merge with default branch

This commit is contained in:
Gael Guennebaud 2014-03-28 09:24:18 +01:00
commit 8d2bb2c20d
6 changed files with 417 additions and 271 deletions

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
extern "C" {
// In theory we should only include immintrin.h and not the other *mmintrin.h header files directly.
// Doing so triggers some issues with ICC. However old gcc versions seems to not have this file, thus:
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1110
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>

View File

@ -167,8 +167,6 @@ public:
// register block size along the M direction (currently, this one cannot be modified)
mr = LhsPacketSize,
WorkSpaceFactor = nr * RhsPacketSize,
LhsProgress = LhsPacketSize,
RhsProgress = 1
@ -251,7 +249,6 @@ public:
nr = NumberOfRegisters/2,
mr = LhsPacketSize,
WorkSpaceFactor = nr*RhsPacketSize,
LhsProgress = LhsPacketSize,
RhsProgress = 1
@ -341,7 +338,6 @@ public:
// FIXME: should depend on NumberOfRegisters
nr = 4,
mr = ResPacketSize,
WorkSpaceFactor = Vectorizable ? 2*nr*RealPacketSize : nr,
LhsProgress = ResPacketSize,
RhsProgress = 1
@ -473,7 +469,6 @@ public:
// FIXME: should depend on NumberOfRegisters
nr = 4,
mr = ResPacketSize,
WorkSpaceFactor = nr*RhsPacketSize,
LhsProgress = ResPacketSize,
RhsProgress = 1
@ -578,63 +573,46 @@ void gebp_kernel<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,Index,mr,nr,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs>
if(strideA==-1) strideA = depth;
if(strideB==-1) strideB = depth;
conj_helper<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs> cj;
Index packet_cols = (cols/nr) * nr;
Index packet_cols8 = nr>=8 ? (cols/8) * 8 : 0;
Index packet_cols4 = nr>=4 ? (cols/4) * 4 : 0;
// Here we assume that mr==LhsProgress
const Index peeled_mc = (rows/mr)*mr;
const Index peeled_kc = (depth/4)*4;
// loops on each micro vertical panel of rhs (depth x nr)
for(Index j2=0; j2<packet_cols; j2+=nr)
// First pass using depth x 8 panels
// loops on each largest micro horizontal panel of lhs (mr x depth)
// => we select a mr x nr micro block of res which is entirely
// stored into mr/packet_size x nr registers.
for(Index i=0; i<peeled_mc; i+=mr)
for(Index j2=0; j2<packet_cols8; j2+=nr)
const LhsScalar* blA = &blockA[i*strideA+offsetA*mr];
// prefetch(&blA[0]);
// gets res block as register
AccPacket C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7;
if(nr==8) traits.initAcc(C4);
if(nr==8) traits.initAcc(C5);
if(nr==8) traits.initAcc(C6);
if(nr==8) traits.initAcc(C7);
ResScalar* r0 = &res[(j2+0)*resStride + i];
// performs "inner" products
const RhsScalar* blB = &blockB[j2*strideB+offsetB*nr];
LhsPacket A0, A1;
// uncomment for register prefetching
// traits.loadLhs(blA, A0);
for(Index k=0; k<peeled_kc; k+=4)
// loops on each largest micro horizontal panel of lhs (mr x depth)
// => we select a mr x nr micro block of res which is entirely
// stored into mr/packet_size x nr registers.
