based on the former.
* opengl_demo: makes IcoSphere better (vertices are instanciated only once) and
removed the generation of a big geometry for the fancy spheres...
few bits left of the comma and for floating-point types will never return zero.
This replaces the custom functions in test/main.h, so one does not anymore need
to think about that when writing tests.
This allow code factorization and generic template specialization
of functions
* added any_rotation * {Translation,Scaling,Transform} products methods
* rewrite of the actually broken ToRoationMatrix helper class to
a global ei_toRotationMatrix function.
NonAffine, Affine (default), contains NoShear, contains NoScaling
that allows significant speed improvements. If you like it, this concept could be applied to
Transform::extractRotation (or to a more advanced decomposition function) and to Hyperplane::transformed()
and maybe to some other places... e.g., I think a Transform::normalMatrix() function would not harm and
warn user that the transformation of normals is not that trivial (I saw this mistake much too often)
* handling Quaternion, AngleAxis and Rotation2D, 2 options here:
1- make all of them inheriting a common base class Rotation such that we can
have a single version of operator* for all the rotation type (they all get converted to a matrix)
2- write a version for all type (so 3 rotations types * 3 for Transform,Translation and Scaling)
* real documentation
AngleAxis*Vector products were wrong because they returned the product
and toRotationMatrix() died before that expression would be later
evaluated. Here it would not have been practical to NestByValue as this
is a whole matrix. So, let them simply evaluate and return the result by
The geometry.cpp unit-test only checked for compatibility between
various rotations, it didn't check the correctness of the rotations
themselves. That's why this bug escaped us. So, this commit checks that
the rotations produced by AngleAxis have all the expected properties.
Since the compatibility with the other rotations is already checked,
this should validate them as well.
* bugfix in Dot unroller
* added special random generator for the unit tests and reduced the tolerance threshold by an order of magnitude
this fixes issues with sum.cpp but other tests still failed sometimes, this have to be carefully checked...
=> up to 6 times faster !
* Added DirectAccessBit to Part
* Added an exemple of a cwise operator
* Renamed perpendicular() => someOrthogonal() (geometry module)
* Fix a weired bug in ei_constant_functor: the default copy constructor did not copy
the imaginary part when the single member of the class is a complex...
Renamed "MatrixBase::extract() const" to "MatrixBase::part() const"
* Renamed static functions identity, zero, ones, random with an upper case
first letter: Identity, Zero, Ones and Random.
Removed EulerAngles, addes typdefs for Quaternion and AngleAxis,
and added automatic conversions from Quaternion/AngleAxis to Matrix3 such that:
Matrix3f m = AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitX) * AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitY);
just works.
* make the conj functor vectorizable: it is just identity in real case,
and complex doesn't use the vectorized path anyway.
* fix bug in Block: a 3x1 block in a 4x4 matrix (all fixed-size)
should not be vectorizable, since in fixed-size we are assuming
the size to be a multiple of packet size. (Or would you prefer
Vector3d to be flagged "packetaccess" even though no packet access
is possible on vectors of that type?)
* rename:
isOrtho for vectors ---> isOrthogonal
isOrtho for matrices ---> isUnitary
* add normalize()
* reimplement normalized with quotient1 functor
to optimize matrix-diag and diag-matrix products without
making Product over complicated.
* compilation fixes in Tridiagonalization and HessenbergDecomposition
in the case of 2x2 matrices.
* added an Orientation2D small class with similar interface than Quaternion
(used by Transform to handle 2D and 3D orientations seamlessly)
* added a couple of features in Transform.
as an argument of a function. Other possibilities for the name could be "end" or "matrix" ??
* various update in Quaternion, in particular I added a lot of FIXME about the API options,
these have to be discussed and fixed.