patch from Konstantinos Margaritis: Altivec vectorization is resurrected !

This commit is contained in:
Gael Guennebaud 2008-08-22 13:19:35 +00:00
parent 95db4e9841
commit a95c1e190b

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@ -30,91 +30,334 @@
static const vector int v0i = vec_splat_u32(0);
static const vector int v16i_ = vec_splat_u32(-16);
static const vector float v0f = (vector float) v0i;
typedef vector float v4f;
typedef vector int v4i;
typedef vector unsigned int v4ui;
typedef vector __bool int v4bi;
template<> struct ei_packet_traits<float> { typedef vector float type; enum {size=4}; };
template<> struct ei_packet_traits<int> { typedef vector int type; enum {size=4}; };
static const v4i v0i = vec_splat_s32(0);
static const v4i v1i = vec_splat_s32(1);
static const v4i v16i_ = vec_splat_s32(-16);
static const v4f v0f = (v4f) v0i;
static const v4f v1f = (v4f) v1i;
inline vector float ei_padd(const vector float a, const vector float b) { return vec_add(a,b); }
inline vector int ei_padd(const vector int a, const vector int b) { return vec_add(a,b); }
template<> struct ei_packet_traits<float> { typedef v4f type; enum {size=4}; };
template<> struct ei_packet_traits<int> { typedef v4i type; enum {size=4}; };
inline vector float ei_psub(const vector float a, const vector float b) { return vec_sub(a,b); }
inline vector int ei_psub(const vector int a, const vector int b) { return vec_sub(a,b); }
template<> struct ei_unpacket_traits<v4f> { typedef float type; enum {size=4}; };
template<> struct ei_unpacket_traits<v4i> { typedef int type; enum {size=4}; };
inline vector float ei_pmul(const vector float a, const vector float b) { return vec_madd(a,b, v0f); }
inline vector int ei_pmul(const vector int a, const vector int b)
std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & s, const v4f & v)
union {
v4f v;
float n[4];
} vt;
vt.v = v;
s << vt.n[0] << ", " << vt.n[1] << ", " << vt.n[2] << ", " << vt.n[3] << std::endl;
return s;
std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & s, const v4i & v)
union {
v4i v;
int n[4];
} vt;
vt.v = v;
s << vt.n[0] << ", " << vt.n[1] << ", " << vt.n[2] << ", " << vt.n[3] << std::endl;
return s;
std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & s, const v4ui & v)
union {
v4ui v;
unsigned int n[4];
} vt;
vt.v = v;
s << vt.n[0] << ", " << vt.n[1] << ", " << vt.n[2] << ", " << vt.n[3] << std::endl;
return s;
std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & s, const v4bi & v)
union {
vector __bool int v;
unsigned int n[4];
} vt;
vt.v = v;
s << vt.n[0] << ", " << vt.n[1] << ", " << vt.n[2] << ", " << vt.n[3] << std::endl;
return s;
template<> inline v4f ei_padd(const v4f& a, const v4f& b) { return vec_add(a,b); }
template<> inline v4i ei_padd(const v4i& a, const v4i& b) { return vec_add(a,b); }
template<> inline v4f ei_psub(const v4f& a, const v4f& b) { return vec_sub(a,b); }
template<> inline v4i ei_psub(const v4i& a, const v4i& b) { return vec_sub(a,b); }
template<> inline v4f ei_pmul(const v4f& a, const v4f& b) { return vec_madd(a,b, v0f); }
template<> inline v4i ei_pmul(const v4i& a, const v4i& b)
// Taken from
//Set up constants
vector int bswap, lowProduct, highProduct;
v4i bswap, low_prod, high_prod, prod, prod_, a_, b_, a1, b1;
v4i v1_, v0_, v1sel;
v1_ = (v4i) vec_splat_u32(-1);
v0_ = (v4i) vec_sl((v4ui) v1_, (v4ui) v1_);
//Do real work
bswap = vec_rl( (vector unsigned int)b, (vector unsigned int)v16i_ );
