- Use standard types in SYCL/PacketMath.h to avoid compilation problems on Windows
- Add EIGEN_HAS_CONSTEXPR to cxx11_tensor_argmax_sycl.cpp to fix build problems on Windows
* Unifying all loadLocalTile from lhs and rhs to an extract_block function.
* Adding get_tensor operation which was missing in TensorContractionMapper.
* Adding the -D method missing from cmake for Disable_Skinny Contraction operation.
* Wrapping all the indices in TensorScanSycl into Scan parameter struct.
* Fixing typo in Device SYCL
* Unifying load to private register for tall/skinny no shared
* Unifying load to vector tile for tensor-vector/vector-tensor operation
* Removing all the LHS/RHS class for extracting data from global
* Removing Outputfunction from TensorContractionSkinnyNoshared.
* Combining the local memory version of tall/skinny and normal tensor contraction into one kernel.
* Combining the no-local memory version of tall/skinny and normal tensor contraction into one kernel.
* Combining General Tensor-Vector and VectorTensor contraction into one kernel.
* Making double buffering optional for Tensor contraction when local memory is version is used.
* Modifying benchmark to accept custom Reduction Sizes
* Disabling AVX optimization for SYCL backend on the host to allow SSE optimization to the host
* Adding Test for SYCL
* Modifying SYCL CMake
Features committed in 2016 have required cmake verison 2.8.11.
`sergiu Tue Nov 22 12:25:06 2016 +0100: target_compile_definitions`
Set the minimum cmake version to the minimum version that
is capable of compiling or installing the code base.
Ancient versions of CMake required else(), endif(), and similar block
termination commands to have arguments matching the command starting the block.
This is no longer the preferred style.
find_package use
This commit allows the sources of the project to be included in a parent
project CMakeLists.txt and support use of "find_package(Eigen3 CONFIG REQUIRED)"
Here is an example allowing to test the changes. It is not particularly
useful in itself. This change will allow to support one of the scenario
allowing to create custom 3D Slicer application bundling associated plugins.
/tmp/eigen-git-mirror # Eigen sources
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
add_subdirectory("/tmp/eigen-git-mirror" "eigen-git-mirror")
find_package(Eigen3 CONFIG REQUIRED)
and configuring it using:
mkdir /tmp/test-build && cd $_
cmake \
-DEigen3_DIR:PATH=/tmp/test-build/eigen-git-mirror \
Co-authored-by: Pablo Hernandez <pablo.hernandez@kitware.com>
CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
cmake/Eigen3Config.cmake.in | 4 +++-
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
This provide several advantages:
- more flexibility in designing unit tests
- unit tests can be glued to speed up compilation
- unit tests are compiled with same predefined macros, which is a requirement for zapcc
This commit enables the use of Eigen on HIP kernels / AMD GPUs. Support has been added along the same lines as what already exists for using Eigen in CUDA kernels / NVidia GPUs.
Application code needs to explicitly define EIGEN_USE_HIP when using Eigen in HIP kernels. This is because some of the CUDA headers get picked up by default during Eigen compile (irrespective of whether or not the underlying compiler is CUDACC/NVCC, for e.g. Eigen/src/Core/arch/CUDA/Half.h). In order to maintain this behavior, the EIGEN_USE_HIP macro is used to switch to using the HIP version of those header files (see Eigen/Core and unsupported/Eigen/CXX11/Tensor)
Use the "-DEIGEN_TEST_HIP" cmake option to enable the HIP specific unit tests.
In the CMake find module, define the Eigen imported target as when installing with CMake
* In the CMake find module, define the Eigen imported target
* Add quotes to the imported location, in case there are spaces in the path.
Approved-by: Alain Vaucher <acvaucher@gmail.com>