tends to show L2 norm works very well here.
(the legacy implementation is still available via a preprocessor token
to allow further experiments if needed...)
as an argument of a function. Other possibilities for the name could be "end" or "matrix" ??
* various update in Quaternion, in particular I added a lot of FIXME about the API options,
these have to be discussed and fixed.
- get the doc of the flags in Constants right
- finally give up with SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES: it triggers too big
Doxygen bugs, and produces too many small pages. So we have one
huge page for MatrixBase at currently 300kb and going up, so the
solution especially for users with low bandwidth will be to provide
an archive of the html documentation.
- add MatrixBase::matrixNorm(); in the non-selfadjoint case, we reduce to the
selfadjoint case by using the "C*-identity" a.k.a.
norm of x = sqrt(norm of x * x.adjoint())
* added MatrixBase::real()
* added the ability to extract a selfadjoint matrix from the
lower or upper part of a matrix, e.g.:
will ignore the strict lower part and return a selfadjoint.
This is compatible with ZeroDiag and UnitDiag.
* added ConjugateReturnType and AdjointReturnType that are type-defined to Derived&
and Transpose<Derived> if the scalar type is not complex: this avoids abusive copies in
the cache friendly Product
was a sign that we were doing something wrong. In fact, having
NestByValue as a special case of Flagged was wrong, and the previous
commit, while not buggy, was inefficient because then when the resulting
NestByValue xpr was nested -- hence copied -- the original xpr which was
already nested by value was copied again; hence instead of 1 copy we got
3 copies.
The solution was to ressuscitate the old Temporary.h (renamed
NestByValue.h) as it was the right approach.
finally that's more subtle than just using ei_nested, because when
flagging with NestByValueBit we want to store the expression by value
already, regardless of whether it already had the NestByValueBit set.
* rename temporary() ----> nestByValue()
* move the old Product.h to disabled/, replace by what was ProductWIP.h
* tweak -O and -g flags for tests and examples
* reorder the tests -- basic things go first
* simplifications, e.g. in many methoeds return derived() and count on
implicit casting to the actual return type.
* strip some not-really-useful stuff from the heaviest tests
Triangular class
- full meta-unrolling in Part
- move inverseProduct() to MatrixBase
- compilation fix in ProductWIP: introduce a meta-selector to only do
direct access on types that support it.
- phase out the old Product, remove the WIP_DIRTY stuff.
- misc renaming and fixes
- fallback to normal product for small dynamic matrices
- overloaded "c += (a * b).lazy()" to avoid the expensive and useless temporary and setZero()
in such very common cases.
* fix a couple of issues with the flags