macro(ei_add_property prop value) get_property(previous GLOBAL PROPERTY ${prop}) if ((NOT previous) OR (previous STREQUAL "")) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${prop} "${value}") else() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${prop} "${previous} ${value}") endif() endmacro() #internal. See documentation of ei_add_test for details. macro(ei_add_test_internal testname testname_with_suffix) set(targetname ${testname_with_suffix}) if(EIGEN_ADD_TEST_FILENAME_EXTENSION) set(filename ${testname}.${EIGEN_ADD_TEST_FILENAME_EXTENSION}) else() set(filename ${testname}.cpp) endif() # Add the current target to the list of subtest targets get_property(EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST) set(EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST}${targetname}\n") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST}") set(is_gpu_test OFF) if(EIGEN_ADD_TEST_FILENAME_EXTENSION STREQUAL cu) set(is_gpu_test ON) if(EIGEN_TEST_HIP) hip_reset_flags() hip_add_executable(${targetname} ${filename} HIPCC_OPTIONS "-DEIGEN_USE_HIP ${ARGV2}") elseif(EIGEN_TEST_CUDA_CLANG) set_source_files_properties(${filename} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) if(CUDA_64_BIT_DEVICE_CODE AND (EXISTS "${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR}/lib64")) link_directories("${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR}/lib64") else() link_directories("${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR}/lib") endif() if (${ARGC} GREATER 2) add_executable(${targetname} ${filename}) else() add_executable(${targetname} ${filename} OPTIONS ${ARGV2}) endif() set(CUDA_CLANG_LINK_LIBRARIES "cudart_static" "cuda" "dl" "pthread") if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") set(CUDA_CLANG_LINK_LIBRARIES ${CUDA_CLANG_LINK_LIBRARIES} "rt") endif() target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${CUDA_CLANG_LINK_LIBRARIES}) else() if (${ARGC} GREATER 2) cuda_add_executable(${targetname} ${filename} OPTIONS ${ARGV2}) else() cuda_add_executable(${targetname} ${filename}) endif() endif() else() add_executable(${targetname} ${filename}) endif() add_dependencies(buildtests ${targetname}) if (is_gpu_test) add_dependencies(buildtests_gpu ${targetname}) endif() if(EIGEN_NO_ASSERTION_CHECKING) ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "-DEIGEN_NO_ASSERTION_CHECKING=1") else() if(EIGEN_DEBUG_ASSERTS) ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "-DEIGEN_DEBUG_ASSERTS=1") endif() endif() ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "-DEIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE=${EIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE}") if(MSVC) ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "/bigobj") endif() # let the user pass flags. if(${ARGC} GREATER 2) ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "${ARGV2}") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_CXX_FLAGS) ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "${EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_CXX_FLAGS}") endif() if(EIGEN_STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TO_LINK_TO) target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${EIGEN_STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TO_LINK_TO}) endif() if(EXTERNAL_LIBS) target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${EXTERNAL_LIBS}) endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_LINKER_FLAGS) target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_LINKER_FLAGS}) endif() if(${ARGC} GREATER 3) set(libs_to_link ${ARGV3}) # it could be that some cmake module provides a bad library string " " (just spaces), # and that severely breaks target_link_libraries ("can't link to -l-lstdc++" errors). # so we check for strings containing only spaces. string(STRIP "${libs_to_link}" libs_to_link_stripped) string(LENGTH "${libs_to_link_stripped}" libs_to_link_stripped_length) if(${libs_to_link_stripped_length} GREATER 0) # notice: no double quotes around ${libs_to_link} here. It may be a list. target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${libs_to_link}) endif() endif() add_test(${testname_with_suffix} "${targetname}") # Specify target and test labels according to EIGEN_CURRENT_SUBPROJECT get_property(current_subproject GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_CURRENT_SUBPROJECT) if ((current_subproject) AND (NOT (current_subproject STREQUAL ""))) set_property(TARGET ${targetname} PROPERTY LABELS "Build${current_subproject}") add_dependencies("Build${current_subproject}" ${targetname}) set_property(TEST ${testname_with_suffix} PROPERTY LABELS "${current_subproject}") endif() if (is_gpu_test) # Add gpu tag for testing only GPU tests. set_property(TEST ${testname_with_suffix} APPEND PROPERTY LABELS "gpu") endif() if(EIGEN_SYCL) # Force include of the SYCL file at the end to avoid errors. set_property(TARGET ${targetname} PROPERTY COMPUTECPP_INCLUDE_AFTER 1) # Set COMPILE_FLAGS to COMPILE_DEFINITIONS instead to avoid having to duplicate the flags # to the device compiler. get_target_property(target_compile_flags ${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS) separate_arguments(target_compile_flags) foreach(flag ${target_compile_flags}) if(${flag} MATCHES "^-D.