mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 18:27:40 +08:00
add a stupid Product<A,B> expression produced by prod(a,b), and implement a first version of its evaluator
This commit is contained in:
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ using std::size_t;
#include "src/Core/CommaInitializer.h"
#include "src/Core/Flagged.h"
#include "src/Core/ProductBase.h"
#include "src/Core/Product.h"
#include "src/Core/GeneralProduct.h"
#include "src/Core/TriangularMatrix.h"
#include "src/Core/SelfAdjointView.h"
#include "src/Core/SolveTriangular.h"
@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ using std::size_t;
#include "src/Core/ArrayWrapper.h"
#include "src/Core/Product.h"
#include "src/Core/CoreEvaluators.h"
#include "src/Core/AssignEvaluator.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
// Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// Eigen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** \class GeneralProduct
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Expression of the product of two general matrices or vectors
* \param LhsNested the type used to store the left-hand side
* \param RhsNested the type used to store the right-hand side
* \param ProductMode the type of the product
* This class represents an expression of the product of two general matrices.
* We call a general matrix, a dense matrix with full storage. For instance,
* This excludes triangular, selfadjoint, and sparse matrices.
* It is the return type of the operator* between general matrices. Its template
* arguments are determined automatically by ProductReturnType. Therefore,
* GeneralProduct should never be used direclty. To determine the result type of a
* function which involves a matrix product, use ProductReturnType::Type.
* \sa ProductReturnType, MatrixBase::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>&)
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int ProductType = internal::product_type<Lhs,Rhs>::value>
class GeneralProduct;
enum {
Large = 2,
Small = 3
namespace internal {
template<int Rows, int Cols, int Depth> struct product_type_selector;
template<int Size, int MaxSize> struct product_size_category
enum { is_large = MaxSize == Dynamic ||
value = is_large ? Large
: Size == 1 ? 1
: Small
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs> struct product_type
typedef typename remove_all<Lhs>::type _Lhs;
typedef typename remove_all<Rhs>::type _Rhs;
enum {
MaxRows = _Lhs::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
Rows = _Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime,
MaxCols = _Rhs::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
Cols = _Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxDepth = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(_Lhs::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
Depth = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(_Lhs::ColsAtCompileTime,
// the splitting into different lines of code here, introducing the _select enums and the typedef below,
// is to work around an internal compiler error with gcc 4.1 and 4.2.
enum {
rows_select = product_size_category<Rows,MaxRows>::value,
cols_select = product_size_category<Cols,MaxCols>::value,
depth_select = product_size_category<Depth,MaxDepth>::value
typedef product_type_selector<rows_select, cols_select, depth_select> selector;
enum {
value = selector::ret
static void debug()
/* The following allows to select the kind of product at compile time
* based on the three dimensions of the product.
* This is a compile time mapping from {1,Small,Large}^3 -> {product types} */
// FIXME I'm not sure the current mapping is the ideal one.
template<int M, int N> struct product_type_selector<M,N,1> { enum { ret = OuterProduct }; };
template<int Depth> struct product_type_selector<1, 1, Depth> { enum { ret = InnerProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, 1, 1> { enum { ret = InnerProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,1, Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Small,Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Small,Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small, Small, 1> { enum { ret = LazyCoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small, Large, 1> { enum { ret = LazyCoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large, Small, 1> { enum { ret = LazyCoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Large,Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Large,Large> { enum { ret = GemvProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Small,Large> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,1, Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,1, Large> { enum { ret = GemvProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,1, Large> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Small,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Small,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Large,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Large,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Small,Small> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Large,Small> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Large,Small> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
} // end namespace internal
/** \class ProductReturnType
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Helper class to get the correct and optimized returned type of operator*
* \param Lhs the type of the left-hand side
* \param Rhs the type of the right-hand side
* \param ProductMode the type of the product (determined automatically by internal::product_mode)
* This class defines the typename Type representing the optimized product expression
* between two matrix expressions. In practice, using ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs>::Type
* is the recommended way to define the result type of a function returning an expression
* which involve a matrix product. The class Product should never be
* used directly.
* \sa class Product, MatrixBase::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>&)
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int ProductType>
struct ProductReturnType
// TODO use the nested type to reduce instanciations ????
