by tweaking the filename and adding 2 categories:
Troubleshooting and Advanced
* use the EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS to clean the class list
(insteaded of a homemade bash script)
* remove the broken "exemple list"
* re-structure the unsupported directory as mentionned in the ML and
integrate the doc as follow:
- snippets of the unsupported directory are directly imported from the
main snippets/CMakefile.txt (no need to duplicate code)
- add a top level "Unsupported modules" group
- unsupported modules have to defined their own sub group and nest it
using \ingroup Unsupported_modules
- then a pair of //@{ //@} will put everything in the submodule
- this is just a proposal !
It is only a first draft and I think it should be reorganized a bit in 2 parts:
1 - a compact table summarizing the main API and its use
(this is what would expect an "expert" user)
2 - a discussion about the various algorithm in Eigen to guide the newbies in linear algebra
Currently I mixed the discussion with the API, but it is still better than nothing !