D&C SVD: fix deflation of repeated singular values, fix sorting of singular values, fix case of complete deflation

This commit is contained in:
Gael Guennebaud 2014-10-15 11:59:21 +02:00
parent a80e17cfe8
commit c26e8a1af3

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@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
namespace Eigen {
IOFormat bdcsvdfmt(8, 0, ", ", "\n", " [", "]");
template<typename _MatrixType> class BDCSVD;
namespace internal {
@ -234,6 +238,9 @@ BDCSVD<Matrix<int, Dynamic, Dynamic> >& BDCSVD<Matrix<int, Dynamic, Dynamic> >::
template<typename MatrixType>
BDCSVD<MatrixType>& BDCSVD<MatrixType>::compute(const MatrixType& matrix, unsigned int computationOptions)
std::cout << "\n\n\n======================================================================================================================\n\n\n";
allocate(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols(), computationOptions);
using std::abs;
@ -478,9 +485,23 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::divide (Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index firstRowW,
m_computed.col(firstCol + shift).segment(firstCol + shift + 1, k) = alphaK * l.transpose().real();
m_computed.col(firstCol + shift).segment(firstCol + shift + k + 1, n - k - 1) = betaK * f.transpose().real();
ArrayXr tmp1 = (m_computed.block(firstCol+shift, firstCol+shift, n, n)).jacobiSvd().singularValues();
// Second part: try to deflate singular values in combined matrix
deflation(firstCol, lastCol, k, firstRowW, firstColW, shift);
ArrayXr tmp2 = (m_computed.block(firstCol+shift, firstCol+shift, n, n)).jacobiSvd().singularValues();
std::cout << "\n\nj1 = " << tmp1.transpose().format(bdcsvdfmt) << "\n";
std::cout << "j2 = " << tmp2.transpose().format(bdcsvdfmt) << "\n\n";
std::cout << "err: " << ((tmp1-tmp2).abs()>1e-12*tmp2.abs()).transpose() << "\n";
static int count = 0;
std::cout << "# " << ++count << "\n\n";
assert((tmp1-tmp2).matrix().norm() < 1e-14*tmp2.matrix().norm());
// assert(count<681);
// assert(((tmp1-tmp2).abs()<1e-13*tmp2.abs()).all());
// Third part: compute SVD of combined matrix
MatrixXr UofSVD, VofSVD;
VectorType singVals;
@ -542,9 +563,20 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSVDofM(Index firstCol, Index n, MatrixXr& U, Vec
computeSingVals(col0, diag, singVals, shifts, mus);
std::cout << " j: " << (m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n, n)).jacobiSvd().singularValues().transpose().reverse() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " sing-val: " << singVals.transpose() << "\n";
std::cout << " mu: " << mus.transpose() << "\n";
std::cout << " shift: " << shifts.transpose() << "\n";
Index actual_n = n;
while(actual_n>1 && col0(actual_n-1)==0) --actual_n;
std::cout << "\n\n mus: " << mus.head(actual_n).transpose() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " check1 (expect0) : " << ((singVals.array()-(shifts+mus)) / singVals.array()).head(actual_n).transpose() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " check2 (>0) : " << ((singVals.array()-diag) / singVals.array()).head(actual_n).transpose() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " check3 (>0) : " << ((diag.segment(1,actual_n-1)-singVals.head(actual_n-1).array()) / singVals.head(actual_n-1).array()).transpose() << "\n\n\n";
std::cout << " check4 (>0) : " << ((singVals.segment(1,actual_n-1)-singVals.head(actual_n-1))).transpose() << "\n\n\n";
@ -557,16 +589,8 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSVDofM(Index firstCol, Index n, MatrixXr& U, Vec
perturbCol0(col0, diag, singVals, shifts, mus, zhat);
std::cout << " zhat: " << zhat.transpose() << "\n";
Index actual_n = n;
while(actual_n>1 && col0(actual_n-1)==0) --actual_n;
std::cout << "\n\n mus: " << mus.head(actual_n).transpose() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " check1: " << ((singVals.array()-(shifts+mus)) / singVals.array()).head(actual_n).transpose() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " check2: " << ((singVals.array()-diag) / singVals.array()).head(actual_n).transpose() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " check3: " << ((diag.segment(1,actual_n-1)-singVals.head(actual_n-1).array()) / singVals.head(actual_n-1).array()).transpose() << "\n\n\n";
@ -586,19 +610,40 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSVDofM(Index firstCol, Index n, MatrixXr& U, Vec
// Reverse order so that singular values in increased order
// Because of deflation, the zeros singular-values are already at the end
Index actual_n = n;
while(actual_n>1 && singVals(actual_n-1)==0) --actual_n;
// Because of deflation, the singular values might not be completely sorted.
