* use SelfAdjointView instead of Eigen2's SelfAdjoint flag.
* add tests and documentation.
* allow eigenvalues() for non-selfadjoint matrices.
* they no longer depend only on SelfAdjointEigenSolver, so move them to
a separate file
* get rid of BlockReturnType: it was not needed, and code was not always using it consistently anyway
* add topRows(), leftCols(), bottomRows(), rightCols()
* add corners unit-test covering all of that
* adapt docs, expand "porting from eigen 2 to 3"
* adapt Eigen2Support
Added setLinSpaced/LinSpaced functionality to DenseBase.
Improved vectorized assignment - overcomes MSVC optimization issues.
CwiseNullaryOp is now requiring functors to offer 1D and 2D operators.
Adapted existing functors to the new CwiseNullaryOp requirements.
Added ei_plset to create packages as [a, a+1, ..., a+size].
Added more nullaray unit tests.
the snippet for 'eval' was taking m=m.transpose() as an example of code
that needs an explicit call to eval(), but that doesn't work anymore now
that we have the clever assert detecting aliasing issues.
* remove non-existant reference to CwiseAll
* define \householder_module (used in HouseholderSequence.h)
* update I01_TopicLazyEvaluation.dox - Product is now called GeneralProduct
* remove reference to list of examples which was deleted ages ago
* rename PartialLU_solve.cpp snippet to PartialPivLU_solve.cpp
* renaming, e.g. LU ---> FullPivLU
* split tests framework: more robust, e.g. dont generate empty tests if a number is skipped
* make all remaining tests use that splitting, as needed.
* Fix 4x4 inversion (see stable branch)
* Transform::inverse() and geo_transform test : adapt to new inverse() API, it was also trying to instantiate inverse() for 3x4 matrices.
* CMakeLists: more robust regexp to parse the version number
* misc fixes in unit tests
(result undefined, but at least it won't take forever on intel 387)
* add lots of comments, especially to LU.h
* fix stuff I had broken in Inverse.h
* split inverse test
* rename qr() to householderQr(), for same reason.
* clarify that it's non-pivoting, non-rank-revealing, so remove all the rank API, make solve() be void instead of bool, update the docs/test, etc.
* fix warning in SVD
introduce ei_is_diagonal to check for it
DiagonalCoeffs ---> Diagonal and allow Index to by Dynamic
-> add MatrixBase::diagonal(int) with unittest and doc
by tweaking the filename and adding 2 categories:
Troubleshooting and Advanced
* use the EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS to clean the class list
(insteaded of a homemade bash script)
* remove the broken "exemple list"
* re-structure the unsupported directory as mentionned in the ML and
integrate the doc as follow:
- snippets of the unsupported directory are directly imported from the
main snippets/CMakefile.txt (no need to duplicate code)
- add a top level "Unsupported modules" group
- unsupported modules have to defined their own sub group and nest it
using \ingroup Unsupported_modules
- then a pair of //@{ //@} will put everything in the submodule
- this is just a proposal !
Remove matrixL() and matrixU() methods: they were tricky, returning a Part,
and matrixL() was useless for non-square LU. Also they were untested. This is
the occasion to simplify the docs (class_LU.cpp) removing the most confusing part.
I think that it's better to let the user do his own cooking with Part's.
Derived to MatrixBase.
* the optimization of eval() for Matrix now consists in a partial
specialization of ei_eval, which returns a reference type for Matrix.
No overriding of eval() in Matrix anymore. Consequence: careful,
ei_eval is no longer guaranteed to give a plain matrix type!
For that, use ei_plain_matrix_type, or the PlainMatrixType typedef.
* so lots of changes to adapt to that everywhere. Hope this doesn't
break (too much) MSVC compilation.
* add code examples for the new image() stuff.
* lower a bit the precision for floats in the unit tests as
we were already doing some workarounds in inverse.cpp and we got some
failed tests.
* somehow the NICE_RANDOM stuff wasn't being used anymore and
tests were sometimes failing again. Fixed by #including Eigen/Array
instead of cherry-picking just Random.h.
* little fixes in the unaligned assert page
* rename Cholesky to LLT
* rename CholeskyWithoutSquareRoot to LDLT
* rename MatrixBase::cholesky() to llt()
* rename MatrixBase::choleskyNoSqrt() to ldlt()
* make {LLT,LDLT}::solve() API consistent with other modules
Note that we are going to keep a source compatibility untill the next beta release.
E.g., the "old" Cholesky* classes, etc are still available for some time.
To be clear, Eigen beta2 should be (hopefully) source compatible with beta1,
and so beta2 will contain all the deprecated API of beta1. Those features marked
as deprecated will be removed in beta3 (or in the final 2.0 if there is no beta 3 !).
Also includes various updated in sparse Cholesky.
- 33 new snippets
- unfuck doxygen output in Cwise (issues with function macros)
- more see-also links from outside, making Cwise more discoverable
* rename matrixNorm() to operatorNorm(). There are many matrix norms
(the L2 is another one) but only one is called the operator norm.
Risk of confusion with keyword operator is not too scary after all.
=> up to 6 times faster !
* Added DirectAccessBit to Part
* Added an exemple of a cwise operator
* Renamed perpendicular() => someOrthogonal() (geometry module)
* Fix a weired bug in ei_constant_functor: the default copy constructor did not copy
the imaginary part when the single member of the class is a complex...
Renamed "MatrixBase::extract() const" to "MatrixBase::part() const"
* Renamed static functions identity, zero, ones, random with an upper case
first letter: Identity, Zero, Ones and Random.
- remove all invertibility checking, will be redundant with LU
- general case: adapt to matrix storage order for better perf
- size 4 case: handle corner cases without falling back to gen case.
- rationalize with selectors instead of compile time if
- add C-style computeInverse()
* update inverse test.
* in snippets, default cout precision to 3 decimal places
* add some cmake module from kdelibs to support btl with cmake 2.4
* make the conj functor vectorizable: it is just identity in real case,
and complex doesn't use the vectorized path anyway.
* fix bug in Block: a 3x1 block in a 4x4 matrix (all fixed-size)
should not be vectorizable, since in fixed-size we are assuming
the size to be a multiple of packet size. (Or would you prefer
Vector3d to be flagged "packetaccess" even though no packet access
is possible on vectors of that type?)
* rename:
isOrtho for vectors ---> isOrthogonal
isOrtho for matrices ---> isUnitary
* add normalize()
* reimplement normalized with quotient1 functor
to preserve SVN history). They are made useless by the new
- introduce a generic Eval member typedef so one can do e.g.
T t; U u; Product<T, U>::Eval m; m = t*u;