for(Index i=0; i<peeled_mc; i+=mr)
EIGEN_ASM_COMMENT("begin gegp micro kernel 1p x 4");
const LhsScalar* blA = &blockA[i*strideA+offsetA*mr];
// prefetch(&blA[0]);
RhsPacket B_0, B1;
// gets res block as register
AccPacket C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7;
traits.loadLhs(&blA[K*LhsProgress], A0); \
traits.broadcastRhs(&blB[0+4*K*RhsProgress], B_0, B1); \
traits.madd(A0, B_0,C0, B_0); \
traits.madd(A0, B1, C1, B1); \
traits.broadcastRhs(&blB[2+4*K*RhsProgress], B_0, B1); \
traits.madd(A0, B_0,C2, B_0); \
traits.madd(A0, B1, C3, B1)
ResScalar* r0 = &res[(j2+0)*resStride + i];
else // nr==8
// performs "inner" products
const RhsScalar* blB = &blockB[j2*strideB+offsetB*nr];
LhsPacket A0;
// uncomment for register prefetching
// LhsPacket A1;
// traits.loadLhs(blA, A0);
for(Index k=0; k<peeled_kc; k+=4)
EIGEN_ASM_COMMENT("begin gegp micro kernel 1p x 8");
RhsPacket B_0, B1, B2, B3;
@ -674,35 +652,23 @@ void gebp_kernel<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,Index,mr,nr,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs>
blB += 4*nr*RhsProgress;
blA += 4*mr;
// process remaining peeled loop
for(Index k=peeled_kc; k<depth; k++)
RhsPacket B_0, B1;
blB += 4*8*RhsProgress;
blA += 4*mr;
else // nr == 8
// process remaining peeled loop
for(Index k=peeled_kc; k<depth; k++)
RhsPacket B_0, B1, B2, B3;
// uncomment for register prefetching
// A0 = A1;
blB += 8*RhsProgress;
blA += mr;
blB += nr*RhsProgress;
blA += mr;
ResPacket R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6;
ResPacket alphav = pset1<ResPacket>(alpha);
@ -732,60 +698,20 @@ void gebp_kernel<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,Index,mr,nr,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs>
pstoreu(r0+5*resStride, R5);
pstoreu(r0+6*resStride, R6);
pstoreu(r0+7*resStride, R0);
else // nr==4
ResPacket R0, R1, R2;
ResPacket alphav = pset1<ResPacket>(alpha);
R0 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+0*resStride);
R1 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+1*resStride);
R2 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+2*resStride);
traits.acc(C0, alphav, R0);
pstoreu(r0+0*resStride, R0);
R0 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+3*resStride);
traits.acc(C1, alphav, R1);
traits.acc(C2, alphav, R2);
traits.acc(C3, alphav, R0);
pstoreu(r0+1*resStride, R1);
pstoreu(r0+2*resStride, R2);
pstoreu(r0+3*resStride, R0);
for(Index i=peeled_mc; i<rows; i++)
const LhsScalar* blA = &blockA[i*strideA+offsetA];
// gets a 1 x nr res block as registers
ResScalar C0(0), C1(0), C2(0), C3(0), C4(0), C5(0), C6(0), C7(0);
// FIXME directly use blockB ???
const RhsScalar* blB = &blockB[j2*strideB+offsetB*nr];
// TODO peel this loop
for(Index k=0; k<depth; k++)
for(Index i=peeled_mc; i<rows; i++)
LhsScalar A0;
RhsScalar B_0, B_1;
const LhsScalar* blA = &blockA[i*strideA+offsetA];
A0 = blA[k];
B_0 = blB[0];
B_1 = blB[1];
MADD(cj,A0,B_0,C0, B_0);
MADD(cj,A0,B_1,C1, B_1);
B_0 = blB[2];
B_1 = blB[3];
MADD(cj,A0,B_0,C2, B_0);
MADD(cj,A0,B_1,C3, B_1);
else // nr==8
// gets a 1 x 8 res block as registers
ResScalar C0(0), C1(0), C2(0), C3(0), C4(0), C5(0), C6(0), C7(0);
// FIXME directly use blockB ???
const RhsScalar* blB = &blockB[j2*strideB+offsetB*8];
// TODO peel this loop
for(Index k=0; k<depth; k++)
LhsScalar A0;
RhsScalar B_0, B_1;
@ -811,24 +737,143 @@ void gebp_kernel<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,Index,mr,nr,ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs>
B_1 = blB[7];
MADD(cj,A0,B_0,C6, B_0);
MADD(cj,A0,B_1,C7, B_1);
blB += nr;
blB += 8;
res[(j2+0)*resStride + i] += alpha*C0;
res[(j2+1)*resStride + i] += alpha*C1;
res[(j2+2)*resStride + i] += alpha*C2;
res[(j2+3)*resStride + i] += alpha*C3;
res[(j2+4)*resStride + i] += alpha*C4;
res[(j2+5)*resStride + i] += alpha*C5;
res[(j2+6)*resStride + i] += alpha*C6;
res[(j2+7)*resStride + i] += alpha*C7;
// Second pass using depth x 4 panels
// If nr==8, then we have at most one such panel
for(Index j2=packet_cols8; j2<packet_cols4; j2+=4)
// loops on each largest micro horizontal panel of lhs (mr x depth)
// => we select a mr x 4 micro block of res which is entirely
// stored into mr/packet_size x 4 registers.