// typedef typename internal::nested<Lhs,Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime>::type LhsNested;
// typedef typename internal::nested<Rhs,Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime>::type RhsNested;
typedef GeneralProduct<Lhs/*Nested*/, Rhs/*Nested*/, ProductType> Type;
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs,CoeffBasedProductMode>
typedef typename internal::nested<Lhs, Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Lhs>::type >::type LhsNested;
typedef typename internal::nested<Rhs, Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Rhs>::type >::type RhsNested;
typedef CoeffBasedProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, EvalBeforeAssigningBit | EvalBeforeNestingBit> Type;
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs,LazyCoeffBasedProductMode>
typedef typename internal::nested<Lhs, Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Lhs>::type >::type LhsNested;
typedef typename internal::nested<Rhs, Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Rhs>::type >::type RhsNested;
typedef CoeffBasedProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, NestByRefBit> Type;
// this is a workaround for sun CC
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct LazyProductReturnType : public ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs,LazyCoeffBasedProductMode>
* Implementation of Inner Vector Vector Product
// FIXME : maybe the "inner product" could return a Scalar
// instead of a 1x1 matrix ??
// Pro: more natural for the user
// Cons: this could be a problem if in a meta unrolled algorithm a matrix-matrix
// product ends up to a row-vector times col-vector product... To tackle this use
// case, we could have a specialization for Block<MatrixType,1,1> with: operator=(Scalar x);
namespace internal {
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct traits<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,InnerProduct> >
: traits<Matrix<typename scalar_product_traits<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::ReturnType,1,1> >
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class GeneralProduct<Lhs, Rhs, InnerProduct>
: internal::no_assignment_operator,
public Matrix<typename internal::scalar_product_traits<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::ReturnType,1,1>
typedef Matrix<typename internal::scalar_product_traits<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::ReturnType,1,1> Base;
GeneralProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Lhs::RealScalar, typename Rhs::RealScalar>::value),
Base::coeffRef(0,0) = (lhs.transpose().cwiseProduct(rhs)).sum();
/** Convertion to scalar */
operator const typename Base::Scalar() const {
return Base::coeff(0,0);
* Implementation of Outer Vector Vector Product
namespace internal {
template<int StorageOrder> struct outer_product_selector;
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct traits<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,OuterProduct> >
: traits<ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,OuterProduct>, Lhs, Rhs> >
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class GeneralProduct<Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct>
: public ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,OuterProduct>, Lhs, Rhs>
GeneralProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) : Base(lhs,rhs)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Lhs::RealScalar, typename Rhs::RealScalar>::value),
template<typename Dest> void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dest, Scalar alpha) const
internal::outer_product_selector<(int(Dest::Flags)&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor>::run(*this, dest, alpha);
namespace internal {
template<> struct outer_product_selector<ColMajor> {
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha) {
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// FIXME make sure lhs is sequentially stored
// FIXME not very good if rhs is real and lhs complex while alpha is real too
const Index cols = dest.cols();
for (Index j=0; j<cols; ++j)
dest.col(j) += (alpha * prod.rhs().coeff(j)) * prod.lhs();
template<> struct outer_product_selector<RowMajor> {
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha) {
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// FIXME make sure rhs is sequentially stored
// FIXME not very good if lhs is real and rhs complex while alpha is real too
const Index rows = dest.rows();
for (Index i=0; i<rows; ++i)
dest.row(i) += (alpha * prod.lhs().coeff(i)) * prod.rhs();
} // end namespace internal
* Implementation of General Matrix Vector Product
/* According to the shape/flags of the matrix we have to distinghish 3 different cases:
* 1 - the matrix is col-major, BLAS compatible and M is large => call fast BLAS-like colmajor routine
* 2 - the matrix is row-major, BLAS compatible and N is large => call fast BLAS-like rowmajor routine
* 3 - all other cases are handled using a simple loop along the outer-storage direction.
* Therefore we need a lower level meta selector.
* Furthermore, if the matrix is the rhs, then the product has to be transposed.
