mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 18:27:40 +08:00
Make benchmark-blocking-sizes detect changes to clock speed and be resilient to that.
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,16 +37,18 @@ const int measurement_repetitions = 3;
// Timings below this value are too short to be accurate,
// we'll repeat measurements with more iterations until
// we get a timing above that threshold.
const float min_accurate_time = 1e-2f;
const float g_min_accurate_time = 1e-2f;
// See --min-working-set-size command line parameter.
size_t min_working_set_size = 0;
size_t g_min_working_set_size = 0;
// range of sizes that we will benchmark (in all 3 K,M,N dimensions)
const size_t maxsize = 2048;
const size_t minsize = 16;
typedef MatrixXf MatrixType;
typedef MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::type Packet;
static_assert((maxsize & (maxsize - 1)) == 0, "maxsize must be a power of two");
static_assert((minsize & (minsize - 1)) == 0, "minsize must be a power of two");
@ -95,24 +97,24 @@ struct benchmark_t
uint16_t compact_block_size;
bool use_default_block_size;
float gflops;
: compact_product_size(0)
, compact_block_size(0)
, gflops(0)
, use_default_block_size(false)
size_t min_working_set_size;
float min_accurate_time;
benchmark_t(size_t pk, size_t pm, size_t pn,
size_t bk, size_t bm, size_t bn)
: compact_product_size(compact_size_triple(pk, pm, pn))
, compact_block_size(compact_size_triple(bk, bm, bn))
, use_default_block_size(false)
, gflops(0)
, min_working_set_size(g_min_working_set_size)
, min_accurate_time(g_min_accurate_time)
benchmark_t(size_t pk, size_t pm, size_t pn)
: compact_product_size(compact_size_triple(pk, pm, pn))
, compact_block_size(0)
, use_default_block_size(true)
, gflops(0)
, min_working_set_size(g_min_working_set_size)
, min_accurate_time(g_min_accurate_time)
void run();
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const benchmark_t& b)
if (b.use_default_block_size) {
size_triple_t t(b.compact_product_size);
Index k = t.k, m = t.m, n = t.n;
internal::computeProductBlockingSizes<MatrixType::Scalar, MatrixType::Scalar>(k, m, n);
internal::computeProductBlockingSizes<Scalar, Scalar>(k, m, n);
s << " default(" << k << ", " << m << ", " << n << ")";
} else {
s << " " << hex << b.compact_block_size << dec;
@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ void benchmark_t::run()
// set up the matrix pool
const size_t combined_three_matrices_sizes =
sizeof(MatrixType::Scalar) *
sizeof(Scalar) *
(productsizes.k * productsizes.m +
productsizes.k * productsizes.n +
productsizes.m * productsizes.n);
@ -267,7 +269,7 @@ struct action_t
virtual ~action_t() {}
void show_usage_and_exit(int argc, char* argv[],
void show_usage_and_exit(int /*argc*/, char* argv[],
const vector<unique_ptr<action_t>>& available_actions)
cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <action> [options...]" << endl << endl;
@ -287,54 +289,204 @@ void show_usage_and_exit(int argc, char* argv[],
cerr << " avoid warm caches." << endl;
void run_benchmarks(vector<benchmark_t>& benchmarks)
float measure_clock_speed()
// randomly shuffling benchmarks allows us to get accurate enough progress info,
// as now the cheap/expensive benchmarks are randomly mixed so they average out.
random_shuffle(benchmarks.begin(), benchmarks.end());
cerr << "Measuring clock speed... \r" << flush;
vector<float> all_gflops;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// a good measure of clock speed is obtained by benchmarking small matrices that
// fit in L1 cache and use warm caches (min_working_set_size = 1).
benchmark_t b(128, 128, 128);
b.min_working_set_size = 1;
b.min_accurate_time = 0.1f; // long-running for better accuracy
// timings here are only used to display progress info.
