mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 17:40:05 +08:00
Merged in ggael/eigen-flexidexing (pull request PR-294)
generalized operator() for indexed access and slicing
This commit is contained in:
@ -363,6 +363,9 @@ using std::ptrdiff_t;
#include "src/Core/util/StaticAssert.h"
#include "src/Core/util/XprHelper.h"
#include "src/Core/util/Memory.h"
#include "src/Core/util/IntegralConstant.h"
#include "src/Core/util/SymbolicIndex.h"
#include "src/Core/NumTraits.h"
#include "src/Core/MathFunctions.h"
@ -427,6 +430,8 @@ using std::ptrdiff_t;
// on CUDA devices
#include "src/Core/arch/CUDA/Complex.h"
#include "src/Core/util/IndexedViewHelper.h"
#include "src/Core/ArithmeticSequence.h"
#include "src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h"
#include "src/Core/DenseBase.h"
#include "src/Core/MatrixBase.h"
@ -467,6 +472,7 @@ using std::ptrdiff_t;
#include "src/Core/Ref.h"
#include "src/Core/Block.h"
#include "src/Core/VectorBlock.h"
#include "src/Core/IndexedView.h"
#include "src/Core/Transpose.h"
#include "src/Core/DiagonalMatrix.h"
#include "src/Core/Diagonal.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template<typename T> struct aseq_negate {};
template<> struct aseq_negate<Index> {
typedef Index type;
template<int N> struct aseq_negate<FixedInt<N> > {
typedef FixedInt<-N> type;
// Compilation error in the following case:
template<> struct aseq_negate<FixedInt<DynamicIndex> > {};
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType,
bool FirstIsSymbolic=Symbolic::is_symbolic<FirstType>::value,
bool SizeIsSymbolic =Symbolic::is_symbolic<SizeType>::value>
struct aseq_reverse_first_type {
typedef Index type;
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
struct aseq_reverse_first_type<FirstType,SizeType,IncrType,true,true> {
typedef Symbolic::AddExpr<FirstType,
Symbolic::ProductExpr<Symbolic::AddExpr<SizeType,Symbolic::ValueExpr<FixedInt<-1> > >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<IncrType> >
> type;
template<typename SizeType,typename IncrType,typename EnableIf = void>
struct aseq_reverse_first_type_aux {
typedef Index type;
template<typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
struct aseq_reverse_first_type_aux<SizeType,IncrType,typename internal::enable_if<bool((SizeType::value+IncrType::value)|0x1)>::type> {
typedef FixedInt<(SizeType::value-1)*IncrType::value> type;
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
struct aseq_reverse_first_type<FirstType,SizeType,IncrType,true,false> {
typedef typename aseq_reverse_first_type_aux<SizeType,IncrType>::type Aux;
typedef Symbolic::AddExpr<FirstType,Symbolic::ValueExpr<Aux> > type;
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
struct aseq_reverse_first_type<FirstType,SizeType,IncrType,false,true> {
typedef Symbolic::AddExpr<Symbolic::ProductExpr<Symbolic::AddExpr<SizeType,Symbolic::ValueExpr<FixedInt<-1> > >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<IncrType> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<> > type;
// Helper to cleanup the type of the increment:
template<typename T> struct cleanup_seq_incr {
typedef typename cleanup_index_type<T,DynamicIndex>::type type;
// seq(first,last,incr) and seqN(first,size,incr)
template<typename FirstType=Index,typename SizeType=Index,typename IncrType=internal::FixedInt<1> >
class ArithmeticSequence;
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,
typename internal::cleanup_index_type<SizeType>::type,
typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type >
seqN(FirstType first, SizeType size, IncrType incr);
/** \class ArithmeticSequence
* \ingroup Core_Module
* This class represents an arithmetic progression \f$ a_0, a_1, a_2, ..., a_{n-1}\f$ defined by
* its \em first value \f$ a_0 \f$, its \em size (aka length) \em n, and the \em increment (aka stride)
* that is equal to \f$ a_{i+1}-a_{i}\f$ for any \em i.
* It is internally used as the return type of the Eigen::seq and Eigen::seqN functions, and as the input arguments
* of DenseBase::operator()(const RowIndices&, const ColIndices&), and most of the time this is the
* only way it is used.
* \tparam FirstType type of the first element, usually an Index,
* but internally it can be a symbolic expression
* \tparam SizeType type representing the size of the sequence, usually an Index
* or a compile time integral constant. Internally, it can also be a symbolic expression
* \tparam IncrType type of the increment, can be a runtime Index, or a compile time integral constant (default is compile-time 1)
* \sa Eigen::seq, Eigen::seqN, DenseBase::operator()(const RowIndices&, const ColIndices&), class IndexedView
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
class ArithmeticSequence
ArithmeticSequence(FirstType first, SizeType size) : m_first(first), m_size(size) {}
ArithmeticSequence(FirstType first, SizeType size, IncrType incr) : m_first(first), m_size(size), m_incr(incr) {}
enum {
SizeAtCompileTime = internal::get_fixed_value<SizeType>::value,
IncrAtCompileTime = internal::get_fixed_value<IncrType,DynamicIndex>::value
/** \returns the size, i.e., number of elements, of the sequence */
Index size() const { return m_size; }
/** \returns the first element \f$ a_0 \f$ in the sequence */
Index first() const { return m_first; }
/** \returns the value \f$ a_i \f$ at index \a i in the sequence. */
Index operator[](Index i) const { return m_first + i * m_incr; }
const FirstType& firstObject() const { return m_first; }
const SizeType& sizeObject() const { return m_size; }
const IncrType& incrObject() const { return m_incr; }
FirstType m_first;
SizeType m_size;
IncrType m_incr;
auto reverse() const -> decltype(Eigen::seqN(m_first+(m_size+fix<-1>())*m_incr,m_size,-m_incr)) {
return seqN(m_first+(m_size+fix<-1>())*m_incr,m_size,-m_incr);
typedef typename internal::aseq_negate<IncrType>::type ReverseIncrType;
typedef typename internal::aseq_reverse_first_type<FirstType,SizeType,IncrType>::type ReverseFirstType;
reverse() const {
return seqN(m_first+(m_size+fix<-1>())*m_incr,m_size,-m_incr);
/** \returns an ArithmeticSequence starting at \a first, of length \a size, and increment \a incr
* \sa seqN(FirstType,SizeType), seq(FirstType,LastType,IncrType) */
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,typename internal::cleanup_index_type<SizeType>::type,typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type >
seqN(FirstType first, SizeType size, IncrType incr) {
return ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,typename internal::cleanup_index_type<SizeType>::type,typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type>(first,size,incr);
/** \returns an ArithmeticSequence starting at \a first, of length \a size, and unit increment
* \sa seqN(FirstType,SizeType,IncrType), seq(FirstType,LastType) */
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType>
ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,typename internal::cleanup_index_type<SizeType>::type >
seqN(FirstType first, SizeType size) {
return ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,typename internal::cleanup_index_type<SizeType>::type>(first,size);
/** \returns an ArithmeticSequence starting at \a f, up (or down) to \a l, and with positive (or negative) increment \a incr
* It is essentially an alias to:
* \code
* seqN(f, (l-f+incr)/incr, incr);
* \endcode
* \sa seqN(FirstType,SizeType,IncrType), seq(FirstType,LastType)
template<typename FirstType,typename LastType, typename IncrType>
auto seq(FirstType f, LastType l, IncrType incr);
/** \returns an ArithmeticSequence starting at \a f, up (or down) to \a l, and unit increment
* It is essentially an alias to:
* \code
* seqN(f,l-f+1);
* \endcode
* \sa seqN(FirstType,SizeType), seq(FirstType,LastType,IncrType)
template<typename FirstType,typename LastType>
auto seq(FirstType f, LastType l);
template<typename FirstType,typename LastType>
auto seq(FirstType f, LastType l) -> decltype(seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),
( typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)
- typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+fix<1>())))
return seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),
(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)
-typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+fix<1>()));
template<typename FirstType,typename LastType, typename IncrType>
auto seq(FirstType f, LastType l, IncrType incr)
-> decltype(seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),
( typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)
- typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type(incr)
) / typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type(incr),
typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type(incr)))
typedef typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type CleanedIncrType;
return seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),
( typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)
-typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+CleanedIncrType(incr)) / CleanedIncrType(incr),
template<typename FirstType,typename LastType>
typename internal::enable_if<!(Symbolic::is_symbolic<FirstType>::value || Symbolic::is_symbolic<LastType>::value),
ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,Index> >::type
seq(FirstType f, LastType l)
return seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),
Index((typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)-typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+fix<1>())));
template<typename FirstTypeDerived,typename LastType>
typename internal::enable_if<!Symbolic::is_symbolic<LastType>::value,
ArithmeticSequence<FirstTypeDerived, Symbolic::AddExpr<Symbolic::AddExpr<Symbolic::NegateExpr<FirstTypeDerived>,Symbolic::ValueExpr<> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<1> > > > >::type
seq(const Symbolic::BaseExpr<FirstTypeDerived> &f, LastType l)
return seqN(f.derived(),(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)-f.derived()+fix<1>()));
template<typename FirstType,typename LastTypeDerived>
typename internal::enable_if<!Symbolic::is_symbolic<FirstType>::value,
ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,
Symbolic::AddExpr<Symbolic::AddExpr<LastTypeDerived,Symbolic::ValueExpr<> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<1> > > > >::type
seq(FirstType f, const Symbolic::BaseExpr<LastTypeDerived> &l)
return seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),(l.derived()-typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+fix<1>()));
template<typename FirstTypeDerived,typename LastTypeDerived>
Symbolic::AddExpr<Symbolic::AddExpr<LastTypeDerived,Symbolic::NegateExpr<FirstTypeDerived> >,Symbolic::ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<1> > > >
seq(const Symbolic::BaseExpr<FirstTypeDerived> &f, const Symbolic::BaseExpr<LastTypeDerived> &l)
return seqN(f.derived(),(l.derived()-f.derived()+fix<1>()));
template<typename FirstType,typename LastType, typename IncrType>
typename internal::enable_if<!(Symbolic::is_symbolic<FirstType>::value || Symbolic::is_symbolic<LastType>::value),
ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,Index,typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >::type
seq(FirstType f, LastType l, IncrType incr)
typedef typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type CleanedIncrType;
return seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),
Index((typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)-typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+CleanedIncrType(incr))/CleanedIncrType(incr)), incr);
template<typename FirstTypeDerived,typename LastType, typename IncrType>
typename internal::enable_if<!Symbolic::is_symbolic<LastType>::value,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >,
typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >::type
seq(const Symbolic::BaseExpr<FirstTypeDerived> &f, LastType l, IncrType incr)
typedef typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type CleanedIncrType;
return seqN(f.derived(),(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<LastType>::type(l)-f.derived()+CleanedIncrType(incr))/CleanedIncrType(incr), incr);
template<typename FirstType,typename LastTypeDerived, typename IncrType>
typename internal::enable_if<!Symbolic::is_symbolic<FirstType>::value,
ArithmeticSequence<typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type,
Symbolic::QuotientExpr<Symbolic::AddExpr<Symbolic::AddExpr<LastTypeDerived,Symbolic::ValueExpr<> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >,
typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >::type
seq(FirstType f, const Symbolic::BaseExpr<LastTypeDerived> &l, IncrType incr)
typedef typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type CleanedIncrType;
return seqN(typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f),
(l.derived()-typename internal::cleanup_index_type<FirstType>::type(f)+CleanedIncrType(incr))/CleanedIncrType(incr), incr);
template<typename FirstTypeDerived,typename LastTypeDerived, typename IncrType>
Symbolic::NegateExpr<FirstTypeDerived> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >,
Symbolic::ValueExpr<typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type> >,
typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type>
seq(const Symbolic::BaseExpr<FirstTypeDerived> &f, const Symbolic::BaseExpr<LastTypeDerived> &l, IncrType incr)
typedef typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr<IncrType>::type CleanedIncrType;
return seqN(f.derived(),(l.derived()-f.derived()+CleanedIncrType(incr))/CleanedIncrType(incr), incr);
namespace internal {
// Convert a symbolic span into a usable one (i.e., remove last/end "keywords")
template<typename T>
struct make_size_type {
typedef typename internal::conditional<Symbolic::is_symbolic<T>::value, Index, T>::type type;
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType,int XprSize>
struct IndexedViewCompatibleType<ArithmeticSequence<FirstType,SizeType,IncrType>, XprSize> {
typedef ArithmeticSequence<Index,typename make_size_type<SizeType>::type,IncrType> type;
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
ArithmeticSequence<Index,typename make_size_type<SizeType>::type,IncrType>
makeIndexedViewCompatible(const ArithmeticSequence<FirstType,SizeType,IncrType>& ids, Index size,SpecializedType) {
return ArithmeticSequence<Index,typename make_size_type<SizeType>::type,IncrType>(
template<typename FirstType,typename SizeType,typename IncrType>
struct get_compile_time_incr<ArithmeticSequence<FirstType,SizeType,IncrType> > {
enum { value = get_fixed_value<IncrType,DynamicIndex>::value };
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen
@ -563,6 +563,7 @@ template<typename Derived> class DenseBase
# include "../plugins/CommonCwiseUnaryOps.h"
# include "../plugins/BlockMethods.h"
# include "../plugins/IndexedViewMethods.h"
# endif
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template<typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
struct traits<IndexedView<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices> >
: traits<XprType>
enum {
RowsAtCompileTime = array_size<RowIndices>::value,
ColsAtCompileTime = array_size<ColIndices>::value,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = RowsAtCompileTime != Dynamic ? int(RowsAtCompileTime) : int(traits<XprType>::MaxRowsAtCompileTime),
MaxColsAtCompileTime = ColsAtCompileTime != Dynamic ? int(ColsAtCompileTime) : int(traits<XprType>::MaxColsAtCompileTime),
XprTypeIsRowMajor = (int(traits<XprType>::Flags)&RowMajorBit) != 0,
IsRowMajor = (MaxRowsAtCompileTime==1&&MaxColsAtCompileTime!=1) ? 1
: (MaxColsAtCompileTime==1&&MaxRowsAtCompileTime!=1) ? 0
: XprTypeIsRowMajor,
RowIncr = get_compile_time_incr<RowIndices>::value,
ColIncr = get_compile_time_incr<ColIndices>::value,
InnerIncr = IsRowMajor ? ColIncr : RowIncr,
OuterIncr = IsRowMajor ? RowIncr : ColIncr,
HasSameStorageOrderAsXprType = (IsRowMajor == XprTypeIsRowMajor),
XprInnerStride = HasSameStorageOrderAsXprType ? int(inner_stride_at_compile_time<XprType>::ret) : int(outer_stride_at_compile_time<XprType>::ret),
XprOuterstride = HasSameStorageOrderAsXprType ? int(outer_stride_at_compile_time<XprType>::ret) : int(inner_stride_at_compile_time<XprType>::ret),
InnerSize = XprTypeIsRowMajor ? ColsAtCompileTime : RowsAtCompileTime,
IsBlockAlike = InnerIncr==1 && OuterIncr==1,
IsInnerPannel = HasSameStorageOrderAsXprType && is_same<AllRange<InnerSize>,typename conditional<XprTypeIsRowMajor,ColIndices,RowIndices>::type>::value,
InnerStrideAtCompileTime = InnerIncr<0 || InnerIncr==DynamicIndex || XprInnerStride==Dynamic ? Dynamic : XprInnerStride * InnerIncr,
OuterStrideAtCompileTime = OuterIncr<0 || OuterIncr==DynamicIndex || XprOuterstride==Dynamic ? Dynamic : XprOuterstride * OuterIncr,
ReturnAsScalar = is_same<RowIndices,SingleRange>::value && is_same<ColIndices,SingleRange>::value,
ReturnAsBlock = (!ReturnAsScalar) && IsBlockAlike,
ReturnAsIndexedView = (!ReturnAsScalar) && (!ReturnAsBlock),
// FIXME we deal with compile-time strides if and only if we have DirectAccessBit flag,
// but this is too strict regarding negative strides...
DirectAccessMask = (InnerIncr!=UndefinedIncr && OuterIncr!=UndefinedIncr && InnerIncr>=0 && OuterIncr>=0) ? DirectAccessBit : 0,
FlagsRowMajorBit = IsRowMajor ? RowMajorBit : 0,
FlagsLvalueBit = is_lvalue<XprType>::value ? LvalueBit : 0,
Flags = (traits<XprType>::Flags & (HereditaryBits | DirectAccessMask)) | FlagsLvalueBit | FlagsRowMajorBit
typedef Block<XprType,RowsAtCompileTime,ColsAtCompileTime,IsInnerPannel> BlockType;
template<typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices, typename StorageKind>
class IndexedViewImpl;
/** \class IndexedView
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Expression of a non-sequential sub-matrix defined by arbitrary sequences of row and column indices
* \tparam XprType the type of the expression in which we are taking the intersections of sub-rows and sub-columns
* \tparam RowIndices the type of the object defining the sequence of row indices
* \tparam ColIndices the type of the object defining the sequence of column indices
* This class represents an expression of a sub-matrix (or sub-vector) defined as the intersection
* of sub-sets of rows and columns, that are themself defined by generic sequences of row indices \f$ \{r_0,r_1,..r_{m-1}\} \f$
* and column indices \f$ \{c_0,c_1,..c_{n-1} \}\f$. Let \f$ A \f$ be the nested matrix, then the resulting matrix \f$ B \f$ has \c m
* rows and \c n columns, and its entries are given by: \f$ B(i,j) = A(r_i,c_j) \f$.
* The \c RowIndices and \c ColIndices types must be compatible with the following API:
* \code
* <integral type> operator[](Index) const;
* Index size() const;
* \endcode
* Typical supported types thus include:
* - std::vector<int>
* - std::valarray<int>
* - std::array<int>
* - Plain C arrays: int[N]
* - Eigen::ArrayXi
* - decltype(ArrayXi::LinSpaced(...))
* - Any view/expressions of the previous types
* - Eigen::ArithmeticSequence
* - Eigen::internal::AllRange (helper for Eigen::all)
* - Eigen::internal::SingleRange (helper for single index)
* - etc.
* In typical usages of %Eigen, this class should never be used directly. It is the return type of
* DenseBase::operator()(const RowIndices&, const ColIndices&).
* \sa class Block
template<typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
class IndexedView : public IndexedViewImpl<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices, typename internal::traits<XprType>::StorageKind>
typedef typename IndexedViewImpl<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices, typename internal::traits<XprType>::StorageKind>::Base Base;
typedef typename internal::ref_selector<XprType>::non_const_type MatrixTypeNested;
typedef typename internal::remove_all<XprType>::type NestedExpression;
template<typename T0, typename T1>
IndexedView(XprType& xpr, const T0& rowIndices, const T1& colIndices)
: m_xpr(xpr), m_rowIndices(rowIndices), m_colIndices(colIndices)
/** \returns number of rows */
Index rows() const { return internal::size(m_rowIndices); }
/** \returns number of columns */
Index cols() const { return internal::size(m_colIndices); }
/** \returns the nested expression */
const typename internal::remove_all<XprType>::type&
nestedExpression() const { return m_xpr; }
/** \returns the nested expression */
typename internal::remove_reference<XprType>::type&
nestedExpression() { return m_xpr.const_cast_derived(); }
/** \returns a const reference to the object storing/generating the row indices */
const RowIndices& rowIndices() const { return m_rowIndices; }
/** \returns a const reference to the object storing/generating the column indices */
const ColIndices& colIndices() const { return m_colIndices; }
MatrixTypeNested m_xpr;
RowIndices m_rowIndices;
ColIndices m_colIndices;
// Generic API dispatcher
template<typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices, typename StorageKind>
class IndexedViewImpl
: public internal::generic_xpr_base<IndexedView<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices> >::type
typedef typename internal::generic_xpr_base<IndexedView<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices> >::type Base;
namespace internal {
template<typename ArgType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
struct unary_evaluator<IndexedView<ArgType, RowIndices, ColIndices>, IndexBased>
: evaluator_base<IndexedView<ArgType, RowIndices, ColIndices> >
typedef IndexedView<ArgType, RowIndices, ColIndices> XprType;
enum {
CoeffReadCost = evaluator<ArgType>::CoeffReadCost /* TODO + cost of row/col index */,
Flags = (evaluator<ArgType>::Flags & (HereditaryBits /*| LinearAccessBit | DirectAccessBit*/)),
Alignment = 0
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC explicit unary_evaluator(const XprType& xpr) : m_argImpl(xpr.nestedExpression()), m_xpr(xpr)
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
CoeffReturnType coeff(Index row, Index col) const
return m_argImpl.coeff(m_xpr.rowIndices()[row], m_xpr.colIndices()[col]);
Scalar& coeffRef(Index row, Index col)
return m_argImpl.coeffRef(m_xpr.rowIndices()[row], m_xpr.colIndices()[col]);
evaluator<ArgType> m_argImpl;
const XprType& m_xpr;
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen
@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ const int Dynamic = -1;
const int DynamicIndex = 0xffffff;
/** This value means that the increment to go from one value to another in a sequence is not constant for each step.
const int UndefinedIncr = 0xfffffe;
/** This value means +Infinity; it is currently used only as the p parameter to MatrixBase::lpNorm<int>().
