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synced 2025-03-07 18:27:40 +08:00
Add pointer-based iterator for direct-access expressions
This commit is contained in:
@ -572,12 +572,21 @@ template<typename Derived> class DenseBase
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void reverseInPlace();
inline DenseStlIterator<Derived> begin();
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> begin() const;
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> cbegin() const;
inline DenseStlIterator<Derived> end();
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> end() const;
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> cend() const;
typedef typename internal::conditional< (Flags&DirectAccessBit)==DirectAccessBit,
>::type iterator;
typedef typename internal::conditional< (Flags&DirectAccessBit)==DirectAccessBit,
PointerBasedStlIterator<const Derived>,
DenseStlIterator<const Derived>
>::type const_iterator;
inline iterator begin();
inline const_iterator begin() const;
inline const_iterator cbegin() const;
inline iterator end();
inline const_iterator end() const;
inline const_iterator cend() const;
inline SubVectorsProxy<Derived,Vertical> allCols();
inline SubVectorsProxy<const Derived,Vertical> allCols() const;
inline SubVectorsProxy<Derived,Horizontal> allRows();
@ -56,6 +56,58 @@ protected:
Index m_index;
template<typename XprType>
class PointerBasedStlIterator
enum { is_lvalue = internal::is_lvalue<XprType>::value };
typedef Index difference_type;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar value_type;
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(is_lvalue), value_type*, const value_type*>::type pointer;
typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(is_lvalue), value_type&, const value_type&>::type reference;
PointerBasedStlIterator() : m_ptr(0) {}
PointerBasedStlIterator(XprType& xpr, Index index) : m_incr(xpr.innerStride())
m_ptr = xpr.data() + index * m_incr.value();
reference operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
reference operator[](Index i) const { return *(m_ptr+i*m_incr.value()); }
pointer operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
PointerBasedStlIterator& operator++() { m_ptr += m_incr.value(); return *this; }
PointerBasedStlIterator& operator--() { m_ptr -= m_incr.value(); return *this; }
PointerBasedStlIterator operator++(int) { PointerBasedStlIterator prev(*this); operator++(); return prev;}
PointerBasedStlIterator operator--(int) { PointerBasedStlIterator prev(*this); operator--(); return prev;}
friend PointerBasedStlIterator operator+(const PointerBasedStlIterator& a, Index b) { PointerBasedStlIterator ret(a); ret += b; return ret; }
friend PointerBasedStlIterator operator-(const PointerBasedStlIterator& a, Index b) { PointerBasedStlIterator ret(a); ret -= b; return ret; }
friend PointerBasedStlIterator operator+(Index a, const PointerBasedStlIterator& b) { PointerBasedStlIterator ret(b); ret += a; return ret; }
friend PointerBasedStlIterator operator-(Index a, const PointerBasedStlIterator& b) { PointerBasedStlIterator ret(b); ret -= a; return ret; }
PointerBasedStlIterator& operator+=(Index b) { m_ptr += b*m_incr.value(); return *this; }
PointerBasedStlIterator& operator-=(Index b) { m_ptr -= b*m_incr.value(); return *this; }
difference_type operator-(const PointerBasedStlIterator& other) const {
return (m_ptr - other.m_ptr)/m_incr.value();
bool operator==(const PointerBasedStlIterator& other) { return m_ptr == other.m_ptr; }
bool operator!=(const PointerBasedStlIterator& other) { return m_ptr != other.m_ptr; }
bool operator< (const PointerBasedStlIterator& other) { return m_ptr < other.m_ptr; }
bool operator<=(const PointerBasedStlIterator& other) { return m_ptr <= other.m_ptr; }
bool operator> (const PointerBasedStlIterator& other) { return m_ptr > other.m_ptr; }
bool operator>=(const PointerBasedStlIterator& other) { return m_ptr >= other.m_ptr; }
pointer m_ptr;
internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, XprType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime> m_incr;
template<typename XprType>
class DenseStlIterator : public IndexedBasedStlIteratorBase<XprType, DenseStlIterator<XprType> >
@ -66,19 +118,22 @@ protected:
enum {
has_direct_access = (internal::traits<XprType>::Flags & DirectAccessBit) ? 1 : 0,
has_write_access = internal::is_lvalue<XprType>::value
is_lvalue = internal::is_lvalue<XprType>::value
typedef IndexedBasedStlIteratorBase<XprType,DenseStlIterator> Base;
using Base::m_index;
using Base::mp_xpr;
typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(has_direct_access), const value_type&, const value_type>::type read_only_ref_t;
// TODO currently const Transpose/Reshape expressions never returns const references,
// so lets return by value too.
//typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(has_direct_access), const value_type&, const value_type>::type read_only_ref_t;
typedef const value_type read_only_ref_t;
typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(has_write_access), value_type *, const value_type *>::type pointer;
typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(has_write_access), value_type&, read_only_ref_t>::type reference;
typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(is_lvalue), value_type *, const value_type *>::type pointer;
typedef typename internal::conditional<bool(is_lvalue), value_type&, read_only_ref_t>::type reference;
DenseStlIterator() : Base() {}
DenseStlIterator(XprType& xpr, Index index) : Base(xpr,index) {}
@ -94,43 +149,43 @@ void swap(IndexedBasedStlIteratorBase<XprType,Derived>& a, IndexedBasedStlIterat
template<typename Derived>
inline DenseStlIterator<Derived> DenseBase<Derived>::begin()
inline typename DenseBase<Derived>::iterator DenseBase<Derived>::begin()
return DenseStlIterator<Derived>(derived(), 0);
return iterator(derived(), 0);
template<typename Derived>
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> DenseBase<Derived>::begin() const
inline typename DenseBase<Derived>::const_iterator DenseBase<Derived>::begin() const
return cbegin();
template<typename Derived>
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> DenseBase<Derived>::cbegin() const
inline typename DenseBase<Derived>::const_iterator DenseBase<Derived>::cbegin() const
return DenseStlIterator<const Derived>(derived(), 0);
return const_iterator(derived(), 0);
template<typename Derived>
inline DenseStlIterator<Derived> DenseBase<Derived>::end()
inline typename DenseBase<Derived>::iterator DenseBase<Derived>::end()
return DenseStlIterator<Derived>(derived(), size());
return iterator(derived(), size());
template<typename Derived>
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> DenseBase<Derived>::end() const
inline typename DenseBase<Derived>::const_iterator DenseBase<Derived>::end() const
return cend();
template<typename Derived>
inline DenseStlIterator<const Derived> DenseBase<Derived>::cend() const
inline typename DenseBase<Derived>::const_iterator DenseBase<Derived>::cend() const
return DenseStlIterator<const Derived>(derived(), size());
return const_iterator(derived(), size());
template<typename XprType, DirectionType Direction>
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ template<typename ExpressionType> class MatrixWrapper;
template<typename Derived> class SolverBase;
template<typename XprType> class InnerIterator;
template<typename XprType> class DenseStlIterator;
template<typename XprType> class PointerBasedStlIterator;
template<typename XprType, DirectionType Direction> class SubVectorsProxy;
namespace internal {
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <numeric>
#include "main.h"
template< class Iterator >
@ -16,6 +17,12 @@ make_reverse_iterator( Iterator i )
return std::reverse_iterator<Iterator>(i);
template<typename XprType>
bool is_PointerBasedStlIterator(const PointerBasedStlIterator<XprType> &) { return true; }
template<typename XprType>
bool is_DenseStlIterator(const DenseStlIterator<XprType> &) { return true; }
template<typename Scalar, int Rows, int Cols>
void test_range_for_loop(int rows=Rows, int cols=Cols)
@ -26,10 +33,37 @@ void test_range_for_loop(int rows=Rows, int cols=Cols)
typedef Matrix<Scalar,Rows,Cols,ColMajor> ColMatrixType;
typedef Matrix<Scalar,Rows,Cols,RowMajor> RowMatrixType;
VectorType v = VectorType::Random(rows);
const VectorType& cv(v);
ColMatrixType A = ColMatrixType::Random(rows,cols);
const ColMatrixType& cA(A);
RowMatrixType B = RowMatrixType::Random(rows,cols);
Index i, j;
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(v.begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(v.end()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cv.begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cv.end()) );
j = internal::random<Index>(0,A.cols()-1);
