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synced 2024-12-21 07:19:46 +08:00
Added support for fourier transforms (code courtesy of thucjw@gmail.com)
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2015 Jianwei Cui <thucjw@gmail.com>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// NVCC fails to compile this code
#if !defined(__CUDACC__)
namespace Eigen {
/** \class TensorFFT
* \ingroup CXX11_Tensor_Module
* \brief Tensor FFT class.
* Vectorize the Cooley Tukey and the Bluestein algorithm
* Add support for multithreaded evaluation
* Improve the performance on GPU
template <bool NeedUprade> struct MakeComplex {
template <typename T>
T operator() (const T& val) const { return val; }
template <> struct MakeComplex<true> {
template <typename T>
std::complex<T> operator() (const T& val) const { return std::complex<T>(val, 0); }
template <> struct MakeComplex<false> {
template <typename T>
std::complex<T> operator() (const std::complex<T>& val) const { return val; }
template <int ResultType> struct PartOf {
template <typename T> T operator() (const T& val) const { return val; }
template <> struct PartOf<RealPart> {
template <typename T> T operator() (const std::complex<T>& val) const { return val.real(); }
template <> struct PartOf<ImagPart> {
template <typename T> T operator() (const std::complex<T>& val) const { return val.imag(); }
namespace internal {
template <typename FFT, typename XprType, int FFTResultType, int FFTDir>
struct traits<TensorFFTOp<FFT, XprType, FFTResultType, FFTDir> > : public traits<XprType> {
typedef traits<XprType> XprTraits;
typedef typename NumTraits<typename XprTraits::Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
typedef typename std::complex<RealScalar> ComplexScalar;
typedef typename XprTraits::Scalar InputScalar;
typedef typename conditional<FFTResultType == RealPart || FFTResultType == ImagPart, RealScalar, ComplexScalar>::type OutputScalar;
typedef typename XprTraits::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename XprTraits::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Nested Nested;
typedef typename remove_reference<Nested>::type _Nested;
static const int NumDimensions = XprTraits::NumDimensions;
static const int Layout = XprTraits::Layout;
template <typename FFT, typename XprType, int FFTResultType, int FFTDirection>
struct eval<TensorFFTOp<FFT, XprType, FFTResultType, FFTDirection>, Eigen::Dense> {
typedef const TensorFFTOp<FFT, XprType, FFTResultType, FFTDirection>& type;
template <typename FFT, typename XprType, int FFTResultType, int FFTDirection>
struct nested<TensorFFTOp<FFT, XprType, FFTResultType, FFTDirection>, 1, typename eval<TensorFFTOp<FFT, XprType, FFTResultType, FFTDirection> >::type> {
typedef TensorFFTOp<FFT, XprType, FFTResultType, FFTDirection> type;
} // end namespace internal
template <typename FFT, typename XprType, int FFTResultType, int FFTDir>
class TensorFFTOp : public TensorBase<TensorFFTOp<FFT, XprType, FFTResultType, FFTDir>, ReadOnlyAccessors> {
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorFFTOp>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
typedef typename std::complex<RealScalar> ComplexScalar;
typedef typename internal::conditional<FFTResultType == RealPart || FFTResultType == ImagPart, RealScalar, ComplexScalar>::type OutputScalar;
typedef OutputScalar CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::nested<TensorFFTOp>::type Nested;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorFFTOp>::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorFFTOp>::Index Index;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorFFTOp(const XprType& expr, const FFT& fft)
: m_xpr(expr), m_fft(fft) {}
const FFT& fft() const { return m_fft; }
const typename internal::remove_all<typename XprType::Nested>::type& expression() const {
return m_xpr;
typename XprType::Nested m_xpr;
const FFT m_fft;
// Eval as rvalue
