*in test/CMakeLists : modify EI_ADD_TEST so that 2nd argument is
additional compiler flags. used to add -O2 to test_product_large so it
doesn't take forever.
pivoting for better numerical stability. For now the only application is
* New determinant unit-test.
* Disable most of Swap.h for now as it makes LU fail (mysterious).
Anyway Swap needs a big overhaul as proposed on IRC.
* Remnants of old class Inverse removed.
* Some warnings fixed.
* faster matrix-matrix and matrix-vector products (especially for not aligned cases)
* faster tridiagonalization (make it using our matrix-vector impl.)
* fix Flags of Map
* split the test_product to two smaller ones
=> up to 6 times faster !
* Added DirectAccessBit to Part
* Added an exemple of a cwise operator
* Renamed perpendicular() => someOrthogonal() (geometry module)
* Fix a weired bug in ei_constant_functor: the default copy constructor did not copy
the imaginary part when the single member of the class is a complex...
Renamed "MatrixBase::extract() const" to "MatrixBase::part() const"
* Renamed static functions identity, zero, ones, random with an upper case
first letter: Identity, Zero, Ones and Random.
Removed EulerAngles, addes typdefs for Quaternion and AngleAxis,
and added automatic conversions from Quaternion/AngleAxis to Matrix3 such that:
Matrix3f m = AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitX) * AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitY);
just works.
* Improve the efficiency of matrix*vector in unaligned cases
* Trivial fixes in the destructors of MatrixStorage
* Removed the matrixNorm in test/product.cpp (twice faster and
that assumed the matrix product was ok while checking that !!)
- remove all invertibility checking, will be redundant with LU
- general case: adapt to matrix storage order for better perf
- size 4 case: handle corner cases without falling back to gen case.
- rationalize with selectors instead of compile time if
- add C-style computeInverse()
* update inverse test.
* in snippets, default cout precision to 3 decimal places
* add some cmake module from kdelibs to support btl with cmake 2.4
and vector * row-major products. Currently, it is enabled only is the matrix
has DirectAccessBit flag and the product is "large enough".
Added the respective unit tests in test/product/cpp.
* added complete implementation of sparse matrix product
(with a little glue in Eigen/Core)
* added an exhaustive bench of sparse products including GMM++ and MTL4
=> Eigen outperforms in all transposed/density configurations !
* rework PacketMath and DummyPacketMath, make these actual template
specializations instead of just overriding by non-template inline
* introduce ei_ploadt and ei_pstoret, make use of them in Map and Matrix
* remove Matrix::map() methods, use Map constructors instead.
* make the conj functor vectorizable: it is just identity in real case,
and complex doesn't use the vectorized path anyway.
* fix bug in Block: a 3x1 block in a 4x4 matrix (all fixed-size)
should not be vectorizable, since in fixed-size we are assuming
the size to be a multiple of packet size. (Or would you prefer
Vector3d to be flagged "packetaccess" even though no packet access
is possible on vectors of that type?)
* rename:
isOrtho for vectors ---> isOrthogonal
isOrtho for matrices ---> isUnitary
* add normalize()
* reimplement normalized with quotient1 functor
packet access, it is not certain that it will bring a performance
improvement: benchmarking needed.
* improve logic choosing slice vectorization.
* fix typo in SSE packet math, causing crash in unaligned case.
* fix bug in Product, causing crash in unaligned case.
* add TEST_SSE3 CMake option.
* use ProductReturnType<>::Type to get the correct Product xpr type
* Product is no longer instanciated for xpr types which are evaluated
* vectorization of "a.transpose() * b" for the normal product (small and fixed-size matrix)
* some cleanning
* removed ArrayBase
to optimize matrix-diag and diag-matrix products without
making Product over complicated.
* compilation fixes in Tridiagonalization and HessenbergDecomposition
in the case of 2x2 matrices.
* added an Orientation2D small class with similar interface than Quaternion
(used by Transform to handle 2D and 3D orientations seamlessly)
* added a couple of features in Transform.
This is the first step towards a non-selfadjoint eigen solver.
- We might consider merging Tridiagonalization and Hessenberg toghether ?
- Or we could factorize some code into a Householder class (could also be shared with QR)
as an argument of a function. Other possibilities for the name could be "end" or "matrix" ??
* various update in Quaternion, in particular I added a lot of FIXME about the API options,
these have to be discussed and fixed.
finally that's more subtle than just using ei_nested, because when
flagging with NestByValueBit we want to store the expression by value
already, regardless of whether it already had the NestByValueBit set.