for(Index i=0; i<peeled_mc; i+=mr)
const LhsScalar* blA = &blockA[i*strideA+offsetA*mr];
// prefetch(&blA[0]);
// gets res block as register
AccPacket C0, C1, C2, C3;
ResScalar* r0 = &res[(j2+0)*resStride + i];
// performs "inner" products
const RhsScalar* blB = &blockB[j2*strideB+offsetB*4];
LhsPacket A0;
// uncomment for register prefetching
// LhsPacket A1;
// traits.loadLhs(blA, A0);
for(Index k=0; k<peeled_kc; k+=4)
EIGEN_ASM_COMMENT("begin gegp micro kernel 1p x 4");
RhsPacket B_0, B1;
traits.loadLhs(&blA[K*LhsProgress], A0); \
traits.broadcastRhs(&blB[0+4*K*RhsProgress], B_0, B1); \
traits.madd(A0, B_0,C0, B_0); \
traits.madd(A0, B1, C1, B1); \
traits.broadcastRhs(&blB[2+4*K*RhsProgress], B_0, B1); \
traits.madd(A0, B_0,C2, B_0); \
traits.madd(A0, B1, C3, B1)
blB += 4*4*RhsProgress;
blA += 4*mr;
// process remaining peeled loop
for(Index k=peeled_kc; k<depth; k++)
RhsPacket B_0, B1;
blB += 4*RhsProgress;
blA += mr;
ResPacket R0, R1, R2;
ResPacket alphav = pset1<ResPacket>(alpha);
R0 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+0*resStride);
R1 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+1*resStride);
R2 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+2*resStride);
traits.acc(C0, alphav, R0);
pstoreu(r0+0*resStride, R0);
R0 = ploadu<ResPacket>(r0+3*resStride);
traits.acc(C1, alphav, R1);
traits.acc(C2, alphav, R2);
traits.acc(C3, alphav, R0);
pstoreu(r0+1*resStride, R1);
pstoreu(r0+2*resStride, R2);
pstoreu(r0+3*resStride, R0);
for(Index i=peeled_mc; i<rows; i++)
const LhsScalar* blA = &blockA[i*strideA+offsetA];
// gets a 1 x 4 res block as registers
ResScalar C0(0), C1(0), C2(0), C3(0);
// FIXME directly use blockB ???
const RhsScalar* blB = &blockB[j2*strideB+offsetB*4];
// TODO peel this loop
for(Index k=0; k<depth; k++)
LhsScalar A0;
RhsScalar B_0, B_1;
A0 = blA[k];
B_0 = blB[0];
B_1 = blB[1];
MADD(cj,A0,B_0,C0, B_0);
MADD(cj,A0,B_1,C1, B_1);
B_0 = blB[2];
B_1 = blB[3];
MADD(cj,A0,B_0,C2, B_0);
MADD(cj,A0,B_1,C3, B_1);
blB += 4;
res[(j2+0)*resStride + i] += alpha*C0;
res[(j2+1)*resStride + i] += alpha*C1;
res[(j2+2)*resStride + i] += alpha*C2;
res[(j2+3)*resStride + i] += alpha*C3;
res[(j2+0)*resStride + i] += alpha*C0;
res[(j2+1)*resStride + i] += alpha*C1;
res[(j2+2)*resStride + i] += alpha*C2;
res[(j2+3)*resStride + i] += alpha*C3;
if(nr==8) res[(j2+4)*resStride + i] += alpha*C4;
if(nr==8) res[(j2+5)*resStride + i] += alpha*C5;
if(nr==8) res[(j2+6)*resStride + i] += alpha*C6;
if(nr==8) res[(j2+7)*resStride + i] += alpha*C7;
// process remaining rhs/res columns one at a time
// => do the same but with nr==1
for(Index j2=packet_cols; j2<cols; j2++)
for(Index j2=packet_cols4; j2<cols; j2++)
for(Index i=0; i<peeled_mc; i+=mr)
@ -1029,54 +1074,96 @@ EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void gemm_pack_rhs<Scalar, Index, nr, ColMajor, Conjugate, Pan
eigen_assert(((!PanelMode) && stride==0 && offset==0) || (PanelMode && stride>=depth && offset<=stride));
conj_if<NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex && Conjugate> cj;
Index packet_cols = (cols/nr) * nr;
Index packet_cols8 = nr>=8 ? (cols/8) * 8 : 0;
Index packet_cols4 = nr>=4 ? (cols/4) * 4 : 0;
Index count = 0;
const Index peeled_k = (depth/PacketSize)*PacketSize;
for(Index j2=0; j2<packet_cols; j2+=nr)
