improve greatly mandelbrot demo:

- much better coloring
- determine max number of iterations and choice between float and double
  at runtime based on zoom level
- do draft renderings with increasing resolution before final rendering
This commit is contained in:
Benoit Jacob 2008-06-29 12:04:00 +00:00
parent 027818d739
commit 97a1038653
4 changed files with 95 additions and 66 deletions

View File


View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
*** Mandelbrot demo ***
* coefficient-wise operations on a matrix to perform general array computations which
may not have anything to do with linear algebra
* impact of vectorization on performance
* Left mouse button to center view at a point.
* Drag vertically with left mouse button to zoom in and out.
Be sure to enable SSE2 or AltiVec to improve performance.
The number of iterations, and the choice between single and double precision, are
determined at runtime depending on the zoom level.

View File

@ -15,76 +15,115 @@ void MandelbrotWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
void MandelbrotWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
template<typename Real> int MandelbrotWidget::render(int max_iter, int img_width, int img_height)
QTime time;
int alignedWidth = (width()/packetSize)*packetSize;
real yradius = xradius * height() / width();
vector2 start(center.x() - xradius, center.y() - yradius);
vector2 step(2*xradius/width(), 2*yradius/height());
int pix = 0, total_iter = 0;
static float max_speed = 0;
enum { packetSize = Eigen::ei_packet_traits<Real>::size }; // number of reals in a Packet
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, packetSize, 1> Packet; // wrap a Packet as a vector
for(int y = 0; y < height(); y++)
int alignedWidth = (img_width/packetSize)*packetSize;
float yradius = xradius * img_height / img_width;
Eigen::Vector2f start(center.x() - xradius, center.y() - yradius);
Eigen::Vector2f step(2*xradius/img_width, 2*yradius/img_height);
int pix = 0, total_iter = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < img_height; y++)
// for each pixel, we're going to do the iteration z := z^2 + c where z and c are complex numbers,
// starting with z = c = complex coord of the pixel. pzi and pzr denote the real and imaginary parts of z.
// pci and pcr denote the real and imaginary parts of c.
packet pzi_start, pci_start;
Packet pzi_start, pci_start;
for(int i = 0; i < packetSize; i++) pzi_start[i] = pci_start[i] = start.y() + y * step.y();
for(int x = 0; x < alignedWidth; x += packetSize, pix += packetSize)
packet pcr, pci = pci_start, pzr, pzi = pzi_start, pzr_buf;
Packet pcr, pci = pci_start, pzr, pzi = pzi_start, pzr_buf;
for(int i = 0; i < packetSize; i++) pzr[i] = pcr[i] = start.x() + (x+i) * step.x();
// do the iterations. Every 4 iterations we check for divergence, in which case we can stop iterating.
int j;
for(j = 0; j < iter/4 && (pzr.cwiseAbs2() + pzi.cwiseAbs2()).eval().minCoeff() < 4; j++)
int j = 0;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<int, packetSize, 1> Packeti;
Packeti pix_iter = Packeti::zero(), pix_dont_diverge;
total_iter += 4 * packetSize;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
pzr_buf = pzr;
pzr = pzr.cwiseAbs2() - pzi.cwiseAbs2() + pcr;
pzi = 2 * pzr_buf.cwiseProduct(pzi) + pci;
pix_dont_diverge = (pzr.cwiseAbs2() + pzi.cwiseAbs2())
.template cast<int>();
pix_iter += 4 * pix_dont_diverge;
total_iter += 4 * packetSize;
while(j < max_iter/4 && pix_dont_diverge.any());
// compute arbitrary pixel colors
packet pblue, pgreen;
if(j == iter/4)
packet pampl = (pzr.cwiseAbs2() + pzi.cwiseAbs2());
pblue = real(510) * (packet::constant(0.1) + pampl).cwiseInverse().cwiseMin(packet::ones());
pgreen = real(2550) * (packet::constant(10) + pampl).cwiseInverse().cwiseMin(packet::constant(0.1));
else pblue = pgreen = packet::zero();
for(int i = 0; i < packetSize; i++)
buffer[4*(pix+i)] = (unsigned char)(pblue[i]);
buffer[4*(pix+i)+1] = (unsigned char)(pgreen[i]);
buffer[4*(pix+i)] = float(pix_iter[i])*255/max_iter;
buffer[4*(pix+i)+1] = 0;
buffer[4*(pix+i)+2] = 0;
// if the width is not a multiple of packetSize, fill the remainder in black
for(int x = alignedWidth; x < width(); x++, pix++)
for(int x = alignedWidth; x < img_width; x++, pix++)
buffer[4*pix] = buffer[4*pix+1] = buffer[4*pix+2] = 0;
int elapsed = time.elapsed();
float speed = elapsed ? float(total_iter)*1000/elapsed : 0;
max_speed = std::max(max_speed, speed);
std::cout << elapsed << " ms elapsed, "
<< total_iter << " iters, "
<< speed << " iters/s (max " << max_speed << ")" << std::endl;
return total_iter;
QImage image(buffer, width(), height(), QImage::Format_RGB32);
void MandelbrotWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
float resolution = xradius*2/width();
int max_iter = 64;
if(resolution < 1e-4f) max_iter += 32 * ( 4 - std::log10(resolution));
max_iter = (max_iter/4)*4;
int img_width = width()/draft;
int img_height = height()/draft;
static float max_speed = 0;
int total_iter;
bool single_precision = resolution > 1e-6f;
QTime time;
total_iter = render<float>(max_iter, img_width, img_height);
total_iter = render<double>(max_iter, img_width, img_height);
int elapsed = time.elapsed();
if(draft == 1)
float speed = elapsed ? float(total_iter)*1000/elapsed : 0;
max_speed = std::max(max_speed, speed);
std::cout << elapsed << " ms elapsed, "
<< total_iter << " iters, "
<< speed << " iters/s (max " << max_speed << ")" << std::endl;
int packetSize = single_precision ? int(Eigen::ei_packet_traits<float>::size)
: int(Eigen::ei_packet_traits<double>::size);
setWindowTitle(QString("resolution ")+QString::number(xradius*2/width(), 'e', 2)
+(single_precision ? QString(", single ") : QString(", double "))
+QString("precision, ")
+(packetSize==1 ? QString("no vectorization")
: QString("vectorized (%1 per packet)").arg(packetSize)));
QImage image(buffer, img_width, img_height, QImage::Format_RGB32);
QPainter painter(this);
painter.drawImage(QPointF(0,0), image);
painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), image.scaled(width(), height()));
draft /= 2;
setWindowTitle(QString("recomputing at 1/%1 resolution...").arg(draft));
void MandelbrotWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
@ -92,9 +131,10 @@ void MandelbrotWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
if( event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton )
lastpos = event->pos();
real yradius = xradius * height() / width();
center = vector2(center.x() + (event->pos().x() - width()/2) * xradius * 2 / width(),
center.y() + (event->pos().y() - height()/2) * yradius * 2 / height());
float yradius = xradius * height() / width();
center = Eigen::Vector2f(center.x() + (event->pos().x() - width()/2) * xradius * 2 / width(),
center.y() + (event->pos().y() - height()/2) * yradius * 2 / height());
draft = 16;
@ -105,10 +145,11 @@ void MandelbrotWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
lastpos = event->pos();
if( event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton )
real t = 1 + 3 * real(delta.y()) / height();
float t = 1 + 5 * float(delta.y()) / height();
if(t < 0.5) t = 0.5;
if(t > 2) t = 2;
xradius *= t;
draft = 16;

