Mehdi Goli
Modifying TensorDeviceSycl.h to always create buffer of type uint8_t and convert them to the actual type at the execution on the device; adding the queue interface class to separate the lifespan of sycl queue and buffers,created for that queue, from Eigen::SyclDevice; modifying sycl tests to support the evaluation of the results for both row major and column major data layout on all different devices that are supported by Sycl{CPU; GPU; and Host}.
2016-11-18 16:20:42 +00:00 |
Mehdi Goli
Converting all sycl buffers to uninitialised device only buffers; adding memcpyHostToDevice and memcpyDeviceToHost on syclDevice; modifying all examples to obey the new rules; moving sycl queue creating to the device based on Benoit suggestion; removing the sycl specefic condition for returning m_result in TensorReduction.h according to Benoit suggestion.
2016-11-08 17:08:02 +00:00 |
Mehdi Goli
Removed the sycl include from Eigen/Core and moved it to Unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor; added TensorReduction for sycl (full reduction and partial reduction); added TensorReduction test case for sycl (full reduction and partial reduction); fixed the tile size on TensorSyclRun.h based on the device max work group size;
2016-11-04 18:18:19 +00:00 |