* The value Infinity there means the L-infinity norm.
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ template<typename ExpressionType> class ForceAlignedAccess;
template<typename ExpressionType> class SwapWrapper;
template<typename XprType, int BlockRows=Dynamic, int BlockCols=Dynamic, bool InnerPanel = false> class Block;
template<typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices> class IndexedView;
template<typename MatrixType, int Size=Dynamic> class VectorBlock;
template<typename MatrixType> class Transpose;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace Eigen {
/** \namespace Eigen::placeholders
* \ingroup Core_Module
* Namespace containing symbolic placeholder and identifiers
namespace placeholders {
namespace internal {
struct symbolic_last_tag {};
/** \var last
* \ingroup Core_Module
* Can be used as a parameter to Eigen::seq and Eigen::seqN functions to symbolically reference the last element/row/columns
* of the underlying vector or matrix once passed to DenseBase::operator()(const RowIndices&, const ColIndices&).
* This symbolic placeholder support standard arithmetic operation.
* A typical usage example would be:
* \code
* using namespace Eigen;
* using Eigen::placeholders::last;
* VectorXd v(n);
* v(seq(2,last-2)).setOnes();
* \endcode
* \sa end
static const Symbolic::SymbolExpr<internal::symbolic_last_tag> last;
/** \var end
* \ingroup Core_Module
* Can be used as a parameter to Eigen::seq and Eigen::seqN functions to symbolically reference the last+1 element/row/columns
* of the underlying vector or matrix once passed to DenseBase::operator()(const RowIndices&, const ColIndices&).
* This symbolic placeholder support standard arithmetic operation.
* It is essentially an alias to last+1
* \sa last
static const auto end = last+1;
// Using a FixedExpr<1> expression is important here to make sure the compiler
// can fully optimize the computation starting indices with zero overhead.
static const Symbolic::AddExpr<Symbolic::SymbolExpr<internal::symbolic_last_tag>,Symbolic::ValueExpr<Eigen::internal::FixedInt<1> > > end(last+fix<1>());
} // end namespace placeholders
namespace internal {
// Replace symbolic last/end "keywords" by their true runtime value
inline Index eval_expr_given_size(Index x, Index /* size */) { return x; }
template<int N>
FixedInt<N> eval_expr_given_size(FixedInt<N> x, Index /*size*/) { return x; }
template<typename Derived>
Index eval_expr_given_size(const Symbolic::BaseExpr<Derived> &x, Index size)
return x.derived().eval(placeholders::last=size-1);
// Extract increment/step at compile time
template<typename T, typename EnableIf = void> struct get_compile_time_incr {
enum { value = UndefinedIncr };
// Analogue of std::get<0>(x), but tailored for our needs.
template<typename T>
Index first(const T& x) { return x.first(); }
// IndexedViewCompatibleType/makeIndexedViewCompatible turn an arbitrary object of type T into something usable by MatrixSlice
// The generic implementation is a no-op
template<typename T,int XprSize,typename EnableIf=void>
struct IndexedViewCompatibleType {
typedef T type;
template<typename T,typename Q>
const T& makeIndexedViewCompatible(const T& x, Index /*size*/, Q) { return x; }
// Handling of a single Index
struct SingleRange {
enum {
SizeAtCompileTime = 1
SingleRange(Index val) : m_value(val) {}
Index operator[](Index) const { return m_value; }
Index size() const { return 1; }
Index first() const { return m_value; }
Index m_value;
template<> struct get_compile_time_incr<SingleRange> {
enum { value = 1 }; // 1 or 0 ??
// Turn a single index into something that looks like an array (i.e., that exposes a .size(), and operatro[](int) methods)
template<typename T, int XprSize>
struct IndexedViewCompatibleType<T,XprSize,typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_integral<T>::value>::type> {
// Here we could simply use Array, but maybe it's less work for the compiler to use
// a simpler wrapper as SingleRange
//typedef Eigen::Array<Index,1,1> type;
typedef SingleRange type;
template<typename T, int XprSize>
struct IndexedViewCompatibleType<T, XprSize, typename enable_if<Symbolic::is_symbolic<T>::value>::type> {
typedef SingleRange type;
template<typename T>
typename enable_if<Symbolic::is_symbolic<T>::value,SingleRange>::type
makeIndexedViewCompatible(const T& id, Index size, SpecializedType) {
return eval_expr_given_size(id,size);
// Handling of all
struct all_t { all_t() {} };
// Convert a symbolic 'all' into a usable range type
template<int XprSize>
struct AllRange {
enum { SizeAtCompileTime = XprSize };
AllRange(Index size = XprSize) : m_size(size) {}
Index operator[](Index i) const { return i; }
Index size() const { return m_size.value(); }
Index first() const { return 0; }
variable_if_dynamic<Index,XprSize> m_size;
template<int XprSize>
struct IndexedViewCompatibleType<all_t,XprSize> {
typedef AllRange<XprSize> type;
template<typename XprSizeType>
inline AllRange<get_fixed_value<XprSizeType>::value> makeIndexedViewCompatible(all_t , XprSizeType size, SpecializedType) {
return AllRange<get_fixed_value<XprSizeType>::value>(size);
template<int Size> struct get_compile_time_incr<AllRange<Size> > {
enum { value = 1 };
} // end namespace internal
namespace placeholders {
/** \var all
* \ingroup Core_Module
* Can be used as a parameter to DenseBase::operator()(const RowIndices&, const ColIndices&) to index all rows or columns
static const Eigen::internal::all_t all;
} // end namespace Eigen
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
template<int N> class FixedInt;
template<int N> class VariableAndFixedInt;
/** \internal
* \class FixedInt
* This class embeds a compile-time integer \c N.
* It is similar to c++11 std::integral_constant<int,N> but with some additional features
* such as:
* - implicit conversion to int
* - arithmetic and some bitwise operators: -, +, *, /, %, &, |
* - c++98/14 compatibility with fix<N> and fix<N>() syntax to define integral constants.
* It is strongly discouraged to directly deal with this class FixedInt. Instances are expcected to
* be created by the user using Eigen::fix<N> or Eigen::fix<N>(). In C++98-11, the former syntax does
* not create a FixedInt<N> instance but rather a point to function that needs to be \em cleaned-up
* using the generic helper:
* \code
* internal::cleanup_index_type<T>::type
* internal::cleanup_index_type<T,DynamicKey>::type
* \endcode
* where T can a FixedInt<N>, a pointer to function FixedInt<N> (*)(), or numerous other integer-like representations.
* \c DynamicKey is either Dynamic (default) or DynamicIndex and used to identify true compile-time values.
* For convenience, you can extract the compile-time value \c N in a generic way using the following helper:
* \code
* internal::get_fixed_value<T,DefaultVal>::value
* \endcode
* that will give you \c N if T equals FixedInt<N> or FixedInt<N> (*)(), and \c DefaultVal if T does not embed any compile-time value (e.g., T==int).
* \sa fix<N>, class VariableAndFixedInt
template<int N> class FixedInt
static const int value = N;
operator int() const { return value; }
FixedInt() {}
FixedInt( VariableAndFixedInt<N> other) {
FixedInt<-N> operator-() const { return FixedInt<-N>(); }
template<int M>
FixedInt<N+M> operator+( FixedInt<M>) const { return FixedInt<N+M>(); }
template<int M>
FixedInt<N-M> operator-( FixedInt<M>) const { return FixedInt<N-M>(); }
template<int M>
FixedInt<N*M> operator*( FixedInt<M>) const { return FixedInt<N*M>(); }
template<int M>
FixedInt<N/M> operator/( FixedInt<M>) const { return FixedInt<N/M>(); }
template<int M>
FixedInt<N%M> operator%( FixedInt<M>) const { return FixedInt<N%M>(); }
template<int M>
FixedInt<N|M> operator|( FixedInt<M>) const { return FixedInt<N|M>(); }
template<int M>
FixedInt<N&M> operator&( FixedInt<M>) const { return FixedInt<N&M>(); }
// Needed in C++14 to allow fix<N>():
FixedInt operator() () const { return *this; }
VariableAndFixedInt<N> operator() (int val) const { return VariableAndFixedInt<N>(val); }
FixedInt ( FixedInt<N> (*)() ) {}
FixedInt(std::integral_constant<int,N>) {}
/** \internal
* \class VariableAndFixedInt
* This class embeds both a compile-time integer \c N and a runtime integer.
* Both values are supposed to be equal unless the compile-time value \c N has a special
* value meaning that the runtime-value should be used. Depending on the context, this special
* value can be either Eigen::Dynamic (for positive quantities) or Eigen::DynamicIndex (for
* quantities that can be negative).
* It is the return-type of the function Eigen::fix<N>(int), and most of the time this is the only
* way it is used. It is strongly discouraged to directly deal with instances of VariableAndFixedInt.
