* fix issues in Product revealed by this test
* in Dot.h forbid mixing of different types (at least for now, might allow real.dot(complex) in the future).
* add a LDL^T factorization with solver using code from T. Davis's LDL
library (LPGL2.1+)
* various bug fixes in trianfular solver, matrix product, etc.
* improve cmake files for the supported libraries
* split the sparse unit test
* etc.
Some naming questions:
- for "extend" we could also think of: "expand", "union", "add"
- same for "clamp": "crop", "intersect"
- same for "contains": "isInside", "intersect"
=> ah "intersect" is conflicting, so that eliminates this one !
* add a WithAlignedOperatorNew class with overloaded operator new
* make Matrix (and Quaternion, Transform, Hyperplane, etc.) use it
if needed such that "*(new Vector4) = xpr" does not failed anymore.
* Please: make sure your classes having fixed size Eigen's vector
or matrice attributes inherit WithAlignedOperatorNew
* add a ei_new_allocator STL memory allocator to use with STL containers.
This allocator really calls operator new on your types (unlike GCC's
new_allocator). Example:
std::vector<Vector4f> data(10);
will segfault if the vectorization is enabled, instead use:
std::vector<Vector4f,ei_new_allocator<Vector4f> > data(10);
NOTE: you only have to worry if you deal with fixed-size matrix types
with "sizeof(matrix_type)%16==0"...
* added a meta.cpp unit test
* EIGEN_TUNE_FOR_L2_CACHE_SIZE now represents L2 block size in Bytes (whence the ei_meta_sqrt...)
* added a CustomizeEigen.dox page
* added a TOC to QuickStartGuide.dox
IoFormat OctaveFmt(4, AlignCols, ", ", ";\n", "", "", "[", "]");
cout << mat.format(OctaveFmt);
The first "4" is the precision.
Documentation missing.
* Some compilation fixes
- the decompostion code has been adfapted from JAMA
- handles non square matrices of size MxN with M>=N
- does not work for complex matrices
- includes a solver where the parts corresponding to zero singular values are set to zero
* fix .normalized() so that Random().normalized() works; since the return
type became complicated to write down i just let it return an actual
vector, perhaps not optimal.
* add Sparse/CMakeLists.txt. I suppose that it was intentional that it
didn't have CMakeLists, but in <=2.0 releases I'll just manually remove
*in test/CMakeLists : modify EI_ADD_TEST so that 2nd argument is
additional compiler flags. used to add -O2 to test_product_large so it
doesn't take forever.
pivoting for better numerical stability. For now the only application is
* New determinant unit-test.
* Disable most of Swap.h for now as it makes LU fail (mysterious).
Anyway Swap needs a big overhaul as proposed on IRC.
* Remnants of old class Inverse removed.
* Some warnings fixed.
* faster matrix-matrix and matrix-vector products (especially for not aligned cases)
* faster tridiagonalization (make it using our matrix-vector impl.)
* fix Flags of Map
* split the test_product to two smaller ones
packet access, it is not certain that it will bring a performance
improvement: benchmarking needed.
* improve logic choosing slice vectorization.
* fix typo in SSE packet math, causing crash in unaligned case.
* fix bug in Product, causing crash in unaligned case.
* add TEST_SSE3 CMake option.
finally that's more subtle than just using ei_nested, because when
flagging with NestByValueBit we want to store the expression by value
already, regardless of whether it already had the NestByValueBit set.
* rename temporary() ----> nestByValue()
* move the old Product.h to disabled/, replace by what was ProductWIP.h
* tweak -O and -g flags for tests and examples
* reorder the tests -- basic things go first
* simplifications, e.g. in many methoeds return derived() and count on
implicit casting to the actual return type.
* strip some not-really-useful stuff from the heaviest tests