// Fortunately, reordering them is a O(n) problem
for(Index i=0; i<actual_n-1; ++i)
using std::swap;
if(m_compV) V.col(i).swap(V.col(i+1));
// Reverse order so that singular values in increased order
// Because of deflation, the zeros singular-values are already at the end
U.leftCols(actual_n) = U.leftCols(actual_n).rowwise().reverse().eval(); // FIXME this requires a temporary
if (m_compV) V.leftCols(actual_n) = V.leftCols(actual_n).rowwise().reverse().eval(); // FIXME this requires a temporary
JacobiSVD<MatrixXr> jsvd(m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n, n) );
std::cout << " * j: " << jsvd.singularValues().transpose() << "\n\n";
std::cout << " * sing-val: " << singVals.transpose() << "\n";
// std::cout << " * err: " << ((jsvd.singularValues()-singVals)>1e-13*singVals.norm()).transpose() << "\n";
template <typename MatrixType>
typename BDCSVD<MatrixType>::RealScalar BDCSVD<MatrixType>::secularEq(RealScalar mu, const ArrayXr& col0, const ArrayXr& diag, const ArrayXr& diagShifted, RealScalar shift, Index n)
return 1 + (col0.square() / ((diagShifted - mu) )/( (diag + shift + mu))).head(n).sum();
return 1 + (col0.square() / ((diagShifted - mu) * (diag + shift + mu))).head(n).sum();
template <typename MatrixType>
@ -622,16 +667,16 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSingVals(const ArrayXr& col0, const ArrayXr& dia
// }
// }
// perm.conservativeResize(m);
for (Index k = 0; k < n; ++k)
if (col0(k) == 0 || actual_n==1)
// if col0(k) == 0, then entry is deflated, so singular value is on diagonal
// if actual_n==1, then the deflated problem is already diagonalized
singVals(k) = diag(k);
singVals(k) = k==0 ? col0(0) : diag(k);
mus(k) = 0;
shifts(k) = diag(k);
shifts(k) = k==0 ? col0(0) : diag(k);
@ -646,12 +691,23 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSingVals(const ArrayXr& col0, const ArrayXr& dia
Index l = k+1;
while(col0(l)==0) { ++l; eigen_internal_assert(l<actual_n); }
right = diag(l);
// first decide whether it's closer to the left end or the right end
RealScalar mid = left + (right-left) / 2;
RealScalar fMid = 1 + (col0.square() / ((diag + mid) * (diag - mid))).head(actual_n).sum();
std::cout << right-left << "\n";
std::cout << "fMid = " << fMid << " " << secularEq(mid-left, col0, diag, diag-left, left, actual_n) << " " << secularEq(mid-right, col0, diag, diag-right, right, actual_n) << "\n";
std::cout << " = " << secularEq(1.*(left+right)/8., col0, diag, diag, 0, actual_n)
<< " " << secularEq(2.*(left+right)/8., col0, diag, diag, 0, actual_n)
<< " " << secularEq(3.*(left+right)/8., col0, diag, diag, 0, actual_n)
<< " " << secularEq(4.*(left+right)/8., col0, diag, diag, 0, actual_n)
<< " " << secularEq(5.*(left+right)/8., col0, diag, diag, 0, actual_n)
<< " " << secularEq(6.*(left+right)/8., col0, diag, diag, 0, actual_n)
<< " " << secularEq(7.*(left+right)/8., col0, diag, diag, 0, actual_n) << "\n";
RealScalar shift = (k == actual_n-1 || fMid > 0) ? left : right;
// measure everything relative to shift
@ -682,20 +738,26 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSingVals(const ArrayXr& col0, const ArrayXr& dia
// rational interpolation: fit a function of the form a / mu + b through the two previous
// iterates and use its zero to compute the next iterate
bool useBisection = fPrev*fCur>0;
while (abs(muCur - muPrev) > 8 * NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() * (max)(abs(muCur), abs(muPrev)) && abs(fCur - fPrev)>NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() && !useBisection)
while (fCur!=0 && abs(muCur - muPrev) > 8 * NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() * (max)(abs(muCur), abs(muPrev)) && abs(fCur - fPrev)>NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() && !useBisection)
// Find a and b such that the function f(mu) = a / mu + b matches the current and previous samples.
