solver from suitesparse (as cholmod). It seems to be even faster
than SuperLU and it was much simpler to interface ! Well,
the factorization is faster, but for the solve part, SuperLU is
quite faster. On the other hand the solve part represents only a
fraction of the whole procedure. Moreover, I bench random matrices
that does not represents real cases, and I'm not sure at all
I use both libraries with their best settings !
* rename Cholesky to LLT
* rename CholeskyWithoutSquareRoot to LDLT
* rename MatrixBase::cholesky() to llt()
* rename MatrixBase::choleskyNoSqrt() to ldlt()
* make {LLT,LDLT}::solve() API consistent with other modules
Note that we are going to keep a source compatibility untill the next beta release.
E.g., the "old" Cholesky* classes, etc are still available for some time.
To be clear, Eigen beta2 should be (hopefully) source compatible with beta1,
and so beta2 will contain all the deprecated API of beta1. Those features marked
as deprecated will be removed in beta3 (or in the final 2.0 if there is no beta 3 !).
Also includes various updated in sparse Cholesky.
all per plot settings have been moved to a single file, go_mean now takes an
optional second argument "tiny" to generate plots for tiny matrices, and
output of comparison information wrt to previous benchs (if any).
- remove all invertibility checking, will be redundant with LU
- general case: adapt to matrix storage order for better perf
- size 4 case: handle corner cases without falling back to gen case.
- rationalize with selectors instead of compile time if
- add C-style computeInverse()
* update inverse test.
* in snippets, default cout precision to 3 decimal places
* add some cmake module from kdelibs to support btl with cmake 2.4
- removed the ugly X11 and PNG gnuplots terminals
- use enhanced postscript terminal
- use imagemagick to generate the png files (with compression)
- disable the fortran impl by default since it is as meaningless as a "C impl"
- update line settings
It basically performs 4 dot products at once reducing loads of the vector and improving
instructions scheduling. With 3 cache friendly algorithms, we now handle all product
configurations with outstanding perf for large matrices.
the modifications to initial code follow:
* changed build system from plain makefiles to cmake
* added eigen2 (4 versions: vec/novec and fixed/dynamic), GMM++, MTL4 interfaces
* added "transposed matrix * vector" product action
* updated blitz interface to use condensed products instead of hand coded loops
* removed some deprecated interfaces
* changed default storage order to column major for all libraries
* new generic bench timer strategy which is supposed to be more accurate
* various code clean-up
might be twice faster fot small fixed size matrix
* added a sparse triangular solver (sparse version
of inverseProduct)
* various other improvements in the Sparse module
* added complete implementation of sparse matrix product
(with a little glue in Eigen/Core)
* added an exhaustive bench of sparse products including GMM++ and MTL4
=> Eigen outperforms in all transposed/density configurations !
* added some glue to Eigen/Core (SparseBit, ei_eval, Matrix)
* add two new sparse matrix types:
HashMatrix: based on std::map (for random writes)
LinkedVectorMatrix: array of linked vectors
(for outer coherent writes, e.g. to transpose a matrix)
* add a SparseSetter class to easily set/update any kind of matrices, e.g.:
{ SparseSetter<MatrixType,RandomAccessPattern> wrapper(mymatrix);
for (...) wrapper->coeffRef(rand(),rand()) = rand(); }
* automatic shallow copy for RValue
* and a lot of mess !
* remove the remaining ArrayBit related stuff
* don't use alloca in product for very large memory allocation
* introduce packet(int), make use of it in linear vectorized paths
--> completely fixes the slowdown noticed in benchVecAdd.
* generalize coeff(int) to linear-access xprs
* clarify the access flag bits
* rework api dox in Coeffs.h and util/Constants.h
* improve certain expressions's flags, allowing more vectorization
* fix bug in Block: start(int) and end(int) returned dyn*dyn size
* fix bug in Block: just because the Eval type has packet access
doesn't imply the block xpr should have it too.
- uses the common "Compressed Column Storage" scheme
- supports every unary and binary operators with xpr template
assuming binaryOp(0,0) == 0 and unaryOp(0) = 0 (otherwise a sparse
matrix doesnot make sense)
- this is the first commit, so of course, there are still several shorcommings !
* use ProductReturnType<>::Type to get the correct Product xpr type
* Product is no longer instanciated for xpr types which are evaluated
* vectorization of "a.transpose() * b" for the normal product (small and fixed-size matrix)
* some cleanning
* removed ArrayBase
** Much better organization
** Fix a few bugs
** Add the ability to unroll only the inner loop
** Add an unrolled path to the Like1D vectorization. Not well tested.
** Add placeholder for sliced vectorization. Unimplemented.
* Rework of corrected_flags:
** improve rules determining vectorizability
** for vectors, the storage-order is indifferent, so we tweak it
to allow vectorization of row-vectors.
* fix compilation in benchmark, and a warning in Transpose.
(only 30 muls for size 4)
- rework the matrix inversion: now using cofactor technique for size<=3,
so the ugly unrolling is only used for size 4 anymore, and even there
I'm looking to get rid of it.
* Use them to write an unrolled path in echelon.cpp, as an
experiment before I do this LU module.
* For floating-point types, make ei_random() use an amplitude
of 1.
using a macro and _Pragma.
- use OpenMP also in cacheOptimalProduct and in the
vectorized paths as well
- kill the vector assignment unroller. implement in
operator= the logic for assigning a row-vector in
a col-vector.
- CMakeLists support for building tests/examples
with -fopenmp and/or -msse2
- updates in bench/, especially replace identity()
by ones() which prevents underflows from perturbing
bench results.
- make use of CoeffReadCost to determine when to unroll the loops,
for now only in Product.h and in OperatorEquals.h
performance remains the same: generally still not as good as before the
big changes.
internal classes: AaBb -> ei_aa_bb
IntAtRunTimeIfDynamic -> ei_int_if_dynamic
unify UNROLLING_LIMIT (there was no reason to have operator= use
a higher limit)
Finally the importing macro is named EIGEN_BASIC_PUBLIC_INTERFACE
because it does not only import the ei_traits, it also makes the base class
a friend, etc.