- in matrix-matrix product, static assert on the two scalar types to be the same.
- Similarly in CwiseBinaryOp. POTENTIALLY CONTROVERSIAL: we don't allow anymore binary
ops to take two different scalar types. The functors that we defined take two args
of the same type anyway; also we still allow the return type to be different.
Again the reason is that different scalar types are incompatible with vectorization.
Better have the user realize explicitly what mixing different numeric types costs him
in terms of performance.
See comment in CwiseBinaryOp constructor.
- This allowed to fix a little mistake in test/regression.cpp, mixing float and double
- Remove redundant semicolon (;) after static asserts
* add a LDL^T factorization with solver using code from T. Davis's LDL
library (LPGL2.1+)
* various bug fixes in trianfular solver, matrix product, etc.
* improve cmake files for the supported libraries
* split the sparse unit test
* etc.
Some naming questions:
- for "extend" we could also think of: "expand", "union", "add"
- same for "clamp": "crop", "intersect"
- same for "contains": "isInside", "intersect"
=> ah "intersect" is conflicting, so that eliminates this one !
* remove the automatic resizing feature of operator =
* add function Matrix::set() to be used when the previous
behavior is wanted
* the default constructor of dynamic-size matrices now
creates a "null" matrix (data=0, rows = cols = 0)
instead of a 1x1 matrix
* fix UnixX typos ;)
as described on the wiki (one map per N column)
Here's some bench results for the 4 currently supported map impl:
std::map => 18.3385 (581 MB)
gnu::hash_map => 6.52574 (555 MB)
google::dense => 2.87982 (315 MB)
google::sparse => 15.7441 (165 MB)
This is the time is second (and memory consumption) to insert/lookup
10 million of coeffs with random coords inside a 10000^2 matrix,
with one map per packet of 64 columns => google::dense really rocks !
Note I use for the key value the index of the column in the packet (between 0 and 63)
times the number of rows and I used the default hash function.... so maybe there is
room for improvement here....
solver from suitesparse (as cholmod). It seems to be even faster
than SuperLU and it was much simpler to interface ! Well,
the factorization is faster, but for the solve part, SuperLU is
quite faster. On the other hand the solve part represents only a
fraction of the whole procedure. Moreover, I bench random matrices
that does not represents real cases, and I'm not sure at all
I use both libraries with their best settings !
* rename Cholesky to LLT
* rename CholeskyWithoutSquareRoot to LDLT
* rename MatrixBase::cholesky() to llt()
* rename MatrixBase::choleskyNoSqrt() to ldlt()
* make {LLT,LDLT}::solve() API consistent with other modules
Note that we are going to keep a source compatibility untill the next beta release.
E.g., the "old" Cholesky* classes, etc are still available for some time.
To be clear, Eigen beta2 should be (hopefully) source compatible with beta1,
and so beta2 will contain all the deprecated API of beta1. Those features marked
as deprecated will be removed in beta3 (or in the final 2.0 if there is no beta 3 !).
Also includes various updated in sparse Cholesky.
* several fixes (transpose, matrix product, etc...)
* Added a basic cholesky factorization
* Added a low level hybrid dense/sparse vector class
to help writing code involving intensive read/write
in a fixed vector. It is currently used to implement
the matrix product itself as well as in the Cholesky
However, for matrices larger than 5, it seems there is constantly a quite large error for a very
few coefficients. I don't what's going on, but that's certainely not due to numerical issues only.
(also note that the test with the pseudo eigenvectors fails the same way)
* eigenvectors => pseudoEigenvectors
* added pseudoEigenvalueMatrix
* clear the documentation
* added respective unit test
Still missing: a proper eigenvectors() function.
based on the former.
* opengl_demo: makes IcoSphere better (vertices are instanciated only once) and
removed the generation of a big geometry for the fancy spheres...
* add a WithAlignedOperatorNew class with overloaded operator new
* make Matrix (and Quaternion, Transform, Hyperplane, etc.) use it
if needed such that "*(new Vector4) = xpr" does not failed anymore.
* Please: make sure your classes having fixed size Eigen's vector
or matrice attributes inherit WithAlignedOperatorNew
* add a ei_new_allocator STL memory allocator to use with STL containers.
This allocator really calls operator new on your types (unlike GCC's
new_allocator). Example:
std::vector<Vector4f> data(10);
will segfault if the vectorization is enabled, instead use:
std::vector<Vector4f,ei_new_allocator<Vector4f> > data(10);
NOTE: you only have to worry if you deal with fixed-size matrix types
with "sizeof(matrix_type)%16==0"...
few bits left of the comma and for floating-point types will never return zero.
This replaces the custom functions in test/main.h, so one does not anymore need
to think about that when writing tests.
This allow code factorization and generic template specialization
of functions
* added any_rotation * {Translation,Scaling,Transform} products methods
* rewrite of the actually broken ToRoationMatrix helper class to
a global ei_toRotationMatrix function.
NonAffine, Affine (default), contains NoShear, contains NoScaling
that allows significant speed improvements. If you like it, this concept could be applied to
Transform::extractRotation (or to a more advanced decomposition function) and to Hyperplane::transformed()
and maybe to some other places... e.g., I think a Transform::normalMatrix() function would not harm and
warn user that the transformation of normals is not that trivial (I saw this mistake much too often)
* handling Quaternion, AngleAxis and Rotation2D, 2 options here:
1- make all of them inheriting a common base class Rotation such that we can
have a single version of operator* for all the rotation type (they all get converted to a matrix)
2- write a version for all type (so 3 rotations types * 3 for Transform,Translation and Scaling)
* real documentation
- the coefficients are stored in a single vector
- added transformation methods
- removed Line* typedef since in 2D this is really an hyperplane
and not really a line...
- HyperPlane => Hyperplane