View File

@ -5,43 +5,31 @@
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#ifdef REAL
typedef REAL real;
typedef float real;
enum { packetSize = Eigen::ei_packet_traits<real>::size }; // number of reals in a packet
typedef Eigen::Matrix<real, packetSize, 1> packet; // wrap a packet as a vector
typedef Eigen::Matrix<real, 2, 1> vector2; // really just a complex number, but we're here to demo Eigen !
const int iter = 32; // the maximum number of iterations done per pixel. Must be a multiple of 4.
class MandelbrotWidget : public QWidget
vector2 center;
real xradius;
Eigen::Vector2f center;
float xradius;
int size;
unsigned char *buffer;
QPoint lastpos;
int draft;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
template<typename Real> int render(int max_iter, int resx, int resy);
MandelbrotWidget() : QWidget(), center(real(0),real(0)), xradius(2),
size(0), buffer(0)
MandelbrotWidget() : QWidget(), center(0,0), xradius(2),
size(0), buffer(0), draft(16)
setWindowTitle(QString("Mandelbrot/Eigen, sizeof(real)=")+QString::number(sizeof(real))
+", sizeof(packet)="+QString::number(sizeof(packet)));
~MandelbrotWidget() { if(buffer) delete[]buffer; }
#endif // MANDELBROT_H
#endif // MANDELBROT_H