* fix .normalized() so that Random().normalized() works; since the return
type became complicated to write down i just let it return an actual
vector, perhaps not optimal.
* add Sparse/CMakeLists.txt. I suppose that it was intentional that it
didn't have CMakeLists, but in <=2.0 releases I'll just manually remove
*in test/CMakeLists : modify EI_ADD_TEST so that 2nd argument is
additional compiler flags. used to add -O2 to test_product_large so it
doesn't take forever.
pivoting for better numerical stability. For now the only application is
* New determinant unit-test.
* Disable most of Swap.h for now as it makes LU fail (mysterious).
Anyway Swap needs a big overhaul as proposed on IRC.
* Remnants of old class Inverse removed.
* Some warnings fixed.
* faster matrix-matrix and matrix-vector products (especially for not aligned cases)
* faster tridiagonalization (make it using our matrix-vector impl.)
* fix Flags of Map
* split the test_product to two smaller ones
=> up to 6 times faster !
* Added DirectAccessBit to Part
* Added an exemple of a cwise operator
* Renamed perpendicular() => someOrthogonal() (geometry module)
* Fix a weired bug in ei_constant_functor: the default copy constructor did not copy
the imaginary part when the single member of the class is a complex...
Renamed "MatrixBase::extract() const" to "MatrixBase::part() const"
* Renamed static functions identity, zero, ones, random with an upper case
first letter: Identity, Zero, Ones and Random.
Removed EulerAngles, addes typdefs for Quaternion and AngleAxis,
and added automatic conversions from Quaternion/AngleAxis to Matrix3 such that:
Matrix3f m = AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitX) * AngleAxisf(0.2,Vector3f::UnitY);
just works.
* Improve the efficiency of matrix*vector in unaligned cases
* Trivial fixes in the destructors of MatrixStorage
* Removed the matrixNorm in test/product.cpp (twice faster and
that assumed the matrix product was ok while checking that !!)
- remove all invertibility checking, will be redundant with LU
- general case: adapt to matrix storage order for better perf
- size 4 case: handle corner cases without falling back to gen case.
- rationalize with selectors instead of compile time if
- add C-style computeInverse()
* update inverse test.
* in snippets, default cout precision to 3 decimal places
* add some cmake module from kdelibs to support btl with cmake 2.4
and vector * row-major products. Currently, it is enabled only is the matrix
has DirectAccessBit flag and the product is "large enough".
Added the respective unit tests in test/product/cpp.
* added complete implementation of sparse matrix product
(with a little glue in Eigen/Core)
* added an exhaustive bench of sparse products including GMM++ and MTL4
=> Eigen outperforms in all transposed/density configurations !
* rework PacketMath and DummyPacketMath, make these actual template
specializations instead of just overriding by non-template inline
* introduce ei_ploadt and ei_pstoret, make use of them in Map and Matrix
* remove Matrix::map() methods, use Map constructors instead.
* make the conj functor vectorizable: it is just identity in real case,
and complex doesn't use the vectorized path anyway.
* fix bug in Block: a 3x1 block in a 4x4 matrix (all fixed-size)
should not be vectorizable, since in fixed-size we are assuming
the size to be a multiple of packet size. (Or would you prefer
Vector3d to be flagged "packetaccess" even though no packet access
is possible on vectors of that type?)
* rename:
isOrtho for vectors ---> isOrthogonal
isOrtho for matrices ---> isUnitary
* add normalize()
* reimplement normalized with quotient1 functor
packet access, it is not certain that it will bring a performance
improvement: benchmarking needed.
* improve logic choosing slice vectorization.
* fix typo in SSE packet math, causing crash in unaligned case.
* fix bug in Product, causing crash in unaligned case.
* add TEST_SSE3 CMake option.
* use ProductReturnType<>::Type to get the correct Product xpr type
* Product is no longer instanciated for xpr types which are evaluated
* vectorization of "a.transpose() * b" for the normal product (small and fixed-size matrix)
* some cleanning
* removed ArrayBase
to optimize matrix-diag and diag-matrix products without
making Product over complicated.
* compilation fixes in Tridiagonalization and HessenbergDecomposition
in the case of 2x2 matrices.
* added an Orientation2D small class with similar interface than Quaternion
(used by Transform to handle 2D and 3D orientations seamlessly)
* added a couple of features in Transform.
This is the first step towards a non-selfadjoint eigen solver.
- We might consider merging Tridiagonalization and Hessenberg toghether ?
- Or we could factorize some code into a Householder class (could also be shared with QR)
as an argument of a function. Other possibilities for the name could be "end" or "matrix" ??
* various update in Quaternion, in particular I added a lot of FIXME about the API options,
these have to be discussed and fixed.
finally that's more subtle than just using ei_nested, because when
flagging with NestByValueBit we want to store the expression by value
already, regardless of whether it already had the NestByValueBit set.
* rename temporary() ----> nestByValue()
* move the old Product.h to disabled/, replace by what was ProductWIP.h
* tweak -O and -g flags for tests and examples
* reorder the tests -- basic things go first
* simplifications, e.g. in many methoeds return derived() and count on
implicit casting to the actual return type.
* strip some not-really-useful stuff from the heaviest tests