mirror of https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen.git synced 2025-03-13 18:37:27 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
Gael Guennebaud 2010-03-06 22:15:59 +01:00
parent a7d199bf9a
commit 61ce1de048

@ -185,11 +185,13 @@ struct ei_symm_pack_rhs
count += 1;
if(half==j2 && half<k2+rows)
blockB[count] = alpha*ei_real(rhs(j2,j2));
count += 1;
// normal
for(int k=half+1; k<k2+rows; k++)
@ -265,6 +267,9 @@ struct ei_product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,true,ConjugateLhs, R
Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB + kc*Blocking::PacketSize*Blocking::nr;
ei_gebp_kernel<Scalar, Blocking::mr, Blocking::nr, ei_conj_helper<ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs> > gebp_kernel;
ei_symm_pack_lhs<Scalar,Blocking::mr,LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;
ei_gemm_pack_rhs<Scalar,Blocking::nr,RhsStorageOrder> pack_rhs;
ei_gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar,Blocking::mr,LhsStorageOrder==RowMajor?ColMajor:RowMajor, true> pack_lhs_transposed;
for(int k2=0; k2<size; k2+=kc)
@ -273,8 +278,7 @@ struct ei_product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,true,ConjugateLhs, R
// we have selected one row panel of rhs and one column panel of lhs
// pack rhs's panel into a sequential chunk of memory
// and expand each coeff to a constant packet for further reuse
(blockB, &rhs(k2,0), rhsStride, alpha, actual_kc, cols);
pack_rhs(blockB, &rhs(k2,0), rhsStride, alpha, actual_kc, cols);
// the select lhs's panel has to be split in three different parts:
// 1 - the transposed panel above the diagonal block => transposed packed copy
@ -284,8 +288,7 @@ struct ei_product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,true,ConjugateLhs, R
const int actual_mc = std::min(i2+mc,k2)-i2;
// transposed packed copy
ei_gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar,Blocking::mr,LhsStorageOrder==RowMajor?ColMajor:RowMajor, true>()
(blockA, &lhs(k2, i2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
pack_lhs_transposed(blockA, &lhs(k2, i2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
gebp_kernel(res+i2, resStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols);
@ -293,8 +296,7 @@ struct ei_product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,true,ConjugateLhs, R
const int actual_mc = std::min(k2+kc,size)-k2;
// symmetric packed copy
(blockA, &lhs(k2,k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
pack_lhs(blockA, &lhs(k2,k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
gebp_kernel(res+k2, resStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols);
@ -346,20 +348,20 @@ struct ei_product_selfadjoint_matrix<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,false,ConjugateLhs,
Scalar* blockB = allocatedBlockB + kc*Blocking::PacketSize*Blocking::nr;
ei_gebp_kernel<Scalar, Blocking::mr, Blocking::nr, ei_conj_helper<ConjugateLhs,ConjugateRhs> > gebp_kernel;
ei_gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar,Blocking::mr,LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;
ei_symm_pack_rhs<Scalar,Blocking::nr,RhsStorageOrder> pack_rhs;
for(int k2=0; k2<size; k2+=kc)
const int actual_kc = std::min(k2+kc,size)-k2;
(blockB, _rhs, rhsStride, alpha, actual_kc, cols, k2);
pack_rhs(blockB, _rhs, rhsStride, alpha, actual_kc, cols, k2);
// => GEPP
for(int i2=0; i2<rows; i2+=mc)
const int actual_mc = std::min(i2+mc,rows)-i2;
(blockA, &lhs(i2, k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
pack_lhs(blockA, &lhs(i2, k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
gebp_kernel(res+i2, resStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols);