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synced 2025-02-23 18:20:47 +08:00
RealSchur: change parameter lists; minor rewrite of computeShift().
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@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ template<typename _MatrixType> class RealSchur
typedef Matrix<Scalar,3,1> Vector3s;
Scalar computeNormOfT();
int findSmallSubdiagEntry(int n, Scalar norm);
void computeShift(Scalar& x, Scalar& y, Scalar& w, int iu, Scalar& exshift, int iter);
void findTwoSmallSubdiagEntries(Scalar x, Scalar y, Scalar w, int il, int& m, int iu, Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector);
void doFrancisStep(int il, int m, int iu, const Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector, Scalar* workspace);
int findSmallSubdiagEntry(int iu, Scalar norm);
void splitOffTwoRows(int iu, Scalar exshift);
void computeShift(int iu, int iter, Scalar& exshift, Vector3s& shiftInfo);
void initFrancisQRStep(int il, int iu, const Vector3s& shiftInfo, int& im, Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector);
void performFrancisQRStep(int il, int im, int iu, const Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector, Scalar* workspace);
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ void RealSchur<MatrixType>::compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
// Rows il,...,iu is the part we are working on (the active window).
// Rows iu+1,...,end are already brought in triangular form.
int iu = m_matU.cols() - 1;
Scalar exshift = 0.0;
int iter = 0; // iteration count
Scalar exshift = 0.0; // sum of exceptional shifts
Scalar norm = computeNormOfT();
int iter = 0;
while (iu >= 0)
int il = findSmallSubdiagEntry(iu, norm);
@ -149,33 +149,33 @@ void RealSchur<MatrixType>::compute(const MatrixType& matrix)
else // No convergence yet
Scalar x, y, w;
Vector3s firstHouseholderVector;
computeShift(x, y, w, iu, exshift, iter);
Vector3s firstHouseholderVector, shiftInfo;
computeShift(iu, iter, exshift, shiftInfo);
iter = iter + 1; // (Could check iteration count here.)
int m;
findTwoSmallSubdiagEntries(x, y, w, il, m, iu, firstHouseholderVector);
doFrancisStep(il, m, iu, firstHouseholderVector, workspace);
} // check convergence
} // while (iu >= 0)
int im;
initFrancisQRStep(il, iu, shiftInfo, im, firstHouseholderVector);
performFrancisQRStep(il, im, iu, firstHouseholderVector, workspace);
m_isInitialized = true;
// Compute matrix norm
/** \internal Computes and returns vector L1 norm of T */
template<typename MatrixType>
inline typename MatrixType::Scalar RealSchur<MatrixType>::computeNormOfT()
const int size = m_matU.cols();
// FIXME to be efficient the following would requires a triangular reduxion code
// Scalar norm = m_matT.upper().cwiseAbs().sum() + m_matT.corner(BottomLeft,size-1,size-1).diagonal().cwiseAbs().sum();
// Scalar norm = m_matT.upper().cwiseAbs().sum()
// + m_matT.corner(BottomLeft,size-1,size-1).diagonal().cwiseAbs().sum();
Scalar norm = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
norm += m_matT.row(j).segment(std::max(j-1,0), size-std::max(j-1,0)).cwiseAbs().sum();
return norm;
// Look for single small sub-diagonal element
/** \internal Look for single small sub-diagonal element and returns its index */
template<typename MatrixType>
inline int RealSchur<MatrixType>::findSmallSubdiagEntry(int iu, Scalar norm)