*") string(REPLACE "-D" "" definition_flag ${flag}) set_property(TARGET ${targetname} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ${definition_flag}) list(REMOVE_ITEM target_compile_flags ${flag}) endif() endforeach() set_property(TARGET ${targetname} PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS ${target_compile_flags}) # Link against pthread and add sycl to target set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG ON) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(${targetname} Threads::Threads) add_sycl_to_target(TARGET ${targetname} SOURCES ${filename}) endif(EIGEN_SYCL) endmacro(ei_add_test_internal) # Macro to add a test # # the unique mandatory parameter testname must correspond to a file # .cpp which follows this pattern: # # #include "main.h" # void test_() { ... } # # Depending on the contents of that file, this macro can have 2 behaviors, # see below. # # The optional 2nd parameter is libraries to link to. # # A. Default behavior # # this macro adds an executable as well as a ctest test # named too. # # On platforms with bash simply run: # "ctest -V" or "ctest -V -R " # On other platform use ctest as usual # # B. Multi-part behavior # # If the source file matches the regexp # CALL_SUBTEST_[0-9]+|EIGEN_TEST_PART_[0-9]+ # then it is interpreted as a multi-part test. The behavior then depends on the # CMake option EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS, which is ON by default. # # If EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS is OFF, the behavior is the same as in A (the multi-part # aspect is ignored). # # If EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS is ON, the test is split into multiple executables # test__ # where N runs from 1 to the greatest occurrence found in the source file. Each of these # executables is built passing -DEIGEN_TEST_PART_N. This allows to split large tests # into smaller executables. # # Moreover, targets are still generated, they # have the effect of building all the parts of the test. # # Again, ctest -R allows to run all matching tests. macro(ei_add_test testname) get_property(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST) set(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}${testname}\n") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}") if(EIGEN_ADD_TEST_FILENAME_EXTENSION) set(filename ${testname}.${EIGEN_ADD_TEST_FILENAME_EXTENSION}) else() set(filename ${testname}.cpp) endif() file(READ "${filename}" test_source) string(REGEX MATCHALL "CALL_SUBTEST_[0-9]+|EIGEN_TEST_PART_[0-9]+|EIGEN_SUFFIXES(;[0-9]+)+" occurrences "${test_source}") string(REGEX REPLACE "CALL_SUBTEST_|EIGEN_TEST_PART_|EIGEN_SUFFIXES" "" suffixes "${occurrences}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES suffixes) set(explicit_suffixes "") if( (NOT EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS) AND suffixes) # Check whether we have EIGEN_TEST_PART_* statements, in which case we likely must enforce splitting. # For instance, indexed_view activate a different c++ version for each part. string(REGEX MATCHALL "EIGEN_TEST_PART_[0-9]+" occurrences "${test_source}") string(REGEX REPLACE "EIGEN_TEST_PART_" "" explicit_suffixes "${occurrences}") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES explicit_suffixes) endif() if( (EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS AND suffixes) OR explicit_suffixes) add_custom_target(${testname}) foreach(suffix ${suffixes}) ei_add_test_internal(${testname} ${testname}_${suffix} "${ARGV1} -DEIGEN_TEST_PART_${suffix}=1" "${ARGV2}") add_dependencies(${testname} ${testname}_${suffix}) endforeach() else() ei_add_test_internal(${testname} ${testname} "${ARGV1} -DEIGEN_TEST_PART_ALL=1" "${ARGV2}") endif() endmacro() # adds a failtest, i.e. a test that succeed if the program fails to compile # note that the test runner for these is CMake itself, when passed -DEIGEN_FAILTEST=ON # so here we're just running CMake commands immediately, we're not adding any targets. macro(ei_add_failtest testname) set(test_target_ok ${testname}_ok) set(test_target_ko ${testname}_ko) # Add executables add_executable(${test_target_ok} ${testname}.cpp) add_executable(${test_target_ko} ${testname}.cpp) # Remove them from the normal build