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(A.col(j).begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(A.col(j).end()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cA.col(j).begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cA.col(j).end()) );
i = internal::random<Index>(0,A.rows()-1);
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(A.row(i).begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(A.row(i).end()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cA.row(i).begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cA.row(i).end()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(A.reshaped().begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(A.reshaped().end()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cA.reshaped().begin()) );
VERIFY( is_PointerBasedStlIterator(cA.reshaped().end()) );
VERIFY( is_DenseStlIterator(A.template reshaped<RowMajor>().begin()) );
VERIFY( is_DenseStlIterator(A.template reshaped<RowMajor>().end()) );
i = 0;
@ -49,6 +83,19 @@ void test_range_for_loop(int rows=Rows, int cols=Cols)
i = 0;
for(auto x : A.reshaped()) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(x,A(i++)); }
// check const_iterator
i = 0;
for(auto x : cv) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(x,v[i++]); }
i = 0;
for(auto x : cA.reshaped()) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(x,A(i++)); }
j = 0;
i = internal::random<Index>(0,A.rows()-1);
for(auto x : cA.row(i)) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(x,A(i,j++)); }
Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,ColMajor> Bc = B;
i = 0;
for(auto x : B.reshaped()) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(x,Bc(i++)); }
@ -57,6 +104,41 @@ void test_range_for_loop(int rows=Rows, int cols=Cols)
i = 0;
for(auto& x : w) { x = v(i++); }
j = internal::random<Index>(0,A.cols()-1);
auto it = A.col(j).begin();
for(i=0;i<rows;++i) {
i = internal::random<Index>(0,A.rows()-1);
auto it = A.row(i).begin();
for(j=0;j<cols;++j) { VERIFY_IS_EQUAL(it[j],A(i,j)); }
j = internal::random<Index>(0,A.cols()-1);
// this would produce a dangling pointer:
// auto it = (A+2*A).col(j).begin();
// we need to name the temporary expression:
auto tmp = (A+2*A).col(j);
auto it = tmp.begin();
for(i=0;i<rows;++i) {
// {
// j = internal::random<Index>(0,A.cols()-1);
// auto it = (A+2*A).col(j).begin();
// for(i=0;i<rows;++i) {
// VERIFY_IS_APPROX(it[i],3*A(i,j));
// }
// }
if(rows>=3) {
@ -78,16 +160,45 @@ void test_range_for_loop(int rows=Rows, int cols=Cols)
// std::sort with pointer-based iterator and default increment
j = internal::random<Index>(0,A.cols()-1);
// std::sort(begin(A.col(j)),end(A.col(j))); // does not compile because this returns const iterators
typename ColMatrixType::ColXpr Acol = A.col(j);
// This raises an assert because this creates a pair of iterator referencing two different proxy objects:
// std::sort(A.col(j).begin(),A.col(j).end());
// VERIFY(std::is_sorted(A.col(j).cbegin(),A.col(j).cend())); // same issue
// std::sort with pointer-based iterator and runtime increment
i = internal::random<Index>(0,A.rows()-1);
typename ColMatrixType::RowXpr Arow = A.row(i);
VERIFY_IS_EQUAL( std::distance(begin(Arow),end(Arow)), cols);
// std::sort with generic iterator
auto B1 = B.reshaped();
// assertion because nested expressions are different
// std::sort(B.reshaped().begin(),B.reshaped().end());
// VERIFY(std::is_sorted(B.reshaped().cbegin(),B.reshaped().cend()));
// B.setRandom();
@ -149,6 +260,7 @@ EIGEN_DECLARE_TEST(stl_iterators)
for(int i = 0; i < g_repeat; i++) {
CALL_SUBTEST_1(( test_range_for_loop<double,2,3>() ));
CALL_SUBTEST_1(( test_range_for_loop<float,7,5>() ));
CALL_SUBTEST_1(( test_range_for_loop<int,Dynamic,Dynamic>(internal::random<int>(5,10), internal::random<int>(5,10)) ));
CALL_SUBTEST_1(( test_range_for_loop<int,Dynamic,Dynamic>(internal::random<int>(10,200), internal::random<int>(10,200)) ));
Reference in New Issue
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