@ -192,133 +192,134 @@ inline int RealSchur<MatrixType>::findSmallSubdiagEntry(int iu, Scalar norm)
return res;
/** \internal Update T given that rows iu-1 and iu decouple from the rest. */
template<typename MatrixType>
inline void RealSchur<MatrixType>::splitOffTwoRows(int iu, Scalar exshift)
const int size = m_matU.cols();
// The eigenvalues of the 2x2 matrix [a b; c d] are
// trace +/- sqrt(discr/4) where discr = tr^2 - 4*det, tr = a + d, det = ad - bc
Scalar w = m_matT.coeff(iu,iu-1) * m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu);
Scalar p = (m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu-1) - m_matT.coeff(iu,iu)) * Scalar(0.5);
Scalar q = p * p + w;
Scalar p = Scalar(0.5) * (m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu-1) - m_matT.coeff(iu,iu));
Scalar q = p * p + w; // q = tr^2 / 4 - det = discr/4
Scalar z = ei_sqrt(ei_abs(q));
m_matT.coeffRef(iu,iu) = m_matT.coeff(iu,iu) + exshift;
m_matT.coeffRef(iu-1,iu-1) = m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu-1) + exshift;
Scalar x = m_matT.coeff(iu,iu);
m_matT.coeffRef(iu,iu) += exshift;
m_matT.coeffRef(iu-1,iu-1) += exshift;
// Scalar pair
if (q >= 0)
if (q >= 0) // Two real eigenvalues
if (p >= 0)
z = p + z;
z = p - z;
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu-1) = ComplexScalar(x + z, 0.0);
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu) = ComplexScalar(z!=0.0 ? x - w / z : m_eivalues.coeff(iu-1).real(), 0.0);
PlanarRotation<Scalar> rot;
rot.makeGivens(z, m_matT.coeff(iu, iu-1));
if (p >= 0)
rot.makeGivens(p + z, m_matT.coeff(iu, iu-1));
rot.makeGivens(p - z, m_matT.coeff(iu, iu-1));
m_matT.block(0, iu-1, size, size-iu+1).applyOnTheLeft(iu-1, iu, rot.adjoint());
m_matT.block(0, 0, iu+1, size).applyOnTheRight(iu-1, iu, rot);
m_matU.applyOnTheRight(iu-1, iu, rot);
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu-1) = ComplexScalar(m_matT.coeff(iu-1, iu-1), 0.0);
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu) = ComplexScalar(m_matT.coeff(iu, iu), 0.0);
else // Complex pair
else // // Pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu-1) = ComplexScalar(x + p, z);
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu) = ComplexScalar(x + p, -z);
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu-1) = ComplexScalar(m_matT.coeff(iu,iu) + p, z);
m_eivalues.coeffRef(iu) = ComplexScalar(m_matT.coeff(iu,iu) + p, -z);
// Form shift
/** \internal Form shift in shiftInfo, and update exshift if an exceptional shift is performed. */
template<typename MatrixType>
inline void RealSchur<MatrixType>::computeShift(Scalar& x, Scalar& y, Scalar& w, int iu, Scalar& exshift, int iter)
inline void RealSchur<MatrixType>::computeShift(int iu, int iter, Scalar& exshift, Vector3s& shiftInfo)
x = m_matT.coeff(iu,iu);
y = m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu-1);
w = m_matT.coeff(iu,iu-1) * m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu);
shiftInfo.coeffRef(0) = m_matT.coeff(iu,iu);
shiftInfo.coeffRef(1) = m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu-1);
shiftInfo.coeffRef(2) = m_matT.coeff(iu,iu-1) * m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu);
// Wilkinson's original ad hoc shift
if (iter == 10)
exshift += x;
exshift += shiftInfo.coeff(0);
for (int i = 0; i <= iu; ++i)
m_matT.coeffRef(i,i) -= x;