template <typename FFT, typename ArgType, typename Device, int FFTResultType, int FFTDir>
struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorFFTOp<FFT, ArgType, FFTResultType, FFTDir>, Device> {
typedef TensorFFTOp<FFT, ArgType, FFTResultType, FFTDir> XprType;
typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
static const int NumDims = internal::array_size<typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions>::value;
typedef DSizes<Index, NumDims> Dimensions;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
typedef typename std::complex<RealScalar> ComplexScalar;
typedef typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions InputDimensions;
typedef internal::traits<XprType> XprTraits;
typedef typename XprTraits::Scalar InputScalar;
typedef typename internal::conditional<FFTResultType == RealPart || FFTResultType == ImagPart, RealScalar, ComplexScalar>::type OutputScalar;
typedef OutputScalar CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename PacketType<OutputScalar, Device>::type PacketReturnType;
enum {
IsAligned = false,
PacketAccess = true,
BlockAccess = false,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
CoordAccess = false,
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device) : m_data(NULL), m_impl(op.expression(), device), m_fft(op.fft()), m_device(device) {
const typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions& input_dims = m_impl.dimensions();
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims; ++i) {
eigen_assert(input_dims[i] > 0);
m_dimensions[i] = input_dims[i];
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
m_strides[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < NumDims; ++i) {
m_strides[i] = m_strides[i - 1] * m_dimensions[i - 1];
} else {
m_strides[NumDims - 1] = 1;
for (int i = NumDims - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
m_strides[i] = m_strides[i + 1] * m_dimensions[i + 1];
m_size = m_dimensions.TotalSize();
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Dimensions& dimensions() const {
return m_dimensions;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool evalSubExprsIfNeeded(OutputScalar* data) {
if (data) {
return false;
} else {
m_data = (CoeffReturnType*)m_device.allocate(sizeof(CoeffReturnType) * m_size);
return true;
if (m_data) {
m_data = NULL;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const {
return m_data[index];
template<int LoadMode>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE PacketReturnType packet(Index index) const {
return internal::ploadt<PacketReturnType, LoadMode>(m_data + index);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Scalar* data() const { return m_data; }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void evalToBuf(OutputScalar* data) {
const bool write_to_out = internal::is_same<OutputScalar, ComplexScalar>::value;
ComplexScalar* buf = write_to_out ? (ComplexScalar*)data : (ComplexScalar*)m_device.allocate(sizeof(ComplexScalar) * m_size);
for (int i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) {
buf[i] = MakeComplex<internal::is_same<InputScalar, RealScalar>::value>()(m_impl.coeff(i));
for (int i = 0; i < m_fft.size(); ++i) {
int dim = m_fft[i];
eigen_assert(dim >= 0 && dim < NumDims);
Index line_len = m_dimensions[dim];
eigen_assert(line_len >= 1);
ComplexScalar* line_buf = (ComplexScalar*)m_device.allocate(sizeof(ComplexScalar) * line_len);
const bool is_power_of_two = isPowerOfTwo(line_len);
const int good_composite = is_power_of_two ? 0 : findGoodComposite(line_len);
const int log_len = is_power_of_two ? getLog2(line_len) : getLog2(good_composite);
ComplexScalar* a = is_power_of_two ? NULL : (ComplexScalar*)m_device.allocate(sizeof(ComplexScalar) * good_composite);
ComplexScalar* b = is_power_of_two ? NULL : (ComplexScalar*)m_device.allocate(sizeof(ComplexScalar) * good_composite);
ComplexScalar* pos_j_base_powered = is_power_of_two ? NULL : (ComplexScalar*)m_device.allocate(sizeof(ComplexScalar) * (line_len + 1));