// skip what we have before
if(PanelMode) count += nr * offset;
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[(j2+0)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b1 = &rhs[(j2+1)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b2 = &rhs[(j2+2)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b3 = &rhs[(j2+3)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b4 = &rhs[(j2+4)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b5 = &rhs[(j2+5)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b6 = &rhs[(j2+6)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b7 = &rhs[(j2+7)*rhsStride];
Index k=0;
if(nr == PacketSize)
for(Index j2=0; j2<packet_cols8; j2+=8)
for(; k<peeled_k; k+=PacketSize) {
Kernel<Packet> kernel;
for (int p = 0; p < PacketSize; ++p) {
kernel.packet[p] = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[(j2+p)*rhsStride+k]);
for (int p = 0; p < PacketSize; ++p) {
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(kernel.packet[p]));
// skip what we have before
if(PanelMode) count += 8 * offset;
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[(j2+0)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b1 = &rhs[(j2+1)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b2 = &rhs[(j2+2)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b3 = &rhs[(j2+3)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b4 = &rhs[(j2+4)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b5 = &rhs[(j2+5)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b6 = &rhs[(j2+6)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b7 = &rhs[(j2+7)*rhsStride];
Index k=0;
if(PacketSize==8) // TODO enbale vectorized transposition for PacketSize==4
for(; k<peeled_k; k+=PacketSize) {
Kernel<Packet> kernel;
for (int p = 0; p < PacketSize; ++p) {
kernel.packet[p] = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[(j2+p)*rhsStride+k]);
for (int p = 0; p < PacketSize; ++p) {
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(kernel.packet[p]));
for(; k<depth; k++)
blockB[count+0] = cj(b0[k]);
blockB[count+1] = cj(b1[k]);
blockB[count+2] = cj(b2[k]);
blockB[count+3] = cj(b3[k]);
blockB[count+4] = cj(b4[k]);
blockB[count+5] = cj(b5[k]);
blockB[count+6] = cj(b6[k]);
blockB[count+7] = cj(b7[k]);
count += 8;
// skip what we have after
if(PanelMode) count += 8 * (stride-offset-depth);
for(; k<depth; k++)
for(Index j2=packet_cols8; j2<packet_cols4; j2+=4)
blockB[count+0] = cj(b0[k]);
blockB[count+1] = cj(b1[k]);
if(nr>=4) blockB[count+2] = cj(b2[k]);
if(nr>=4) blockB[count+3] = cj(b3[k]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+4] = cj(b4[k]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+5] = cj(b5[k]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+6] = cj(b6[k]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+7] = cj(b7[k]);
count += nr;
// skip what we have before
if(PanelMode) count += 4 * offset;
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[(j2+0)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b1 = &rhs[(j2+1)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b2 = &rhs[(j2+2)*rhsStride];
const Scalar* b3 = &rhs[(j2+3)*rhsStride];
Index k=0;
if(PacketSize==4) // TODO enbale vectorized transposition for PacketSize==2 ??