m_matT.coeffRef(i,i) -= shiftInfo.coeff(0);
Scalar s = ei_abs(m_matT.coeff(iu,iu-1)) + ei_abs(m_matT.coeff(iu-1,iu-2));
x = y = Scalar(0.75) * s;
w = Scalar(-0.4375) * s * s;
shiftInfo.coeffRef(0) = Scalar(0.75) * s;
shiftInfo.coeffRef(1) = Scalar(0.75) * s;
shiftInfo.coeffRef(2) = Scalar(-0.4375) * s * s;
// MATLAB's new ad hoc shift
if (iter == 30)
Scalar s = Scalar((y - x) / 2.0);
s = s * s + w;
Scalar s = (shiftInfo.coeff(1) - shiftInfo.coeff(0)) / Scalar(2.0);
s = s * s + shiftInfo.coeff(2);
if (s > 0)
s = ei_sqrt(s);
if (y < x)
if (shiftInfo.coeff(1) < shiftInfo.coeff(0))
s = -s;
s = Scalar(x - w / ((y - x) / 2.0 + s));
s = s + (shiftInfo.coeff(1) - shiftInfo.coeff(0)) / Scalar(2.0);
s = shiftInfo.coeff(0) - shiftInfo.coeff(2) / s;
exshift += s;
for (int i = 0; i <= iu; ++i)
m_matT.coeffRef(i,i) -= s;
exshift += s;
x = y = w = Scalar(0.964);
// Look for two consecutive small sub-diagonal elements
/** \internal Compute index im at which Francis QR step starts and the first Householder vector. */
template<typename MatrixType>
inline void RealSchur<MatrixType>::findTwoSmallSubdiagEntries(Scalar x, Scalar y, Scalar w, int il, int& m, int iu, Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector)
inline void RealSchur<MatrixType>::initFrancisQRStep(int il, int iu, const Vector3s& shiftInfo, int& im, Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector)
Scalar p = 0, q = 0, r = 0;
m = iu-2;
while (m >= il)
for (im = iu-2; im >= il; --im)
Scalar z = m_matT.coeff(m,m);
r = x - z;
Scalar s = y - z;
p = (r * s - w) / m_matT.coeff(m+1,m) + m_matT.coeff(m,m+1);
q = m_matT.coeff(m+1,m+1) - z - r - s;
r = m_matT.coeff(m+2,m+1);
Scalar z = m_matT.coeff(im,im);
r = shiftInfo.coeff(0) - z;
Scalar s = shiftInfo.coeff(1) - z;
p = (r * s - shiftInfo.coeff(2)) / m_matT.coeff(im+1,im) + m_matT.coeff(im,im+1);
q = m_matT.coeff(im+1,im+1) - z - r - s;
r = m_matT.coeff(im+2,im+1);
s = ei_abs(p) + ei_abs(q) + ei_abs(r);
p = p / s;
q = q / s;
r = r / s;
if (m == il) {
if (im == il) {
if (ei_abs(m_matT.coeff(m,m-1)) * (ei_abs(q) + ei_abs(r)) <
NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon() * (ei_abs(p) * (ei_abs(m_matT.coeff(m-1,m-1)) + ei_abs(z) +
if (ei_abs(m_matT.coeff(im,im-1)) * (ei_abs(q) + ei_abs(r)) <
NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon() * (ei_abs(p) * (ei_abs(m_matT.coeff(im-1,im-1)) + ei_abs(z) +
for (int i = m+2; i <= iu; ++i)
for (int i = im+2; i <= iu; ++i)
m_matT.coeffRef(i,i-2) = 0.0;
if (i > m+2)
if (i > im+2)
m_matT.coeffRef(i,i-3) = 0.0;
firstHouseholderVector << p, q, r;
// Double QR step involving rows il:iu and columns m:iu
/** Perform a Francis QR step involving rows il:iu and columns im:iu. */
template<typename MatrixType>
inline void RealSchur<MatrixType>::doFrancisStep(int il, int m, int iu, const Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector, Scalar* workspace)
inline void RealSchur<MatrixType>::performFrancisQRStep(int il, int im, int iu, const Vector3s& firstHouseholderVector, Scalar* workspace)
assert(m >= il);
assert(m <= iu-2);
assert(im >= il);
assert(im <= iu-2);
const int size = m_matU.cols();
for (int k = m; k <= iu-2; ++k)
for (int k = im; k <= iu-2; ++k)
bool firstIteration = (k == m);
bool firstIteration = (k == im);
Vector3s v;
if (firstIteration)
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