process set_target_properties(${test_target_ok} ${test_target_ko} PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD TRUE) # Configure the failing test target_compile_definitions(${test_target_ko} PRIVATE EIGEN_SHOULD_FAIL_TO_BUILD) # Add the tests to ctest. add_test(NAME ${test_target_ok} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${test_target_ok} --config $ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) add_test(NAME ${test_target_ko} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${test_target_ko} --config $ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) # Expect the second test to fail set_tests_properties(${test_target_ko} PROPERTIES WILL_FAIL TRUE) endmacro() # print a summary of the different options macro(ei_testing_print_summary) message(STATUS "************************************************************") message(STATUS "*** Eigen's unit tests configuration summary ***") message(STATUS "************************************************************") message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") message(STATUS "Build site: ${SITE}") message(STATUS "Build string: ${BUILDNAME}") get_property(EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY) get_property(EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS) get_property(EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS) message(STATUS "Enabled backends: ${EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS}") message(STATUS "Disabled backends: ${EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS}") if(EIGEN_DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR) message(STATUS "Default order: Row-major") else() message(STATUS "Default order: Column-major") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_NO_EXPLICIT_ALIGNMENT) message(STATUS "Explicit alignment (hence vectorization) disabled") elseif(EIGEN_TEST_NO_EXPLICIT_VECTORIZATION) message(STATUS "Explicit vectorization disabled (alignment kept enabled)") else() message(STATUS "Maximal matrix/vector size: ${EIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE}") if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE2) message(STATUS "SSE2: ON") else() message(STATUS "SSE2: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE3) message(STATUS "SSE3: ON") else() message(STATUS "SSE3: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_SSSE3) message(STATUS "SSSE3: ON") else() message(STATUS "SSSE3: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_1) message(STATUS "SSE4.1: ON") else() message(STATUS "SSE4.1: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_2) message(STATUS "SSE4.2: ON") else() message(STATUS "SSE4.2: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_AVX) message(STATUS "AVX: ON") else() message(STATUS "AVX: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_AVX2) message(STATUS "AVX2: ON") else() message(STATUS "AVX2: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_FMA) message(STATUS "FMA: ON") else() message(STATUS "FMA: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_AVX512) message(STATUS "AVX512: ON") else() message(STATUS "AVX512: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_AVX512DQ) message(STATUS "AVX512DQ: ON") else() message(STATUS "AVX512DQ: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_ALTIVEC) message(STATUS "Altivec: ON") else() message(STATUS "Altivec: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_VSX) message(STATUS "VSX: ON") else() message(STATUS "VSX: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_MSA) message(STATUS "MIPS MSA: ON") else() message(STATUS "MIPS MSA: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_NEON) message(STATUS "ARM NEON: ON") else() message(STATUS "ARM NEON: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_NEON64) message(STATUS "ARMv8 NEON: ON") else() message(STATUS "ARMv8 NEON: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_ZVECTOR) message(STATUS "S390X ZVECTOR: ON") else() message(STATUS "S390X ZVECTOR: Using architecture defaults") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_CXX11) message(STATUS "C++11: ON") else() message(STATUS "C++11: OFF") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_SYCL) if(EIGEN_SYCL_TRISYCL) message(STATUS "SYCL: ON (using triSYCL)") else() message(STATUS "SYCL: ON (using computeCPP)") endif() else() message(STATUS "SYCL: OFF") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_CUDA) if(EIGEN_TEST_CUDA_CLANG) message(STATUS "CUDA: ON (using clang)") else() message(STATUS "CUDA: ON (using nvcc)") endif() else() message(STATUS "CUDA: OFF") endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_HIP) message(STATUS "HIP: ON (using hipcc)") else() message(STATUS "HIP: OFF") endif() endif() # vectorization / alignment options message(STATUS "\n${EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY}") message(STATUS "************************************************************") endmacro() macro(ei_init_testing) define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_CURRENT_SUBPROJECT BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS "") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS "") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY "") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST "") define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT "0") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT "0") # uncomment anytime you change the ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string macro # ei_test_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string() endmacro() macro(ei_set_sitename) # if the sitename is not yet set, try to set it if(NOT ${SITE} OR ${SITE} STREQUAL "") set(eigen_computername $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}) set(eigen_hostname $ENV{HOSTNAME}) if(eigen_hostname) set(SITE ${eigen_hostname}) elseif(eigen_computername) set(SITE ${eigen_computername}) endif() endif() # in case it is already set, enforce lower case if(SITE) string(TOLOWER ${SITE} SITE) endif() endmacro() macro(ei_get_compilerver VAR) if(MSVC) # on windows system, we use a modified CMake script include(EigenDetermineVSServicePack) EigenDetermineVSServicePack( my_service_pack ) if( my_service_pack ) set(${VAR} ${my_service_pack}) else() set(${VAR} "na") endif() elseif(${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "PGI") set(${VAR} "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}-${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}") else() # on all other system we rely on ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} # supporting a "--version" or "/version" flag if(WIN32 AND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} EQUAL "Intel") set(EIGEN_CXX_FLAG_VERSION "/version") else() set(EIGEN_CXX_FLAG_VERSION "--version") endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${EIGEN_CXX_FLAG_VERSION} OUTPUT_VARIABLE eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \n\r]+" "" eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string ${eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string}) string(REGEX REPLACE "[\n\r].*" "" eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string ${eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string}) ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("${eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string}" CNAME CVER) set(${VAR} "${CNAME}-${CVER}") endif() endmacro() # Extract compiler name and version from a raw version string # WARNING: if you edit this macro, then please test it by uncommenting # the testing macro call in ei_init_testing() of the EigenTesting.cmake file. # See also the ei_test_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string macro at the end # of the file macro(ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string VERSTRING CNAME CVER) # extract possible compiler names string(REGEX MATCH "g\\+\\+" ei_has_gpp ${VERSTRING}) string(REGEX MATCH "llvm|LLVM" ei_has_llvm ${VERSTRING}) string(REGEX MATCH "gcc|GCC" ei_has_gcc ${VERSTRING}) string(REGEX MATCH "icpc|ICC" ei_has_icpc ${VERSTRING}) string(REGEX MATCH "clang|CLANG" ei_has_clang ${VERSTRING}) string(REGEX MATCH "mingw32" ei_has_mingw ${VERSTRING}) # combine them if((ei_has_llvm) AND (ei_has_gpp OR ei_has_gcc)) set(${CNAME} "llvm-g++") elseif((ei_has_llvm) AND (ei_has_clang)) set(${CNAME} "llvm-clang++") elseif(ei_has_clang) set(${CNAME} "clang++") elseif ((ei_has_mingw) AND (ei_has_gpp OR ei_has_gcc)) set(${CNAME} "mingw32-g++") elseif(ei_has_icpc) set(${CNAME} "icpc") elseif(ei_has_gpp OR ei_has_gcc) set(${CNAME} "g++") else() set(${CNAME} "_") endif() # extract possible version numbers # first try to extract 3 isolated numbers: string(REGEX MATCH " [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) if(NOT eicver) # try to extract 2 isolated ones: string(REGEX MATCH " [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) if(NOT eicver) # try to extract 3: string(REGEX MATCH "[^0-9][0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) if(NOT eicver) # try to extract 2: string(REGEX MATCH "[^0-9][0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) if (NOT eicver AND ei_has_mingw) # try to extract 1 number plus suffix: string(REGEX MATCH "[^0-9][0-9]+-win32" eicver ${VERSTRING}) endif() endif() endif() endif() if (NOT eicver) set(eicver " _") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE ".(.