* Indeed, in order to write generic code, it is the responsibility of the callee to properly convert
* it to either a true compile-time quantity (i.e. a FixedInt<N>), or to a runtime quantity (e.g., an Index)
* using the following generic helper:
* \code
* internal::cleanup_index_type<T>::type
* internal::cleanup_index_type<T,DynamicKey>::type
* \endcode
* where T can be a template instantiation of VariableAndFixedInt or numerous other integer-like representations.
* \c DynamicKey is either Dynamic (default) or DynamicIndex and used to identify true compile-time values.
* For convenience, you can also extract the compile-time value \c N using the following helper:
* \code
* internal::get_fixed_value<T,DefaultVal>::value
* \endcode
* that will give you \c N if T equals VariableAndFixedInt<N>, and \c DefaultVal if T does not embed any compile-time value (e.g., T==int).
* \sa fix<N>(int), class FixedInt
template<int N> class VariableAndFixedInt
static const int value = N;
operator int() const { return m_value; }
VariableAndFixedInt(int val) { m_value = val; }
int m_value;
template<typename T, int Default=Dynamic> struct get_fixed_value {
static const int value = Default;
template<int N,int Default> struct get_fixed_value<FixedInt<N>,Default> {
static const int value = N;
template<int N,int Default> struct get_fixed_value<FixedInt<N> (*)(),Default> {
static const int value = N;
template<int N,int Default> struct get_fixed_value<VariableAndFixedInt<N>,Default> {
static const int value = N ;
template<typename T, int N, int Default>
struct get_fixed_value<variable_if_dynamic<T,N>,Default> {
static const int value = N;
template<typename T> Index get_runtime_value(const T &x) { return x; }
template<int N> Index get_runtime_value(FixedInt<N> (*)()) { return N; }
// Cleanup integer/FixedInt/VariableAndFixedInt/etc types:
// By default, no cleanup:
template<typename T, int DynamicKey=Dynamic, typename EnableIf=void> struct cleanup_index_type { typedef T type; };
// Convert any integral type (e.g., short, int, unsigned int, etc.) to Eigen::Index
template<typename T, int DynamicKey> struct cleanup_index_type<T,DynamicKey,typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_integral<T>::value>::type> { typedef Index type; };
// In c++98/c++11, fix<N> is a pointer to function that we better cleanup to a true FixedInt<N>:
template<int N, int DynamicKey> struct cleanup_index_type<FixedInt<N> (*)(), DynamicKey> { typedef FixedInt<N> type; };
// If VariableAndFixedInt does not match DynamicKey, then we turn it to a pure compile-time value:
template<int N, int DynamicKey> struct cleanup_index_type<VariableAndFixedInt<N>, DynamicKey> { typedef FixedInt<N> type; };
// If VariableAndFixedInt matches DynamicKey, then we turn it to a pure runtime-value (aka Index):
template<int DynamicKey> struct cleanup_index_type<VariableAndFixedInt<DynamicKey>, DynamicKey> { typedef Index type; };
template<int N, int DynamicKey> struct cleanup_index_type<std::integral_constant<int,N>, DynamicKey> { typedef FixedInt<N> type; };
} // end namespace internal
template<int N>
static const internal::FixedInt<N> fix{};
template<int N>
inline internal::FixedInt<N> fix() { return internal::FixedInt<N>(); }
// The generic typename T is mandatory. Otherwise, a code like fix<N> could refer to either the function above or this next overload.
// This way a code like fix<N> can only refer to the previous function.
template<int N,typename T>
inline internal::VariableAndFixedInt<N> fix(T val) { return internal::VariableAndFixedInt<N>(val); }
/** \var fix<N>()
* \ingroup Core_Module
* This \em identifier permits to construct an object embedding a compile-time integer \c N.
* \tparam N the compile-time integer value
* It is typically used in conjunction with the Eigen::seq and Eigen::seqN functions to pass compile-time values to them:
* \code
* seqN(10,fix<4>,fix<-3>) // <=> [10 7 4 1]
* \endcode
* See also the function fix(int) to pass both a compile-time and runtime value.
* In c++14, it is implemented as:
* \code
* template<int N> static const internal::FixedInt<N> fix{};
* \endcode
* where internal::FixedInt<N> is an internal template class similar to
* <a href="http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/integral_constant">\c std::integral_constant </a><tt> <int,N> </tt>
* Here, \c fix<N> is thus an object of type \c internal::FixedInt<N>.
* In c++98/11, it is implemented as a function:
* \code
* template<int N> inline internal::FixedInt<N> fix();
* \endcode
* Here internal::FixedInt<N> is thus a pointer to function.
* If for some reason you want a true object in c++98 then you can write: \code fix<N>() \endcode which is also valid in c++14.
* \sa fix<N>(int), seq, seqN
template<int N>
static const auto fix();
/** \fn fix<N>(int)
* \ingroup Core_Module
* This function returns an object embedding both a compile-time integer \c N, and a fallback runtime value \a val.
* \tparam N the compile-time integer value
* \param val the fallback runtime integer value
* This function is a more general version of the \ref fix identifier/function that can be used in template code
* where the compile-time value could turn out to actually mean "undefined at compile-time". For positive integers
* such as a size or a dimension, this case is identified by Eigen::Dynamic, whereas runtime signed integers
* (e.g., an increment/stride) are identified as Eigen::DynamicIndex. In such a case, the runtime value \a val
* will be used as a fallback.
* A typical use case would be:
* \code
* template<typename Derived> void foo(const MatrixBase<Derived> &mat) {
* const int N = Derived::RowsAtCompileTime==Dynamic ? Dynamic : Derived::RowsAtCompileTime/2;
* const int n = mat.rows()/2;
* ... mat( seqN(0,fix<N>(n) ) ...;
* }
* \endcode
* In this example, the function Eigen::seqN knows that the second argument is expected to be a size.
* If the passed compile-time value N equals Eigen::Dynamic, then the proxy object returned by fix will be dissmissed, and converted to an Eigen::Index of value \c n.
* Otherwise, the runtime-value \c n will be dissmissed, and the returned ArithmeticSequence will be of the exact same type as <tt> seqN(0,fix<N>) </tt>.
* \sa fix, seqN, class ArithmeticSequence
template<int N>
static const auto fix(int val);
} // end namespace Eigen
@ -362,6 +362,11 @@
#define EIGEN_HAS_CXX11 0
#if EIGEN_MAX_CPP_VER>=14 && (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus > 201103L) || EIGEN_COMP_MSVC >= 1900)
#define EIGEN_HAS_CXX14 1
#define EIGEN_HAS_CXX14 0
// Do we support r-value references?
@ -865,7 +870,8 @@ namespace Eigen {
typedef typename Eigen::internal::ref_selector<Derived>::type Nested; \
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::StorageKind StorageKind; \
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::StorageIndex StorageIndex; \
enum { RowsAtCompileTime = Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime, \
enum CompileTimeTraits \
{ RowsAtCompileTime = Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime, \
ColsAtCompileTime = Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime, \
Flags = Eigen::internal::traits<Derived>::Flags, \
SizeAtCompileTime = Base::SizeAtCompileTime, \
@ -278,6 +278,59 @@ protected:
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ~noncopyable() {}
/** \internal
* Provides access to the number of elements in the object of as a compile-time constant expression.
* It "returns" Eigen::Dynamic if the size cannot be resolved at compile-time (default).
* Similar to std::tuple_size, but more general.
* It currently supports:
* - any types T defining T::SizeAtCompileTime
* - plain C arrays as T[N]
* - std::array (c++11)
* - some internal types such as SingleRange and AllRange
* The second template parameter eases SFINAE-based specializations.
template<typename T, typename EnableIf = void> struct array_size {
enum { value = Dynamic };
template<typename T> struct array_size<T,typename internal::enable_if<((T::SizeAtCompileTime&0)==0)>::type> {
enum { value = T::SizeAtCompileTime };
template<typename T, int N> struct array_size<const T (&)[N]> {
enum { value = N };
template<typename T, int N> struct array_size<T (&)[N]> {
enum { value = N };
template<typename T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<const std::array<T,N> > {
enum { value = N };
template<typename T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<std::array<T,N> > {
enum { value = N };
/** \internal
* Analogue of the std::size free function.
* It returns the size of the container or view \a x of type \c T
* It currently supports:
* - any types T defining a member T::size() const
* - plain C arrays as T[N]
template<typename T>
Index size(const T& x) { return x.size(); }
template<typename T,std::size_t N>
Index size(const T (&) [N]) { return N; }
/** \internal
* Convenient struct to get the result type of a unary or binary functor.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace Eigen {
/** \namespace Eigen::Symbolic
* \ingroup Core_Module
* This namespace defines a set of classes and functions to build and evaluate symbolic expressions of scalar type Index.
* Here is a simple example:
* \code
* // First step, defines symbols:
* struct x_tag {}; static const Symbolic::SymbolExpr<x_tag> x;
* struct y_tag {}; static const Symbolic::SymbolExpr<y_tag> y;
* struct z_tag {}; static const Symbolic::SymbolExpr<z_tag> z;
* // Defines an expression:
* auto expr = (x+3)/y+z;
* // And evaluate it: (c++14)
* std::cout << expr.eval(x=6,y=3,z=-13) << "\n";
* // In c++98/11, only one symbol per expression is supported for now:
* auto expr98 = (3-x)/2;
* std::cout << expr98.eval(x=6) << "\n";
* \endcode
* It is currently only used internally to define and minipulate the placeholders::last and placeholders::end symbols in Eigen::seq and Eigen::seqN.
namespace Symbolic {
template<typename Tag> class Symbol;
template<typename Arg0> class NegateExpr;
template<typename Arg1,typename Arg2> class AddExpr;
template<typename Arg1,typename Arg2> class ProductExpr;
template<typename Arg1,typename Arg2> class QuotientExpr;
// A simple wrapper around an integral value to provide the eval method.
// We could also use a free-function symbolic_eval...
template<typename IndexType=Index>
class ValueExpr {
ValueExpr(IndexType val) : m_value(val) {}
template<typename T>
IndexType eval_impl(const T&) const { return m_value; }
IndexType m_value;
// Specialization for compile-time value,
// It is similar to ValueExpr(N) but this version helps the compiler to generate better code.
template<int N>
class ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > {
ValueExpr() {}
template<typename T>
Index eval_impl(const T&) const { return N; }
/** \class BaseExpr
* \ingroup Core_Module
* Common base class of any symbolic expressions
template<typename Derived>
class BaseExpr
const Derived& derived() const { return *static_cast<const Derived*>(this); }
/** Evaluate the expression given the \a values of the symbols.