RealScalar a = (fCur - fPrev) / (1/muCur - 1/muPrev);
RealScalar b = fCur - a / muCur;
// And find mu such that f(mu)==0:
RealScalar muZero = -a/b;
RealScalar fZero = secularEq(muZero, col0, diag, diagShifted, shift, actual_n);
muPrev = muCur;
fPrev = fCur;
muCur = -a / b;
fCur = secularEq(muCur, col0, diag, diagShifted, shift, actual_n);
muCur = muZero;
fCur = fZero;
if (shift == left && (muCur < 0 || muCur > right - left)) useBisection = true;
if (shift == right && (muCur < -(right - left) || muCur > 0)) useBisection = true;
if (abs(fCur)>abs(fPrev)) useBisection = true;
// fall back on bisection method if rational interpolation did not work
@ -710,7 +772,7 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSingVals(const ArrayXr& col0, const ArrayXr& dia
leftShifted = RealScalar(1)/NumTraits<RealScalar>::highest();
// I don't understand why the case k==0 would be special there:
// if (k == 0) rightShifted = right - left; else
rightShifted = (right - left) * 0.6; // theoretically we can take 0.5, but let's be safe
rightShifted = (k==actual_n-1) ? right : ((right - left) * 0.6); // theoretically we can take 0.5, but let's be safe
@ -722,7 +784,7 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSingVals(const ArrayXr& col0, const ArrayXr& dia
RealScalar fRight = secularEq(rightShifted, col0, diag, diagShifted, shift, actual_n);
if(fLeft * fRight>=0)
if(!(fLeft * fRight<0))
std::cout << k << " : " << fLeft << " * " << fRight << " == " << fLeft * fRight << " ; " << left << " - " << right << " -> " << leftShifted << " " << rightShifted << " shift=" << shift << "\n";
eigen_internal_assert(fLeft * fRight < 0);
@ -805,7 +867,8 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::perturbCol0
prod *= ((singVals(j)+dk) / ((diag(i)+dk))) * ((mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)) / ((diag(i)-dk)));
if(i!=k && std::abs(((singVals(j)+dk)*(mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)))/((diag(i)+dk)*(diag(i)-dk)) - 1) > 0.9 )
std::cout << " " << ((singVals(j)+dk)*(mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)))/((diag(i)+dk)*(diag(i)-dk)) << " == (" << (singVals(j)+dk) << " * " << (mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)) << ") / (" << (diag(i)+dk) << " * " << (diag(i)-dk) << ")\n";
std::cout << " " << ((singVals(j)+dk)*(mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)))/((diag(i)+dk)*(diag(i)-dk)) << " == (" << (singVals(j)+dk) << " * " << (mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk))
<< ") / (" << (diag(i)+dk) << " * " << (diag(i)-dk) << ")\n";
@ -863,8 +926,6 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::computeSingVecs
if (m_compV)
// for(Index i=1;i<actual_n;++i)
// V(i,k) = diag(i) * zhat(i) / (((diag(i) - shifts(k)) - mus(k)) )/( (diag(i) + singVals[k]));
for(Index l=1;l<m;++l)
Index i = perm(l);
@ -908,7 +969,7 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation43(Index firstCol, Index shift, Index i, Index
// page 13
// i,j >= 1, i != j and |di - dj| < epsilon * norm2(M)
// i,j >= 1, i!=j and |di - dj| < epsilon * norm2(M)
// We apply two rotations to have zj = 0;
// TODO deflation44 is still broken and not properly tested
template <typename MatrixType>
@ -943,15 +1004,10 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation44(Index firstColu , Index firstColm, Index fi
m_computed(firstColm + i, firstColm + i) = m_computed(firstColm + j, firstColm + j);
m_computed(firstColm + j, firstColm) = 0;
