- Replace internal::scalar_product_traits<A,B> by Eigen::ScalarBinaryOpTraits<A,B,OP>
- Remove the "functor_is_product_like" helper (was pretty ugly)
- Currently, OP is not used, but it is available to the user for fine grained tuning
- Currently, only the following operators have been generalized: *,/,+,-,=,*=,/=,+=,-=
- TODO: generalize all other binray operators (comparisons,pow,etc.)
- TODO: handle "scalar op array" operators (currently only * is handled)
- TODO: move the handling of the "void" scalar type to ScalarBinaryOpTraits
The ARM DS-5 5.20 compiler fails compiling with the following errors:
"src/Core/arch/NEON/PacketMath.h", line 113: Error: #146: too many initializer values
Packet4f countdown = EIGEN_INIT_NEON_PACKET4(0, 1, 2, 3);
"src/Core/arch/NEON/PacketMath.h", line 118: Error: #146: too many initializer values
Packet4i countdown = EIGEN_INIT_NEON_PACKET4(0, 1, 2, 3);
"src/Core/arch/NEON/Complex.h", line 30: Error: #146: too many initializer values
static uint32x4_t p4ui_CONJ_XOR = EIGEN_INIT_NEON_PACKET4(0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0x00000000, 0x80000000);
"src/Core/arch/NEON/Complex.h", line 31: Error: #146: too many initializer values
static uint32x2_t p2ui_CONJ_XOR = EIGEN_INIT_NEON_PACKET2(0x00000000, 0x80000000);
The vectors are implemented as two doubles, hence the too many initializer values error.
Changed the code to use intrinsic load functions which all compilers
implementing NEON should have.
TernaryFunctors and their executors allow operations on 3-tuples of inputs.
API fully implemented for Arrays and Tensors based on binary functors.
Ported the cephes betainc function (regularized incomplete beta
integral) to Eigen, with support for CPU and GPU, floats, doubles, and
half types.
Added unit tests in array.cpp and cxx11_tensor_cuda.cu
Collapsed revision
* Merged helper methods for betainc across floats and doubles.
* Added TensorGlobalFunctions with betainc(). Removed betainc() from TensorBase.
* Clean up CwiseTernaryOp checks, change igamma_helper to cephes_helper.
* betainc: merge incbcf and incbd into incbeta_cfe. and more cleanup.
* Update TernaryOp and SpecialFunctions (betainc) based on review comments.