* \param values defines the values of the symbols, it can either be a SymbolValue or a std::tuple of SymbolValue
* as constructed by SymbolExpr::operator= operator.
template<typename T>
Index eval(const T& values) const { return derived().eval_impl(values); }
template<typename... Types>
Index eval(Types&&... values) const { return derived().eval_impl(std::make_tuple(values...)); }
NegateExpr<Derived> operator-() const { return NegateExpr<Derived>(derived()); }
AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> > operator+(Index b) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> >(derived(), b); }
AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> > operator-(Index a) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> >(derived(), -a); }
ProductExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> > operator*(Index a) const
{ return ProductExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> >(derived(),a); }
QuotientExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> > operator/(Index a) const
{ return QuotientExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> >(derived(),a); }
friend AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> > operator+(Index a, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<> >(b.derived(), a); }
friend AddExpr<NegateExpr<Derived>,ValueExpr<> > operator-(Index a, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return AddExpr<NegateExpr<Derived>,ValueExpr<> >(-b.derived(), a); }
friend ProductExpr<ValueExpr<>,Derived> operator*(Index a, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return ProductExpr<ValueExpr<>,Derived>(a,b.derived()); }
friend QuotientExpr<ValueExpr<>,Derived> operator/(Index a, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return QuotientExpr<ValueExpr<>,Derived>(a,b.derived()); }
template<int N>
AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator+(internal::FixedInt<N>) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<-N> > > operator-(internal::FixedInt<N>) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<-N> > >(derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<-N> >()); }
template<int N>
ProductExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator*(internal::FixedInt<N>) const
{ return ProductExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(derived(),ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
QuotientExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator/(internal::FixedInt<N>) const
{ return QuotientExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(derived(),ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
friend AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator+(internal::FixedInt<N>, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(b.derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
friend AddExpr<NegateExpr<Derived>,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator-(internal::FixedInt<N>, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return AddExpr<NegateExpr<Derived>,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(-b.derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
friend ProductExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >,Derived> operator*(internal::FixedInt<N>, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return ProductExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >,Derived>(ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >(),b.derived()); }
template<int N>
friend QuotientExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >,Derived> operator/(internal::FixedInt<N>, const BaseExpr& b)
{ return QuotientExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > ,Derived>(ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >(),b.derived()); }
#if (!EIGEN_HAS_CXX14)
template<int N>
AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator+(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)()) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<-N> > > operator-(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)()) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<-N> > >(derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<-N> >()); }
template<int N>
ProductExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator*(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)()) const
{ return ProductExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(derived(),ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
QuotientExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator/(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)()) const
{ return QuotientExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(derived(),ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
friend AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator+(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)(), const BaseExpr& b)
{ return AddExpr<Derived,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(b.derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
friend AddExpr<NegateExpr<Derived>,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > > operator-(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)(), const BaseExpr& b)
{ return AddExpr<NegateExpr<Derived>,ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > >(-b.derived(), ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >()); }
template<int N>
friend ProductExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >,Derived> operator*(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)(), const BaseExpr& b)
{ return ProductExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >,Derived>(ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >(),b.derived()); }
template<int N>
friend QuotientExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >,Derived> operator/(internal::FixedInt<N> (*)(), const BaseExpr& b)
{ return QuotientExpr<ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> > ,Derived>(ValueExpr<internal::FixedInt<N> >(),b.derived()); }
template<typename OtherDerived>
AddExpr<Derived,OtherDerived> operator+(const BaseExpr<OtherDerived> &b) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,OtherDerived>(derived(), b.derived()); }
template<typename OtherDerived>
AddExpr<Derived,NegateExpr<OtherDerived> > operator-(const BaseExpr<OtherDerived> &b) const
{ return AddExpr<Derived,NegateExpr<OtherDerived> >(derived(), -b.derived()); }
template<typename OtherDerived>
ProductExpr<Derived,OtherDerived> operator*(const BaseExpr<OtherDerived> &b) const
{ return ProductExpr<Derived,OtherDerived>(derived(), b.derived()); }
template<typename OtherDerived>
QuotientExpr<Derived,OtherDerived> operator/(const BaseExpr<OtherDerived> &b) const
{ return QuotientExpr<Derived,OtherDerived>(derived(), b.derived()); }
template<typename T>
struct is_symbolic {
// BaseExpr has no conversion ctor, so we only have to check whether T can be staticaly cast to its base class BaseExpr<T>.
enum { value = internal::is_convertible<T,BaseExpr<T> >::value };
// Specialization for functions, because is_convertible fails in this case.
// Useful in c++98/11 mode when testing is_symbolic<decltype(fix<N>)>
template<typename T>
struct is_symbolic<T (*)()> {
enum { value = false };
/** Represents the actual value of a symbol identified by its tag
* It is the return type of SymbolValue::operator=, and most of the time this is only way it is used.
template<typename Tag>
class SymbolValue
/** Default constructor from the value \a val */
SymbolValue(Index val) : m_value(val) {}
/** \returns the stored value of the symbol */
Index value() const { return m_value; }
Index m_value;
/** Expression of a symbol uniquely identified by the template parameter type \c tag */
template<typename tag>
class SymbolExpr : public BaseExpr<SymbolExpr<tag> >
/** Alias to the template parameter \c tag */
typedef tag Tag;
SymbolExpr() {}
/** Associate the value \a val to the given symbol \c *this, uniquely identified by its \c Tag.
* The returned object should be passed to ExprBase::eval() to evaluate a given expression with this specified runtime-time value.
SymbolValue<Tag> operator=(Index val) const {
return SymbolValue<Tag>(val);
Index eval_impl(const SymbolValue<Tag> &values) const { return values.value(); }
// C++14 versions suitable for multiple symbols
template<typename... Types>
Index eval_impl(const std::tuple<Types...>& values) const { return std::get<SymbolValue<Tag> >(values).value(); }
template<typename Arg0>
class NegateExpr : public BaseExpr<NegateExpr<Arg0> >
NegateExpr(const Arg0& arg0) : m_arg0(arg0) {}
template<typename T>
Index eval_impl(const T& values) const { return -m_arg0.eval_impl(values); }
Arg0 m_arg0;
template<typename Arg0, typename Arg1>
class AddExpr : public BaseExpr<AddExpr<Arg0,Arg1> >
AddExpr(const Arg0& arg0, const Arg1& arg1) : m_arg0(arg0), m_arg1(arg1) {}
template<typename T>
Index eval_impl(const T& values) const { return m_arg0.eval_impl(values) + m_arg1.eval_impl(values); }
Arg0 m_arg0;
Arg1 m_arg1;
template<typename Arg0, typename Arg1>
class ProductExpr : public BaseExpr<ProductExpr<Arg0,Arg1> >
ProductExpr(const Arg0& arg0, const Arg1& arg1) : m_arg0(arg0), m_arg1(arg1) {}
template<typename T>
Index eval_impl(const T& values) const { return m_arg0.eval_impl(values) * m_arg1.eval_impl(values); }
Arg0 m_arg0;
Arg1 m_arg1;
template<typename Arg0, typename Arg1>
class QuotientExpr : public BaseExpr<QuotientExpr<Arg0,Arg1> >
QuotientExpr(const Arg0& arg0, const Arg1& arg1) : m_arg0(arg0), m_arg1(arg1) {}
template<typename T>
Index eval_impl(const T& values) const { return m_arg0.eval_impl(values) / m_arg1.eval_impl(values); }
Arg0 m_arg0;
Arg1 m_arg1;
} // end namespace Symbolic
} // end namespace Eigen
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ template<typename T, int Value> class variable_if_dynamic
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE explicit variable_if_dynamic(T v) { EIGEN_ONLY_USED_FOR_DEBUG(v); eigen_assert(v == T(Value)); }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE T value() { return T(Value); }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE operator T() const { return T(Value); }
@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ template<typename T> class variable_if_dynamic<T, Dynamic>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE explicit variable_if_dynamic(T value) : m_value(value) {}
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE T value() const { return m_value; }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE operator T() const { return m_value; }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void setValue(T value) { m_value = value; }
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// This file is automatically included twice to generate const and non-const versions
// define some aliases to ease readability
template<typename Indices>
struct IvcRowType : public internal::IndexedViewCompatibleType<Indices,RowsAtCompileTime> {};
template<typename Indices>
struct IvcColType : public internal::IndexedViewCompatibleType<Indices,ColsAtCompileTime> {};
template<typename Indices>
struct IvcType : public internal::IndexedViewCompatibleType<Indices,SizeAtCompileTime> {};
typedef typename internal::IndexedViewCompatibleType<Index,1>::type IvcIndex;
template<typename Indices>
typename IvcRowType<Indices>::type
ivcRow(const Indices& indices) const {
return internal::makeIndexedViewCompatible(indices, internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index,RowsAtCompileTime>(derived().rows()),Specialized);
template<typename Indices>
typename IvcColType<Indices>::type
ivcCol(const Indices& indices) const {
return internal::makeIndexedViewCompatible(indices, internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index,ColsAtCompileTime>(derived().cols()),Specialized);
template<typename Indices>
typename IvcColType<Indices>::type
ivcSize(const Indices& indices) const {
return internal::makeIndexedViewCompatible(indices, internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index,SizeAtCompileTime>(derived().size()),Specialized);
template<typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
struct valid_indexed_view_overload {
// Here we use is_convertible to Index instead of is_integral in order to treat enums as Index.
