I didn't even put it in Eigen2Support because it requires several other modules. But if you want we can always create a new module, Eigen2Support_LeastSquares...
* Now completely generic so all standard integer types (like char...) are supported.
** add unit test for that (integer_types).
* NumTraits does no longer inherit numeric_limits
* All math functions are now templated
* Better guard (static asserts) against using certain math functions on integer types.
* get rid of BlockReturnType: it was not needed, and code was not always using it consistently anyway
* add topRows(), leftCols(), bottomRows(), rightCols()
* add corners unit-test covering all of that
* adapt docs, expand "porting from eigen 2 to 3"
* adapt Eigen2Support
* adapt Eigenvalues module to the new rule that the RowMajorBit must have the proper value for vectors
* Fix RowMajorBit in ei_traits<ProductBase>
* Fix vectorizability logic in CoeffBasedProduct
* Introduction of strides-at-compile-time so for example the optimized code really knows when it needs to evaluate to a temporary
* StorageKind / XprKind
* Quaternion::setFromTwoVectors: use JacobiSVD instead of SVD
* ComplexSchur: support the 1x1 case
* convenient functions:
- Horner and stabilized Horner evaluation
- polynomial coefficients from a set of given roots
- Cauchy bounds
* a QR based polynomial solver
I think that because MatrixFunctions is in unsupported/ and MatrixBase is
not, doxygen does not include the MatrixBase methods defined and documented
in the MatrixFunctions module with the other MatrixBase methods. This is a
kludge, but at least the documentation is not lost.
* Use absolute error instead of relative error.
* Test on well-conditioned matrices.
* Do not repeat the same test g_repeat times (bug fix).
* Correct diagnostic output in matrix_exponential.cpp .
The latter is more stable. This fixes one of the issues with the test.
Also, make typedef's in MatrixFunctionReturnValue public; this is
necessary to get the test to compile.
The idea is that these test MatrixFunction::swapEntriesInSchur(),
which is not covered by existing tests. This did not work out as
expected, but nevertheless it is a good test so I left it in.