// Whence the use of real time.
double time_start = timer.getRealTime();
double time_last_progress_update = time_start;
for (size_t i = 0; i < benchmarks.size(); i++) {
// Display progress info on stderr
double time_now = timer.getRealTime();
if (time_now > time_last_progress_update + 1.0f) {
time_last_progress_update = time_now;
float ratio_done = float(i) / benchmarks.size();
cerr << "Measurements... " << 100.0f * ratio_done
<< " %";
sort(all_gflops.begin(), all_gflops.end());
float stable_estimate = all_gflops[2] + all_gflops[3] + all_gflops[4] + all_gflops[5];
if (i > 10) {
cerr << ", ETA ";
int eta = int(float(time_now - time_start) * (1.0f - ratio_done) / ratio_done);
int eta_remainder = eta;
if (eta_remainder > 3600) {
int hours = eta_remainder / 3600;
cerr << hours << " h ";
eta_remainder -= hours * 3600;
// multiply by an arbitrary constant to discourage trying doing anything with the
// returned values besides just comparing them with each other.
float result = stable_estimate * 123.456f;
return result;
struct human_duration_t
int seconds;
human_duration_t(int s) : seconds(s) {}
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const human_duration_t& d)
int remainder = d.seconds;
if (remainder > 3600) {
int hours = remainder / 3600;
s << hours << " h ";
remainder -= hours * 3600;
if (remainder > 60) {
int minutes = remainder / 60;
s << minutes << " min ";
remainder -= minutes * 60;
if (d.seconds < 600) {
s << remainder << " s";
return s;
void try_run_some_benchmarks(
vector<benchmark_t>& benchmarks,
double time_start,
size_t& first_benchmark_to_run,
float& max_clock_speed)
if (first_benchmark_to_run == benchmarks.size()) {
double time_last_progress_update = 0;
double time_last_clock_speed_measurement = 0;
double time_now = 0;
size_t benchmark_index = first_benchmark_to_run;
while (true) {
float ratio_done = float(benchmark_index) / benchmarks.size();
time_now = timer.getRealTime();
// We check clock speed every minute and at the end.
if (benchmark_index == benchmarks.size() ||
time_now > time_last_clock_speed_measurement + 60.0f)
time_last_clock_speed_measurement = time_now;
// Ensure that clock speed is as expected
float current_clock_speed = measure_clock_speed();
// we only allow 1% higher clock speeds, because we want to know the
// clock speed with good accuracy, and this should only cause restarts
// at the beginning of the benchmarks run.
const float tolerance_higher_clock_speed = 1.01f;
if (current_clock_speed > tolerance_higher_clock_speed * max_clock_speed) {
// Clock speed is now higher than we previously measured.
// Either our initial measurement was inaccurate, which won't happen
// too many times as we are keeping the best clock speed value and
// and allowing some tolerance; or something really weird happened,
// which invalidates all benchmark results collected so far.
// Either way, we better restart all over again now.
if (benchmark_index) {
cerr << "Restarting at " << 100.0f * ratio_done
<< " % because clock speed increased. " << endl;
if (eta_remainder > 60) {
int minutes = eta_remainder / 60;
cerr << minutes << " min ";
eta_remainder -= minutes * 60;
if (eta < 600 && eta_remainder) {
cerr << eta_remainder << " s";
max_clock_speed = current_clock_speed;
first_benchmark_to_run = 0;
// we are a bit more tolerant to lower clock speeds because we don't want
// to cause sleeps and reruns all the time.