for(; k<peeled_k; k+=PacketSize) {
Kernel<Packet> kernel;
for (int p = 0; p < PacketSize; ++p) {
kernel.packet[p] = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[(j2+p)*rhsStride+k]);
for (int p = 0; p < PacketSize; ++p) {
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(kernel.packet[p]));
for(; k<depth; k++)
blockB[count+0] = cj(b0[k]);
blockB[count+1] = cj(b1[k]);
blockB[count+2] = cj(b2[k]);
blockB[count+3] = cj(b3[k]);
count += 4;
// skip what we have after
if(PanelMode) count += 4 * (stride-offset-depth);
// skip what we have after
if(PanelMode) count += nr * (stride-offset-depth);
// copy the remaining columns one at a time (nr==1)
for(Index j2=packet_cols; j2<cols; ++j2)
for(Index j2=packet_cols4; j2<cols; ++j2)
if(PanelMode) count += offset;
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[(j2+0)*rhsStride];
@ -1107,40 +1194,70 @@ EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void gemm_pack_rhs<Scalar, Index, nr, RowMajor, Conjugate, Pan
eigen_assert(((!PanelMode) && stride==0 && offset==0) || (PanelMode && stride>=depth && offset<=stride));
conj_if<NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex && Conjugate> cj;
Index packet_cols = (cols/nr) * nr;
Index packet_cols8 = nr>=8 ? (cols/8) * 8 : 0;
Index packet_cols4 = nr>=4 ? (cols/4) * 4 : 0;
Index count = 0;
for(Index j2=0; j2<packet_cols; j2+=nr)
// skip what we have before
if(PanelMode) count += nr * offset;
for(Index k=0; k<depth; k++)
for(Index j2=0; j2<packet_cols8; j2+=8)
if (nr == PacketSize) {
Packet A = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[k*rhsStride + j2]);
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(A));
} else if (nr == 2*PacketSize) {
Packet A = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[k*rhsStride + j2]);
Packet B = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[k*rhsStride + j2 + PacketSize]);
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(A));
pstoreu(blockB+count+PacketSize, cj.pconj(B));
} else {
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[k*rhsStride + j2];
blockB[count+0] = cj(b0[0]);
blockB[count+1] = cj(b0[1]);
if(nr>=4) blockB[count+2] = cj(b0[2]);
if(nr>=4) blockB[count+3] = cj(b0[3]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+4] = cj(b0[4]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+5] = cj(b0[5]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+6] = cj(b0[6]);
if(nr>=8) blockB[count+7] = cj(b0[7]);
// skip what we have before
if(PanelMode) count += 8 * offset;
for(Index k=0; k<depth; k++)
if (PacketSize==8) {
Packet A = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[k*rhsStride + j2]);
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(A));
} else if (PacketSize==4) {
Packet A = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[k*rhsStride + j2]);
Packet B = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[k*rhsStride + j2 + PacketSize]);
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(A));
pstoreu(blockB+count+PacketSize, cj.pconj(B));
} else {
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[k*rhsStride + j2];
blockB[count+0] = cj(b0[0]);
blockB[count+1] = cj(b0[1]);
blockB[count+2] = cj(b0[2]);
blockB[count+3] = cj(b0[3]);
blockB[count+4] = cj(b0[4]);
blockB[count+5] = cj(b0[5]);
blockB[count+6] = cj(b0[6]);
blockB[count+7] = cj(b0[7]);
count += 8;
count += nr;
// skip what we have after
if(PanelMode) count += 8 * (stride-offset-depth);
for(Index j2=packet_cols8; j2<packet_cols4; j2+=4)
// skip what we have before
if(PanelMode) count += 4 * offset;
for(Index k=0; k<depth; k++)
if (PacketSize==4) {
Packet A = ploadu<Packet>(&rhs[k*rhsStride + j2]);
pstoreu(blockB+count, cj.pconj(A));
count += PacketSize;
} else {
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[k*rhsStride + j2];
blockB[count+0] = cj(b0[0]);
blockB[count+1] = cj(b0[1]);
blockB[count+2] = cj(b0[2]);
blockB[count+3] = cj(b0[3]);
count += 4;
// skip what we have after
if(PanelMode) count += 4 * (stride-offset-depth);
// skip what we have after
if(PanelMode) count += nr * (stride-offset-depth);
// copy the remaining columns one at a time (nr==1)
for(Index j2=packet_cols; j2<cols; ++j2)
for(Index j2=packet_cols4; j2<cols; ++j2)
if(PanelMode) count += offset;
const Scalar* b0 = &rhs[j2];

View File

@ -278,13 +278,11 @@ class gemm_blocking_space<StorageOrder,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar,MaxRows, MaxCols, M
typedef gebp_traits<LhsScalar,RhsScalar> Traits;
enum {
SizeA = ActualRows * MaxDepth,
SizeB = ActualCols * MaxDepth,
SizeW = MaxDepth * Traits::WorkSpaceFactor
SizeB = ActualCols * MaxDepth