lowProduct = vec_mulo( (vector short)a,(vector short)b );
highProduct = vec_msum((vector short)a,(vector short)bswap, v0i);
highProduct = vec_sl( (vector unsigned int)highProduct, (vector unsigned int)v16i_ );
return vec_add( lowProduct, highProduct );
// std::cout << "a: " << a << std::endl;
// std::cout << "b: " << b << std::endl;
a_ = vec_sub(v0i, a);
b_ = vec_sub(v0i, b);
a1 = vec_max(a, a_);
b1 = vec_max(b, b_);
v4bi sgn = (v4bi) vec_cmplt(vec_and(vec_xor(a, b), v0_), v0i);
// std::cout << "a: " << a1 << std::endl;
// std::cout << "b: " << b1 << std::endl;
// std::cout << "a_: " << a_ << std::endl;
// std::cout << "b_: " << b_ << std::endl;
// std::cout << "sgn(a*b): " << std::hex << sgn << std::dec << std::endl;
// Do real work
bswap = (v4i) vec_rl((v4ui) b1, (v4ui) v16i_ );
low_prod = vec_mulo((vector short)a1, (vector short)b1);
high_prod = vec_msum((vector short)a1, (vector short)bswap, v0i);
high_prod = (v4i) vec_sl((v4ui) high_prod, (v4ui) v16i_);
prod = vec_add( low_prod, high_prod );
// std::cout << "prod: " << prod << std::endl;
// std::cout << "v0i: " << v0i << std::endl;
prod_ = vec_nor(prod, prod);
prod_ = vec_sel(v0i, prod_, sgn);
v1sel = vec_sel(v0i, v1i, sgn);
// std::cout << "prod_: " << prod_ << std::endl;
// std::cout << "v1sel: " << v1sel << std::endl;
prod_ = vec_add(prod_, v1sel);
// std::cout << "prod_: " << prod_ << std::endl;
prod = vec_sel(prod, prod_, sgn);
// std::cout << "final prod: " << prod << std::endl;
return prod;
inline vector float ei_pdiv(const vector float a, const vector float b) { return vec_div(a,b); }
template<> inline v4f ei_pdiv(const v4f& a, const v4f& b) {
std::cout << "a: " << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "b: " << b << std::endl;
inline vector float ei_pmadd(const vector float a, const vector float b, const vector float c) { return vec_madd(a, b, c); }
// Altivec does not offer a divide instruction, we have to do a reciprocal approximation
v4f y = vec_re(b);
std::cout << "1/b: " << y << std::endl;
inline vector float ei_pmin(const vector float a, const vector float b) { return vec_min(a,b); }
inline vector int ei_pmin(const vector int a, const vector int b) { return vec_min(a,b); }
// Set up some constants for inverse reciprocals
vector unsigned int v1_;
v4f v0_, t;
v1_ = vec_splat_u32(-1);
std::cout << "-1: " << (v4i) v1_ << std::endl;
v0_ = (v4f) vec_sl(v1_, v1_);
std::cout << "-0.0: " << v0_ << std::endl;
// Do a Newton-Raphson iteration to get the needed accuracy
t = vec_nmsub(y, b, v1f);
std::cout << "t: " << t << std::endl;
y = vec_nmsub(t, y, v0_);
v4f res = vec_madd(a, y, v0_);
std::cout << "res: " << res << std::endl;
return res;
inline vector float ei_pmax(const vector float a, const vector float b) { return vec_max(a,b); }
inline vector int ei_pmax(const vector int a, const vector int b) { return vec_max(a,b); }
template<> inline v4f ei_pmadd(const v4f& a, const v4f& b, const v4f& c) { return vec_madd(a, b, c); }
inline vector float ei_pload(const float* from) { return vec_ld(0, from); }
inline vector int ei_pload(const int* from) { return vec_ld(0, from); }
template<> inline v4f ei_pmin(const v4f& a, const v4f& b) { return vec_min(a,b); }
template<> inline v4i ei_pmin(const v4i& a, const v4i& b) { return vec_min(a,b); }
inline vector float ei_ploadu(const float*)
{ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(unaligned_load_and_store_operations_unimplemented_on_AltiVec) }
inline vector int ei_ploadu(const int* )
{ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(unaligned_load_and_store_operations_unimplemented_on_AltiVec) }
template<> inline v4f ei_pmax(const v4f& a, const v4f& b) { return vec_max(a,b); }
template<> inline v4i ei_pmax(const v4i& a, const v4i& b) { return vec_max(a,b); }
inline vector float ei_pset1(const float& from)
template<> inline v4f ei_pload(const float* from) { return vec_ld(0, from); }
template<> inline v4i ei_pload(const int* from) { return vec_ld(0, from); }
template<> inline v4f ei_ploadu(const float* from)
static float __attribute__(aligned(16)) af[4];
// Taken from
vector unsigned char MSQ, LSQ;
vector unsigned char mask;
MSQ = vec_ld(0, (unsigned char *)from); // most significant quadword
LSQ = vec_ld(15, (unsigned char *)from); // least significant quadword
mask = vec_lvsl(0, from); // create the permute mask
return (v4f) vec_perm(MSQ, LSQ, mask); // align the data
template<> inline v4i ei_ploadu(const int* from)
// Taken from
vector unsigned char MSQ, LSQ;
vector unsigned char mask;
MSQ = vec_ld(0, (unsigned char *)from); // most significant quadword
LSQ = vec_ld(15, (unsigned char *)from); // least significant quadword
mask = vec_lvsl(0, from); // create the permute mask
return (v4i) vec_perm(MSQ, LSQ, mask); // align the data
template<> inline v4f ei_pset1(const float& from)
// Taken from
float __attribute__(aligned(16)) af[4];
af[0] = from;
vector float vc = vec_ld(0, af);
v4f vc = vec_ld(0, af);
vc = vec_splat(vc, 0);
return vc;
inline vector int ei_pset1(const int& from)
template<> inline v4i ei_pset1(const int& from)
static int __attribute__(aligned(16)) ai[4];
int __attribute__(aligned(16)) ai[4];
ai[0] = from;
vector int vc = vec_ld(0, ai);
v4i vc = vec_ld(0, ai);
vc = vec_splat(vc, 0);
return vc;
inline void ei_pstore(float* to, const vector float from) { vec_st(from, 0, to); }
inline void ei_pstore(int* to, const vector int from) { vec_st(from, 0, to); }
template<> inline void ei_pstore(float* to, const v4f& from) { vec_st(from, 0, to); }
template<> inline void ei_pstore(int* to, const v4i& from) { vec_st(from, 0, to); }
inline void ei_pstoreu(float*, const vector float)
{ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(unaligned_load_and_store_operations_unimplemented_on_AltiVec) }
inline void ei_pstoreu(int* , const vector int )
{ EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(unaligned_load_and_store_operations_unimplemented_on_AltiVec) }
inline float ei_pfirst(const vector float a)
template<> inline void ei_pstoreu(float* to, const v4f& from)
static float __attribute__(aligned(16)) af[4];
// Taken from
// Warning: not thread safe!
vector unsigned char MSQ, LSQ, edges;
vector unsigned char edgeAlign, align;
MSQ = vec_ld(0, (unsigned char *)to); // most significant quadword
LSQ = vec_ld(15, (unsigned char *)to); // least significant quadword
edgeAlign = vec_lvsl(0, to); // permute map to extract edges
edges=vec_perm(LSQ,MSQ,edgeAlign); // extract the edges
align = vec_lvsr( 0, to ); // permute map to misalign data
MSQ = vec_perm(edges,(vector unsigned char)from,align); // misalign the data (MSQ)
LSQ = vec_perm((vector unsigned char)from,edges,align); // misalign the data (LSQ)
vec_st( LSQ, 15, (unsigned char *)to ); // Store the LSQ part first
vec_st( MSQ, 0, (unsigned char *)to ); // Store the MSQ part
template<> inline void ei_pstoreu(int* to , const v4i& from )
// Taken from
// Warning: not thread safe!
