* change Sparse* specialization's signatures from <..., int Backend> to <..., typename Backend>. Update SparseExtra accordingly to use structs instead of the SparseBackend enum.
* add SparseLDLT Cholmod specialization
* for Cholmod and UmfPack, SparseLU, SparseLLT and SparseLDLT now use ei_solve_retval and have the new solve() method (to be closer to the 3.0 API).
* fix doc
* Add short documentation for Array class
* Put all classes explicitly in Core module (where applicable)
* Section on Modules in Quick Reference Guide
* Put Page 7 after Page 6 in Contents :)
and make sure to use the latter in products xprs to determine the inner size.
I didn't even put it in Eigen2Support because it requires several other modules. But if you want we can always create a new module, Eigen2Support_LeastSquares...
* Now completely generic so all standard integer types (like char...) are supported.
** add unit test for that (integer_types).
* NumTraits does no longer inherit numeric_limits
* All math functions are now templated
* Better guard (static asserts) against using certain math functions on integer types.
* get rid of BlockReturnType: it was not needed, and code was not always using it consistently anyway
* add topRows(), leftCols(), bottomRows(), rightCols()
* add corners unit-test covering all of that
* adapt docs, expand "porting from eigen 2 to 3"
* adapt Eigen2Support
* adapt Eigenvalues module to the new rule that the RowMajorBit must have the proper value for vectors
* Fix RowMajorBit in ei_traits<ProductBase>
* Fix vectorizability logic in CoeffBasedProduct
* Introduction of strides-at-compile-time so for example the optimized code really knows when it needs to evaluate to a temporary
* StorageKind / XprKind
* Quaternion::setFromTwoVectors: use JacobiSVD instead of SVD
* ComplexSchur: support the 1x1 case