JacobiRotation<RealScalar> J(c,s);
if (m_compU)
m_naiveU.middleRows(firstColu, size).applyOnTheRight(firstColu + i, firstColu + j, J);
if (m_compV)
m_naiveU.middleRows(firstRowW, size-1).applyOnTheRight(firstColW + i, firstColW + j, J.transpose());
JacobiRotation<RealScalar> J(c,-s);
if (m_compU) m_naiveU.middleRows(firstColu, size+1).applyOnTheRight(firstColu + i, firstColu + j, J);
else m_naiveU.applyOnTheRight(firstColu+i, firstColu+j, J);
if (m_compV) m_naiveV.middleRows(firstRowW, size).applyOnTheRight(firstColW + i, firstColW + j, J);
}// end deflation 44
@ -964,43 +1020,49 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index
using std::max;
const Index length = lastCol + 1 - firstCol;
Block<MatrixXr,Dynamic,1> col0(m_computed, firstCol+shift, firstCol+shift, length, 1);
Diagonal<MatrixXr> fulldiag(m_computed);
VectorBlock<Diagonal<MatrixXr>,Dynamic> diag(fulldiag, firstCol+shift, length);
RealScalar maxDiag = diag.tail((std::max)(Index(1),length-1)).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
RealScalar epsilon_strict = NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() * maxDiag;
RealScalar epsilon_coarse = 8 * NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() * (max)(col0.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(), maxDiag);
Block<MatrixXr,Dynamic,1> col0(m_computed, firstCol+shift, firstCol+shift, length, 1);
Diagonal<MatrixXr> fulldiag(m_computed);
VectorBlock<Diagonal<MatrixXr>,Dynamic> diag(fulldiag, firstCol+shift, length);
RealScalar epsilon = 8 * NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon() * (max)(col0.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(), diag.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff());
std::cout << "\ndeflate:" << diag.head(k+1).transpose() << " | " << diag.segment(k+1,length-k-1).transpose() << "\n";
//condition 4.1
if (diag(0) < epsilon)
if (diag(0) < epsilon_coarse)
std::cout << "deflation 4.1, because " << diag(0) << " < " << epsilon << "\n";
std::cout << "deflation 4.1, because " << diag(0) << " < " << epsilon_coarse << "\n";
diag(0) = epsilon;
diag(0) = epsilon_coarse;
//condition 4.2
for (Index i=1;i<length;++i)
if (abs(col0(i)) < epsilon)
if (abs(col0(i)) < epsilon_strict)
std::cout << "deflation 4.2, set z(" << i << ") to zero because " << abs(col0(i)) << " < " << epsilon << " (diag(" << i << ")=" << diag(i) << ")\n";
std::cout << "deflation 4.2, set z(" << i << ") to zero because " << abs(col0(i)) << " < " << epsilon_strict << " (diag(" << i << ")=" << diag(i) << ")\n";
col0(i) = 0;
//condition 4.3
for (Index i=1;i<length; i++)
if (diag(i) < epsilon)
if (diag(i) < epsilon_coarse)
std::cout << "deflation 4.3, cancel z(" << i << ") because " << diag(i) << " < " << epsilon << " (z[" << i << "]=" << col0(i) << ")\n";
std::cout << "deflation 4.3, cancel z(" << i << ")=" << col0(i) << " because diag(" << i << ")=" << diag(i) << " < " << epsilon_coarse << "\n";
deflation43(firstCol, shift, i, length);
@ -1010,14 +1072,22 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index
std::cout << "to be sorted: " << diag.transpose() << "\n\n";
// Check for total deflation
// If we have a total deflation, then we have to consider col0(0)==diag(0) as a singular value during sorting
bool total_deflation = (col0.tail(length-1).array()==RealScalar(0)).all();
// Sort the diagonal entries, since diag(1:k-1) and diag(k:length) are already sorted, let's do a sorted merge.
