Mehdi Goli 00f32752f7 [SYCL] Rebasing the SYCL support branch on top of the Einge upstream master branch.
* Unifying all loadLocalTile from lhs and rhs to an extract_block function.
* Adding get_tensor operation which was missing in TensorContractionMapper.
* Adding the -D method missing from cmake for Disable_Skinny Contraction operation.
* Wrapping all the indices in TensorScanSycl into Scan parameter struct.
* Fixing typo in Device SYCL
* Unifying load to private register for tall/skinny no shared
* Unifying load to vector tile for tensor-vector/vector-tensor operation
* Removing all the LHS/RHS class for extracting data from global
* Removing Outputfunction from TensorContractionSkinnyNoshared.
* Combining the local memory version of tall/skinny and normal tensor contraction into one kernel.
* Combining the no-local memory version of tall/skinny and normal tensor contraction into one kernel.
* Combining General Tensor-Vector and VectorTensor contraction into one kernel.
* Making double buffering optional for Tensor contraction when local memory is version is used.
* Modifying benchmark to accept custom Reduction Sizes
* Disabling AVX optimization for SYCL backend on the host to allow SSE optimization to the host
* Adding Test for SYCL
* Modifying SYCL CMake
2019-11-28 10:08:54 +00:00

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The tensor benchmark suite is made of several parts.
The first part is a generic suite, in which each benchmark comes in 2 flavors: one that runs on CPU, and one that runs on GPU.
To compile the floating point CPU benchmarks, simply call:
g++ tensor_benchmarks_cpu.cc benchmark_main.cc -I ../../ -std=c++11 -O3 -DNDEBUG -pthread -mavx -o benchmarks_cpu
To compile the floating point GPU benchmarks, simply call:
nvcc tensor_benchmarks_gpu.cu benchmark_main.cc -I ../../ -std=c++11 -O2 -DNDEBUG -use_fast_math -ftz=true -arch compute_35 -o benchmarks_gpu
We also provide a version of the generic GPU tensor benchmarks that uses half floats (aka fp16) instead of regular floats. To compile these benchmarks, simply call the command line below. You'll need a recent GPU that supports compute capability 5.3 or higher to run them and nvcc 7.5 or higher to compile the code.
nvcc tensor_benchmarks_fp16_gpu.cu benchmark_main.cc -I ../../ -std=c++11 -O2 -DNDEBUG -use_fast_math -ftz=true -arch compute_53 -o benchmarks_fp16_gpu
To compile and run the benchmark for SYCL, using ComputeCpp, simply run the
following commands:
2. bash eigen_sycl_bench.sh
Last but not least, we also provide a suite of benchmarks to measure the scalability of the contraction code on CPU. To compile these benchmarks, call
g++ contraction_benchmarks_cpu.cc benchmark_main.cc -I ../../ -std=c++11 -O3 -DNDEBUG -pthread -mavx -o benchmarks_cpu