*)" "\\1" ${CVER} ${eicver}) endmacro() macro(ei_get_cxxflags VAR) set(${VAR} "") ei_is_64bit_env(IS_64BIT_ENV) if(EIGEN_TEST_NEON) set(${VAR} NEON) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_NEON64) set(${VAR} NEON) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_ZVECTOR) set(${VAR} ZVECTOR) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_VSX) set(${VAR} VSX) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_ALTIVEC) set(${VAR} ALVEC) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_FMA) set(${VAR} FMA) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_AVX) set(${VAR} AVX) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_2) set(${VAR} SSE42) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_1) set(${VAR} SSE41) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSSE3) set(${VAR} SSSE3) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE3) set(${VAR} SSE3) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE2 OR IS_64BIT_ENV) set(${VAR} SSE2) elseif(EIGEN_TEST_MSA) set(${VAR} MSA) endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_OPENMP) if (${VAR} STREQUAL "") set(${VAR} OMP) else() set(${VAR} ${${VAR}}-OMP) endif() endif() if(EIGEN_DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR) if (${VAR} STREQUAL "") set(${VAR} ROW) else() set(${VAR} ${${VAR}}-ROWMAJ) endif() endif() endmacro() macro(ei_set_build_string) ei_get_compilerver(LOCAL_COMPILER_VERSION) ei_get_cxxflags(LOCAL_COMPILER_FLAGS) include(EigenDetermineOSVersion) DetermineOSVersion(OS_VERSION) set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${OS_VERSION}-${LOCAL_COMPILER_VERSION}) if (NOT ${LOCAL_COMPILER_FLAGS} STREQUAL "") set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-${LOCAL_COMPILER_FLAGS}) endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_EXTERNAL_BLAS) set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-external_blas) endif() ei_is_64bit_env(IS_64BIT_ENV) if(NOT IS_64BIT_ENV) set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-32bit) else() set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-64bit) endif() if(EIGEN_TEST_CXX11) set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-cxx11) endif() if(EIGEN_BUILD_STRING_SUFFIX) set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-${EIGEN_BUILD_STRING_SUFFIX}) endif() string(TOLOWER ${TMP_BUILD_STRING} BUILDNAME) endmacro() macro(ei_is_64bit_env VAR) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set(${VAR} 1) elseif(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) set(${VAR} 0) else() message(WARNING "Unsupported pointer size. Please contact the authors.") endif() endmacro() # helper macro for testing ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string # STR: raw version string # REFNAME: expected compiler name # REFVER: expected compiler version macro(ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string STR REFNAME REFVER) ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string(${STR} CNAME CVER) if((NOT ${REFNAME} STREQUAL ${CNAME}) OR (NOT ${REFVER} STREQUAL ${CVER})) message("STATUS ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string error:") message("Expected \"${REFNAME}-${REFVER}\", got \"${CNAME}-${CVER}\"") endif() endmacro() # macro for testing ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string # feel free to add more version strings macro(ei_test_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string) ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++ (SUSE Linux) 4.5.3 20110428 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 173117]" "g++" "4.5.3") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("c++ (GCC) 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)" "g++" "4.5.1") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("icpc (ICC) 11.0 20081105" "icpc" "11.0") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++-3.4 (GCC) 3.4.6" "g++" "3.4.6") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("SUSE Linux clang version 3.0 (branches/release_30 145598) (based on LLVM 3.0)" "llvm-clang++" "3.0") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("icpc (ICC) 12.0.5 20110719" "icpc" "12.0.5") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("Apple clang version 2.1 (tags/Apple/clang-163.7.1) (based on LLVM 3.0svn)" "llvm-clang++" "2.1") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)" "llvm-g++" "4.2.1") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++-mp-4.4 (GCC) 4.4.6" "g++" "4.4.6") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++-mp-4.4 (GCC) 2011" "g++" "4.4") ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ (GCC) 10-win32 20210110" "mingw32-g++" "10-win32") endmacro() # Split all tests listed in EIGEN_TESTS_LIST into num_splits many targets # named buildtestspartN with N = { 0, ..., num_splits-1}. # # The intention behind the existance of this macro is the size of