EIGEN_ALIGN_DEFAULT LhsScalar m_staticA[SizeA];
EIGEN_ALIGN_DEFAULT RhsScalar m_staticB[SizeB];
EIGEN_ALIGN_DEFAULT RhsScalar m_staticW[SizeW];
@ -295,12 +293,10 @@ class gemm_blocking_space<StorageOrder,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar,MaxRows, MaxCols, M
this->m_kc = MaxDepth;
this->m_blockA = m_staticA;
this->m_blockB = m_staticB;
this->m_blockW = m_staticW;
inline void allocateA() {}
inline void allocateB() {}
inline void allocateW() {}
inline void allocateAll() {}
@ -319,7 +315,6 @@ class gemm_blocking_space<StorageOrder,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar,MaxRows, MaxCols, M
DenseIndex m_sizeA;
DenseIndex m_sizeB;
DenseIndex m_sizeW;
@ -332,7 +327,6 @@ class gemm_blocking_space<StorageOrder,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar,MaxRows, MaxCols, M
computeProductBlockingSizes<LhsScalar,RhsScalar,KcFactor>(this->m_kc, this->m_mc, this->m_nc);
m_sizeA = this->m_mc * this->m_kc;
m_sizeB = this->m_kc * this->m_nc;
m_sizeW = this->m_kc*Traits::WorkSpaceFactor;
void allocateA()
@ -347,24 +341,16 @@ class gemm_blocking_space<StorageOrder,_LhsScalar,_RhsScalar,MaxRows, MaxCols, M
this->m_blockB = aligned_new<RhsScalar>(m_sizeB);
void allocateW()
this->m_blockW = aligned_new<RhsScalar>(m_sizeW);
void allocateAll()
aligned_delete(this->m_blockA, m_sizeA);
aligned_delete(this->m_blockB, m_sizeB);
aligned_delete(this->m_blockW, m_sizeW);

View File

@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ struct symm_pack_rhs
Index end_k = k2 + rows;
Index count = 0;
const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar,Index,StorageOrder> rhs(_rhs,rhsStride);
Index packet_cols = (cols/nr)*nr;
Index packet_cols8 = nr>=8 ? (cols/8) * 8 : 0;
Index packet_cols4 = nr>=4 ? (cols/4) * 4 : 0;
// first part: normal case
for(Index j2=0; j2<k2; j2+=nr)
@ -108,90 +109,134 @@ struct symm_pack_rhs
// second part: diagonal block
for(Index j2=k2; j2<(std::min)(k2+rows,packet_cols); j2+=nr)
Index end8 = nr>=8 ? (std::min)(k2+rows,packet_cols8) : k2;
// again we can split vertically in three different parts (transpose, symmetric, normal)
// transpose
for(Index k=k2; k<j2; k++)
for(Index j2=k2; j2<end8; j2+=8)
blockB[count+0] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
blockB[count+1] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
if (nr>=4)
// again we can split vertically in three different parts (transpose, symmetric, normal)
// transpose
for(Index k=k2; k<j2; k++)
blockB[count+0] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
blockB[count+1] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
blockB[count+2] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+2,k));
blockB[count+3] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+3,k));
if (nr>=8)
blockB[count+4] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+4,k));
blockB[count+5] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+5,k));
blockB[count+6] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+6,k));
blockB[count+7] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+7,k));
count += 8;
count += nr;
// symmetric
Index h = 0;
for(Index k=j2; k<j2+nr; k++)
// normal
for (Index w=0 ; w<h; ++w)
blockB[count+w] = rhs(k,j2+w);
blockB[count+h] = numext::real(rhs(k,k));
// transpose
for (Index w=h+1 ; w<nr; ++w)
blockB[count+w] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+w,k));
count += nr;
// normal
for(Index k=j2+nr; k<end_k; k++)
blockB[count+0] = rhs(k,j2+0);
blockB[count+1] = rhs(k,j2+1);
if (nr>=4)
// symmetric
Index h = 0;
for(Index k=j2; k<j2+8; k++)
// normal
for (Index w=0 ; w<h; ++w)
blockB[count+w] = rhs(k,j2+w);
blockB[count+h] = numext::real(rhs(k,k));
// transpose
for (Index w=h+1 ; w<8; ++w)
blockB[count+w] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+w,k));
count += 8;
// normal
for(Index k=j2+8; k<end_k; k++)
blockB[count+0] = rhs(k,j2+0);
blockB[count+1] = rhs(k,j2+1);
blockB[count+2] = rhs(k,j2+2);
blockB[count+3] = rhs(k,j2+3);
if (nr>=8)
blockB[count+4] = rhs(k,j2+4);
blockB[count+5] = rhs(k,j2+5);
blockB[count+6] = rhs(k,j2+6);
blockB[count+7] = rhs(k,j2+7);
count += 8;
for(Index j2=end8; j2<(std::min)(k2+rows,packet_cols4); j2+=4)
// again we can split vertically in three different parts (transpose, symmetric, normal)
// transpose
for(Index k=k2; k<j2; k++)
blockB[count+0] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
blockB[count+1] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
blockB[count+2] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+2,k));
blockB[count+3] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+3,k));
count += 4;
// symmetric