const float tolerance_lower_clock_speed = 0.98f;
bool rerun_last_tests = false;
if (current_clock_speed < tolerance_lower_clock_speed * max_clock_speed) {
cerr << "Measurements completed so far: "
<< 100.0f * ratio_done
<< " % " << endl;
cerr << "Clock speed seems to be only "
<< current_clock_speed/max_clock_speed
<< " times what it used to be." << endl;
unsigned int seconds_to_sleep_if_lower_clock_speed = 1;
while (current_clock_speed < tolerance_lower_clock_speed * max_clock_speed) {
if (seconds_to_sleep_if_lower_clock_speed > 300) {
cerr << "Sleeping longer probably won't make a difference. Giving up." << endl;
cerr << "Things to try:" << endl;
cerr << " 1. Check if the device is in some energy-saving state." << endl;
cerr << " On Android, it may help to enable 'Stay Awake' in the dev settings." << endl;
cerr << " 2. Check if the device is overheating." << endl;
cerr << " On some devices, system temperature is reported in" << endl;
cerr << " /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp" << endl;
cerr << " 3. Some system daemon might be playing with clock speeds." << endl;
cerr << " In particular, on Qualcomm devices, disable mpdecision " << endl;
cerr << " by renaming /system/bin/mpdecision and rebooting." << endl;
cerr << " 4. CPU frequency scaling might conceivably be the problem." << endl;
cerr << " In particular, Intel Turbo Boost. Try disabling that." << endl;
rerun_last_tests = true;
cerr << "Sleeping "
<< seconds_to_sleep_if_lower_clock_speed
<< " s..." << endl;
current_clock_speed = measure_clock_speed();
seconds_to_sleep_if_lower_clock_speed *= 2;
cerr << " \r" << flush;
if (rerun_last_tests) {
cerr << "Redoing the last "
<< 100.0f * float(benchmark_index - first_benchmark_to_run) / benchmarks.size()
<< " % because clock speed had been low. " << endl;
// nothing wrong with the clock speed so far, so there won't be a need to rerun
// benchmarks run so far in case we later encounter a lower clock speed.
first_benchmark_to_run = benchmark_index;
if (benchmark_index == benchmarks.size()) {
// We're done!
first_benchmark_to_run = benchmarks.size();
// Erase progress info
cerr << " " << endl;
// Display progress info on stderr
if (time_now > time_last_progress_update + 1.0f) {
time_last_progress_update = time_now;
cerr << "Measurements... " << 100.0f * ratio_done
<< " %, ETA "
<< human_duration_t(float(time_now - time_start) * (1.0f - ratio_done) / ratio_done)
<< " \r" << flush;
// This is where we actually run a benchmark!
// Erase progress info
cerr << " " << endl;
void run_benchmarks(vector<benchmark_t>& benchmarks)
// Randomly shuffling benchmarks allows us to get accurate enough progress info,
// as now the cheap/expensive benchmarks are randomly mixed so they average out.
// It also means that if data is corrupted for some time span, the odds are that
// not all repetitions of a given benchmark will be corrupted.
random_shuffle(benchmarks.begin(), benchmarks.end());
float max_clock_speed = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
max_clock_speed = max(max_clock_speed, measure_clock_speed());
double time_start = timer.getRealTime();
size_t first_benchmark_to_run = 0;
while (first_benchmark_to_run < benchmarks.size()) {
// Sort timings by increasing benchmark parameters, and decreasing gflops.
// The latter is very important. It means that we can ignore all but the first
@ -414,6 +566,7 @@ struct measure_default_sizes_action_t : action_t
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
double time_start = timer.getRealTime();
@ -440,7 +593,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i] == strstr(argv[i], "--min-working-set-size=")) {
const char* equals_sign = strchr(argv[i], '=');
min_working_set_size = strtoul(equals_sign+1, nullptr, 10);
g_min_working_set_size = strtoul(equals_sign+1, nullptr, 10);
} else {
cerr << "unrecognized option: " << argv[i] << endl << endl;
show_usage_and_exit(argc, argv, available_actions);
@ -451,17 +604,20 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout << "benchmark parameters:" << endl;
cout << "pointer size: " << 8*sizeof(void*) << " bits" << endl;
cout << "scalar type: " << type_name<MatrixType::Scalar>() << endl;
cout << "scalar type: " << type_name<Scalar>() << endl;
cout << "packet size: " << internal::packet_traits<MatrixType::Scalar>::size << endl;
cout << "minsize = " << minsize << endl;
cout << "maxsize = " << maxsize << endl;
cout << "measurement_repetitions = " << measurement_repetitions << endl;
cout << "min_accurate_time = " << min_accurate_time << endl;
cout << "min_working_set_size = " << min_working_set_size;
if (min_working_set_size == 0) {
cout << "g_min_accurate_time = " << g_min_accurate_time << endl;
cout << "g_min_working_set_size = " << g_min_working_set_size;
if (g_min_working_set_size == 0) {
cout << " (try to outsize caches)";
cout << endl << endl;
double time_end = timer.getRealTime();
cerr << "Finished in " << human_duration_t(time_end - time_start) << endl;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user