- conflicts with operator * overloads
- discard the use of ei_pdiv for interger
(g++ handles operators on __m128* types, this is why it worked)
- weird behavior of icc in fixed size Block() constructor complaining
the initializer of m_blockRows and m_blockCols were missing while
we are in fixed size (maybe this hide deeper problem since this is a
recent one, but icc gives only little feedback)
Renamed "MatrixBase::extract() const" to "MatrixBase::part() const"
* Renamed static functions identity, zero, ones, random with an upper case
first letter: Identity, Zero, Ones and Random.
Removed EulerAngles, addes typdefs for Quaternion and AngleAxis,
and added automatic conversions from Quaternion/AngleAxis to Matrix3 such that:
Matrix3f m = AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitX) * AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitY);
just works.
* Improve the efficiency of matrix*vector in unaligned cases
* Trivial fixes in the destructors of MatrixStorage
* Removed the matrixNorm in test/product.cpp (twice faster and
that assumed the matrix product was ok while checking that !!)
- remove all invertibility checking, will be redundant with LU
- general case: adapt to matrix storage order for better perf
- size 4 case: handle corner cases without falling back to gen case.
- rationalize with selectors instead of compile time if
- add C-style computeInverse()
* update inverse test.
* in snippets, default cout precision to 3 decimal places
* add some cmake module from kdelibs to support btl with cmake 2.4
- removed the ugly X11 and PNG gnuplots terminals
- use enhanced postscript terminal
- use imagemagick to generate the png files (with compression)
- disable the fortran impl by default since it is as meaningless as a "C impl"
- update line settings
It basically performs 4 dot products at once reducing loads of the vector and improving
instructions scheduling. With 3 cache friendly algorithms, we now handle all product
configurations with outstanding perf for large matrices.
and vector * row-major products. Currently, it is enabled only is the matrix
has DirectAccessBit flag and the product is "large enough".
Added the respective unit tests in test/product/cpp.
the modifications to initial code follow:
* changed build system from plain makefiles to cmake
* added eigen2 (4 versions: vec/novec and fixed/dynamic), GMM++, MTL4 interfaces
* added "transposed matrix * vector" product action
* updated blitz interface to use condensed products instead of hand coded loops
* removed some deprecated interfaces
* changed default storage order to column major for all libraries
* new generic bench timer strategy which is supposed to be more accurate
* various code clean-up
might be twice faster fot small fixed size matrix
* added a sparse triangular solver (sparse version
of inverseProduct)
* various other improvements in the Sparse module
- much better coloring
- determine max number of iterations and choice between float and double
at runtime based on zoom level
- do draft renderings with increasing resolution before final rendering
* added complete implementation of sparse matrix product
(with a little glue in Eigen/Core)
* added an exhaustive bench of sparse products including GMM++ and MTL4
=> Eigen outperforms in all transposed/density configurations !