// First, compute the respective permutation.
Index *permutation = new Index[length]; // FIXME avoid repeated dynamic memory allocation
permutation[0] = 0;
Index p = 1;
// Move deflated diagonal entries at the end.
for(Index i=1; i<length; ++i)
permutation[p++] = i;
@ -1032,6 +1102,23 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index
// If we have a total deflation, then we have to insert diag(0) at the right place
for(Index i=1; i<length; ++i)
Index pi = permutation[i];
if(diag(pi)==0 || diag(0)<diag(pi))
permutation[i-1] = permutation[i];
permutation[i-1] = 0;
// std::cout << "perm: " << Matrix<Index,1,Dynamic>::Map(permutation, length) << "\n\n";
// Current index of each col, and current column of each index
Index *realInd = new Index[length]; // FIXME avoid repeated dynamic memory allocation
Index *realCol = new Index[length]; // FIXME avoid repeated dynamic memory allocation
@ -1042,15 +1129,15 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index
realInd[pos] = pos;
for(Index i = 1; i < length; i++)
for(Index i = total_deflation?0:1; i < length; i++)
const Index pi = permutation[length - i];
const Index pi = permutation[length - (total_deflation ? i+1 : i)];
const Index J = realCol[pi];
using std::swap;
// swap diaognal and first column entries:
// swap diagonal and first column entries:
swap(diag(i), diag(J));
swap(col0(i), col0(J));
if(i!=0 && J!=0) swap(col0(i), col0(J));
// change columns
if (m_compU) m_naiveU.col(firstCol+i).segment(firstCol, length + 1).swap(m_naiveU.col(firstCol+J).segment(firstCol, length + 1));
@ -1068,23 +1155,31 @@ void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index
delete[] realInd;
delete[] realCol;
std::cout << "sorted: " << diag.transpose().format(bdcsvdfmt) << "\n";
std::cout << " : " << col0.transpose() << "\n\n";
//condition 4.4
Index i = length-1;
while(i>0 && (diag(i)==0 || col0(i)==0)) --i;
for(; i>1;--i)
if( (diag(i) - diag(i-1)) < NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon()*diag(i) )
std::cout << "deflation 4.4 with i = " << i << " because " << (diag(i) - diag(i-1)) << " < " << NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon()*diag(i) << "\n";
eigen_internal_assert(abs(diag(i) - diag(i-1))<epsilon_coarse && " diagonal entries are not properly sorted");
deflation44(firstCol, firstCol + shift, firstRowW, firstColW, i-1, i, length);
for(int k=2;k<length;++k)
assert(diag(k-1)<=diag(k) || diag(k)==0);
for(Index j=2;j<length;++j)
assert(diag(j-1)<=diag(j) || diag(j)==0);
//condition 4.4
for (Index i = 1; i+1<length && diag(i+1)!=0 && col0(i+1)!=0;i++)
if ((diag(i+1) - diag(i)) < NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon()*diag(i+1))
// if ((diag(i+1) - diag(i)) < epsilon)
std::cout << "deflation 4.4 with i = " << i << " because " << (diag(i+1) - diag(i)) << " < " << epsilon << "\n";
deflation44(firstCol, firstCol + shift, firstRowW, firstColW, i, i + 1, length);