* rename temporary() ----> nestByValue()
* move the old Product.h to disabled/, replace by what was ProductWIP.h
* tweak -O and -g flags for tests and examples
* reorder the tests -- basic things go first
* simplifications, e.g. in many methoeds return derived() and count on
implicit casting to the actual return type.
* strip some not-really-useful stuff from the heaviest tests
Triangular class
- full meta-unrolling in Part
- move inverseProduct() to MatrixBase
- compilation fix in ProductWIP: introduce a meta-selector to only do
direct access on types that support it.
- phase out the old Product, remove the WIP_DIRTY stuff.
- misc renaming and fixes
using a macro and _Pragma.
- use OpenMP also in cacheOptimalProduct and in the
vectorized paths as well
- kill the vector assignment unroller. implement in
operator= the logic for assigning a row-vector in
a col-vector.
- CMakeLists support for building tests/examples
with -fopenmp and/or -msse2
- updates in bench/, especially replace identity()
by ones() which prevents underflows from perturbing
bench results.
Currently only the following platform/operations are supported:
- SSE2 compatible architecture
- compiler compatible with intel's SSE2 intrinsics
- float, double and int data types
- fixed size matrices with a storage major dimension multiple of 4 (or 2 for double)
- scalar-matrix product, component wise: +,-,*,min,max
- matrix-matrix product only if the left matrix is vectorizable and column major
or the right matrix is vectorizable and row major, e.g.:
a.transpose() * b is not vectorized with the default column major storage.
To use it you must define EIGEN_VECTORIZE and EIGEN_INTEL_PLATFORM.
in ei_xpr_copy and operator=, respectively.
* added Matrix::lazyAssign() when EvalBeforeAssigningBit must be skipped
(mainly internal use only)
* all expressions are now stored by const reference
* added Temporary xpr: .temporary() must be called on any temporary expression
not directly returned by a function (mainly internal use only)
* moved all functors in the Functors.h header
* added some preliminaries stuff for the explicit vectorization
* added "all" and "any" special redux operators
* added support bool matrices
* added support for cost model of STL functors via ei_functor_traits
(By default ei_functor_traits query the functor member Cost)
when to evaluate arguments and when to meta-unroll.
-use it in Product to determine when to eval args. not yet used
to determine when to unroll. for now, not used anywhere else but
that'll follow.
-fix badness of my last commit
* macro renaming: EIGEN_NDEBUG becomes EIGEN_NO_DEBUG
as this is much better (and similar to Qt) and
* protect Core header by a EIGEN_CORE_H
internal classes: AaBb -> ei_aa_bb
IntAtRunTimeIfDynamic -> ei_int_if_dynamic
unify UNROLLING_LIMIT (there was no reason to have operator= use
a higher limit)
Finally the importing macro is named EIGEN_BASIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE
because it does not only import the ei_traits, it also makes the base class
a friend, etc.
template parameter "Scalar" is removed. This is achieved by introducting a
template <typename Derived> struct Scalar to achieve a forward-declaration of
the Scalar typedefs.
If the number of coefficients does not match the matrix size, then an assertion is raised.
No support for xpr on the right side for the moment.
* Added support for assertion checking. This allows to test that an assertion is indeed raised
when it should be.
* Fixed a mistake in the CwiseUnary example.
- compatible with current STL's functors as well as with the extention proposal (TR1)
* thanks to the above, Cast and ScalarMultiple have been removed
* benchmark_suite is more flexible (compiler and matrix size)
* functor templates are not template template parameter anymore
(this allows to make templated functors !)
* Main page: extented compiler discussion
* A small hack to support gcc 3.4 and 4.0 (see the main page)
* Fix a cast type issue in Cast
* Various doxygen updates (mainly Cwise stuff and added doxygen groups
in MatrixBase to split the huge memeber list, still not perfect though)
* Updated Gael's email address
1) Eigen2 co-installable with Eigen1 without conflict, without affecting programs including either.
2) #include<Eigen/Core> without the .h without conflict with the Core/ directory
3) Uniformize coding style of the CMakeLists.
with minimal code duplication. There now are only two (2)
const_cast remaining in the whole source code.
- eigen2 now fully allows copying a row-vector into a column-vector.
added a unit-test for that.
- split unit tests, improve docs, various improvements.
0) asserts are only done in the public API, except for a few ones explicitly
named eigen_internal_assert.
1) internal asserts are disabled unless EIGEN_INTERNAL_DEBUGGING is defined.
This limits the impact of debugging on performance.
2) no 'unused argument' warnings anymore when compiling with -DNDEBUG