- Updated unit tests to check above constructor.
- In the compute() method of decompositions: Made temporary matrices/vectors class members to avoid heap allocations during compute() (when dynamic matrices are used, of course).
These changes can speed up decomposition computation time when a solver instance is used to solve multiple same-sized problems. An added benefit is that the compute() method can now be invoked in contexts were heap allocations are forbidden, such as in real-time control loops.
CAVEAT: Not all of the decompositions in the Eigenvalues module have a heap-allocation-free compute() method. A future patch may address this issue, but some required API changes need to be incorporated first.
* renaming, e.g. LU ---> FullPivLU
* split tests framework: more robust, e.g. dont generate empty tests if a number is skipped
* make all remaining tests use that splitting, as needed.
* Fix 4x4 inversion (see stable branch)
* Transform::inverse() and geo_transform test : adapt to new inverse() API, it was also trying to instantiate inverse() for 3x4 matrices.
* CMakeLists: more robust regexp to parse the version number
* misc fixes in unit tests