std::endl;
std::cout << " maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor: " << deviceProp.maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor << std::endl;
std::cout << " warpSize: " << deviceProp.warpSize << std::endl;
std::cout << " regsPerBlock: " << deviceProp.regsPerBlock << std::endl;
std::cout << " concurrentKernels: " << deviceProp.concurrentKernels << std::endl;
std::cout << " clockRate: " << deviceProp.clockRate << std::endl;
std::cout << " canMapHostMemory: " << deviceProp.canMapHostMemory << std::endl;
std::cout << " computeMode: " << deviceProp.computeMode << std::endl;
#endif // EIGEN_GPUCC
* Runs a kernel on the GPU (if EIGEN_GPUCC), or CPU otherwise.
* This is to better support creating generic tests.
* The kernel must be able to be passed directly as an input to a global
* function (i.e. empty or POD). Its inputs must be "Serializable" so we
* can transfer them to the device, and the output must be a Serializable value
* type so it can be transferred back from the device.
* \param kernel kernel to run.
* \param args ... input arguments, must be "Serializable".
* \return kernel(args...).
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args>
auto run(Kernel kernel, Args&&... args) -> decltype(kernel(args...)){
return run_on_gpu(kernel, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return run_on_cpu(kernel, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* Runs a kernel on the GPU (if EIGEN_GPUCC), or CPU otherwise.
* This version allows specifying a minimum buffer capacity size required for
* serializing the puts to transfer results from device to host. Use this when
* `run(...)` fails to determine an appropriate capacity by default.
* \param buffer_capacity_hint minimum required buffer size for serializing
* outputs.
* \param kernel kernel to run.
* \param args ... input arguments, must be "Serializable".
* \return kernel(args...).
* \sa run
template<typename Kernel, typename... Args>
auto run_with_hint(size_t buffer_capacity_hint,
Kernel kernel, Args&&... args) -> decltype(kernel(args...)){
return run_on_gpu_with_hint(buffer_capacity_hint, kernel, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return run_on_cpu(kernel, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} // namespace Eigen