* switched lu/qr tests to be using createRandomMatrixOfRank
* removed unused methods doSomeRankPreservingOperations
* removed NOTE about doSomeRankPreservingOperations
introduce ei_is_diagonal to check for it
DiagonalCoeffs ---> Diagonal and allow Index to by Dynamic
-> add MatrixBase::diagonal(int) with unittest and doc
deprecated). Basically there are now only 2 functions to set a
1) mat.coeffRef(row,col) = value;
2) mat.insert(row,col) = value;
coeffRef has no limitation, insert assumes the coeff has not already
been set, and raises an assert otherwise.
In addition I added a much lower level, but more efficient filling
mechanism for
internal use only.
Until now, the user had to edit the source code to do that.
Internally, add EIGEN_ALIGN that takes into account both EIGEN_DONT_ALIGN.and
EIGEN_ARCH_WANTS_ALIGNMENT. From now on, only EIGEN_ALIGN should be used to
test whether we want to align.
* Cholesky decs are NOT rank revealing so remove all the rank/isPositiveDefinite etc stuff.
* fix bug in LLT: s/return/continue/
* introduce machine_epsilon constants, they are actually needed for Higman's formula determining
the cutoff in Cholesky. Btw fix the page reference to his book (chat with Keir).
* solve methods always return true, since this isn't a rank revealing dec. Actually... they already did always return true!! Now it's explicit.
* updated dox and unit-test
* in LDLT, support the negative semidefinite case
* fix bad floating-point comparisons, improves greatly the accuracy of methods like
isPositiveDefinite() and rank()
* simplifications
* identify (but not resolve) bug: claim that only triangular part is used, is inaccurate
* expanded unit-tests
Pommier. They are for float only, and they return exactly the same
result as the standard versions in about 90% of the cases. Otherwise the max error
is below 1e-7. However, for very large values (>1e3) the accuracy of sin and cos
slighlty decrease. They are about 3 or 4 times faster than 4 calls to their respective
standard versions. So, is it ok to enable them by default in their respective functors ?
* add Homogeneous expression for vector and set of vectors (aka matrix)
=> the next step will be to overload operator*
* add homogeneous normalization (again for vector and set of vectors)
* add a Replicate expression (with uni-directional replication
=> for all of them I'll add examples once we agree on the API
* fix gcc-4.4 warnings
* rename reverse.cpp array_reverse.cpp
* add an efficient selfadjoint * vector implementation (= blas symv)
perf are inbetween MKL and GOTO
=> the interface is still missing (have to be rethougth)
* extend PartialRedux::cross() to any matrix sizes with automatic
vectorization when possible
* unit tests: add "geo_" prefix to all unit tests related to the
geometry module and start splitting the big "geometry.cpp" tests to
multiple smaller ones (also include new tests)
DiagonalCoeffs. The current API is simply:
m.diagonal<1>() => 1st super diagonal
m.diagonal<-2>() => the 2nd sub diagonal
I'll add a code snippet once we agree on this API.