namespace internal {
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct traits<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,GemvProduct> >
: traits<ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,GemvProduct>, Lhs, Rhs> >
template<int Side, int StorageOrder, bool BlasCompatible>
struct gemv_selector;
} // end namespace internal
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class GeneralProduct<Lhs, Rhs, GemvProduct>
: public ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,GemvProduct>, Lhs, Rhs>
typedef typename Lhs::Scalar LhsScalar;
typedef typename Rhs::Scalar RhsScalar;
GeneralProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) : Base(lhs,rhs)
// EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::value),
enum { Side = Lhs::IsVectorAtCompileTime ? OnTheLeft : OnTheRight };
typedef typename internal::conditional<int(Side)==OnTheRight,_LhsNested,_RhsNested>::type MatrixType;
template<typename Dest> void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst, Scalar alpha) const
eigen_assert(m_lhs.rows() == dst.rows() && m_rhs.cols() == dst.cols());
internal::gemv_selector<Side,(int(MatrixType::Flags)&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor,
bool(internal::blas_traits<MatrixType>::HasUsableDirectAccess)>::run(*this, dst, alpha);
namespace internal {
// The vector is on the left => transposition
template<int StorageOrder, bool BlasCompatible>
struct gemv_selector<OnTheLeft,StorageOrder,BlasCompatible>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
Transpose<Dest> destT(dest);
enum { OtherStorageOrder = StorageOrder == RowMajor ? ColMajor : RowMajor };
::run(GeneralProduct<Transpose<const typename ProductType::_RhsNested>,Transpose<const typename ProductType::_LhsNested>, GemvProduct>
(prod.rhs().transpose(), prod.lhs().transpose()), destT, alpha);
template<typename Scalar,int Size,int MaxSize,bool Cond> struct gemv_static_vector_if;
template<typename Scalar,int Size,int MaxSize>
struct gemv_static_vector_if<Scalar,Size,MaxSize,false>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar* data() { eigen_internal_assert(false && "should never be called"); return 0; }
template<typename Scalar,int Size>
struct gemv_static_vector_if<Scalar,Size,Dynamic,true>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar* data() { return 0; }
template<typename Scalar,int Size,int MaxSize>
struct gemv_static_vector_if<Scalar,Size,MaxSize,true>
internal::plain_array<Scalar,EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(Size,MaxSize),0> m_data;
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar* data() { return m_data.array; }
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,ColMajor,true>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static inline void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename ProductType::Index Index;
typedef typename ProductType::LhsScalar LhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsScalar RhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::Scalar ResScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualLhsType ActualLhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualRhsType ActualRhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::LhsBlasTraits LhsBlasTraits;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsBlasTraits RhsBlasTraits;
typedef Map<Matrix<ResScalar,Dynamic,1>, Aligned> MappedDest;
const ActualLhsType actualLhs = LhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.lhs());
const ActualRhsType actualRhs = RhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.rhs());
ResScalar actualAlpha = alpha * LhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.lhs())
* RhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.rhs());
enum {
// FIXME find a way to allow an inner stride on the result if packet_traits<Scalar>::size==1
// on, the other hand it is good for the cache to pack the vector anyways...
EvalToDestAtCompileTime = Dest::InnerStrideAtCompileTime==1,
ComplexByReal = (NumTraits<LhsScalar>::IsComplex) && (!NumTraits<RhsScalar>::IsComplex),
MightCannotUseDest = (Dest::InnerStrideAtCompileTime!=1) || ComplexByReal
gemv_static_vector_if<ResScalar,Dest::SizeAtCompileTime,Dest::MaxSizeAtCompileTime,MightCannotUseDest> static_dest;
bool alphaIsCompatible = (!ComplexByReal) || (imag(actualAlpha)==RealScalar(0));
bool evalToDest = EvalToDestAtCompileTime && alphaIsCompatible;
RhsScalar compatibleAlpha = get_factor<ResScalar,RhsScalar>::run(actualAlpha);
evalToDest ? dest.data() : static_dest.data());
int size = dest.size();
MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size()).setZero();
compatibleAlpha = RhsScalar(1);
MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size()) = dest;
actualLhs.rows(), actualLhs.cols(),
&actualLhs.coeffRef(0,0), actualLhs.outerStride(),
actualRhs.data(), actualRhs.innerStride(),
actualDestPtr, 1,
if (!evalToDest)
dest += actualAlpha * MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size());
dest = MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size());
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,RowMajor,true>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename ProductType::LhsScalar LhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsScalar RhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::Scalar ResScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::Index Index;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualLhsType ActualLhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualRhsType ActualRhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::_ActualRhsType _ActualRhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::LhsBlasTraits LhsBlasTraits;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsBlasTraits RhsBlasTraits;
typename add_const<ActualLhsType>::type actualLhs = LhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.lhs());
typename add_const<ActualRhsType>::type actualRhs = RhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.rhs());
ResScalar actualAlpha = alpha * LhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.lhs())
* RhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.rhs());
enum {
// FIXME find a way to allow an inner stride on the result if packet_traits<Scalar>::size==1
// on, the other hand it is good for the cache to pack the vector anyways...
DirectlyUseRhs = _ActualRhsType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime==1
gemv_static_vector_if<RhsScalar,_ActualRhsType::SizeAtCompileTime,_ActualRhsType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime,!DirectlyUseRhs> static_rhs;
DirectlyUseRhs ? const_cast<RhsScalar*>(actualRhs.data()) : static_rhs.data());
int size = actualRhs.size();
Map<typename _ActualRhsType::PlainObject>(actualRhsPtr, actualRhs.size()) = actualRhs;
actualLhs.rows(), actualLhs.cols(),
&actualLhs.coeffRef(0,0), actualLhs.outerStride(),
actualRhsPtr, 1,
&dest.coeffRef(0,0), dest.innerStride(),
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,ColMajor,false>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// TODO makes sure dest is sequentially stored in memory, otherwise use a temp
const Index size = prod.rhs().rows();
for(Index k=0; k<size; ++k)
dest += (alpha*prod.rhs().coeff(k)) * prod.lhs().col(k);
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,RowMajor,false>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// TODO makes sure rhs is sequentially stored in memory, otherwise use a temp
const Index rows = prod.rows();
for(Index i=0; i<rows; ++i)
dest.coeffRef(i) += alpha * (prod.lhs().row(i).cwiseProduct(prod.rhs().transpose())).sum();
} // end namespace internal
* Implementation of matrix base methods
/** \returns the matrix product of \c *this and \a other.
