diff --git a/unsupported/Eigen/src/LevenbergMarquardt/LevenbergMarquardt.h b/unsupported/Eigen/src/LevenbergMarquardt/LevenbergMarquardt.h index 9eca33d04..b30e0a90a 100644 --- a/unsupported/Eigen/src/LevenbergMarquardt/LevenbergMarquardt.h +++ b/unsupported/Eigen/src/LevenbergMarquardt/LevenbergMarquardt.h @@ -175,6 +175,24 @@ class LevenbergMarquardt : internal::no_assignment_operator /** Use an external Scaling. If set to true, pass a nonzero diagonal to diag() */ void setExternalScaling(bool value) {m_useExternalScaling = value; } + /** \returns the tolerance for the norm of the solution vector */ + RealScalar xtol() const {return m_xtol; } + + /** \returns the tolerance for the norm of the vector function */ + RealScalar ftol() const {return m_ftol; } + + /** \returns the tolerance for the norm of the gradient of the error vector */ + RealScalar gtol() const {return m_gtol; } + + /** \returns the step bound for the diagonal shift */ + RealScalar factor() const {return m_factor; } + + /** \returns the error precision */ + RealScalar epsilon() const {return m_epsfcn; } + + /** \returns the maximum number of function evaluation */ + Index maxfev() const {return m_maxfev; } + /** \returns a reference to the diagonal of the jacobian */ FVectorType& diag() {return m_diag; }