// In c++11 we could use is_integral<T> && is_enum<T> if is_convertible appears to be too permissive.
enum { value = !(internal::is_convertible<RowIndices,Index>::value && internal::is_convertible<ColIndices,Index>::value) };
template<typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
typedef IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,
typename IvcRowType<RowIndices>::type,
typename IvcColType<ColIndices>::type> type;
// This is the generic version
template<typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
typename internal::enable_if<valid_indexed_view_overload<RowIndices,ColIndices>::value
&& internal::traits<typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE<RowIndices,ColIndices>::type>::ReturnAsIndexedView,
typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE<RowIndices,ColIndices>::type >::type
operator()(const RowIndices& rowIndices, const ColIndices& colIndices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE<RowIndices,ColIndices>::type
(derived(), ivcRow(rowIndices), ivcCol(colIndices));
// The following overload returns a Block<> object
template<typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
typename internal::enable_if<valid_indexed_view_overload<RowIndices,ColIndices>::value
&& internal::traits<typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE<RowIndices,ColIndices>::type>::ReturnAsBlock,
typename internal::traits<typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE<RowIndices,ColIndices>::type>::BlockType>::type
operator()(const RowIndices& rowIndices, const ColIndices& colIndices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
typedef typename internal::traits<typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE<RowIndices,ColIndices>::type>::BlockType BlockType;
typename IvcRowType<RowIndices>::type actualRowIndices = ivcRow(rowIndices);
typename IvcColType<ColIndices>::type actualColIndices = ivcCol(colIndices);
return BlockType(derived(),
// The following overload returns a Scalar
template<typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
typename internal::enable_if<valid_indexed_view_overload<RowIndices,ColIndices>::value
&& internal::traits<typename EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_TYPE<RowIndices,ColIndices>::type>::ReturnAsScalar,
CoeffReturnType >::type
operator()(const RowIndices& rowIndices, const ColIndices& colIndices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return Base::operator()(internal::eval_expr_given_size(rowIndices,rows()),internal::eval_expr_given_size(colIndices,cols()));
// The folowing three overloads are needed to handle raw Index[N] arrays.
template<typename RowIndicesT, std::size_t RowIndicesN, typename ColIndices>
IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,const RowIndicesT (&)[RowIndicesN],typename IvcColType<ColIndices>::type>
operator()(const RowIndicesT (&rowIndices)[RowIndicesN], const ColIndices& colIndices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,const RowIndicesT (&)[RowIndicesN],typename IvcColType<ColIndices>::type>
(derived(), rowIndices, ivcCol(colIndices));
template<typename RowIndices, typename ColIndicesT, std::size_t ColIndicesN>
IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,typename IvcRowType<RowIndices>::type, const ColIndicesT (&)[ColIndicesN]>
operator()(const RowIndices& rowIndices, const ColIndicesT (&colIndices)[ColIndicesN]) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,typename IvcRowType<RowIndices>::type,const ColIndicesT (&)[ColIndicesN]>
(derived(), ivcRow(rowIndices), colIndices);
template<typename RowIndicesT, std::size_t RowIndicesN, typename ColIndicesT, std::size_t ColIndicesN>
IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,const RowIndicesT (&)[RowIndicesN], const ColIndicesT (&)[ColIndicesN]>
operator()(const RowIndicesT (&rowIndices)[RowIndicesN], const ColIndicesT (&colIndices)[ColIndicesN]) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,const RowIndicesT (&)[RowIndicesN],const ColIndicesT (&)[ColIndicesN]>
(derived(), rowIndices, colIndices);
// Overloads for 1D vectors/arrays
template<typename Indices>
typename internal::enable_if<
IsRowMajor && (!(internal::get_compile_time_incr<typename IvcType<Indices>::type>::value==1 || internal::is_integral<Indices>::value)),
IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,IvcIndex,typename IvcType<Indices>::type> >::type
operator()(const Indices& indices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,IvcIndex,typename IvcType<Indices>::type>
(derived(), IvcIndex(0), ivcCol(indices));
template<typename Indices>
typename internal::enable_if<
(!IsRowMajor) && (!(internal::get_compile_time_incr<typename IvcType<Indices>::type>::value==1 || internal::is_integral<Indices>::value)),
IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,typename IvcType<Indices>::type,IvcIndex> >::type
operator()(const Indices& indices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,typename IvcType<Indices>::type,IvcIndex>
(derived(), ivcRow(indices), IvcIndex(0));
template<typename Indices>
typename internal::enable_if<
(internal::get_compile_time_incr<typename IvcType<Indices>::type>::value==1) && (!internal::is_integral<Indices>::value) && (!Symbolic::is_symbolic<Indices>::value),
VectorBlock<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,internal::array_size<Indices>::value> >::type
operator()(const Indices& indices) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
typename IvcType<Indices>::type actualIndices = ivcSize(indices);
return VectorBlock<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,internal::array_size<Indices>::value>
(derived(), internal::first(actualIndices), internal::size(actualIndices));
template<typename IndexType>
typename internal::enable_if<Symbolic::is_symbolic<IndexType>::value, CoeffReturnType >::type
operator()(const IndexType& id) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return Base::operator()(internal::eval_expr_given_size(id,size()));
template<typename IndicesT, std::size_t IndicesN>
typename internal::enable_if<IsRowMajor,
IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,IvcIndex,const IndicesT (&)[IndicesN]> >::type
operator()(const IndicesT (&indices)[IndicesN]) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,IvcIndex,const IndicesT (&)[IndicesN]>
(derived(), IvcIndex(0), indices);
template<typename IndicesT, std::size_t IndicesN>
typename internal::enable_if<!IsRowMajor,
IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,const IndicesT (&)[IndicesN],IvcIndex> >::type
operator()(const IndicesT (&indices)[IndicesN]) EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST
return IndexedView<EIGEN_INDEXED_VIEW_METHOD_CONST Derived,const IndicesT (&)[IndicesN],IvcIndex>
(derived(), indices, IvcIndex(0));
#include "IndexedViewMethods.h"
* \returns a generic submatrix view defined by the rows and columns indexed \a rowIndices and \a colIndices respectively.
* Each parameter must either be:
* - An integer indexing a single row or column
* - Eigen::all indexing the full set of respective rows or columns in increasing order
* - An ArithmeticSequence as returned by the Eigen::seq and Eigen::seqN functions
* - Any %Eigen's vector/array of integers or expressions
* - Plain C arrays: \c int[N]
* - And more generally any type exposing the following two member functions:
* \code
* <integral type> operator[](<integral type>) const;
* <integral type> size() const;
* \endcode
* where \c <integral \c type> stands for any integer type compatible with Eigen::Index (i.e. \c std::ptrdiff_t).
* The last statement implies compatibility with \c std::vector, \c std::valarray, \c std::array, many of the Range-v3's ranges, etc.
* If the submatrix can be represented using a starting position \c (i,j) and positive sizes \c (rows,columns), then this
* method will returns a Block object after extraction of the relevant information from the passed arguments. This is the case
* when all arguments are either:
* - An integer
* - Eigen::all
* - An ArithmeticSequence with compile-time increment strictly equal to 1, as returned by Eigen::seq(a,b), and Eigen::seqN(a,N).
* Otherwise a more general IndexedView<Derived,RowIndices',ColIndices'> object will be returned, after conversion of the inputs
* to more suitable types \c RowIndices' and \c ColIndices'.
* For 1D vectors and arrays, you better use the operator()(const Indices&) overload, which behave the same way but taking a single parameter.
* \sa operator()(const Indices&), class Block, class IndexedView, DenseBase::block(Index,Index,Index,Index)
template<typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
operator()(const RowIndices& rowIndices, const ColIndices& colIndices);
/** This is an overload of operator()(const RowIndices&, const ColIndices&) for 1D vectors or arrays
* \only_for_vectors
template<typename Indices>
operator()(const Indices& indices);
@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ ALIASES = "only_for_vectors=This is only for vectors (either row-
"blank= " \
"cpp11=<span class='cpp11'>[c++11]</span>" \
"cpp14=<span class='cpp14'>[c++14]</span>" \
"cpp17=<span class='cpp17'>[c++17]</span>"
"cpp17=<span class='cpp17'>[c++17]</span>" \
"newin{1}=<span class='newin3x'>New in %Eigen \1.</span>"
ALIASES += "eigenAutoToc= "
@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ EXTRACT_PACKAGE = NO
# If the EXTRACT_STATIC tag is set to YES all static members of a file
# will be included in the documentation.
# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs)