* \note If instead of the matrix product you want the coefficient-wise product, see Cwise::operator*().
* \sa lazyProduct(), operator*=(const MatrixBase&), Cwise::operator*()
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
inline const typename ProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const
// A note regarding the function declaration: In MSVC, this function will sometimes
// not be inlined since DenseStorage is an unwindable object for dynamic
// matrices and product types are holding a member to store the result.
// Thus it does not help tagging this function with EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE.
enum {
ProductIsValid = Derived::ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| int(Derived::ColsAtCompileTime)==int(OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime),
AreVectors = Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime && OtherDerived::IsVectorAtCompileTime,
SameSizes = EIGEN_PREDICATE_SAME_MATRIX_SIZE(Derived,OtherDerived)
// note to the lost user:
// * for a dot product use: v1.dot(v2)
// * for a coeff-wise product use: v1.cwiseProduct(v2)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(AreVectors && SameSizes),
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(SameSizes && !AreVectors),
return typename ProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type(derived(), other.derived());
/** \returns an expression of the matrix product of \c *this and \a other without implicit evaluation.
* The returned product will behave like any other expressions: the coefficients of the product will be
* computed once at a time as requested. This might be useful in some extremely rare cases when only
* a small and no coherent fraction of the result's coefficients have to be computed.
* \warning This version of the matrix product can be much much slower. So use it only if you know
* what you are doing and that you measured a true speed improvement.
* \sa operator*(const MatrixBase&)
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
const typename LazyProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::lazyProduct(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const
enum {
ProductIsValid = Derived::ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| int(Derived::ColsAtCompileTime)==int(OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime),
AreVectors = Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime && OtherDerived::IsVectorAtCompileTime,
SameSizes = EIGEN_PREDICATE_SAME_MATRIX_SIZE(Derived,OtherDerived)
// note to the lost user:
// * for a dot product use: v1.dot(v2)
// * for a coeff-wise product use: v1.cwiseProduct(v2)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(AreVectors && SameSizes),
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(SameSizes && !AreVectors),
return typename LazyProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type(derived(), other.derived());
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@ -26,584 +25,103 @@
/** \class GeneralProduct
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs> class Product;
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, typename StorageKind> class ProductImpl;
/** \class Product
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Expression of the product of two general matrices or vectors
* \brief Expression of the product of two arbitrary matrices or vectors
* \param LhsNested the type used to store the left-hand side
* \param RhsNested the type used to store the right-hand side
* \param ProductMode the type of the product
* \param Lhs the type of the left-hand side expression
* \param Rhs the type of the right-hand side expression
* This class represents an expression of the product of two general matrices.
* We call a general matrix, a dense matrix with full storage. For instance,
* This excludes triangular, selfadjoint, and sparse matrices.
* It is the return type of the operator* between general matrices. Its template
* arguments are determined automatically by ProductReturnType. Therefore,
* GeneralProduct should never be used direclty. To determine the result type of a
* function which involves a matrix product, use ProductReturnType::Type.
* This class represents an expression of the product of two arbitrary matrices.
