Bowie Owens 9842366bba Make inclusion of doc sub-directory optional by adjusting options.
Allows exclusion of doc and related targets to help when using eigen via add_subdirectory().

Requested by:


Also required making EIGEN_TEST_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION a dependent option on EIGEN_BUILD_DOC. This ensures documentation targets are properly defined when EIGEN_TEST_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION is ON.
2020-11-27 08:11:49 +11:00
bench Fix typos found using codespell 2018-06-07 14:43:02 +02:00
doc Make file formatting comply with POSIX and Unix standards 2020-03-23 18:09:02 +00:00
Eigen Add bit_cast for half/bfloat to/from uint16_t, fix TensorRandom 2020-11-18 20:32:35 +00:00
test Fix boolean float conversion and product warnings. 2020-11-24 20:20:36 +00:00
CMakeLists.txt Make inclusion of doc sub-directory optional by adjusting options. 2020-11-27 08:11:49 +11:00
README.txt Fix typos found using codespell 2018-06-07 14:43:02 +02:00

This directory contains contributions from various users.
They are provided "as is", without any support. Nevertheless,
most of them are subject to be included in Eigen in the future.

In order to use an unsupported module you have to do either:

 - add the path_to_eigen/unsupported directory to your include path and do:
   #include <Eigen/ModuleHeader>

 - or directly do:
   #include <unsupported/Eigen/ModuleHeader>

If you are interested in contributing to one of them, or have other stuff
you would like to share, feel free to contact us:

Any kind of contributions are much appreciated, even very preliminary ones.
However, it:
 - must rely on Eigen,
 - must be highly related to math,
 - should have some general purpose in the sense that it could
   potentially become an official Eigen module (or be merged into another one).

In doubt feel free to contact us. For instance, if your addons is very too specific
but it shows an interesting way of using Eigen, then it could be a nice demo.

This directory is organized as follow:

unsupported/doc/snippets/.cpp   <- code snippets for the doc
unsupported/doc/examples/.cpp   <- examples for the doc
unsupported/test/.cpp           <- unit test files

The documentation is generated at the same time than the main Eigen documentation.
The .html files are generated in: build_dir/doc/html/unsupported/