vector unsigned char MSQ, LSQ, edges;
vector unsigned char edgeAlign, align;
MSQ = vec_ld(0, (unsigned char *)to); // most significant quadword
LSQ = vec_ld(15, (unsigned char *)to); // least significant quadword
edgeAlign = vec_lvsl(0, to); // permute map to extract edges
edges=vec_perm(LSQ,MSQ,edgeAlign); // extract the edges
align = vec_lvsr( 0, to ); // permute map to misalign data
MSQ = vec_perm(edges,(vector unsigned char)from,align); // misalign the data (MSQ)
LSQ = vec_perm((vector unsigned char)from,edges,align); // misalign the data (LSQ)
vec_st( LSQ, 15, (unsigned char *)to ); // Store the LSQ part first
vec_st( MSQ, 0, (unsigned char *)to ); // Store the MSQ part
template<> inline float ei_pfirst(const v4f& a)
float __attribute__(aligned(16)) af[4];
vec_st(a, 0, af);
return af[0];
inline int ei_pfirst(const vector int a)
template<> inline int ei_pfirst(const v4i& a)
static int __attribute__(aligned(16)) ai[4];
int __attribute__(aligned(16)) ai[4];
vec_st(a, 0, ai);
return ai[0];
inline v4f ei_preduxp(const v4f* vecs)
v4f v[4], sum[4];
// It's easier and faster to transpose then add as columns
// Check: for explanation
// Do the transpose, first set of moves
v[0] = vec_mergeh(vecs[0], vecs[2]);
v[1] = vec_mergel(vecs[0], vecs[2]);
v[2] = vec_mergeh(vecs[1], vecs[3]);
v[3] = vec_mergel(vecs[1], vecs[3]);
// Get the resulting vectors
sum[0] = vec_mergeh(v[0], v[2]);
sum[1] = vec_mergel(v[0], v[2]);
sum[2] = vec_mergeh(v[1], v[3]);
sum[3] = vec_mergel(v[1], v[3]);
// Now do the summation:
// Lines 0+1
sum[0] = vec_add(sum[0], sum[1]);
// Lines 2+3
sum[1] = vec_add(sum[2], sum[3]);
// Add the results
sum[0] = vec_add(sum[0], sum[1]);
return sum[0];
inline float ei_predux(const v4f& a)
v4f b, sum;
b = (v4f)vec_sld(a, a, 8);
sum = vec_add(a, b);
b = (v4f)vec_sld(sum, sum, 4);
sum = vec_add(sum, b);
return ei_pfirst(sum);
inline v4i ei_preduxp(const v4i* vecs)
v4i v[4], sum[4];
// It's easier and faster to transpose then add as columns
// Check: for explanation
// Do the transpose, first set of moves
v[0] = vec_mergeh(vecs[0], vecs[2]);
v[1] = vec_mergel(vecs[0], vecs[2]);
v[2] = vec_mergeh(vecs[1], vecs[3]);
v[3] = vec_mergel(vecs[1], vecs[3]);
// Get the resulting vectors
sum[0] = vec_mergeh(v[0], v[2]);
sum[1] = vec_mergel(v[0], v[2]);
sum[2] = vec_mergeh(v[1], v[3]);
sum[3] = vec_mergel(v[1], v[3]);
// Now do the summation:
// Lines 0+1
sum[0] = vec_add(sum[0], sum[1]);
// Lines 2+3
sum[1] = vec_add(sum[2], sum[3]);
// Add the results
sum[0] = vec_add(sum[0], sum[1]);
return sum[0];
inline int ei_predux(const v4i& a)
v4i sum;
sum = vec_sums(a, v0i);
sum = vec_sld(sum, v0i, 12);
return ei_pfirst(sum);
template<int Offset>
struct ei_palign_impl<Offset, v4f>
inline static void run(v4f& first, const v4f& second)
first = vec_sld(first, second, Offset*4);
template<int Offset>
struct ei_palign_impl<Offset, v4i>
inline static void run(v4i& first, const v4i& second)
first = vec_sld(first, second, Offset*4);