* \sa ProductReturnType, MatrixBase::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>&)
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int ProductType = internal::product_type<Lhs,Rhs>::value>
class GeneralProduct;
enum {
Large = 2,
Small = 3
namespace internal {
template<int Rows, int Cols, int Depth> struct product_type_selector;
template<int Size, int MaxSize> struct product_size_category
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct traits<Product<Lhs, Rhs> >
enum { is_large = MaxSize == Dynamic ||
value = is_large ? Large
: Size == 1 ? 1
: Small
typedef MatrixXpr XprKind;
typedef typename remove_all<Lhs>::type LhsCleaned;
typedef typename remove_all<Rhs>::type RhsCleaned;
typedef typename scalar_product_traits<typename traits<LhsCleaned>::Scalar, typename traits<RhsCleaned>::Scalar>::ReturnType Scalar;
typedef typename promote_storage_type<typename traits<LhsCleaned>::StorageKind,
typename traits<RhsCleaned>::StorageKind>::ret StorageKind;
typedef typename promote_index_type<typename traits<LhsCleaned>::Index,
typename traits<RhsCleaned>::Index>::type Index;
enum {
RowsAtCompileTime = LhsCleaned::RowsAtCompileTime,
ColsAtCompileTime = RhsCleaned::ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = LhsCleaned::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = RhsCleaned::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
Flags = (MaxRowsAtCompileTime==1 ? RowMajorBit : 0), // TODO should be no storage order
CoeffReadCost = 0 // TODO CoeffReadCost should not be part of the expression traits
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs> struct product_type
typedef typename remove_all<Lhs>::type _Lhs;
typedef typename remove_all<Rhs>::type _Rhs;
enum {
MaxRows = _Lhs::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
Rows = _Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime,
MaxCols = _Rhs::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
Cols = _Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxDepth = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(_Lhs::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
Depth = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(_Lhs::ColsAtCompileTime,
// the splitting into different lines of code here, introducing the _select enums and the typedef below,
// is to work around an internal compiler error with gcc 4.1 and 4.2.
enum {
rows_select = product_size_category<Rows,MaxRows>::value,
cols_select = product_size_category<Cols,MaxCols>::value,
depth_select = product_size_category<Depth,MaxDepth>::value
typedef product_type_selector<rows_select, cols_select, depth_select> selector;
enum {
value = selector::ret
static void debug()
/* The following allows to select the kind of product at compile time
* based on the three dimensions of the product.
* This is a compile time mapping from {1,Small,Large}^3 -> {product types} */
// FIXME I'm not sure the current mapping is the ideal one.
template<int M, int N> struct product_type_selector<M,N,1> { enum { ret = OuterProduct }; };
template<int Depth> struct product_type_selector<1, 1, Depth> { enum { ret = InnerProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, 1, 1> { enum { ret = InnerProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,1, Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Small,Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Small,Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small, Small, 1> { enum { ret = LazyCoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small, Large, 1> { enum { ret = LazyCoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large, Small, 1> { enum { ret = LazyCoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Large,Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Large,Large> { enum { ret = GemvProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<1, Small,Large> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,1, Small> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,1, Large> { enum { ret = GemvProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,1, Large> { enum { ret = CoeffBasedProductMode }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Small,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Small,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Large,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Large,Large> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Small,Small> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Small,Large,Small> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
template<> struct product_type_selector<Large,Large,Small> { enum { ret = GemmProduct }; };
} // end namespace internal
/** \class ProductReturnType
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Helper class to get the correct and optimized returned type of operator*
* \param Lhs the type of the left-hand side
* \param Rhs the type of the right-hand side
* \param ProductMode the type of the product (determined automatically by internal::product_mode)
* This class defines the typename Type representing the optimized product expression
* between two matrix expressions. In practice, using ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs>::Type
* is the recommended way to define the result type of a function returning an expression
* which involve a matrix product. The class Product should never be
* used directly.
* \sa class Product, MatrixBase::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>&)
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs, int ProductType>
struct ProductReturnType
// TODO use the nested type to reduce instanciations ????
// typedef typename internal::nested<Lhs,Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime>::type LhsNested;
// typedef typename internal::nested<Rhs,Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime>::type RhsNested;
typedef GeneralProduct<Lhs/*Nested*/, Rhs/*Nested*/, ProductType> Type;
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs,CoeffBasedProductMode>
typedef typename internal::nested<Lhs, Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Lhs>::type >::type LhsNested;
typedef typename internal::nested<Rhs, Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Rhs>::type >::type RhsNested;
typedef CoeffBasedProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, EvalBeforeAssigningBit | EvalBeforeNestingBit> Type;
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs,LazyCoeffBasedProductMode>
typedef typename internal::nested<Lhs, Rhs::ColsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Lhs>::type >::type LhsNested;
typedef typename internal::nested<Rhs, Lhs::RowsAtCompileTime, typename internal::plain_matrix_type<Rhs>::type >::type RhsNested;
typedef CoeffBasedProduct<LhsNested, RhsNested, NestByRefBit> Type;
// this is a workaround for sun CC
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct LazyProductReturnType : public ProductReturnType<Lhs,Rhs,LazyCoeffBasedProductMode>
* Implementation of Inner Vector Vector Product
// FIXME : maybe the "inner product" could return a Scalar
// instead of a 1x1 matrix ??
