fix some compilation errors with ICC and -strict-ansi

This commit is contained in:
Gael Guennebaud 2012-01-31 09:14:01 +01:00
parent 87138075da
commit 18e3ac0f0d
5 changed files with 13 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ struct first_aligned_impl<Derived, false>
inline static typename Derived::Index run(const Derived& m)
return first_aligned(&m.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(0,0), m.size());
return internal::first_aligned(&m.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(0,0), m.size());

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(
size_t starti = FirstTriangular ? 0 : j+2;
size_t endi = FirstTriangular ? j : size;
size_t alignedStart = (starti) + first_aligned(&res[starti], endi-starti);
size_t alignedStart = (starti) + internal::first_aligned(&res[starti], endi-starti);
size_t alignedEnd = alignedStart + ((endi-alignedStart)/(PacketSize))*(PacketSize);
// TODO make sure this product is a real * complex and that the rhs is properly conjugated if needed

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class LU : public FullPivLU<MatrixType>
> ImageResultType;
typedef FullPivLU<MatrixType> Base;
LU() : Base() {}
LU() : Base(), m_originalMatrix() {}
template<typename T>
explicit LU(const T& t) : Base(t), m_originalMatrix(t) {}

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@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ template<typename Scalar, int Mode, int Options> void transformations()
// mat * aligned scaling and mat * translation
t1 = (Matrix3(q1) * AlignedScaling3(v0)) * Translation3(v0);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(t0.matrix(), t1.matrix());
t1 = (Matrix3(q1) * Scaling(v0)) * Translation3(v0);
t1 = (Matrix3(q1) * Eigen::Scaling(v0)) * Translation3(v0);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(t0.matrix(), t1.matrix());
t1 = (q1 * Scaling(v0)) * Translation3(v0);
t1 = (q1 * Eigen::Scaling(v0)) * Translation3(v0);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(t0.matrix(), t1.matrix());
// mat * transformation and aligned scaling * translation
t1 = Matrix3(q1) * (AlignedScaling3(v0) * Translation3(v0));
@ -295,18 +295,18 @@ template<typename Scalar, int Mode, int Options> void transformations()
t1 = Scaling(s0) * Translation3(v0);
t1 = Eigen::Scaling(s0) * Translation3(v0);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(t0.matrix(), t1.matrix());
t1 = Scaling(s0) * t1;
t1 = Eigen::Scaling(s0) * t1;
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(t0.matrix(), t1.matrix());
t0 = t3;
t1 = t3 * Scaling(s0,s0,s0);
t1 = t3 * Eigen::Scaling(s0,s0,s0);
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(t0.matrix(), t1.matrix());
t1 = Scaling(s0,s0,s0) * t1;
t1 = Eigen::Scaling(s0,s0,s0) * t1;
VERIFY_IS_APPROX(t0.matrix(), t1.matrix());

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@ -335,11 +335,11 @@ template<typename SparseMatrixType> void sparse_basic(const SparseMatrixType& re
for(int i=0;i<ntriplets;++i)
int i = internal::random<int>(0,rows-1);
int j = internal::random<int>(0,cols-1);
int r = internal::random<int>(0,rows-1);
int c = internal::random<int>(0,cols-1);
Scalar v = internal::random<Scalar>();
refMat(i,j) += v;
refMat(r,c) += v;
SparseMatrixType m(rows,cols);
m.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());