Index h = 0;
for(Index k=j2; k<j2+4; k++)
// normal
for (Index w=0 ; w<h; ++w)
blockB[count+w] = rhs(k,j2+w);
blockB[count+h] = numext::real(rhs(k,k));
// transpose
for (Index w=h+1 ; w<4; ++w)
blockB[count+w] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+w,k));
count += 4;
// normal
for(Index k=j2+4; k<end_k; k++)
blockB[count+0] = rhs(k,j2+0);
blockB[count+1] = rhs(k,j2+1);
blockB[count+2] = rhs(k,j2+2);
blockB[count+3] = rhs(k,j2+3);
count += 4;
count += nr;
// third part: transposed
for(Index j2=k2+rows; j2<packet_cols; j2+=nr)
for(Index k=k2; k<end_k; k++)
for(Index j2=k2+rows; j2<packet_cols8; j2+=8)
blockB[count+0] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
blockB[count+1] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
if (nr>=4)
for(Index k=k2; k<end_k; k++)
blockB[count+0] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
blockB[count+1] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
blockB[count+2] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+2,k));
blockB[count+3] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+3,k));
if (nr>=8)
blockB[count+4] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+4,k));
blockB[count+5] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+5,k));
blockB[count+6] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+6,k));
blockB[count+7] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+7,k));
count += 8;
for(Index j2=(std::max)(packet_cols8,k2+rows); j2<packet_cols4; j2+=4)
for(Index k=k2; k<end_k; k++)
blockB[count+0] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+0,k));
blockB[count+1] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+1,k));
blockB[count+2] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+2,k));
blockB[count+3] = numext::conj(rhs(j2+3,k));
count += 4;
count += nr;
// copy the remaining columns one at a time (=> the same with nr==1)
for(Index j2=packet_cols; j2<cols; ++j2)
for(Index j2=packet_cols4; j2<cols; ++j2)
// transpose
Index half = (std::min)(end_k,j2);
@ -289,11 +334,10 @@ EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,Index,LhsStorageOrder,t
// kc must smaller than mc
kc = (std::min)(kc,mc);
std::size_t sizeW = kc*Traits::WorkSpaceFactor;
std::size_t sizeB = sizeW + kc*cols;
std::size_t sizeB = kc*cols;
ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, blockA, kc*mc, 0);
ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, allocatedBlockB, sizeB, 0);
Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB + sizeW;
Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB;
gebp_kernel<Scalar, Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::nr, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs> gebp_kernel;
symm_pack_lhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress, LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;
@ -376,11 +420,10 @@ EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,Index,LhsStorageOrder,f
Index mc = rows; // cache block size along the M direction
Index nc = cols; // cache block size along the N direction
computeProductBlockingSizes<Scalar,Scalar>(kc, mc, nc);
std::size_t sizeW = kc*Traits::WorkSpaceFactor;
std::size_t sizeB = sizeW + kc*cols;
std::size_t sizeB = kc*cols;
ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, blockA, kc*mc, 0);
ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(Scalar, allocatedBlockB, sizeB, 0);
Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB + sizeW;
Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB;
gebp_kernel<Scalar, Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::nr, ConjugateLhs, ConjugateRhs> gebp_kernel;
gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar, Index, Traits::mr, Traits::LhsProgress, LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;

View File

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void RenderingWidget::drawScene()
gpu.drawVector(Vector3f::Zero(), length*Vector3f::UnitZ(), Color(0,0,1,1));
// draw the fractal object
float sqrt3 = internal::sqrt(3.);
float sqrt3 = std::sqrt(3.);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, Vector4f(0.5,0.5,0.5,1).data());
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, Vector4f(0.5,1,0.5,1).data());
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, Vector4f(1,1,1,1).data());

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ void Trackball::track(const Vector2i& point2D)
Vector3f axis = mLastPoint3D.cross(newPoint3D).normalized();
float cos_angle =;
if ( internal::abs(cos_angle) < 1.0 )
if ( std::abs(cos_angle) < 1.0 )
float angle = 2. * acos(cos_angle);
if (mMode==Around)