// Pro: more natural for the user
// Cons: this could be a problem if in a meta unrolled algorithm a matrix-matrix
// product ends up to a row-vector times col-vector product... To tackle this use
// case, we could have a specialization for Block<MatrixType,1,1> with: operator=(Scalar x);
namespace internal {
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct traits<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,InnerProduct> >
: traits<Matrix<typename scalar_product_traits<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::ReturnType,1,1> >
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class GeneralProduct<Lhs, Rhs, InnerProduct>
: internal::no_assignment_operator,
public Matrix<typename internal::scalar_product_traits<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::ReturnType,1,1>
typedef Matrix<typename internal::scalar_product_traits<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::ReturnType,1,1> Base;
GeneralProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Lhs::RealScalar, typename Rhs::RealScalar>::value),
Base::coeffRef(0,0) = (lhs.transpose().cwiseProduct(rhs)).sum();
/** Convertion to scalar */
operator const typename Base::Scalar() const {
return Base::coeff(0,0);
* Implementation of Outer Vector Vector Product
namespace internal {
template<int StorageOrder> struct outer_product_selector;
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct traits<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,OuterProduct> >
: traits<ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,OuterProduct>, Lhs, Rhs> >
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class GeneralProduct<Lhs, Rhs, OuterProduct>
: public ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,OuterProduct>, Lhs, Rhs>
class Product : public ProductImpl<Lhs,Rhs,typename internal::promote_storage_type<typename internal::traits<Lhs>::StorageKind,
typename internal::traits<Rhs>::StorageKind>::ret>
GeneralProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) : Base(lhs,rhs)
typedef typename ProductImpl<
Lhs, Rhs,
typename internal::promote_storage_type<typename Lhs::StorageKind,
typename Rhs::StorageKind>::ret>::Base Base;
typedef typename Lhs::Nested LhsNested;
typedef typename Rhs::Nested RhsNested;
typedef typename internal::remove_all<LhsNested>::type LhsNestedCleaned;
typedef typename internal::remove_all<RhsNested>::type RhsNestedCleaned;
Product(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) : m_lhs(lhs), m_rhs(rhs)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Lhs::RealScalar, typename Rhs::RealScalar>::value),
eigen_assert(lhs.cols() == rhs.rows()
&& "invalid matrix product"
&& "if you wanted a coeff-wise or a dot product use the respective explicit functions");
template<typename Dest> void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dest, Scalar alpha) const
internal::outer_product_selector<(int(Dest::Flags)&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor>::run(*this, dest, alpha);
inline Index rows() const { return m_lhs.rows(); }
inline Index cols() const { return m_rhs.cols(); }
const LhsNestedCleaned& lhs() const { return m_lhs; }
const RhsNestedCleaned& rhs() const { return m_rhs; }
const LhsNested m_lhs;
const RhsNested m_rhs;
namespace internal {
template<> struct outer_product_selector<ColMajor> {
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha) {
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// FIXME make sure lhs is sequentially stored
// FIXME not very good if rhs is real and lhs complex while alpha is real too
const Index cols = dest.cols();
for (Index j=0; j<cols; ++j)
dest.col(j) += (alpha * prod.rhs().coeff(j)) * prod.lhs();
template<> struct outer_product_selector<RowMajor> {
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha) {
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// FIXME make sure rhs is sequentially stored
// FIXME not very good if lhs is real and rhs complex while alpha is real too
const Index rows = dest.rows();
for (Index i=0; i<rows; ++i)
dest.row(i) += (alpha * prod.lhs().coeff(i)) * prod.rhs();
} // end namespace internal
* Implementation of General Matrix Vector Product
/* According to the shape/flags of the matrix we have to distinghish 3 different cases:
* 1 - the matrix is col-major, BLAS compatible and M is large => call fast BLAS-like colmajor routine
* 2 - the matrix is row-major, BLAS compatible and N is large => call fast BLAS-like rowmajor routine
* 3 - all other cases are handled using a simple loop along the outer-storage direction.
* Therefore we need a lower level meta selector.
* Furthermore, if the matrix is the rhs, then the product has to be transposed.