# defined locally in source files will be included in the documentation.
@ -181,6 +181,11 @@ span.cpp11,span.cpp14,span.cpp17 {
font-weight: bold;
.newin3x {
color: #a37c1a;
font-weight: bold;
/**** old Eigen's styles ****/
@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ ei_add_test(redux)
@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ block_real_only(const MatrixType &, Index, Index, Index, Index, const Scalar&) {
return Scalar(0);
// Check at compile-time that T1==T2, and at runtime-time that a==b
template<typename T1,typename T2>
typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_same<T1,T2>::value,bool>::type
is_same_block(const T1& a, const T2& b)
return a.isApprox(b);
template<typename MatrixType> void block(const MatrixType& m)
@ -106,6 +113,11 @@ template<typename MatrixType> void block(const MatrixType& m)
m1.template block<BlockRows,Dynamic>(1,1,BlockRows,BlockCols)(0,3) = m1.template block<2,5>(1,1)(1,2);
Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> b2 = m1.template block<Dynamic,BlockCols>(3,3,2,5);
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(b2, m1.block(3,3,BlockRows,BlockCols));
VERIFY(is_same_block(m1.block(3,3,BlockRows,BlockCols), m1.block(3,3,fix<Dynamic>(BlockRows),fix<Dynamic>(BlockCols))));
VERIFY(is_same_block(m1.template block<BlockRows,Dynamic>(1,1,BlockRows,BlockCols), m1.block(1,1,fix<BlockRows>,BlockCols)));
VERIFY(is_same_block(m1.template block<BlockRows,BlockCols>(1,1,BlockRows,BlockCols), m1.block(1,1,fix<BlockRows>(),fix<BlockCols>)));
VERIFY(is_same_block(m1.template block<BlockRows,BlockCols>(1,1,BlockRows,BlockCols), m1.block(1,1,fix<BlockRows>,fix<BlockCols>(BlockCols))));
if (rows>2)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Make sure we also check c++11 max implementation
#define EIGEN_MAX_CPP_VER 11
// Make sure we also check c++98 max implementation
#define EIGEN_MAX_CPP_VER 03
#include <valarray>
#include <vector>
#include "main.h"
#include <array>
typedef std::pair<Index,Index> IndexPair;
int encode(Index i, Index j) {
return int(i*100 + j);
IndexPair decode(Index ij) {
return IndexPair(ij / 100, ij % 100);
template<typename T>
bool match(const T& xpr, std::string ref, std::string str_xpr = "") {
std::stringstream str;
str << xpr;
if(!(str.str() == ref))
std::cout << str_xpr << "\n" << xpr << "\n\n";
return str.str() == ref;
#define MATCH(X,R) match(X, R, #X)
template<typename T1,typename T2>
typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_same<T1,T2>::value,bool>::type
is_same_eq(const T1& a, const T2& b)
return (a == b).all();
template<typename T1,typename T2>
bool is_same_seq(const T1& a, const T2& b)
bool ok = a.first()==b.first() && a.size() == b.size() && Index(a.incrObject())==Index(b.incrObject());;
std::cerr << "seqN(" << a.first() << ", " << a.size() << ", " << Index(a.incrObject()) << ") != ";
std::cerr << "seqN(" << b.first() << ", " << b.size() << ", " << Index(b.incrObject()) << ")\n";
return ok;
template<typename T1,typename T2>
typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_same<T1,T2>::value,bool>::type
is_same_seq_type(const T1& a, const T2& b)
return is_same_seq(a,b);
#define VERIFY_EQ_INT(A,B) VERIFY_IS_APPROX(int(A),int(B))
void check_indexed_view()
using Eigen::placeholders::all;
using Eigen::placeholders::last;
using Eigen::placeholders::end;
Index n = 10;
ArrayXd a = ArrayXd::LinSpaced(n,0,n-1);
Array<double,1,Dynamic> b = a.transpose();
ArrayXXi A = ArrayXXi::NullaryExpr(n,n, std::ptr_fun(encode));
for(Index i=0; i<n; ++i)
for(Index j=0; j<n; ++j)
VERIFY( decode(A(i,j)) == IndexPair(i,j) );
Array4i eii(4); eii << 3, 1, 6, 5;
std::valarray<int> vali(4); Map<ArrayXi>(&vali[0],4) = eii;
std::vector<int> veci(4); Map<ArrayXi>(veci.data(),4) = eii;
VERIFY( MATCH( A(3, seq(9,3,-1)),
"309 308 307 306 305 304 303")
VERIFY( MATCH( A(seqN(2,5), seq(9,3,-1)),
"209 208 207 206 205 204 203\n"
"309 308 307 306 305 304 303\n"
"409 408 407 406 405 404 403\n"
"509 508 507 506 505 504 503\n"
"609 608 607 606 605 604 603")
VERIFY( MATCH( A(seqN(2,5), 5),
VERIFY( MATCH( A(seqN(last,5,-1), seq(2,last)),
"902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909\n"
"802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809\n"
"702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709\n"
"602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609\n"
"502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509")
VERIFY( MATCH( A(eii, veci),
"303 301 306 305\n"
"103 101 106 105\n"
"603 601 606 605\n"
"503 501 506 505")
VERIFY( MATCH( A(eii, all),
"300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309\n"
"100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109\n"
"600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609\n"
"500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509")
// takes the row numer 3, and repeat it 5 times
VERIFY( MATCH( A(seqN(3,5,0), all),
"300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309\n"
"300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309\n"
"300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309\n"
"300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309\n"
"300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309")
VERIFY( MATCH( a(seqN(3,3),0), "3\n4\n5" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( a(seq(3,5)), "3\n4\n5" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( a(seqN(3,3,1)), "3\n4\n5" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( a(seqN(5,3,-1)), "5\n4\n3" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( b(0,seqN(3,3)), "3 4 5" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( b(seq(3,5)), "3 4 5" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( b(seqN(3,3,1)), "3 4 5" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( b(seqN(5,3,-1)), "5 4 3" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( b(all), "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" ) );
VERIFY( MATCH( b(eii), "3 1 6 5" ) );
Array44i B;
VERIFY( (A(seqN(2,5), 5)).ColsAtCompileTime == 1);
VERIFY( (A(seqN(2,5), 5)).RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5), 5)).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , A.InnerStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5), 5)).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , A.col(5).OuterStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(5,seqN(2,5))).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , A.row(5).InnerStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(5,seqN(2,5))).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , A.row(5).OuterStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (B(1,seqN(1,2))).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , B.row(1).InnerStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (B(1,seqN(1,2))).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , B.row(1).OuterStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5), seq(1,3))).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , A.InnerStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5), seq(1,3))).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , A.OuterStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (B(seqN(1,2), seq(1,3))).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , B.InnerStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (B(seqN(1,2), seq(1,3))).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , B.OuterStrideAtCompileTime);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5,2), seq(1,3,2))).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , Dynamic);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5,2), seq(1,3,2))).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , Dynamic);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5,fix<2>), seq(1,3,fix<3>))).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , 2);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,5,fix<2>), seq(1,3,fix<3>))).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , Dynamic);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (B(seqN(1,2,fix<2>), seq(1,3,fix<3>))).InnerStrideAtCompileTime , 2);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (B(seqN(1,2,fix<2>), seq(1,3,fix<3>))).OuterStrideAtCompileTime , 3*4);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<5>), seqN(1,fix<3>))).RowsAtCompileTime, 5);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<5>), seqN(1,fix<3>))).ColsAtCompileTime, 3);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<5>(5)), seqN(1,fix<3>(3)))).RowsAtCompileTime, 5);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<5>(5)), seqN(1,fix<3>(3)))).ColsAtCompileTime, 3);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<Dynamic>(5)), seqN(1,fix<Dynamic>(3)))).RowsAtCompileTime, Dynamic);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<Dynamic>(5)), seqN(1,fix<Dynamic>(3)))).ColsAtCompileTime, Dynamic);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<Dynamic>(5)), seqN(1,fix<Dynamic>(3)))).rows(), 5);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(seqN(2,fix<Dynamic>(5)), seqN(1,fix<Dynamic>(3)))).cols(), 3);
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seqN(2,5,fix<-1>), seqN(2,5,fix<-1>(-1)) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seqN(2,5), seqN(2,5,fix<1>(1)) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seqN(2,5,3), seqN(2,5,fix<DynamicIndex>(3)) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seq(2,7,fix<3>), seqN(2,2,fix<3>) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seqN(2,fix<Dynamic>(5),3), seqN(2,5,fix<DynamicIndex>(3)) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seqN(2,fix<5>(5),fix<-2>), seqN(2,fix<5>,fix<-2>()) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seq(2,fix<5>), seqN(2,4) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seq(fix<2>,fix<5>), seqN(fix<2>,fix<4>) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq( seqN(2,std::integral_constant<int,5>(),std::integral_constant<int,-2>()), seqN(2,fix<5>,fix<-2>()) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq( seq(std::integral_constant<int,1>(),std::integral_constant<int,5>(),std::integral_constant<int,2>()),
seq(fix<1>,fix<5>,fix<2>()) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seqN(2,std::integral_constant<int,5>(),std::integral_constant<int,-2>()), seqN(2,fix<5>,fix<-2>()) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seq(std::integral_constant<int,1>(),std::integral_constant<int,5>(),std::integral_constant<int,2>()),
seq(fix<1>,fix<5>,fix<2>()) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seqN(2,std::integral_constant<int,5>()), seqN(2,fix<5>) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seq(std::integral_constant<int,1>(),std::integral_constant<int,5>()), seq(fix<1>,fix<5>) ) );
// sorry, no compile-time size recovery in c++98/03
VERIFY( is_same_seq( seq(fix<2>,fix<5>), seqN(fix<2>,fix<4>) ) );
VERIFY( (A(seqN(2,fix<5>), 5)).RowsAtCompileTime == 5);
VERIFY( (A(4, all)).ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic);
VERIFY( (A(4, all)).RowsAtCompileTime == 1);
VERIFY( (B(1, all)).ColsAtCompileTime == 4);
VERIFY( (B(1, all)).RowsAtCompileTime == 1);
VERIFY( (B(all,1)).ColsAtCompileTime == 1);
VERIFY( (B(all,1)).RowsAtCompileTime == 4);
VERIFY(int( (A(all, eii)).ColsAtCompileTime) == int(eii.SizeAtCompileTime));
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(eii, eii)).Flags&DirectAccessBit, (unsigned int)(0));
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(eii, eii)).InnerStrideAtCompileTime, 0);
VERIFY_EQ_INT( (A(eii, eii)).OuterStrideAtCompileTime, 0);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(n-1,2,-2), seqN(n-1-6,3,-1)), A(seq(last,2,fix<-2>), seqN(last-6,3,fix<-1>)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(n-1,2,-2), seqN(n-1-6,4)), A(seq(last,2,-2), seqN(last-6,4)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(n-1-6,n-1-2), seqN(n-1-6,4)), A(seq(last-6,last-2), seqN(6+last-6-6,4)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq((n-1)/2,(n)/2+3), seqN(2,4)), A(seq(last/2,(last+1)/2+3), seqN(last+2-last,4)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(n-2,2,-2), seqN(n-8,4)), A(seq(end-2,2,-2), seqN(end-8,4)) );