if (!is_power_of_two) {
ComplexScalar pos_j_base = ComplexScalar(std::cos(M_PI/line_len), std::sin(M_PI/line_len));
for (int i = 0; i < line_len + 1; ++i) {
pos_j_base_powered[i] = std::pow(pos_j_base, i * i);
for (Index partial_index = 0; partial_index < m_size / line_len; ++partial_index) {
Index base_offset = getBaseOffsetFromIndex(partial_index, dim);
// get data into line_buf
for (int j = 0; j < line_len; ++j) {
Index offset = getIndexFromOffset(base_offset, dim, j);
line_buf[j] = buf[offset];
// processs the line
if (is_power_of_two) {
processDataLineCooleyTukey(line_buf, line_len, log_len);
else {
processDataLineBluestein(line_buf, line_len, good_composite, log_len, a, b, pos_j_base_powered);
// write back
for (int j = 0; j < line_len; ++j) {
const ComplexScalar div_factor = (FFTDir == FFT_FORWARD) ? ComplexScalar(1, 0) : ComplexScalar(line_len, 0);
Index offset = getIndexFromOffset(base_offset, dim, j);
buf[offset] = line_buf[j] / div_factor;
if (!pos_j_base_powered) {
if(!write_to_out) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) {
data[i] = PartOf<FFTResultType>()(buf[i]);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static bool isPowerOfTwo(int x) {
eigen_assert(x > 0);
return !(x & (x - 1));
// The composite number for padding, used in Bluestein's FFT algorithm
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static int findGoodComposite(int n) {
int i = 2;
while (i < 2 * n - 1) i *= 2;
return i;
int log2m = 0;
while (m >>= 1) log2m++;
return log2m;
// Call Cooley Tukey algorithm directly, data length must be power of 2
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void processDataLineCooleyTukey(ComplexScalar* line_buf, int line_len, int log_len) {
scramble_FFT(line_buf, line_len);
compute_1D_Butterfly<FFTDir>(line_buf, line_len, log_len);
// Call Bluestein's FFT algorithm, m is a good composite number greater than (2 * n - 1), used as the padding length
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void processDataLineBluestein(ComplexScalar* line_buf, int line_len, int good_composite, int log_len, ComplexScalar* a, ComplexScalar* b, const ComplexScalar* pos_j_base_powered) {
int n = line_len;
int m = good_composite;
ComplexScalar* data = line_buf;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
a[i] = data[i] * std::conj(pos_j_base_powered[i]);
else {
a[i] = data[i] * pos_j_base_powered[i];
for (int i = n; i < m; ++i) {
a[i] = ComplexScalar(0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
b[i] = pos_j_base_powered[i];
else {
b[i] = std::conj(pos_j_base_powered[i]);
for (int i = n; i < m - n; ++i) {
b[i] = ComplexScalar(0, 0);
for (int i = m - n; i < m; ++i) {
b[i] = pos_j_base_powered[m-i];
else {
b[i] = std::conj(pos_j_base_powered[m-i]);
scramble_FFT(a, m);
compute_1D_Butterfly<FFT_FORWARD>(a, m, log_len);
scramble_FFT(b, m);
compute_1D_Butterfly<FFT_FORWARD>(b, m, log_len);
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
a[i] *= b[i];
scramble_FFT(a, m);
compute_1D_Butterfly<FFT_REVERSE>(a, m, log_len);
//Do the scaling after ifft
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
a[i] /= m;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
data[i] = a[i] * std::conj(pos_j_base_powered[i]);
else {
data[i] = a[i] * pos_j_base_powered[i];
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static void scramble_FFT(ComplexScalar* data, int n) {
int j = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i){
if (j > i) {
std::swap(data[j-1], data[i-1]);
int m = n >> 1;
while (m >= 2 && j > m) {
j -= m;
m >>= 1;
j += m;
template<int Dir>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void compute_1D_Butterfly(ComplexScalar* data, int n, int n_power_of_2) {
if (n == 1) {
else if (n == 2) {
ComplexScalar tmp = data[1];
data[1] = data[0] - data[1];
data[0] += tmp;
else if (n == 4) {
ComplexScalar tmp[4];
tmp[0] = data[0] + data[1];
tmp[1] = data[0] - data[1];