namespace internal {
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
struct traits<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,GemvProduct> >
: traits<ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,GemvProduct>, Lhs, Rhs> >
template<int Side, int StorageOrder, bool BlasCompatible>
struct gemv_selector;
} // end namespace internal
template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class GeneralProduct<Lhs, Rhs, GemvProduct>
: public ProductBase<GeneralProduct<Lhs,Rhs,GemvProduct>, Lhs, Rhs>
class ProductImpl<Lhs,Rhs,Dense> : public internal::dense_xpr_base<Product<Lhs,Rhs> >::type
typedef Product<Lhs, Rhs> Derived;
typedef typename Lhs::Scalar LhsScalar;
typedef typename Rhs::Scalar RhsScalar;
GeneralProduct(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) : Base(lhs,rhs)
// EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT((internal::is_same<typename Lhs::Scalar, typename Rhs::Scalar>::value),
enum { Side = Lhs::IsVectorAtCompileTime ? OnTheLeft : OnTheRight };
typedef typename internal::conditional<int(Side)==OnTheRight,_LhsNested,_RhsNested>::type MatrixType;
template<typename Dest> void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst, Scalar alpha) const
eigen_assert(m_lhs.rows() == dst.rows() && m_rhs.cols() == dst.cols());
internal::gemv_selector<Side,(int(MatrixType::Flags)&RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor,
bool(internal::blas_traits<MatrixType>::HasUsableDirectAccess)>::run(*this, dst, alpha);
typedef typename internal::dense_xpr_base<Product<Lhs, Rhs> >::type Base;
namespace internal {
// The vector is on the left => transposition
template<int StorageOrder, bool BlasCompatible>
struct gemv_selector<OnTheLeft,StorageOrder,BlasCompatible>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
Transpose<Dest> destT(dest);
enum { OtherStorageOrder = StorageOrder == RowMajor ? ColMajor : RowMajor };
::run(GeneralProduct<Transpose<const typename ProductType::_RhsNested>,Transpose<const typename ProductType::_LhsNested>, GemvProduct>
(prod.rhs().transpose(), prod.lhs().transpose()), destT, alpha);
template<typename Scalar,int Size,int MaxSize,bool Cond> struct gemv_static_vector_if;
template<typename Scalar,int Size,int MaxSize>
struct gemv_static_vector_if<Scalar,Size,MaxSize,false>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar* data() { eigen_internal_assert(false && "should never be called"); return 0; }
template<typename Scalar,int Size>
struct gemv_static_vector_if<Scalar,Size,Dynamic,true>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar* data() { return 0; }
template<typename Scalar,int Size,int MaxSize>
struct gemv_static_vector_if<Scalar,Size,MaxSize,true>
internal::plain_array<Scalar,EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_FIXED(Size,MaxSize),0> m_data;
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar* data() { return m_data.array; }
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,ColMajor,true>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static inline void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename ProductType::Index Index;
typedef typename ProductType::LhsScalar LhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsScalar RhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::Scalar ResScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::RealScalar RealScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualLhsType ActualLhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualRhsType ActualRhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::LhsBlasTraits LhsBlasTraits;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsBlasTraits RhsBlasTraits;
typedef Map<Matrix<ResScalar,Dynamic,1>, Aligned> MappedDest;
const ActualLhsType actualLhs = LhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.lhs());
const ActualRhsType actualRhs = RhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.rhs());
ResScalar actualAlpha = alpha * LhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.lhs())
* RhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.rhs());
enum {
// FIXME find a way to allow an inner stride on the result if packet_traits<Scalar>::size==1
// on, the other hand it is good for the cache to pack the vector anyways...
EvalToDestAtCompileTime = Dest::InnerStrideAtCompileTime==1,
ComplexByReal = (NumTraits<LhsScalar>::IsComplex) && (!NumTraits<RhsScalar>::IsComplex),
MightCannotUseDest = (Dest::InnerStrideAtCompileTime!=1) || ComplexByReal
gemv_static_vector_if<ResScalar,Dest::SizeAtCompileTime,Dest::MaxSizeAtCompileTime,MightCannotUseDest> static_dest;
bool alphaIsCompatible = (!ComplexByReal) || (imag(actualAlpha)==RealScalar(0));
bool evalToDest = EvalToDestAtCompileTime && alphaIsCompatible;
RhsScalar compatibleAlpha = get_factor<ResScalar,RhsScalar>::run(actualAlpha);
evalToDest ? dest.data() : static_dest.data());
int size = dest.size();
MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size()).setZero();
compatibleAlpha = RhsScalar(1);
MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size()) = dest;
actualLhs.rows(), actualLhs.cols(),
&actualLhs.coeffRef(0,0), actualLhs.outerStride(),
actualRhs.data(), actualRhs.innerStride(),
actualDestPtr, 1,
if (!evalToDest)
dest += actualAlpha * MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size());
dest = MappedDest(actualDestPtr, dest.size());
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,RowMajor,true>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename ProductType::LhsScalar LhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsScalar RhsScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::Scalar ResScalar;
typedef typename ProductType::Index Index;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualLhsType ActualLhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::ActualRhsType ActualRhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::_ActualRhsType _ActualRhsType;
typedef typename ProductType::LhsBlasTraits LhsBlasTraits;
typedef typename ProductType::RhsBlasTraits RhsBlasTraits;
typename add_const<ActualLhsType>::type actualLhs = LhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.lhs());
typename add_const<ActualRhsType>::type actualRhs = RhsBlasTraits::extract(prod.rhs());
ResScalar actualAlpha = alpha * LhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.lhs())
* RhsBlasTraits::extractScalarFactor(prod.rhs());
enum {
// FIXME find a way to allow an inner stride on the result if packet_traits<Scalar>::size==1
// on, the other hand it is good for the cache to pack the vector anyways...