Eigen's # testsuite. Together with the relativly big compile-times building all tests # can take a substantial amount of time depending on the available hardware. # # The last buildtestspartN target will build possible remaining tests. # # An example: # # EIGEN_TESTS_LIST= [ test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7 ] # # A call to ei_split_testsuite(3) creates the following targets with dependencies # # Target Dependencies # ------ ------------ # buildtestspart0 test1, test2 # buildtestspart1 test3, test4 # buildtestspart2 test5, test6, test7 # macro(ei_split_testsuite num_splits) get_property(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST) # Translate EIGEN_TESTS_LIST into a CMake list string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" " " EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}") set(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}") separate_arguments(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST) set(eigen_test_count "0") foreach(t IN ITEMS ${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}) math(EXPR eigen_test_count "${eigen_test_count}+1") endforeach() # Get number of tests per target math(EXPR num_tests_per_target "${eigen_test_count}/${num_splits} - ${eigen_test_count}/${num_splits} % 1") set(test_idx "0") math(EXPR target_bound "${num_splits}-1") foreach(part RANGE "0" "${target_bound}") # Create target set(current_target "buildtestspart${part}") add_custom_target("${current_target}") math(EXPR upper_bound "${test_idx} + ${num_tests_per_target} - 1") foreach(test_idx RANGE "${test_idx}" "${upper_bound}") list(GET EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${test_idx}" curr_test) add_dependencies("${current_target}" "${curr_test}") endforeach() math(EXPR test_idx "${test_idx} + ${num_tests_per_target}") endforeach() # Handle the possibly remaining tests math(EXPR test_idx "${num_splits} * ${num_tests_per_target}") math(EXPR target_bound "${eigen_test_count} - 1") foreach(test_idx RANGE "${test_idx}" "${target_bound}") list(GET EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${test_idx}" curr_test) add_dependencies("${current_target}" "${curr_test}") endforeach() endmacro(ei_split_testsuite num_splits) # Defines the custom command buildsmoketests to build a number of tests # specified in smoke_test_list. # # Test in smoke_test_list can be either test targets (e.g. packetmath) or # subtests targets (e.g. packetmath_2). If any of the test are not available # in the current configuration they are just skipped. # # All tests added via this macro are labeled with the smoketest label. This # allows running smoketests only using ctest. # # Smoke tests are intended to be run before the whole test suite is invoked, # e.g., to smoke test patches. macro(ei_add_smoke_tests smoke_test_list) # Set the build target to build smoketests set(buildtarget "buildsmoketests") add_custom_target("${buildtarget}") # Get list of all tests and translate it into a CMake list get_property(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST) string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" " " EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}") set(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}") separate_arguments(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST) # Check if the test in smoke_test_list is a currently valid test target foreach(test IN ITEMS ${smoke_test_list}) # Add tests in smoke_test_list to our smoke test target but only if the test # is currently available, i.e., is in EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST if ("${test}" IN_LIST EIGEN_TESTS_LIST) add_dependencies("${buildtarget}" "${test}") # In the case of a test we match all subtests set(ctest_regex "${ctest_regex}^${test}_[0-9]+$$|") endif() endforeach() # Get list of all subtests and translate it into a CMake list get_property(EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST) string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" " " EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST}") set(EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST}") separate_arguments(EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST) # Check if the test in smoke_test_list is a currently valid subtest target foreach(test IN ITEMS ${smoke_test_list}) # Add tests in smoke_test_list to our smoke test target but only if the test # is currently available, i.e., is in EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST if ("${test}" IN_LIST EIGEN_SUBTESTS_LIST) add_dependencies("${buildtarget}" "${test}") # Add label smoketest to be able to run smoketests using ctest set_property(TEST ${test} APPEND PROPERTY LABELS "smoketest") endif() endforeach() endmacro(ei_add_smoke_tests)