tmp[2] = data[2] + data[3];
if(Dir == FFT_FORWARD) {
tmp[3] = ComplexScalar(0.0, -1.0) * (data[2] - data[3]);
else {
tmp[3] = ComplexScalar(0.0, 1.0) * (data[2] - data[3]);
data[0] = tmp[0] + tmp[2];
data[1] = tmp[1] + tmp[3];
data[2] = tmp[0] - tmp[2];
data[3] = tmp[1] - tmp[3];
else if (n == 8) {
ComplexScalar tmp_1[8];
ComplexScalar tmp_2[8];
tmp_1[0] = data[0] + data[1];
tmp_1[1] = data[0] - data[1];
tmp_1[2] = data[2] + data[3];
if (Dir == FFT_FORWARD) {
tmp_1[3] = (data[2] - data[3]) * ComplexScalar(0, -1);
else {
tmp_1[3] = (data[2] - data[3]) * ComplexScalar(0, 1);
tmp_1[4] = data[4] + data[5];
tmp_1[5] = data[4] - data[5];
tmp_1[6] = data[6] + data[7];
if (Dir == FFT_FORWARD) {
tmp_1[7] = (data[6] - data[7]) * ComplexScalar(0, -1);
else {
tmp_1[7] = (data[6] - data[7]) * ComplexScalar(0, 1);
tmp_2[0] = tmp_1[0] + tmp_1[2];
tmp_2[1] = tmp_1[1] + tmp_1[3];
tmp_2[2] = tmp_1[0] - tmp_1[2];
tmp_2[3] = tmp_1[1] - tmp_1[3];
tmp_2[4] = tmp_1[4] + tmp_1[6];
// SQRT2DIV2 = sqrt(2)/2
#define SQRT2DIV2 0.7071067811865476
if (Dir == FFT_FORWARD) {
tmp_2[5] = (tmp_1[5] + tmp_1[7]) * ComplexScalar(SQRT2DIV2, -SQRT2DIV2);
tmp_2[6] = (tmp_1[4] - tmp_1[6]) * ComplexScalar(0, -1);
tmp_2[7] = (tmp_1[5] - tmp_1[7]) * ComplexScalar(-SQRT2DIV2, -SQRT2DIV2);
else {
tmp_2[5] = (tmp_1[5] + tmp_1[7]) * ComplexScalar(SQRT2DIV2, SQRT2DIV2);
tmp_2[6] = (tmp_1[4] - tmp_1[6]) * ComplexScalar(0, 1);
tmp_2[7] = (tmp_1[5] - tmp_1[7]) * ComplexScalar(-SQRT2DIV2, SQRT2DIV2);
data[0] = tmp_2[0] + tmp_2[4];
data[1] = tmp_2[1] + tmp_2[5];
data[2] = tmp_2[2] + tmp_2[6];
data[3] = tmp_2[3] + tmp_2[7];
data[4] = tmp_2[0] - tmp_2[4];
data[5] = tmp_2[1] - tmp_2[5];
data[6] = tmp_2[2] - tmp_2[6];
data[7] = tmp_2[3] - tmp_2[7];
else {
compute_1D_Butterfly<Dir>(data, n/2, n_power_of_2 - 1);
compute_1D_Butterfly<Dir>(data + n/2, n/2, n_power_of_2 - 1);
//Original code:
//RealScalar wtemp = std::sin(M_PI/n);
//RealScalar wpi = -std::sin(2 * M_PI/n);
RealScalar wtemp = m_sin_PI_div_n_LUT[n_power_of_2];
RealScalar wpi;
if (Dir == FFT_FORWARD) {
wpi = m_minus_sin_2_PI_div_n_LUT[n_power_of_2];
else {
wpi = 0 - m_minus_sin_2_PI_div_n_LUT[n_power_of_2];
const ComplexScalar wp(wtemp, wpi);
ComplexScalar w(1.0, 0.0);
for(int i = 0; i < n/2; i++) {
ComplexScalar temp(data[i + n/2] * w);
data[i + n/2] = data[i] - temp;
data[i] += temp;
w += w * wp;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index getBaseOffsetFromIndex(Index index, Index omitted_dim) const {
Index result = 0;
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
for (int i = NumDims - 1; i > omitted_dim; --i) {
const Index partial_m_stride = m_strides[i] / m_dimensions[omitted_dim];
const Index idx = index / partial_m_stride;
index -= idx * partial_m_stride;
result += idx * m_strides[i];
result += index;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < omitted_dim; ++i) {
const Index partial_m_stride = m_strides[i] / m_dimensions[omitted_dim];
const Index idx = index / partial_m_stride;
index -= idx * partial_m_stride;
result += idx * m_strides[i];
result += index;
// Value of index_coords[omitted_dim] is not determined to this step
return result;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index getIndexFromOffset(Index base, Index omitted_dim, Index offset) const {
Index result = base + offset * m_strides[omitted_dim] ;
return result;
int m_size;
const FFT& m_fft;
Dimensions m_dimensions;
array<Index, NumDims> m_strides;
TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device> m_impl;
CoeffReturnType* m_data;
const Device& m_device;
// This will support a maximum FFT size of 2^32 for each dimension
// m_sin_PI_div_n_LUT[i] = (-2) * std::sin(M_PI / std::pow(2,i)) ^ 2;
RealScalar m_sin_PI_div_n_LUT[32] = {
// m_minus_sin_2_PI_div_n_LUT[i] = -std::sin(2 * M_PI / std::pow(2,i));
RealScalar m_minus_sin_2_PI_div_n_LUT[32] = {
} // end namespace Eigen
#endif // __CUDACC__
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