// Check all combinations of seq:
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(1,n-1-2,2), seq(1,n-1-2,2)), A(seq(1,last-2,2), seq(1,last-2,fix<2>)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(n-1-5,n-1-2,2), seq(n-1-5,n-1-2,2)), A(seq(last-5,last-2,2), seq(last-5,last-2,fix<2>)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(n-1-5,7,2), seq(n-1-5,7,2)), A(seq(last-5,7,2), seq(last-5,7,fix<2>)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(1,n-1-2), seq(n-1-5,7)), A(seq(1,last-2), seq(last-5,7)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(n-1-5,n-1-2), seq(n-1-5,n-1-2)), A(seq(last-5,last-2), seq(last-5,last-2)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A.col(A.cols()-1), A(all,last) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(A.rows()-2, A.cols()/2), A(last-1, end/2) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( a(a.size()-2), a(last-1) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( a(a.size()/2), a((last+1)/2) );
// Check fall-back to Block
VERIFY( is_same_eq(A.col(0), A(all,0)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(A.row(0), A(0,all)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(A.block(0,0,2,2), A(seqN(0,2),seq(0,1))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(A.middleRows(2,4), A(seqN(2,4),all)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(A.middleCols(2,4), A(all,seqN(2,4))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(A.col(A.cols()-1), A(all,last)) );
const ArrayXXi& cA(A);
VERIFY( is_same_eq(cA.col(0), cA(all,0)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(cA.row(0), cA(0,all)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(cA.block(0,0,2,2), cA(seqN(0,2),seq(0,1))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(cA.middleRows(2,4), cA(seqN(2,4),all)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(cA.middleCols(2,4), cA(all,seqN(2,4))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(a.head(4), a(seq(0,3))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(a.tail(4), a(seqN(last-3,4))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(a.tail(4), a(seq(end-4,last))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq(a.segment<4>(3), a(seqN(3,fix<4>))) );
ArrayXXi A1=A, A2 = ArrayXXi::Random(4,4);
ArrayXi range25(4); range25 << 3,2,4,5;
A1(seqN(3,4),seq(2,5)) = A2;
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A1.block(3,2,4,4), A2 );
A1 = A;
A1(seq(6,3,-1),range25) = A2;
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A1.block(3,2,4,4), A2 );
// check reverse
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seq(3,7).reverse(), seqN(7,5,fix<-1>) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_seq_type( seq(7,3,fix<-2>).reverse(), seqN(3,3,fix<2>) ) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( a(seqN(2,last/2).reverse()), a(seqN(2+(last/2-1)*1,last/2,fix<-1>)) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( a(seqN(last/2,fix<4>).reverse()),a(seqN(last/2,fix<4>)).reverse() );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(seq(last-5,last-1,2).reverse(), seqN(last-3,3,fix<-2>).reverse()),
A(seq(last-5,last-1,2), seqN(last-3,3,fix<-2>)).reverse() );
VERIFY( (A(all, std::array<int,4>{{1,3,2,4}})).ColsAtCompileTime == 4);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( (A(std::array<int,3>{{1,3,5}}, std::array<int,4>{{9,6,3,0}})), A(seqN(1,3,2), seqN(9,4,-3)) );
#if (!EIGEN_COMP_CLANG) || (EIGEN_COMP_CLANG>=308 && !defined(__apple_build_version__))
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A({3, 1, 6, 5}, all), A(std::array<int,4>{{3, 1, 6, 5}}, all) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(all,{3, 1, 6, 5}), A(all,std::array<int,4>{{3, 1, 6, 5}}) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A({1,3,5},{3, 1, 6, 5}), A(std::array<int,3>{{1,3,5}},std::array<int,4>{{3, 1, 6, 5}}) );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( A({1,3,5},{3, 1, 6, 5}).RowsAtCompileTime, 3 );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( A({1,3,5},{3, 1, 6, 5}).ColsAtCompileTime, 4 );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( a({3, 1, 6, 5}), a(std::array<int,4>{{3, 1, 6, 5}}) );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( a({1,3,5}).SizeAtCompileTime, 3 );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( b({3, 1, 6, 5}), b(std::array<int,4>{{3, 1, 6, 5}}) );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( b({1,3,5}).SizeAtCompileTime, 3 );
// check mat(i,j) with weird types for i and j
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(B.RowsAtCompileTime-1, 1), A(3,1) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(B.RowsAtCompileTime, 1), A(4,1) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(B.RowsAtCompileTime-1, B.ColsAtCompileTime-1), A(3,3) );
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( A(B.RowsAtCompileTime, B.ColsAtCompileTime), A(4,4) );
const Index I = 3, J = 4;
// check extended block API
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.block<3,4>(1,1), A.block(1,1,fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.block<3,4>(1,1,3,4), A.block(1,1,fix<3>(),fix<4>(4))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.block<3,Dynamic>(1,1,3,4), A.block(1,1,fix<3>,4)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.block<Dynamic,4>(1,1,3,4), A.block(1,1,fix<Dynamic>(3),fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.block(1,1,3,4), A.block(1,1,fix<Dynamic>(3),fix<Dynamic>(4))) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.topLeftCorner<3,4>(), A.topLeftCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.bottomLeftCorner<3,4>(), A.bottomLeftCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.bottomRightCorner<3,4>(), A.bottomRightCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.topRightCorner<3,4>(), A.topRightCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.leftCols<3>(), A.leftCols(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.rightCols<3>(), A.rightCols(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.middleCols<3>(1), A.middleCols(1,fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.topRows<3>(), A.topRows(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.bottomRows<3>(), A.bottomRows(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( A.middleRows<3>(1), A.middleRows(1,fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( a.segment<3>(1), a.segment(1,fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( a.head<3>(), a.head(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( a.tail<3>(), a.tail(fix<3>)) );
const ArrayXXi& cA(A);
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.block<Dynamic,4>(1,1,3,4), cA.block(1,1,fix<Dynamic>(3),fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.topLeftCorner<3,4>(), cA.topLeftCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.bottomLeftCorner<3,4>(), cA.bottomLeftCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.bottomRightCorner<3,4>(), cA.bottomRightCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.topRightCorner<3,4>(), cA.topRightCorner(fix<3>,fix<4>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.leftCols<3>(), cA.leftCols(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.rightCols<3>(), cA.rightCols(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.middleCols<3>(1), cA.middleCols(1,fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.topRows<3>(), cA.topRows(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.bottomRows<3>(), cA.bottomRows(fix<3>)) );
VERIFY( is_same_eq( cA.middleRows<3>(1), cA.middleRows(1,fix<3>)) );
void test_indexed_view()
// for(int i = 0; i < g_repeat; i++) {
CALL_SUBTEST_1( check_indexed_view() );
CALL_SUBTEST_2( check_indexed_view() );
CALL_SUBTEST_3( check_indexed_view() );
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#define EIGEN_MAX_CPP_VER 03
#include "main.h"
template<typename T>
bool match(const T& xpr, std::string ref, std::string str_xpr = "") {
std::stringstream str;
str << xpr;
if(!(str.str() == ref))
std::cout << str_xpr << "\n" << xpr << "\n\n";
return str.str() == ref;
#define MATCH(X,R) match(X, R, #X)
template<typename T1,typename T2>
typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_same<T1,T2>::value,bool>::type
is_same_fixed(const T1& a, const T2& b)
return (Index(a) == Index(b));
template<typename T1,typename T2>
bool is_same_seq(const T1& a, const T2& b)
bool ok = a.first()==b.first() && a.size() == b.size() && Index(a.incrObject())==Index(b.incrObject());;
std::cerr << "seqN(" << a.first() << ", " << a.size() << ", " << Index(a.incrObject()) << ") != ";
std::cerr << "seqN(" << b.first() << ", " << b.size() << ", " << Index(b.incrObject()) << ")\n";
return ok;
template<typename T1,typename T2>
typename internal::enable_if<internal::is_same<T1,T2>::value,bool>::type
is_same_type(const T1&, const T2&)
return true;
template<typename T1,typename T2>
bool is_same_symb(const T1& a, const T2& b, Index size)
using Eigen::placeholders::last;
return a.eval(last=size-1) == b.eval(last=size-1);
#define VERIFY_EQ_INT(A,B) VERIFY_IS_APPROX(int(A),int(B))
void check_symbolic_index()
using Eigen::placeholders::last;
using Eigen::placeholders::end;
Index size=100;
// First, let's check FixedInt arithmetic:
VERIFY( is_same_type( (fix<5>()-fix<3>())*fix<9>()/(-fix<3>()), fix<-(5-3)*9/3>() ) );
VERIFY( is_same_type( (fix<5>()-fix<3>())*fix<9>()/fix<2>(), fix<(5-3)*9/2>() ) );
VERIFY( is_same_type( fix<9>()/fix<2>(), fix<9/2>() ) );
VERIFY( is_same_type( fix<9>()%fix<2>(), fix<9%2>() ) );
VERIFY( is_same_type( fix<9>()&fix<2>(), fix<9&2>() ) );
VERIFY( is_same_type( fix<9>()|fix<2>(), fix<9|2>() ) );
VERIFY( is_same_type( fix<9>()/2, int(9/2) ) );
VERIFY( is_same_symb( end-1, last, size) );
VERIFY( is_same_symb( end-fix<1>, last, size) );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( ( (last*5-2)/3 ).eval(last=size-1), ((size-1)*5-2)/3 );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( ( (last*fix<5>-fix<2>)/fix<3> ).eval(last=size-1), ((size-1)*5-2)/3 );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( ( -last*end ).eval(last=size-1), -(size-1)*size );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( ( end-3*last ).eval(last=size-1), size- 3*(size-1) );
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( ( (end-3*last)/end ).eval(last=size-1), (size- 3*(size-1))/size );
struct x_tag {}; static const Symbolic::SymbolExpr<x_tag> x;
struct y_tag {}; static const Symbolic::SymbolExpr<y_tag> y;
struct z_tag {}; static const Symbolic::SymbolExpr<z_tag> z;
VERIFY_IS_APPROX( int(((x+3)/y+z).eval(x=6,y=3,z=-13)), (6+3)/3+(-13) );
void test_symbolic_index()
CALL_SUBTEST_1( check_symbolic_index() );
CALL_SUBTEST_2( check_symbolic_index() );
@ -200,19 +200,15 @@ EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const T& array_get(const array<T,N>& a) {
return a[I];
template <typename T> struct array_size;
template<class T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<array<T,N> > {
static const size_t value = N;
template <typename T> struct array_size;
template<class T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<array<T,N>& > {
static const size_t value = N;
template <typename T> struct array_size;
template<class T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<const array<T,N> > {
static const size_t value = N;
template <typename T> struct array_size;
template<class T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<const array<T,N>& > {
static const size_t value = N;
@ -251,14 +247,6 @@ template<std::size_t I, class T, std::size_t N> constexpr inline T const& array_
template <typename T> struct array_size;
template<class T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<const std::array<T,N> > {
static const size_t value = N;
template <typename T> struct array_size;
template<class T, std::size_t N> struct array_size<std::array<T,N> > {
static const size_t value = N;
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen
Reference in New Issue
Block a user