Make applyZAdjointOnTheLeftInPlace protected.

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Rasmus Munk Larsen 2016-02-08 09:01:43 -08:00
parent 414efa47d3
commit 53f60e0afc

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@ -137,11 +137,6 @@ class CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition {
HouseholderSequenceType householderQ(void) const;
HouseholderSequenceType matrixQ(void) const { return m_cpqr.householderQ(); }
/** Overwrites \b rhs with \f$ \mathbf{Z}^* * \mathbf{rhs} \f$.
template <typename Rhs>
void applyZAdjointOnTheLeftInPlace(Rhs& rhs) const;
/** \returns the matrix \b Z.
MatrixType matrixZ() const {
@ -333,10 +328,9 @@ class CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition {
RealScalar threshold() const { return m_cpqr.threshold(); }
/** \returns the number of nonzero pivots in the complete orthogonal
* decomposition.
* Here nonzero is meant in the exact sense, not in a fuzzy sense.
* So that notion isn't really intrinsically interesting, but it is
* still useful when implementing algorithms.
* decomposition. Here nonzero is meant in the exact sense, not in a
* fuzzy sense. So that notion isn't really intrinsically interesting,
* but it is still useful when implementing algorithms.
* \sa rank()
@ -370,6 +364,11 @@ class CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition {
/** Overwrites \b rhs with \f$ \mathbf{Z}^* * \mathbf{rhs} \f$.
template <typename Rhs>
void applyZAdjointOnTheLeftInPlace(Rhs& rhs) const;
ColPivHouseholderQR<MatrixType> m_cpqr;
HCoeffsType m_zCoeffs;
RowVectorType m_temp;