deprecated). Basically there are now only 2 functions to set a
1) mat.coeffRef(row,col) = value;
2) mat.insert(row,col) = value;
coeffRef has no limitation, insert assumes the coeff has not already
been set, and raises an assert otherwise.
In addition I added a much lower level, but more efficient filling
mechanism for
internal use only.
Question 1: why are *=scalar and /=scalar working right away ?
Same weirdness in DynamicSparseMatrix where operators += and -= work wihout
having to redefine them ???
That means a lot of features which were available for sparse matrices
via the dense (and super slow) implemention are no longer available.
All features which make sense for sparse matrices (aka can be implemented efficiently) will be
implemented soon, but don't expect to see an API as rich as for the dense path.
Other changes:
* no block(), row(), col() anymore.
* instead use .innerVector() to get a col or row vector of a matrix.
* .segment(), start(), end() will be back soon, not sure for block()
* faster cwise product
* add a LDL^T factorization with solver using code from T. Davis's LDL
library (LPGL2.1+)
* various bug fixes in trianfular solver, matrix product, etc.
* improve cmake files for the supported libraries
* split the sparse unit test
* etc.
* several fixes (transpose, matrix product, etc...)
* Added a basic cholesky factorization
* Added a low level hybrid dense/sparse vector class
to help writing code involving intensive read/write
in a fixed vector. It is currently used to implement
the matrix product itself as well as in the Cholesky
might be twice faster fot small fixed size matrix
* added a sparse triangular solver (sparse version
of inverseProduct)
* various other improvements in the Sparse module
* added complete implementation of sparse matrix product
(with a little glue in Eigen/Core)
* added an exhaustive bench of sparse products including GMM++ and MTL4
=> Eigen outperforms in all transposed/density configurations !
* added some glue to Eigen/Core (SparseBit, ei_eval, Matrix)
* add two new sparse matrix types:
HashMatrix: based on std::map (for random writes)
LinkedVectorMatrix: array of linked vectors
(for outer coherent writes, e.g. to transpose a matrix)
* add a SparseSetter class to easily set/update any kind of matrices, e.g.:
{ SparseSetter<MatrixType,RandomAccessPattern> wrapper(mymatrix);
for (...) wrapper->coeffRef(rand(),rand()) = rand(); }
* automatic shallow copy for RValue
* and a lot of mess !
* remove the remaining ArrayBit related stuff
* don't use alloca in product for very large memory allocation
to "public:method()" i.e. reimplementing the generic method()
from MatrixBase.
improves compilation speed by 7%, reduces almost by half the call depth
of trivial functions, making gcc errors and application backtraces
- uses the common "Compressed Column Storage" scheme
- supports every unary and binary operators with xpr template
assuming binaryOp(0,0) == 0 and unaryOp(0) = 0 (otherwise a sparse
matrix doesnot make sense)
- this is the first commit, so of course, there are still several shorcommings !