DirectlyUseRhs = _ActualRhsType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime==1
gemv_static_vector_if<RhsScalar,_ActualRhsType::SizeAtCompileTime,_ActualRhsType::MaxSizeAtCompileTime,!DirectlyUseRhs> static_rhs;
DirectlyUseRhs ? const_cast<RhsScalar*>(actualRhs.data()) : static_rhs.data());
int size = actualRhs.size();
Map<typename _ActualRhsType::PlainObject>(actualRhsPtr, actualRhs.size()) = actualRhs;
actualLhs.rows(), actualLhs.cols(),
&actualLhs.coeffRef(0,0), actualLhs.outerStride(),
actualRhsPtr, 1,
&dest.coeffRef(0,0), dest.innerStride(),
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,ColMajor,false>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// TODO makes sure dest is sequentially stored in memory, otherwise use a temp
const Index size = prod.rhs().rows();
for(Index k=0; k<size; ++k)
dest += (alpha*prod.rhs().coeff(k)) * prod.lhs().col(k);
template<> struct gemv_selector<OnTheRight,RowMajor,false>
template<typename ProductType, typename Dest>
static void run(const ProductType& prod, Dest& dest, typename ProductType::Scalar alpha)
typedef typename Dest::Index Index;
// TODO makes sure rhs is sequentially stored in memory, otherwise use a temp
const Index rows = prod.rows();
for(Index i=0; i<rows; ++i)
dest.coeffRef(i) += alpha * (prod.lhs().row(i).cwiseProduct(prod.rhs().transpose())).sum();
} // end namespace internal
* Implementation of matrix base methods
/** \returns the matrix product of \c *this and \a other.
* \note If instead of the matrix product you want the coefficient-wise product, see Cwise::operator*().
* \sa lazyProduct(), operator*=(const MatrixBase&), Cwise::operator*()
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
inline const typename ProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::operator*(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const
// A note regarding the function declaration: In MSVC, this function will sometimes
// not be inlined since DenseStorage is an unwindable object for dynamic
// matrices and product types are holding a member to store the result.
// Thus it does not help tagging this function with EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE.
enum {
ProductIsValid = Derived::ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| int(Derived::ColsAtCompileTime)==int(OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime),
AreVectors = Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime && OtherDerived::IsVectorAtCompileTime,
SameSizes = EIGEN_PREDICATE_SAME_MATRIX_SIZE(Derived,OtherDerived)
// note to the lost user:
// * for a dot product use: v1.dot(v2)
// * for a coeff-wise product use: v1.cwiseProduct(v2)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(AreVectors && SameSizes),
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(SameSizes && !AreVectors),
return typename ProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type(derived(), other.derived());
/** \returns an expression of the matrix product of \c *this and \a other without implicit evaluation.
* The returned product will behave like any other expressions: the coefficients of the product will be
* computed once at a time as requested. This might be useful in some extremely rare cases when only
* a small and no coherent fraction of the result's coefficients have to be computed.
* \warning This version of the matrix product can be much much slower. So use it only if you know
* what you are doing and that you measured a true speed improvement.
* \sa operator*(const MatrixBase&)
/** \internal used to test the evaluator only
template<typename Derived>
template<typename OtherDerived>
const typename LazyProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type
MatrixBase<Derived>::lazyProduct(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived> &other) const
template<typename Lhs,typename Rhs>
const Product<Lhs,Rhs>
prod(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs)
enum {
ProductIsValid = Derived::ColsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic
|| int(Derived::ColsAtCompileTime)==int(OtherDerived::RowsAtCompileTime),
AreVectors = Derived::IsVectorAtCompileTime && OtherDerived::IsVectorAtCompileTime,
SameSizes = EIGEN_PREDICATE_SAME_MATRIX_SIZE(Derived,OtherDerived)
// note to the lost user:
// * for a dot product use: v1.dot(v2)
// * for a coeff-wise product use: v1.cwiseProduct(v2)
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(AreVectors && SameSizes),
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(ProductIsValid || !(SameSizes && !AreVectors),
return typename LazyProductReturnType<Derived,OtherDerived>::Type(derived(), other.derived());
return Product<Lhs,Rhs>(lhs,rhs);
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ void test_evaluators()
copy_using_evaluator(d, (a + b).transpose());
cout << d << endl;
// copy_using_evaluator(d, (a * b).transpose());
// cout << d << endl;
copy_using_evaluator(d, prod(a,b).transpose());
cout << d << endl;
// copy_using_evaluator(d, a.transpose() + (a.transpose() * (b+b)));
// cout << d << endl;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user